•"'iT^mziriSSi :><:>. f,; BOOKS FOR YOUR STUDIES FOR RECREATION on INTERESTING"^ . EVERY SUBJECT AND . '.. • • are obtainable from EDUCATIONAL; empet i are avaffable at A. McLEOD, A. McLEOD, "Brisbane's Best "Brisbane's Best Boolcstore/' Bookstore," 107 ELIZABETH ST., 107 ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE j BRISBANE Vol, XVI — No, 8 Kepisiered at G.P.C, BrJabane, for Friday, 2nd May, 1947 transmission by post as a newspaper. The Q,P,P, Bubble DEMOCRATIC CLUB - F. D. GILLIES Not So, But Far Otherwise A loud cry in the Q.P.P. election of working hours — has always - GEORGE WATSON propaganda is that they are the claimed production will be curtailed. According to the Australian "Who's only those who have watehed the radical group and the Labor Party THE CONSERVATIVE LABOR Who," on the whole a reliable book weary train of Government members is now conservative. In fact, Mr, PARTY of reference, the ages of our Queens­ file into the House at the beginning Communist Party, the claim is worth But, an impcrlant query, and, by land Labor Cabinet for 1947 are as of a session can fully appreciate the some analysis. Uic way, one which Mr. Hiley follows:— secretary's sense of humour. evaded, is: What is a conservative THE RADICAL Q.P.P. Mr, Hanlon (Premier) , 60 And though Mr. Gillies did not party, as Mr. Hiley dubbed the Mr, Larcombe (Treasurer) 63 question my Q.P.P. figures, I can add If the Q.P.P.' IS radical one won­ Labor Party, doing favouring this Mr, Foley (Health and Home to them by statuig that eight of the ders why that party particularly anti-conservative measure. The Affairs) 61 People's Party candidates are m their opposed the Co-operative Act of whole crux of the problem is that Mr. Bruce (Public Works) 63 twenties—Messrs. Toombes (Bar- 1946 on the grounds that it offered the Q,P,P. is indulging in a pie:;e Mr. Williams (Public Instruc- . oona), Dewar (Nundah), Lawrence unfair competition to private enter­ of deception—concealing ita real in­ tion) 61 (Maryborough), Weir (Fitzroy), prise. Here is an important crisis. tention, like a dancer, behind a Mr. Collins (Agriculture and Fielding (Kelvin Grove), Chalk Just where does the Q.P.P. stand? balloon, which to-morrow, no doubl, Stock) 60 (Toowoomba), Johnston (Kennedy), Is it really unholding the tenets of the electors cf Queensland will suc­ The ages of Messrs. Walsh, Gled- and Brenan (Valley). No wonder radicalism, or Is It supporting priv­ cessfully prick. son, Gair and Jones are not available People's Party candidates are on an ate enterprise, or, very foolishly, The attempt to unseal Labor by to the public, but Mr. Gledson is average 20 years younger than does it believe it has the key to stealing socialist .slogans has only known to be approaching 70, and Labor's! And If Mr. Gillies doubts Hiley, a Q.P.P. candidate, stressed resulted in grave doubis of tlie none of the others are even moder­ the hnportance of youth in the elec­ that point in his Tuesday's address authenticity of the Q.P.P. promises. ately young. torate let him consider that a 5 per in the Mods, Room, He further That party would have been better In the face of these facts, one can cent, swing (it has been calculated) claimed that he saw now, no evi­ advised if it had honestly and only wonder whether the secretary would oust the Government, and that dence of Labor pursuing socialist openly stated its real objective (if, of the Queensland Central Executive the proportion of new voters, ac­ ideals. Apart from the fact that by the way, it has one). The par­ of the Labour Party was having a cording to Mr. Gillies' figiures, is ap­ such views are shared by Mr, ticular brand of camouflage it has joke with Mi'. Gillies when he told proximately 5 per cent. We don't Barnes, of Bundaberg, and by the indulged in has only rendered it him "there are only a few Labour need the older ;pieople of our com­ the two systems? suspicious to the electors. candidates over the • age of sixty" munity to turn out socialism—the At the outset, it .Is very obvious solution is in the hands of youth. there are two important and opposed f4>^<S'<&<SH®-4><S><J>«><^SH$Kg><S>€><^^ If you think sociaUsm and age have factors in its political beliefs. One teamed up in Queensland quite acci- . or the other must triumph, but ^ dently, think again; liberal society • which one remains to be seen. COMMEM. DINNER has a tremendous attraction for Now the Q.P.P. boasts its forces GUILD CAFE THEATRE youth, because more than any other contain many practical and far- system it gives freedom from restric­ • sighted business men—I.e., those THURSDAY, Sth MAY, at 7 p.m. tion, physical and moral, and be­ practising private enterprise. Are cause it