Germany 2014 Project title Contact Institution - leadInstitution - otheCountry - Lead Country - other Project leader Other participanProject Period Investigated areDescription/abstract CarboPerm E.-M. Pfeiffer & H.- Universität AARI, AWI, GFZ, Germany , Russia Pfeiffer, Hubberten, Schirrmeister, 2013-2016 Dmitry Laptev CarboPerm, is a joint German-Russian research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of (Kohlenstoff im W. Hubberten , I. Hamburg, AWI Universities Köln, Fedorova Kutzbach, Strait, the Lena Education and Research. It comprises multi-disciplinary investigations on the formation, turnover and Permafrost: Bildung, Fedorova, M. Potsdam, AARI St. Potsdam, Hamburg Rethemeyer, River Delta, Tiksi, release of OC in Siberian permafrost. It aims to gain increased understanding of how permafrost- Umwandlung und Grigoriev, & D. Petersburg WagnerBeer, and the Kolyma affected landscapes will respond to global warming and how this response will influence the local, Freisetzung) Bolshianov Elissev, Evgrafova, lowlands close to regional and global trace gas balance. Glagolev, Kunisty Cherski Permafrost scientists from Russia and Germany will work together at different key sites in the Siberian Arctic. The coordination will be at the Universität Hamburg (scientific), the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Potsdam (logistic) and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St. Petersburg. European White- Dr. Helmut Institute for St. Petersburg State Germany Russia (permanent), Dr. Helmut Prof. Dr. Alexander starting in 1989- Barents Sea with White-fronted goose research was started inn 1989 with Taimyr expeditions, then was relauched in fronted Goose Kruckenberg Waterbird and university, Dept. Soil The Netherlands (in Kruckenberg Kondratyev, Dr. 1994, 2006-2008 special focus to 2006 with Kolguev expeditions. During the last 100 years only 10 faunistic expeditions went to Kolguev Research helmut.kruckenberg Wetlands Research & Biology + Acad. sat.tracking) Johan H. Mooij, Petr (Kolguev), 2010 Kolguev Island Island. This island is of high interest for arctic nesting birds , during this time severval catches to msark Programme @blessgans.de (IWWR) e.V. Of Science, Bird Glazov, Dr. K. Litvin, (Kanin), 2011-2012 geese were done on Taimyr by ALTERRAesp. Geese, swans and some waders. It`s a lemming-free Germany Ringing Center Elmira Zaygudovna (Kolguev), 2013 area and climatic circumstanges of the island are quite comfoprtable be nesting birds (mild, early snow European Moscow (permanent (permanent), Dr. (Kolguev); planned melt etc). So app. 1/3 of White-fronted goose population is breeding there, 20-30% of Beans and an Whitefronted Goose partner), Alterra Christoph Zöckler, for 2015 increasing percentage of Barnacle goose (app. 20% nowadays). The area was part of ECORA project Research WUR (Wageningen, Christian Ketzer, and is designated as an eco-ecological zone. It`s mainly uninhabitated, just in the south 400 Nenets Programme, Am partner in Yuri Anisimov, and in the NE app. 120 oil people live. Main issue is to study goose breeding ecology: distribution, Steigbügel 3, 27283 sat.tracking), Bird several students breeding success, habitat use, inter- and intraspezific compeition, predation in dependence to weather, Verden (Aller) => will Ringing Center climate changes, topography and increase of Barnacle Goose. Within the next years we`ll also focus on change to Helgoland & other waterfowl and wader species to look into consequences of arctic changes for f.e. the waddensea independent Administration of area as the most important bird staging site in western Europe foundation in 2011 Nationalparc waddensea Lower Soxony (partner in arctic res. 2011+2012); MPI KÖPPEN-Labor J. Thiede (joern. St. Petersburg State Russia Germany Thiede since 2012 Veröffentlichung eines Atlanten zur Geomorphologie der Antarktis (2012 auf Russisch, 2013 auf (former: [email protected]), Univ., GEOMAR Englisch); Anfertigung eines entsprechenden Atlanten zur Arktis; Geländearbeiten zur (känozoischen) Paleogeography and Kuznetzow (St. Erdgeschichte des Lena-Stromes (Ostsibirien) geomorphology of Petersburg, Zhirov the polar regions (St. Petersburg) and the oceans) KuramBio (Kuril- A. Brandt Univ. Hamburg Inst. Marine Biologie Germany Russia Brandt, Malyutina 25 German and 21.7.2012-7.9.2012 Kurile-Kamchatka The KuramBio expedition aimed to study the biodiversity of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and abyssal Kamchatka ([email protected] RAS Vladivostock Russian participants trench and abyssal plain. We already know from the Vityaz samples that the hadal fauna of the KKT is rich (e.g. Sirenko et Biodiversity Study) ni-hamburg.de); M. plain al., 2013), however, during KuramBio we sampled only at depths between 5000-6000 m and can Malyutina already state