•"^'^'.'•.'•*v .• EGISTER LXX, NO. 14. BANK; N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, ,1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Lieut. Egeland Adult School Has Eatontown Legion National Guardsmen \ In Regular Nkvy Post Officers Is Legal Specialist 7 New Instructors Are Installed Recruiting In Earnest At Washington, P. C. Main Objective Of Fellowship Told Public Lieut. Andrew M. Egeland of Newspaper Ads Are Credited Fair Haven, son,of the late Peter Commander Hayes "B" Company To Be Recognized Martin 'and Anna Marie Egelahd, Co-operation Is Needed was among the reserve officers With Registration Rush U k New Home Tonight—Dance To Be Held Tomorrow whose permanent appointments to , • —— -•• •'Special Agent Frank Holmes of Remember, If possible, that the the Regular Navy were approved by With the start of advance regis- Clyde J. Hayes, who was Installed '.he Federal Bureau of Investiga- FBI handles cases covered by gov- the President. commander of. Eatontown post1, The National Guard recruiting tration for the fall term of the drive in Red Bank. and vicinity tion told an overflow audience, at ernment law—national security, Sea Bright Faces Monmouth Adult school, the ap-American Legion, at the last meet- Salvation Army the September meeting of the Trin- bank robbery, kidnapping, extor- ing, Is the third Navy veteran moves Into high gear tonight wiOl pointment of seven additional In- the federal recognition, of Company ity Episcopal Church Men's fellow- tion, Involuntary' servitude, viola- structors was approved by thchosee n to head the post. ship last Thursday night that more tions of the migratory 'bird apt, Erosion Threats Drive For $15,000 "B", 644th Tank battalion, In thi Board of Governors of the school, armory at Chestnut, and West serious crimes are being committed murder or assaults upon federal according to Captain Willis C. Con- employee's, and many others—and streets. Lieut. Frederick Dempsty . than »ver before and that law en- over, ehkinnan, forcement officers urgently need that, the" FBI wants to know; now By Ocean, River Local Campaign of Highlands is commanding officer of anything that might lead anyone .Drawn from a wide area, these of the unit. The First. Army Vtii ' public cooperation to, stop them. newly-appointed Instructors will To Open Next Month i Preient at-, the meeting were to suspect that another person Is eral Recognition team Will conduct Council Discusses teach throughout the coming sea- the Impressive ceremonies. *j mayors, police commissioners and guilty of or Is planning such, a Plans are under way for the an- crime. In such case, call the FBI, son, starting with the opening of In announcing plana for thd ac- high ranking police officials of sev- nual fall campaign of the Red Raymond Commerce building, New- Situations At South* the school' Monday evening, Octo- tivation of the newest unit in thai eral communities in the Red. Bank- ber 6. Bank Salvation Army, to be con- mlil-^donmouth, county era, there at ark. • •:.;. -.• '•-.:•. "• • • .;..; local Guard battalion. Lieut. Col. Beach And Nprmandie Effective English, described as ducted in October throughout toe}:,jnvitaUon of the church club to Charles L. Oakcrson of Little Sil- Juat as Interested, In matters per- "not a beginner's course, but a northern Monmouth county, Wil- participate in .an after-speech dls- ver, commander of the 844th, . taining to money, "tax, evasion, . Two erosion . problems—one thorough review of structural Eng- liam A. Fluhr will be general chair- cuiilon;:-:..•:,;;iil:'';: '. •• . • ' '.' pointed out that new recruiting counterfeiting and the like, is the caused by the ocean in the South lish on a high level", will be taught man, assisted; by team captains regulations make National Guard 'Agent' Holmes, representing the Secret Service, V. 8. Treasury de- Beach section of Sea Bright and by Mrs. Marlon Furness, instructor representing tlio surrounding bor- New Jersey FBI district in place of service especially attractive t6 partment .-•••• '•- "' •'•• • •; the other by the river In the Nor- of English in the Newark Adult oughs In this area. young men who will be subject t<* Field "Supervisor Griffith who was Call the FBI if anyone identifies mandle area at North Beach—were School and In Newark and Mlllburn The goal this year Is $15,000 for the1 jscneduled speaker but who universal military training when himself as art FBI agent or other discussed by the mayor and council high schools. capital needs and for enlargement that bill becomes law. According, to could not appear because of Illness, federal official and falls upon re- of that municipality last ^Thursday said JM6 was th> worst year In French for beginners interested and maintenance of the present the bill as now framed, member* quest to show credentials. night. Councilman Nells Jacobsen in procuring, conversational vocab- building on Linden place, Mrs. Ly-already