The Laws of Star Formation: From the Cosmic Dawn to the Present Universe July 4, 2018 Outflows versus star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey Giacomo Venturi PhD student at University of Florence / INAF - Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory Visitor at Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge A. Marconi (P.I.), M. Mingozzi, S. Carniani, R. Maiolino, G. Cresci, E. Nardini et al. Galaxy evolution: the need for outflows Stellar (SN) feedback accounts for the lack of low-mass galaxies Feedback damps/quenches star formation! acting through outflows/jets! driven by SNe or AGN AGN feedback accounts for the lack of massive galaxies Silk & Mamon 2012 G. Venturi Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey "2 Detecting outflows Ionized outflows traced by broad wings in [OIII] in luminous AGN at z ~ 1–3 Brusa+2016 peak of AGN activity [OIII] velocity Star Formation (Hα) [OIII] wing map Star Formation (Hα) Cresci+15a Carniani+16 Bongiorno+07 … but low-resolution, very difficult to measure outflow physical properties and study feedback in detail G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "3 MAGNUM survey Study in detail outflows and feedback in nearby (D < 50 Mpc) Seyfert galaxies with VLT/MUSE FOV covers 1 to 15 kpc with resolution: 15 pc (@4Mpc) to 115 pc (@30Mpc) VLT/MUSE FOV 1'⨉1' Centaurus A Circinus IC 5063 NGC 1068 NGC 1365 NGC 1386 NGC 2992 NGC 4945 NGC 5643 NGC 6810 G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "4 Part 1: NGC 1365 Detailed study of ionized gas in the central kpcs of NGC 1365:! AGN vs star formation, mapping the outflow properties! from optical (MUSE) and X-ray (Chandra) data! (Venturi et al., subm.) G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "5 NGC 1365: complex environment in central kpcs Spatial res. —> ~60 pc NW MUSE FOV ~ 5 kpc Stars [OIII] Hα SE Hα Star formation (~7 M⊙/yr): Density[OIII] ⟂ from double [SII] cone doublet Hα follows dust lanes along up to 103 cm-3 in the ring SE less obscured ! above disk, Barred Seyfert 1.8 galaxy the bar + circumnuclear ring NW ! behind disk ⊙ Low-luminosity AGN: LAGN ~ 2×1043 erg/s (~5.6 M /yr) G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "6 NGC 1365: source of gas ionization Spatially resolved AGN AGN AGN BPT diagrams β β β LINER SF LINER SF SF log [OIII]/H log [OIII]/H log [OIII]/H Double cone ionized by AGN Composite SF dominates along the bar log [SII]/Hα log [SII]/Hα log [SII]/Hα [OIII] Hα G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "7 NGC 1365: double-conical outflow Outflow spatially traced by motions deviating from rotation Stellar velocity [OIII] velocity [OIII] vel. - Stellar vel. [OIII] lineline widthwidth Stellar velocity and kinematically traced by asymmetric wings [OIII] in line profiles G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "8 NGC 1365: mapping the mass outflow rate NW cone: positive velocity [OIII] dominated by outflow, Hα by disk ! receding and outflow is not a broad wing SE cone: negative velocity as at low resolution in more powerful objects ! approaching Left comp.: outflow blueshifted; Right comp.: disk Outflow sliced in a Stellar Hβ out velocity grid to separate [OIII] outflow from disk component in fitting Hα [NII] out [SII] G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "9 NGC 1365: outflow radial profiles Radial profiles as a function of distance from the AGN Mass outflow rate of nuclear Decreasing trend with distance Ṁion SFR (7 M⊙/yr) blueshifted cone X-ray wind≪ (vout,X ~ 3000 km/s) redshifted cone from—>(see FeXXVoutflow also Karouzos+16a,16b, andunable FeXXVI to affect abs.Bae+17, SF lines (at leastCrenshaw+15, in its ionized Revalski+18) phase) • Energy-driven: Ėk,ion ≲ 10-3 Ėk,X • AGN more powerful recently —> would need too much neutral than in the past vout M˙ ion | | atomic + molecular for Ėk,tot ~ Ėk,X • Outflow does mass loading and SF ring scale (see Carniani+15, Fiore+17, Fluetsch+18) slows