Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 10-16-1947 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1947). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 575. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/575 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. r ..;__ ... ............. , \ ~ CENTRAL WASHINGT'ON COLLEGE OCTOBER 16, 1947 ELLENSBURC SENIOR CLASS SUE EllECTS OFFICERS. JUNIOR CLASS At a house meeting held last week t> ELECTS OFFICERS Betty Boyd, junior from Puyallup, OFFICE~S OPINION ON THE At the senior class meeting held was elected president. George Moergelli from Enumclaw last week, Bud Garrison , from Zillah, Other officers elected include: was elected president · LONG SKIRTS MADE was elected president. Naydene Johnson, vice president; Other officers include: Phyllis Other officers elected were: Harry Mary Lou Shaver, secretary; Olga IDunlap , vice president; Hortense .By MIKE CHAPMAN Flesher, vice-president; and Vir­ Belzer, treasurer, and Barba.ra Brenner, secretary; and Betty By- ginia Gustafson, secretary. Clark, social commissioner. ars, treasurer. The lights were low, the music GAST SELECTED FOR was smooth-outside the New Gym stood "the chorus line" made up of ALL COLLEGE PLAY mo.st of the male pop'l1lation at­ Tryouts for the all school play tending C. W . C. K "Arsenic and Old Lace" written by As the women of this campus en­ Joseph Kesselring, which is to be tered the door-many remaxks were presented in the college auditorium hurled their way. November 21 and 22, drew forty­ eight students. Such remarks as-"Say, why don't you get. a gunny-sack-whatcha "Interest has increased on the · ashamed of your toenails (to those part of the students in plays and who wore extremely. long skirts) . dramatic productions as evidenced However, some gals came looking by the number present ior the try- like ·typical pin-up-girls-and I mean outs and the keen competition that that literally. developed," said Mr. Norman How- Using safety pins-hair pins­ ell. class pins, and everything but roll- It is Mr. Howell's intention this ing pins (Hm, we could use those year to make use of this talent and for something else!) the skirts fea­ interest that has come to· the cam- tured a new deep cuff. pus 'by extending the dramatic of- The fellows last Friday night also !'erings for the year. There will be were dressed in the latest fashion. added opportunities for those who With their slacks rolled to becoming are interested to take part in the or unbecoming lengths (it's a mat- play1s. ter of opinion) they tried to prove The cast for the play includes: that they were superior. R anging in ever ythmg from me­ Abby Brewster I dium length rolled trousers to cute · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Arloha. Shannon little numbers far above tl).e knees, Martha Brewster they did indeed -c ut a dashing figure. Marjorie Atwood And I mean figure! Elaine Harp.er . ... Donna McCune · With Tiny · ;Flory taking over the Mr. Gibbs .. ... .... Delbert Pratt latter half of •the intermission help- ed out by Judges Marie Nelson, Bet­ Jonathon Brewster ty ·Leavitt, and yours truly, the . Norm Vanelli judges had a difficult time making Dr. Einstein .......... John Mumm up their minds about the male pul­ Officer O'Hara ... ... Ralph Ruff Lieutenant Rooney .. ... Vance Hall chritude on this campus. However, proving that Betty Gra­ Rev. Doctor Harper .... .. L. Miller ble isn't the only one ·with good Teddy Brewster .. .. .. John Garney Qffic.er Brophy . ... Gene Gregory looking· legs (and they're both blond Photo by Dennis. Officer Kline . .. .... .. Bill Cable too) was Norland King who made Doc Lasher was doing a booming business on th) campus Thursday morning with his skirt altering IMortimer .. ........... Don Fenton the women swoon and sigh when he . business. According to available information Doc w.is a idin.g in shortening skirts whether the gal wa.s wil Mr. Witherspoon ........ Al Miller was chosen "owner of the · most beautiful legs on campus." lmg or not. <i··~--------------- However, last Friday night did not end the Battle of the Sexes only time can end that. But remember gals-it's fight till the last. Are we going to be dic­ tated to? This is a women's world to(}-SO let's see some old fire! WOMEN REPORTERS REBEL The male members of the Crier staff have been getting a rough time from the femmes working on the paper. Saturday morning when the guys went out on their assignments the women took over the Crier office. Mike Chapman and her society gals tried to get all the controversy on sack skirts and censor it to suit; themselves. Jerry Varner, T ony Adeline, and Benny Jarrett· happened upon the scene, but couldn't get -into office because th women had the door barracad ed. Finally after a brief tussle, Adelines made it · through the transom above the door and took over the situation. The women also announced they wouldn't write any stories on the skirt situation unless the men agreed not to censor th em. Since we would­ n't agTee, they all decided to go home and length en their skirts and really show us what the. score is. Roxiann Bundy and Carole Romano were the leaders of the "Women's Rebellious Group" and tried to burn. all the written copy on the skirt sit­ uation. Jim Stevens and .Doug Poage :in­ formed them that duplicate copies were typed and th at if nothing more we couid get them for arson. Rite Jobe and Barbee Nesbitt tried to r elay the copy and tossed it out the window. Probably some of you noticeed the guys picking up papers all over the campus. · Finally after . a hard battle, the men got into the Crier office and got the women locked out. If this battle of t he skirt hem Photo by Dennis. keeps up, either the Crier will f old So many interesting photos were taken oi' the battle of the sexes into one picture. The elementary school boys joined the cause agatnst up or we're going to have to call in that we ha.ve au.empted to pick out the highlig·hts and compose them includes pictures of the rally dance, campus scenes and pictures of the Isome reserves to guard the place and the "wimmin" and agTced to rnle their pants up. The legs and poses elementary school boys. fight off the women. 2 THE CAMPUS CRIER OCTOBER 16, 1947 . To General Chairman Betty Shelt­ Frosh Girls Scrub on and the following hostesses and servers. the freshmen class owe a Approaches to Sue v-0te of thanks: ,By WANDA RIDDLE Hostesses; Shirley Beck, chair­ "Yiiii! What an initiation. No~ .man,, Betty Svare, Mary Kryger, thing· like, they ever had in High Luci!Ie Perry, Janeice Jump;' Mary School." Yep, it was the Freshman Nelson, Laura De.aring, He 1 en Initiation in Sue Lombard Hall. McDougall and Helen Olson. "Oh, ain't they mean to us new Servers; Mary Clerf, chairman, kids." Excuse the exclamations Pat Stevenson, and Dorothy Uusat­ but those young freshmen have been als. intel:upting me· for the· past hour'. It is hoped that next year more T,he upperclassmen were not parents will be able to attend as the 'mean,' just merely doing their duty, tea will be started· earlier in the af­ Re-Conditioned a nd what a duty. Promptly at five ternoon. Typewriters o'clock the Freshmen were given t heir instructions. They were to "Helio, ·is this the city bridge de­ as low os partment?" wash the side walks in front of their $37.50 h all with a toothbrush, soap and "Yes, what can we do ·for you?" :water. Don't leave yet 'cause that "How ma. ny points do you get for I Wilkins' Print Sh(}p a little slam?" ain't all. While doitig this they Reprinted from the · 510% N. Pea.rt Cop yright 194 7 by Esquire. fne. could not utter a word or a sound. Octolter. 19:t7 issue of ESQUIRI! HOMECOMING NOV. 7 and 8 I ~-------------' But alas a few did not heed the in­ ••] tlilnk one of these statues should be turned aro1.md".,. structions and those poor creatures received a mark on their foreheads. f'ive ·marks designated that they Science A WS TEA HE,LD :were servants to the upperclassmen. IN KAMOLA HALL After the scrubbing duty was over, Department to A tea was held for all new fresh­ THE PRIM the' dear young ones were allowed men on Sunday, September 21st, , BARBER S·HO·P· to eat but could not ·get in line· in Present Assembly from 3:30' to 5 :30 p. m . at the Camp­ lfront of their superiors. us Club. Refreshments of punch and 109' W. 4th St. Their last instructions were to re- Three members of the Science de- cookies were served. This was the port at seven fifteen dressen in partment facuity wi11 present an as­ Associated Women Students Annual jeaµs and shirts and prepared for I ~emb.ly on interesting dev,elo~n_ients Welcoming Reception for new stud­ .,t d · w th · t ct· d h . m science as they affect the l!ves of ., u y. e 11 , ey s u ie yes, 6 w . Oct b 21 ents. Here, students, parents, and STUDENTS' they studied for two hours.
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