gives scope for the fulfil­ we to believe these people will THE GRADUANDS ARE YOUR GUESTS — BE THERE ment of personal aspirations and for favour radicalism? Frankly, such the development of the individual. a contention is untenable. The TO WELCOME THEM But socialism is quite different— Q.P.P, must go, if it is to go effect­ there the only heads are heads of ively, one way or the other, and f Tickets (8/-) may. be obtained at "Semper" and Union Offices in Government departmente. And the weight of evidence points to its the Lunch Hour daily, and from Ball ticket' sellers at Med, and whoever heard of a youthful bureau­ support of private enterprise which, Dental Schools. crat? Under socialism it's always by the way, is the main object of youth that gete the' short end of the conservatism, Ticket Sales close Tuesday, 6th May. stick, always seniority' that holds GET YOURS NOW! high office, because seniority is the A RADICAL FORTY-HOUR only workable criterion for prcmao- WEEK tion under a vast impersonal Stete- system. And under socialism men The Q.P.P,, bemg a radical party, fours" and the chatter of the ser­ • also opposes the introduction of the WE FOLLOV^ED THEM are given the opportunity of control­ ABOUT geant's free and easy daughter, ling the lives of others on a scale • forty-'hour week. It pleads such Millie, about her escapades. which even the legendary Victorian • introduction must materially lower father would envy, an opporttmity production of necessary goods. But, In spite of many setbacks in the which is especially coveted by.ageing it fails to observe that under con­ shape of rotten tomatoes, cabbages, "FIRST-NIGHT" LIIPRESSIONS politicians. ditions of expandmg production etc,, the U,Q.D,S, successfully pre­ and governmental control of bank­ sented their first big production for • The show was an unroarious Even if there are still young social- ing the shorter working week may this year, "She Follows Me About," success. Iste,- as Mr. Gillies pouite out, what involve the employment of the by Ben Travers, produced by Geoff • Extra selling had to be ar­ good is there when Labour never masses of unemployment Mr. Hiley Cossms, and staged hi the Guild Cafe ranged upstairs and along back gives them an opportunity? I have finds in Queensland, Further, Pro­ Theatre, to accommodate paclted house. not been able to discover a single fessor Florence, in his book, "The We thought that the preview • Audience roared with laughter, Government member tmder the age Logic of Industrial Organisation," in last week's "Smper" might especially at ?:{:•!§•*?! jokes. of 35, and among its members the points out, "output per head em­ have been overrating ite enter­ • Only complaints heard were party always entrusts power to the ployed increased in Great Britain tainment value, but now think from patrons suffering with most senior; so "Socialism's Intelli­ to the order of 10 per cent, between that the last paragraph should hoarseness through laughing so gent and virile sons" will have to 1924 and 1929," which period fol­ have I>een printed in larger type. much. wait many years before the Old Man lowed a general reduction of hours An illuminating conversation be­ • Len Culpan's swim-suit was lete them feel power, while their to.the forty-eight hour level. tween Rae and Eleanor opens the very popular. Liberal coimterparte are being given play, and is followed by the entry of the opportunity to show what talent • 'Again where does the Q.P.P. • Also Adrian Jeffries' disguise as they possess. , stand? Does not ite real objection the sneaks and the unfortunate par­ the Bishop. to .the forty-hour weeek arise from. son who can't escape trouble untU , .its support of private enterprise and evente, due to natiural causes, come -:o:- the supposed limitetions to profit it to a head. Len Culpan (the back­ Bouquets to Rae Cox, Jean Himter, fears the reduction may bring about?.. bone—or is it skeleton?—of our Len Culpan and Tony Slocock. Be­ . However, there is a pertinent Dramatic Society) had an oppor­ gmners showed promise, but. we DOLLAR BONUS ; question: Are any, of the present tunity to display his wit in this would advise some of the nien to ' -arguments against reduction of latter role. overcome their broad Australian ac- Last week's lucky contributor;.- working time any more relevant Jean Hunter presented a realistic cente. was "Arrow-S." ,,• - . i'/m than.similar arguments against pre­ picture of the Vicar's Wife, and you If you haven't already seen the This week's winner' is sport rieri viously, successful claims to reduce couldn't ° mistake Tony Slocock as play, come to the Guild Cafe Theatee porter G.
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