that more than 700 species were sorted and identified. This is a very high number (m_malyutina@mail. compared to 40 years of research on the Vityaz material. From these publications about 660 species of ru) the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench area from bathyal to the hadal depths are known. Data on the sedimentology and biology will be published in a DSR II special KuramBio volume in 2013/2014, guest editors: Angelika Brandt & Marina Malyutina. Lake Baikal; M. Bölter Univ. Kiel and Russia, Germany Bölter since 2007 Lake Baikal ustauschprojekt mit Studierenden und Lehrenden über den DAAD zwischen CAU und Irkutsk State Deutsch-russischer (mboelter@ecology. Irkutsk State University im Rahmen der an beiden Unis durchgeführten Studiengänge Environmental Management Masterstudiengang uni-kiel.de), A. University im DAAD Double Degree Program. Projekt inzwischen über die Startphase hinaus und weitergehender "Environmental Mantsivoda Förderantrag bis 2016 gestellt Management" ([email protected]) Lake Elgygytgyn M. Melles Univ. Koeln, NEISRI AWI Potsdam, GFZ Germany Russia, USA, Austria M. Melles, P. e.g. Peter Rosen, since 1998 (BMBF Lake Elgygytgyn In winter 2008/09 a drilling campaign was carried out at Lake El´gygytgyn, on which the entire, 315 m (mmelles@uni- Magadan, AARI St. Potsdam, Univ. Minyuk, J. Brigham- Univ. Umea, Sweden funding ended, but 2 thick lake sediment record was drilled. Besides, drilling proceeded ca. 200 m into the impact rocks koeln.de), G. Petersburg Massachusetts, USA Grette, C. Koeberl DFG projects still underneath, and 142 m of permafrost deposits were drilled in the western lake catchment. The core Fedorov running) material is under unvestigation since autumn 2009. ([email protected]) Otto Schmidt Secretariat OSL AARI, AWI, 30 Research Center Russia, Germany H. Kassens, J. since 2000 Russian Arctic Laboratory for Polar ([email protected]) GEOMAR in Russia and Thiede, S. and Marine Germany Priamikov, I. Research (OSL) Fedorova Pilot Phase PLOT - M. Melles Univ. Koeln, AARI Univ. Kiel, INWP Germany, Russia M. Melles, G. S. Krastel, D. 2013/14 Ladoga Lake In summer 2014, a seismic survey and sediment coring down to 23 m below lake floor were carried out Paleolimnological (mmelles@uni- St. Petersburg RAS Petrozavodzk Fedorov Subetto on Lake Ladoga close to St. Petersburg. This field work, along with initial data and sediment analyses, Transect koeln.de), G. forms the pilot phase of the German-Russian research project PLOT - Paleolimnological Transect, Fedorov which intents to investigate the climatic and environmental history during the late Quaternary along a ([email protected]) transect from Lake Ladoga accross the entire Russian Arctic towqards Lake Elgygytgyn in Chukotka. Germany 2014 Project title Contact Institution - leadInstitution - otheCountry - Lead Country - other Project leader Other participanProject Period Investigated areDescription/abstract POMOR (Master EV Pfeiffer Universität AARI, AWI, Russia, Germany Pfeiffer; Uni J. Thiede, H. since 2002 Russian-German Master Programme on Polar and Marine Research of the University of St. Petersburg Program for applied (E.M.Pfeiffer@uni- Hamburg, St. GEOMAR, Hamburg, Kaledin Kassens, V. Troyan, and University of Hamburg and partners polar and marine hamburg.de), H. Petersburg State Universities Bremen, Uni St. Petersburg A. Dmitriev, Kaledin, sciences) Kassens Univ. Potsdam, Kiel, N. Kakhro and (hkassens@geomar. Rostock, Hamburg others de), N. Kakhro ([email protected] e); (www.pomor.spbu.ru ) SoJaBio (Sea of M. Malyutina Inst. Marine Biologie Univ. Hamburg Russia Germany Malyutina, Brandt 25 Russian and Project took place Sea of Japan The SoJaBio expedition documented that the biodiversity is low in the deep-sea basin of the Sea of Japan Biodiversity (m_malyutina@mail. RAS Vladivostock German participants (11.8.-5.9.2010) Japan, however, it is higher than it was known from that depths of the Sea of Japan. The deep-sea Study) ru); A. Brandt fauna of the Sea of Japan consists mainly of eurybathic species. Though almost all studied taxa include ([email protected] few true low bathyal-abyssal species which already successfully colonized the young deep-sea ni-hamburg.de) environments of the Sea of Japan. In total, 621 species (201 of these were new to science) and 105 new georeferences were documented. The invertebrate material led to the systematic descriptions of 3 new genera, 16 new species and more than 30 redescriptions. A complete list of all identified species is added in this Deep-Sea Research II Vol. 86-87, 2013 (Malyutina & Brandt, 2013). The Transpolar H. Kassens GEOMAR, AARI St. Academy of Germany, Russia 2013 - 2016 Arctic Ocean The project aims to assess how climate change will affect the highly sensitive
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