'/' ffircL ffi{ i, ryflrry'tr{i?lr# Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) tSt",.3 sr t E=,,l?!?i ff tfiin, -,, o o o Request for Proposal (RFP) for lnternational lP Bandwidth through SEA-M E-WE5 submarine cable system for the operation of BTCL's International Gateway (lGW) service. ., {* [email protected]'*+-> .', ,: * Tl€r-1 lSP Netowrk Z X ST[1-1 Conn€divity BTCl- lletwoft lntemet floud through W!V5 *Ps @ I \t>l -r -9n3- o ( I April2021 Page 1 of L7 r v 1. Introduction Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) is a leading telecommunication seruice provider in Bangladesh, It is providing all kinds of Telecommunication seruices e.g, Domestic and International Telephony seruice, Data Communication, Leased Line Internet, VPN, ADSL, GPON, Broadband Internet service etc. In order to facilitate more international voice calls through its IGWs, BTCL intends to expand its IGW's Bandwidth capacity through SEA-ME-WE-S (SMWS) Submarine Cable System. With this in view, BTCL invites offer from the International IP bandwidth providers through SMWS. 2. Eligibility requirement of the bidder 2.1, The Bidder shall be an IP bandwidth provider licensed in the country where the offered IP node is located. 2.2. The Bidder must not have been declared bankrupt or filed for bankruptcy in any country. 2.3. The Bidder's offered IP node shall have sufficient uplink bandwidth capacity with at least other three (03) Tier-1 Internet backbones. 3. Service requirement for this proposal 3.1.To expand the Internet bandwidth capacity through SMW5 cable system, BTCL intends to procure IP bandwidth through one of the closest Cable Landing Stations (CLS) situated in either the eastern side of the Bangladesh branch cable (i.e. Tuas and Melaka) or the western side of it (i.e. Colombo Palermo and Marseille). 3.2. BTCL is considering procuring symmetric 2XSTM-l (155.5 Mbps download and 155.5 Mbps upload for each link) international IP bandwidth. -K ,-tFl fi Page 2 of L7 :-] BTCL,s 2XSTM-1 Intedace 2XSTM-1 Link IGIV Router it, I ...... Z)STlvl- 1 In teface at Dhaka ,,.r Y 4.."'- r- ..t+j P *) *:*: * ETCL'sMrUX hIUX Bt BT0- Dhak* Prcmix BTfL Premise (onner:t at Dhaka .,q 2>5TM-1 Inteface prorrided """..!L by BTCL t 1 ,I u,.-l--!- , I\ Ud'TdLd t I : I I eBGP peer betvreen 5hlV,/5 \,\€t sqm€nt Half clrtu Prpvdd by BT{L BTCL's IG\,1d Router dnd E idd*r's G ate',,,ray R.outer 5h{\V5 segnxnt sther cirr,uit Prorrided by Bidder ",'.et 5h1W5 MUX &nnect \ 2 X 5Th1-1 lnt provided by B idder B idder's lrlUX at Internet Gatelvery ED IUt,IIII;.rH^F,. S HremlseD ron Gataruary Router n.^^ J r r vPuxu^ -^ rttr SiddeCs lt4UX {"""'" z xsr*-1 Inteface 2 X 5TM-1 rlrnk C,s&d Xr:temet fiuud Figure: Network diagram for the proposed ZXSTM-I IP transit connedivity through 5MW5 q 3.-B {a Page 3 of L7 6 4, Leasing duration of IP bandwidth The duration of the IP bandwidth lease shall be one year or two years (Based on the evaluation of the proposed offers) effective from the date of the commissioning of the seruice, 5. Submission of offer The hard copies of the offer shall be submitted in person or sent by postal mail to the following address within the date stipulated in the invitation notice. It is the bidde/s responsibility to ensure that the offers are submitted in time to the following address. GM International Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) Telejogajog Bhaban (2nd Floor), 3718, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 55L4L7t5 FAX: +BBO 2 551417L6 Emai I : a nwa r. masud @ btcl.sov. bd, btcl. i nt@sma il. co fn 6. Late offers Any Offer received by BTCL after the deadline for submission of offers prescribed by BTCL shall be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder. 7. Clarification of offers 7.1. The evaluation committee of BTCL may ask the bidder for the clarification of its offer. 7.2, The request for the clarification and the response may be in writing and /or via email. 8. Validity of offer Price offer must remain valid for 180 (One hundred and eighty) days after the date of bid opening prescribed by BTCL. A bid valid for a shofter period than the specified period shall be considered "Non-responsive" by BTCL. 9. Clarifications and amendment of documents 9.1. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Offer Document may notify such queries to BTCL, in writing, by letter or facsimile, at the mailing address/FAX indicated in the invitation of Offer, The bidder shall also send one copy of query to the email address mentioned in the invitation of Offer. P { Pase 4 or LZ .g:-b' -}^--- 9,2, At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Offers, BTCL may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, amend/ modify the Offer Document by amendment, 9.3. The amendment will be notified to all prospective Bidders. Such amendment, if made, shall become paft of the Offer Document and will be binding on prospective bidders, BTCL reserves the rights to add/ delete/ modify any condition of Offer Document. 