A ittiMra UIE ATHCD CADCriCT cnn nrr mm J Unsettled weather, more or less nirt. SUGAR 96s Centrifugals, 3J6 in f T. iAAAAJ.iAAiA New YorK. ESTABLISHED jm.T M 7 f WOL. XXXVII., NO. 6409 HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1903. PAGES TO 8 TWEIVE PAGES. REPUBLICANS BLOODY BATTLE FOUGHT IN THE BALKANS TO HAVE POPE LEO XIII CELEBRATES THREE JUBILEES DURING 1903. Some Danger That American Mis- SHARE sions May Suffer From the Inrush of Fanatics. Speaker Beckley Ready for Venezuela Indignant at the AlliesCastro Action. Fighting Rebels Historic Villa Burned Oil Discovered in Dublin-Sc- hley Bill Killed. Majority Party to Have 88 Two Thirds on (ASSOCIATED PRES3 CABLEGRAMS.) Committees. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Feb. 20. News has been received here of a desperate battle which has been fought between Turkish troops on their Senate Gives County Bill Two way to Macedonia and Macedonian revolutionists, aided by Albanian, in the European Reading- s- Many Bills Will province of Albania. The casualties in the encounter were heavy. Be Introduced. Ninety Turks were killed and the insurgent loss was heavy. The mountain passes are filled witji snow and communication with the scene of the battle is difficult. "As the Republican party has twenty memberb and the Home Rule party only BOSTON, Feb. 20. Fear is expressed here for the missionaries ten, I believe that their representation and teachers in the schools of the American Board of Missions in Al- on the committees should be in that bania. It is feared that the troops sent from southern or Asiatic Turkev ratio." Speaker Fred "W. Beckley thus to fight against outlined his policy as to the make-u- p the insurgents will, in case of victory, attack the schools jsss of the standing committees of the and missions as they have great hatred for them. In the mission-fiel- N House yesterday, and further said that covered by the American Board in Macedonia and Albania all the worker g as the Republicans had agreed to the are Americans placing of caucus, or natives who have been educated in American schools. their members in the o only delay in making known appoint- ments was in the placing of the Home A Fighting in Venezuela. Rulera. He continued: "I will determine these matters this CARACAS, Feb. 20. The allied powers have failed to return evening, and be ready to announce the to Venezuela the ships taken at the outbreak of the present trouble, and committees of the House tomorrow. have failed also to make compensation for the vessels "Xrr House-i- s new-- ready to get down to destroyed in the T5rk. The taking arbitrary advantage first engagements of the war, when the combined fleets of England ami of my position to force a disproportion- Germany opened fire on the Venezuelan vessels. This has caused t ate number of Home Rulers on the indignation to be felt throughout the country, and has no doubt never been my inten- committees has tended to strengthen the cause of the rebels against Castro. Today a tion and I shall use my office only for force 2800 rebels the purpose of expediting the work of of attacked the government troops at Urachica, onlv the Legislature, and not for making twenty miles from Caracas. The fighting was desperate for three personal capital. I believe there is a hours, the rebels coming on boldly again and again. They were finallv deal to be done, and hope the session beaten and driven back, but it was only by the hardest kind of fighting. will be a hardworking one. There is The rebels left many killed and wounded upon the field. no reason why the party in the major- , o ity in this body should not bear the brunt of the work, and I will give the Historic Villa Burned. an opportunity to do it." Republicans FLORENCE, Feb. 20. In a fire which broke out in the forest of The majority of the House, through a committee, met the speaker at the Vallambrosa to-da- y, the historic Villa Medici was totally destroyed. noon recess and later, after the day's The Villa Medici, built by one of the family of that name which work had closed, and gave to him the played so prominent a part in the affairs of Italy and of Florence, par- selections. The caucus list of committee A FAMILIAR SCENE AT THE VATICAN. ticularly in the Middle Ages, was one of the famous buildings of the old list contained the names of members who wished to secure allotment to His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII receiving pilgrims from many parts of the globe. world, and one of the show places of Italy. The art treaures in the villa certain lines of work, and he assured