-9208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 22 favoring a comprehensive program to modernize, rehabili­ 4714. Also, petition of the Catholic Women's Club of East­ tate, and repair American homes at this time, thus contrib­ chester, Inc., New York, urging adoption of the amendment· uting to the restoration of the building industry; to the to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on Committee on Banking and Currency. Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. 4698. Also, petition of the New York State College of For­ 4715. Also, petition of the District TUberculosis Associa­ estry at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y., opposing the tion; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Ashurst amendment to the Taylor bill (H.R. 6462) trans­ 4716; Also, petition of the NatioTI.al Association for the ferring the Forest Service of the United States Department Advancement of Colored People, supporting the Costigan of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior; to the antilynching bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on the Public Lands. 4717. Also, petition of H. E. Party, and others, supporting 4699. Also, petition of the Woodhaven Republican Asso­ House bill 9596; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign ciation, Woodhaven, Long Island, N.Y., favoring the Kenney Commerce. bill, making it mandatory for teachers to take an oath 4718. Also, petition of depositors and stockholders of the pledging allegiance to the Constitution of the United States; Mount Airy National Bank, supporting the McLeod bank to the Committee on Education. bill; to the Committee on Ban.king and Currency. 4700. Also, petition of the National Retail Lumber Deal­ 4719. Also, petition of the Citizens' Association of Takoma, ers Association, favoring proposed legislation to rehabilitate D.C., opposing Senate bill 3289 and House bill 8986; to the the home-building industry; to the Committee on Banking Committee on the District of Columbia. and Currency. 4720. Also, petition of T. L. Sheffer and others, support­ 4701. By Mr. SADOWSKI: Petition of the Detroit section, ing House bill 9596; to the Committee on Interstate and American Society of Civil Engineers; to the Committee on Foreign Commerce. Ways and Means. 4721. Also, petition of the Transportation Brotherhood, 4702. By Mr. STUDLEY: Petition of G. A. Bloodgood, supporting Senate bill 3231 and House bill 9596; to the legislative chairman, Albany Lodge, No. 861, and other resi­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. dents of Albany, N.Y., petitioning the Congress of the United 4722. Also, petition of Baguie, Mount Province, P.L; to the states to amend the Railway Labor Act; to the Committee Committee on Ways and Means. on Labor. 4723. Also, petition of the Board of Supervisors of Lake, 4703. Also, petition of Arthur B. McLaughlin, of 215 East Wis., supporting House bill 7598; to the Committee on Labor~ Burnside Avenue, Bronx County, N.Y., president of the Fur­ 4724. Also, petition of the Minneapol\s & St. Louis Rail­ Fin Feather Club, and other citizens, urging Congress to road Co., supporting House bills 9596 and 9597; to the Com­ enact the Everglades National Park bill; to the Committee mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. on the Public Lands. 4725. Also, petition of the Continuation School, Boston. 4704. Also, petition of Lincoln Council, No. 312, Knights Mass.; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ of Columbus, urging Senators and Representatives in Con­ merce. gress to support amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 4726. Also, petition of members of the Aurora Postal Em­ 2910 offered on behalf of Radio Station WLWL; to the Com­ ployees Credit Union, urging support of Senate bill 1639; mittee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. to the Committee on Banking and Currency. 4705. By Mr. WHITTINGTON: Petition of J. Spats and 4727. Also, petition of the Board of Supervisors of the others, endorsing an amendment to section 301 of Senate County of Maui, Territory of Hawaii; to the Committee on bill 2910, for equity of opportunity for non-profit-making the Territories. associations conducting radio stations; to the Committee on 4728. Also, petition of the city of Toledo, Ohio, supporting Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. the Wagner-Lewis Unemployment Insurance Act; to the 4706. Also, petition of Louise De Stefano and others, en­ Committee on Labor. dorsing an amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910, for equity of opportunity for non-profit-making associations conducting radio stations; to _the Committee on Merchant SENATE Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. TuESDAY' MA y 22, 1934 4707. Also, petition of Mrs. G. I. Lee and others, endors­ ing an amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910, for <Legislative day of Thursday, May 1'0, 1934) equity of opportunity for non-profit-working associations The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration conducting radio stations; to the Committee on Merchant of the recess. Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. THE JOURNAL 4708. By The SPEAKER:· Petition of the Baltimore Rieger Club of St. Wenceslaus parish, urging adoption of On motion of Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas, and by unani­ the amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the mous consent, the reading of the Journal of the proceedings Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. of the calendar day, Monday, May 21, was dispensed with, 4709. Also, petition of St. Catherine's rectory, Milwaukee, and the Journal was approved. Wis., urging adoption of the amendment to section 301 of CALL OF THE ROLL Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on Merchant Marine, Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I suggest the absence of Radio, and Fisheries. a quorum. 4710. Also, petition of the Boston College Club of Greater The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. Lynn, urging adoption of the amendment to section 301 The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following of Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on Merchant Marine, Senators answered to their names: Radio, and Fisheries. Adams Connally Glass McKellar 4711. Also, petition of St. Lawrence Church, Paulist Ashurst Coolidge Goldsborough McNary Fathers, Minneapolis, Minn., urging adoption of the amend­ Austin Copeland Gore Metcalf ment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on Bachman Costigan Hale Neely Bailey Couzens Harrison Norbeck Merchant Marine, Radio, and ¥ISheries. Bankhead Cutting Hastings Norris 4712. Also, petition of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Barbour Davis Hatch Nye Holy Name Society, Roosevelt, N.Y., urging adoption of the Barkiey Dickinson Hatfield O'Mahom,y Black Dieterich Hayden Overton amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Com­ Bone Dill Johnson Patterson mittee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. Borah Duffy Keyes Pittman Brown Erickson King Pope · 4713. Also, petition of De Soto Council, No. 327, Knights Bulkley Fess Logan Reynolds of Columbus, urging adoption of the amendment to section Bulow Fletcher Lonergan Robinson, Ark. Byrd Frazier Long Robinson, Ind. 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on Merchant Ma­ Byrnes George Mccarran Rnsseil rine, Radio, and Fisheries. Carey Gibson McGill Schall 1934 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9209 Sheppard Thomas, Okla. Tydings Walcott of the world for the most recent year available. In addition to Shipstead Thomas, Utah Vandenberg Walsh the tables showing the totals for merchandise, gold and each of Smith Thompson VanNuys Wheeler the invisible items, there is a general discussion applicable alike Steiwer Townsend Wagner White Ito all countries. Stephens 2. Trade analyses: Argentina, Belgium, Cuba, Germany, Mexico. Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I desire to announce that Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom, ~iscellaneous European countries, miscellaneous Central and South American countries. the Senator from California [Mr. McAnooJ is absent be­ miscellaneous Asiatic and African countries. cause of illness, and that the junior Senator from Arkansas 3. Lists of tariff and trade restrictions imposed by foreign coun­ [Mrs. CARAWAY], the Senator from Missouri [Mr. CLARK], tries since 1922: Argentina, Belgium, Italy, Netherla:ids, Norway. the Senator from lliinois [Mr. LEWIS], the Senator from This completes the · preparation of material in response to part I of the resolution, except for a few lists of tariff and trade Iowa [Mr. MURPHY], and the Senator from Florida [Mr. restl'ictions, which will be sent at an early date. TRAMMELL] are necessarily detained from the Senate. I Respectfully, ask that this announcement may stand for the day. ROBERT L. O'BRIEN, Chairman. Mr. FESS. I wish to announce that the Senator from MONETARY USE AND ACQUISITION OF SILVER {S.DOC. NO. 181) Rhode Island [Mr. HEBERT] is absent on account of illness, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a message and that the Senator from New 'Jersey [Mr. KEAN], the from the President of the United States, which was read, Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. REED], and the Senator ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed, as follows: from Wisconsin [Mr. LA FOLLETTE] are necessarily detained from the Senate. To the Congress of the United States: The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an­ On January 11, 1934, I recommended to the Congress swered to their names. A quorum is present. legislation which was promptly enacted under the title " The MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT-APPROVAL OF BILLS Gold Reserve Act of 1934." This act vested in the United Sundry messages in writing from the President of the States Government the custo·dy and control of our stocks of United States were communicated to the senate by Mr. gold as a reserve for our paper currency and as a medium of Latta, one of his secretaries, who announced that the settling international balances. It set up a stabilization President had approved and signed the following acts: fund for the control of foreign exchange in the interests of On May 21, 1934: our pecple, and certain amendments were added to facilitate S.
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