down (but we don’t see • Direct AGN radiation1kpc pressure on mass radially increasing) dustyNot clouds excluded (e.g. Thomson+15,that SF ring • We sample only ionized gas contributes to outflow, Ishibashi+18): ṗion ≲ 0.05 LAGN/c (lackingas we observeneutral atomic hard X-ray + ˙ ˙ 2 ˙ (models:emissionmolecular), ṗ totfrom ~ which 1-5 ring L dependsAGN tentatively/c) —> on in Ek,ion = Mionvout/2 p˙ion = Mionvout due to SNe producing shocked wind principleionizing could flux dropping be the driver as r -2 G. Venturi Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey "10 Part 2: NGC 6810 Star formation within the outflow in star-forming galaxy NGC 6810 (Venturi et al., in prep.) G. Venturi Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey "11 Con$nuum at λ=8140 Å Flux Hα(narrow) Gas velocity (narr. comp.) Gas σV (narrow comp.) Outflows can also form stars First observational evidence of Models predict new mode of star formation, a)# creating stars with high velocities star formation inside an AGN-driven outflow Con$nuum at IRAS 2312λ=1400 -Å59 Flux Hα(broad) Gas velocity (broad comp.) Gas σV (broad comp.) on ~radial orbits, possibly contributing to Maiolino+17 spheroidal component (bulge) of galaxies (Silk+12,17, Ishibashi&Fabian14,15, Zubovas+13, Xshooter slit Zubovas&King13, Nayakshin&Zubovas 12, Gaibler+12) b)# Hα [SII]6731 [OIII]5007 [SII]6717 Widespread evidence in our galaxy Hβ 8µm [NII]6584 Ha outflow [NII]6548 (PAH) So why not also See alsodiscs Gallagher+18 inside galactic outflows? Paβ R. Maiolino’s[FeII]1.64 talk later! HeI Brγ H2(1-0)S(1) (1-0)S(2) no 2 H [AlIX] no [FeII]1.25 [SIX] 24µm Stars HeII form in the Zavagno+10, Lim+18,! shocked front Dwarkadas+17, Duronea+17,! Deharveng+15, Dewangan+12,! b)# c)# Thompson+12, Brand+11 G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "12 NGC 6810 Soft X-rays Blue: stars (XMM-Newton) Star-forming galaxy: Bipolar no trace of AGN from Our MUSE starburst optical diagnostics, hard FOV outflow X-rays, MIR or radio ~8 kpc Red: Hα Green: [NII] Strickland+07 Stellar velocity Hα velocity Hα linewidth LI(N)ER (old stars/ shocks) β Cone has Ionized by SF-like ionization log [OIII]/H OB stars in star-forming regions log [SII]/Hα G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "13 NGC 6810: stars forming within the outflow! Stellar Contours: MaNGAvelocity BPT diagrams only for! LI(N)ER/ Hα shocks SF galaxies outflow component [NII] outflow β log [OIII]/H log[OIII]/[SII] Star Grid to separate outflow forming from disk in fitting Outflowing cone has log [SII]/Hα Traces ionization parameter log ([OIII]+[SII])/Hα Low ionization Our points are consistent with SF-like ionization 1. Star formation within parameter expected, normal SF regionsif ionization —> ionizationcomes from outflow! from young starsdisk (dis >in 1 situ!kpc) 2. Ionizing photons simply come from SF in the disk… Star formation within the outflow! G. Venturi Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey "14 Conclusions • MAGNUM survey: study ionized gas kinematics and ionization, outflows vs SF in central kpcs of nearby AGN down to ~10 pc with MUSE! • NGC 1365 (Venturi et al., subm.)! ✦ H$ traces star formation in disk/bar, [OIII] traces AGN-ionized double-conical kpc-scale outflow —> outflow not broad wing like at low-resolution in more powerful objects! ✦ Ṁout << SFR —> ionized outflow not able to a%ect star formation! ✦ Radial profiles of mass outflow rate, velocity, kinetic rate and momentum rate —> decrease at larger distance: AGN more powerful recently? mass loading? Molecular gas needed! ✦ Comparison with AGN nuclear X-ray wind —> energy-driven scenario unlikely, rad. pres.-driven feasible! • NGC 6810 (Venturi et al., in prep.)! ✦ First detection of star formation within galactic outflow in an unambiguous star-forming galaxy (not AGN) G. Venturi! Outflows vs star formation in nearby AGN from the MAGNUM survey ! "15.
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