alone were of fabulous value, although Napoleon enriched the galler to cooperate with the the Louvre from it, and their destruction will be a loss to the world of art them :? his desire reeding with business he would like to (ASSOCIATED PRE S3 CABLEGRAM.) majority in expediting the business of iisk that the various members of the that will be irreparable. the session. While nothing is given out House should meet with him at the ROME, Feb. 20. His Holiness, Pope Leo. XIII today celebrates o of the Republican noon recess that he miht learn their as to the selections his twenty-fift- h jubilee as Pope. He is in good health. caucus, it is the intention of the mem- preferences as to committees. The ap- Backset for Schley. bers to get down to work immediately, pointment of the committees was a and to rush the preliminary work. matter which under the rules devolved WASHINGTON, February 20. The enemies of Rear Admiral Some surprise was shown last even- upon the chair and it was his desire The year 1903 is one of extraordinary interest to the aged Pon- places rilled in accord- Schley scored again today in the House Committee on Naval Affairs ing when the members of the Upper that all the be tiff as it marks three jubilees for him. On Feb. 20th. he celebrated House were informed that the county ance with the wishes of each member The bill to give the man whose partisans have claimed for bill was to be introduced into the so that the House could proceed with the silver jubilee of his pontificate, having been elected Pope on Feb- of the spe- - the despatch of the important business him the credit of the naval victory at Santiago, during the Spanish war. It is the intention ruary 20. 1878. is jubilee of his cardinalate, ejl5oi appointed to have the before the session. This year also the golden , the pay of an active Admiral was called up at a session of the committee. pusn On motion of Kumalae a committee ; bill in charee for the Senate to having been proclaimed a cardinal bv Pius IX. in the Consistory of and was tabled 1 in enect, Kins tne diu at mis session 01 began nf thrpp was anDointed to notify the there nis, it right along. The committee j organiz- - Dec . Congress work last evening, so that the trans- Governor that the House was 19, 1853. It is also the diamond iubilee of his episcopacy, his lation could be made in the very short- ed and ready for business, the chairman the-secreta- consecration by the Archbishop of Damietta having taken place on Feb. est possible time, and the printing be having already instructed to convey the same information to the 19, 1843- - Mazatlan's Plague Increasing. done ready for the consideration of the appointed measure next week if possible. The Senate. The committee as The celebration of these jubilees by Pope Leo is an event of are was as follows: Messrs. Chilllngworth, XIII MAZATLAX, February 20. Bubonic plague continues to rage idea of the Senators is that there no little imnortance in th CathnliV - in vIpu n( tUn. fo.-- - tlic to meas- - Harris and Kou. During the absence Mi- that the . m , needed few amendments I ... r 1 . ninetv-thre- the utmost ettorts on or Pope will be e 'the , with daily increasing virulence in this city, despite ure and these principally in minor de-J- tne committee tne nouncuuon 01 vears old on second of March and that tail One Senator said yesterday that Senate that it was in working order and only two out of his long list of predecessors, St. Peter and Pius IX., the part of the central government to stamp out the disease. One death with the Achi statehood resolution passed by he thought the work of the Senate having occupied the Papal to-da- y, receiv-worki- ng throne for so long a period. forty-tw- o new were taken to the laz be done In two weeks' the Senate the previous day were was reported and patients the bill could A writer in the Xew York Sun recently said his strictc-- t time, and that the House, ed. Kumalae moved the adoption of the of long career: aretto. The business of the city is at a standstill, and the having the printed bill ready for its resolution but Haia moved that consid-considerati- on "Coming at the meeting-poin- t of two periods, at the parting of the quarantine is being enforced. during those two weeks, j eration be deferred until Saturday and roads of a civilization whose lights and shadows date from the Council y, tn finish it in about the.tnat action was taKen. rve.-n.-le- Council Vatican, a up regular order of of Trent to the of the and also at the dawn of period same number of working days.
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