in the Guard at the tlmai jimeAcan crime, with 1,68S,?03 ser- If any of these things are sus- said that at South Beach the bulk- ious! cases reported. The chief ulary with a minimum of formal man C. Vanlnwegen o: Little Sil- the bill becomes law will not be) pected, call the telephone operator head protecting bofough owned grammar' study will be presented ver will head the women's division. subject to call. Age requirements In Criminals, h« declared, were young and ask for the police department:' property had collapsed causing In- pwple/between the ages of 21 and by Miss M. Raymond, who has had Capt. Newton McClementa, direc- the Guard? have also been modified, That a hoase-to-house salesman undation of Ocean avenue frequent- wide experience in teaching ad- permitting membership to those 17 3d';y«irs. .; - .•'•• .'••' .' ,.. ' tor of the Salvation Army In this may not be on "real business". Ask ly when tides are unusually hlglu vanced as well as elementary area, roportod yesterday that the years of age. ' . "' - In reply to a question asked by all salesmen to show their peddlers' He urged that Immediate steps be 1 French! following women have volunteered To facilitate han-dUnc of applica- a newsman, Holmes said the FBI LIEUT. ANPREW 'M. EGELAND taken to erect- a new bulkhead, licenses . before talking to them. Two coursefl, typing and steno- for the drive: Mrs. Harry Madan- tions for Guard duty, Col. Oaker? was 'continuing arid' would not close Tell no one anything about person- with county and state aid, before its investigation inti° the night bur" Lieut, Egeland first enlisted In graphy,, will be given by Mrs. Made- sky, Mrs, George T. LJnton, Mrs, son stated that the armory will bV, al matters or property; ownership further damage ensues. Mayor line Bogart Zelek, who will come Bliry of the Merchants Trust com- the navy as an apprentice seaman CLYDE I. HAYES Frank Sherwood, Mrs. Frank Kuhl, open nightly, except Saturday and until sure of their character.'. Thomas FarvtU caned attention to to the Monmouth Adult School af- pany,whichresulted in the theit October 27, 1941. He graduated,In Sunday, and daily except Sunday; That a. prowler is In the neigh- a statement by Freeholder James S. ter extensive teaching experience Regular drill nights are Wednes- pt several, thousands of dollars of ; the »lxth class of the U.S.N.R. mid- Enlisting In the Navy in 1913 he. borhood. ',. ..'•: . ;,, Parkes at the freeholders' meeting at Rider college, Trenton. Mrs. Ze- served throughout World War I on days and Thursdays. • weelt-end deposits belonging to Bed shipmen's school on board the last week that It might be neces- That a person may be! "sizing up" lek has won the speed champion- the battleship Wyoming and was In connection with the drive. Bank-area buslneiimen. U.S.S. Prairie State May 6, 1942,sary to barricade Ocean avenue at a place of business 'or a, -vacant ship in Gregg, shorthand And has discharged 1020. The new com- members of the local companies are> '• Mto'or -Charles R. English also with the rank .of ensign. He there- that point if conditions are not rem- house, .perhapa with the Intention finished in the top flight In typing mander resides at 40 South, street, In a recruiting contest with other responded by 'expressing the belief after served In a continuous active edied.. A motion was passed in- Of entering for robbery. .. -.:.' and stenographic competitions dur- Eatontown, and is employed as a Jersey Guardsmen, The man sign, tkktiduch a ittbbery Would not re- structing Mr. .Jacobsen and Coun- ..<That any Improper advance is be- sea duty status on various ships, and ing recent years. However, it issalesman by the Shrewsbury Dairy, ing the greatest number for stats occur" because of. safety measures cilman Lester Perrlne to confer ing wade upon another person. on- foreign duty untjil, his release pointed out by Harry Green,, cur- A charter member, he served as Its service will be given a trip to taken, Including the Installation of with the freeholders and state of- That any person'is mlarepresent- .to inactive duty October 19, 1945. riculum chairman, that both the finance, officer since the organiza- Washington as a guest of the Sec- I'ftHrfht' light behind the robbed ficials on the matter of providing lng himself. Lieut. Bgeland held command of typing, and stenography courses tion of the post in 1945 to the pres- retary of-War, after whi»h he *)U bank. The mayor declared that he financial aid in the bulkhead pro- Agent' Holmes 'made .•;«. special the Mentor (PTc-37) and the- PC- presented by Mrs. Zelek will not ent time. In accepting his new post, attend the Army-Navy football regwtted local authorities had^not ject. .•.,.., ' ' , plea for merchants to cash no 1202, and was at tba time of his re- be intended to "train professional Commander Hayes said one of his game as guest.of the President.
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