GOLD WATCH AED BRACELETS. NEWEST AND BEST. LIMITED Real Gold Self-fitting Bracelets IjO W E S T POSSj b l b p r i c e s . xoith Jewelled Lever W atcher FROM 6 0 /- EACH. W m . Brufcrd&Son, GUARANTEED. Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, FASHIONABLE VISITORS AND GUIDE Wm, Bruford & 8on, ORAGE. 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne T e l e p h o n e : 22a;, E a s t b o u r n e Registered at the G.P.O. as a N ew spaper. EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY: NOVEMBER «, 1916 ised in Separate E s t a b l i s h e d 1856, PRICE ONE PENNY. impartments. ■ p ASTBOVRNB COLLEGE SCHOOL OF COMM] HE LADIES’ COLLEGE* Warehouses MARY H . COOPER, A r t i s t i c C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r . President i i QRA8 8 INGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. of 1 1 . PXVIINMY b o a s . THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, T Shorthand, Typewrittn f. Book-keeping. Bus) A Day School for the Daughters of Cfeat l s a w i bourne. } VI Principals: toC. Geography, Arlthi ictlo, Latest Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prices Head M aster t , The REV. V, S. WILLIAMS, K.A. MISS HITCHCOCK amd MISS CRAKE 'CERTIFICATED TE, .0H1 (Successors to Mias Dee Rnellee) -te-date Vans. Sohools ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. i - t 1 THE GAS COMPANY Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Vhdtine Day and Evening cia nee. ' t- | ' !' ‘ * ^ Masters and Mistresses. Telephone 7U , Pupils prepared, if desired, for the Preliminary, Juntos id Careful Men LL SIDE, ST. ANNE’S BOAD, begs its Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, alsa . BA ITBOURNE. for Matrloulation, London university, for tbs Society lployed. 6 , LISMORB ROA EASTBOURNE. of French Professors In London and for the Examination i Preparato -y Sohool for Boys by the Associated Board of the Royal Aoademy of Muria Pi'S. JONES, MA., F.F “ ~ " fltf “ Clients and Royal College of MubIc. nuel College, ( ambrii Students desirous of pursuing their studies after leaviny U to he propaied for Public School may join Advanced Classes In English Literature „ Osborne. to order and History, French, German, Latin and Mathematics ial arrangement* for Day Pupils DICKER & C( ' • E . A P . SLOOOMBB), - 1 0 , - Hookey, Net-ball and Tennis Clubs. (o. i | aores of Paying Field In Cl Sohool French Library. HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS & GROCERS, Sussex Gardens, A FEW BOARDERS ARE RECEIVED. GAS FIRES EARLY* Scholarship—open to girls under 14—tenable a t thy ^ STAVBLBY ROAD, MEADS, HASTBOURNH. Ladles' College for three years; examination in oaoneo, OPPOSITE TOWN Bt Telephone No. 118. Labour Uon with this held In January of every year. School for Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). For Prospectus, further Particulars, fto.. apply to tae a n d Principals, The Ladles’ College. WINES, SPIRITS MINERAL WATERS. The Principals will he at home to see Parents Oto- Era. F. H. Browne and Him Tait-Beid, B.A. to fix them' ' bnelnees Every Friday Afternoon between 2J» and 4J0. ;e Furnishers, Old Qlenlivet Whiskey, 3/6 4/- per bottle. Fine Old Tawney Port, 36/- A 42/- per dozen. | Assisted by aJArge Resident Staff of Trained . A ' ; and .Indus Ire. n e w j a m s Ask *o» Price Lo t . b e b n o r o f t -e l l e s m b b * aildlngs, . Is Scarce. I, SPENCER ROAD SOHOOL BOTTLED FRUITS, the. ZsLSpaoira n . G B ate of B, The Avenue). Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Eastbounta* FOR BOYS INTENDED FOR BUB M ISS LLOYDS has removed to more oommodioae The Sntjjeote of Instruction indude Robert*, 0. O’Brtm premises and is prepared to reoeive an til Public Secondary —» *- number of DAILY PUPILS. attention Is paid to ibjeote and BAKER & SMALL CLASS FOB THE CfflLDBEW A OF GBNTLHPBOPLB ONLY Is held at I, GRANGE ROAD, and —- A delightful a u sn tt UNfOIPAL SOHOOL OF ART MADE BREAD, /GRANVILLE HOUSE, GA ROAD, MARSHALL DUNBAR Pupils oan be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary IdIDENOE, situate 1n thes (TnoKmoAi, Itt rrm rrn, Gbovs-boad). MACHINE U MEADS, EA8 TBOU! Examination, M (Proprietors: MARSHALL and SON), Beginners are reoeived. TO BE LET or BOLD; DAY and EVEN IN } CLASSES are held In all Resid en tia l, P reparatory and F in ish in g ell laid out grounds, inolud- Gir l s’ School. References from Parents of Pupils. ns; capital stabling; -gooff Branohes of Art, inol idles Classes In Metal Work, DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. rate.—Apply, Oakden St C o , Wood Oarvlni 5 ana Leather Work. Principals—MRS. 0 . H. DU LA MOTHE and )AL, NAYAI AND MILITARY TAILORS, Apply, Miss B. Clbatheb. Visitors oan jjin for short periods. MRS. NELSON FOLEY, R 8 0 (Lond.) late non-basement, sunny Furv of the Ladles’ College, Cheltenham. ilDING HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS. , AESIDE, MOAT CROFT ROAD, ,r months; two sitting, four MUNICIPAL SEONDARY DAY SCHOOL 19 and 81, C hurch-street lfi, Pevensey-road and 176, Seaside. Assisted by a well-qualified Staff ’ )rht, piano.—Proprietress, I t 95. ............... s ’ Established 1893, EASTBOURNE. FOR GIRLS T House beautifully situated in Its own Grounds. Good Preparatory School for Small Children. i (Upp ibton-roac), ' T el, 4 6 9 , Tennis Courts and Playing Field. Recreation and ! EM i-DetACHED COTTAGE Gymnasium Room (SO f t long). II GH CLASS LADIES ’ TAILORS. DAILY PUPILS and a limited number of BOARD ER£U ood tenant; sound five per MUNICIPAL SEONDARY DAY SCHOOL Special Advantages for Music and Modem Languages. Visitors’ Children received. >od reasons for selling.—CL» FOR BOYS HOSIERS AND SHlRTMAKERS. Entire charge taken of Children whose Parents Prospectus and references, op application. are abroad. AND DISTRICT. - Fey (Technical I nstitute, Grove-toad). IS TO BE LET OB SOLD ha Proepeotus and fnllj lartioulars of these Schools oan Flannel* Waehed in 1lain Water, for the storage of which large underground Concrete Tankc.have been eomtrueted. I l l & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. Principals—Mrs. M. D. FORDBR and Miss FORDER. locality, with excellent raO- he obtained from THE SECRETARY, Education Com­ SAVIOUR'S CHOIR SCHOOL, :hton and Eastbourne, apply mittee, Town Hall. Eaa bourne. and Estate Agents. Mai)5£> EASTBOURNE S• SOUTH STREET. ftfDME. EMILES PETRELLI, R.A.M, BOYS ARB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF BIGHT. IISHED ; .dining room on.' Fare AS pub Annum. icooma as required; special SANITAKY STEAM LAUNDRY CO L imited, Many Choral Scholarships, some of which oover tree