9,4. In order to provide reasonable time to the prospective Bidders to take the amendment into account in preparing their Offers, BTCL may at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Offers, by any period of time it deems fit. 10. Format and signing of the submitted offer 10.1. The bidder shall prepare one complete set of original offer and make another copy of the same. The original one shall be marked as 'Original Offer' and the copy as 'Copy'. In the event of any discrepanry between the copies, the original shall govern. 10,2, The original and the copy of the offer shall be typed or printed, properly indexed and all the pages numbered consecutively including the annexure (if any) and each page shall be signed by the bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to submit the offer. 10.3. A Soft Copy of the offer document shall also be provided. The Soft Copy shall contain the exact replica of the offer, AII the supporting documents, printed literature etc. shall be scanned and copied into the Soft Copy. The soft copy may be submitted on any storage media (e.9. CDIDVD, USB drive etc.) or via email as mentioned above. 10.4. All the forms of this RFP should be properly filled. If any section of any form is not applicable for the bidder, it must be clearly mentioned in the relevant forms by marking as "Not Applicable" or'N/A'. 11. Documents to be submitted with the offer For participating in the bid, the bidder shall submit the following documents along with the offer: 11 .1. A 'Schedule of Compliance', listing everv clause/ sub-clause of this 3&,- a I Page 5 of L7 Y RFP according to the following format, / Describe the deviation Fully Complied Clause/ Sub-Clause in case of partial/Non Yes/No/Partial compliance 11.2. A sample list of customers, if not covered by non-disclosure agreement, who have been provided STM-I and higher capacity Internet bandwidth. 11.3. In case the bidder is not a member of SEA-ME-WES Consoftium, documents from the owner of respective CLS that it has arrangements/ agreements with the CLS owner for termination and backhaul of international bandwidth. 11.4. A draft standard Seruice Level Agreement (StA) stating, among other points, Redundanry, Standard Quality of Seruice, Seruice Availability, Compensation Package for seruice degradation and interruptions etc. 11.5. A draft standard Service Level Agreement (SLA) stating, among other points, Redundancy, Standard Quality of Seruice, Service Availability, Compensation Package for service degradation and interruptions etc. need to be submitted. 11,6. Any other agreement/document, to be signed by both BTCL and the successful bidder, containing at least the requirements stated in this document. BTCL shall not sign any other document/agreement later on (except technical information sheet), if those are not submitted by the successful bidder in his offer earlier. 11.7, Filled up forms given in Annexure to provide concise technical/other relevant information to BTCL for easy evaluation and selection of the provider. 11.8, A copy of networkdiagram showing interconnection points, backup links, details of peering with Internet Exchanges and other ISPs in the country and in other countries should be provided. Details about Diversity and Redundancf in the Internet Bandwidth should be provided for evaluation purposes and shall form paft of the agreement. 11.9. Documents providing average Mean Time To Recover (MTTR) and Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) statistics for the IP node to which BTCL would be connected as well as average MTTR and MTTB for global network. *(.-i3- /2 \-/ p Page 6 of L7 -! .l 11.10. Peering Policy to interconnect. 12, Responsibilities of the parties 12.1. Resoonsibility of BTCI. tz.t.L. BTCL will provide necessary half-circuit of 2XSTM-1 capacity on the wet segment of SMW5 cable system in loint Assigned Circuit (JAC) basis between the offered cable landing station (CLS) and Kuakata CLS. L2..L.2. BTCLwill provide 2XSTM-1 backhaul connectivity from Kuakata CLS to BTCL IGW at Dhaka, Bangladesh. 12.1.3. BTCL will configure its routers at BTCL IGW at Dhaka upon receipt of Inteface IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6) from the successful bidder.
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