doors from sea; very the whole amount of the Fees. Telephone No. 885. Aubyns-road, Eastbourne. L 8 ILVERDALE ROAD, EASTBOURNE, Training for SiG GUESTS REOI l a t i m e e r o a d , E a s t b o u r n e . highly recommend Far Prospectus and other information aftply loroquetMdeasanti Every convenience Is provided for ensuring the H igher Glass of Work for Families, Lodging _________ THE WARDEN. ________ Avenne East bourn LANGUAGES. Houses, or Hoteb ig position; high IS S BALLS, L .L .A i.’, tree sitting room. SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. 5, CORNFIELD TERRACE. Tel. Hi. Under Ryval Patronage. Eat. 1868. M ed “ Me* Hill, Sanitary Steam Sueocaafvl in Examination Work. J, as a laundry or private T H E c e n t r a l g y m n a s i u m , COACHES BACKWARD PUPILS OR TAKES 1 COTTAGE and Laundry. ngs, situate at Highgata, CORNFIELD ROAD, Eastbourne. SPECIAL SUBJECTS WITH STUDENTS In mm.—For particulars apply Proprietor, Pups. GqORGB RABBIT (late) Sergt- Families or Sohools. de Rougemont, Solicitors. taughtby Highest References. HOUSE RENOVATIONS experienced teachers. 1 adles and Ju nd FLATS TO LET for th® personal supervision of Mrs. GhOBSi mt8 from 2 gns. to 18gns. a. attended. For partio' Oars apply at lU flS S M . GRAHAM |8 C W l Dlpl6m6e, Paris (let Class Certlflcate), LOOM and B FOOTBALL, HOOKEY, GOLF, Gives LES80N8 In PRACTICAL Dl MARK MARTIN & SONS DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. ling to take and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN N. OOLLIp8j 8POET8 I ! • ,_4ri and MITjLIKTBRY* 1%/flSS HUTTON MOSS and MISS PAINE IV l will resume their CLAS8 ES FOR CHILDREN 8, SOUTH STREET (Near Town Miss Bohofleid has had 13 years' experier at THE GYMNASIUM. Yq^ k-road, on SATURDAY. !TENHAM OOUK' LONDON,, W, Internal and External Decorations, October 9th, a t 2,80. 'HR FORGE, OETZMANN LONDON." ’.MUSEUM "ONE.’ ESTIMATES FREE. - t] Schools Attended. Apply. 89A, HARRINGTON ROAD, LONDON. B.W. TI/TISS LIZZIE BARTHOLOMEW 1X1 (Oertifloated Pianist Trinity College, London, DANCING ANb DEPORTMENT. Certificated Senior R.A.M and R.O.M " * MILLER & SELMES, ISS LUCY WAY bega to announw ihed SITTING ROOM anff GrVRB Lbssoxs in M her CLASSES take tOwoe In the SAFI , andana u.jc.) if1 1 uesireu;desired s lovelyra m f PIANOr/'T,*W mrrnnntr ’wLjI BOOMS on SATURDAYS, atThreep.m. ,y station.—Mrs. H. Salvage, 9I WVW E L L , s. Decorators. Flnmberi GRATIS AND PUpilS BU< unlnations. Sohools attended. Privite Lessons give: I, WILMING-DN SQUARE, I -•-nye—we*.-- Description of Building and House Repairs done at Modsrhte Charges. Boston, Fox Trot, Fanny Dancing. ned COTTAGE TO LET; For Particulars address— .e garden ; sheltered, sunny IEPaIyMENTS. FOR It Is better Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work. ; Mrs. Overton, The Rooks. 'UAL LENDEF than With Agents 8 8 , SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. £ 5 PBEPAID OEDEBS CAEEIAGE p a t h t o - A H T RAWING AND PAINTING CLASSES, JLDINGS.—TO LET,-with. d Works: 75, TIDE8WELL HOAD, EASTBOURNE I S S WINIFRED THOMPSON 61 Acres of Meadow Land, PR OMPT CASH ADVANCES, continues to hold CLASSES for DANCING, res might be obtained by RAILWAYe a i l w a y sSTATION t a t i o n j1IN m E n g l a n d o b w a l e s .
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