Council Agenda Date Thursday 22 February 2018 Members of the Council Mr D C Ward Mrs J Leggett (Chairman) (Vice Chairman) Time 7.00pm Mr A D Adams Miss T E Lodge Mrs C H Bannock Mr I J Mackie Mr D Buck Mr A M Mallett Mr P H Carrick Mrs T M Mancini-Boyle Place Mr S M Clancy Mr I N Moncur Council Chamber Mrs J K Copplestone Mr G K Nurden Mr S Dunn Mr F O'Neill Thorpe Lodge Mr J J Emsell Mr G Peck Mr G Everett Mr A J Proctor 1 Yarmouth Road Mr J F Fisher Mr V Ray-Mortlock Thorpe St Andrew Mr R R Foulger Mr S Riley Mr R F Grady Mrs B H Rix Norwich Mr I G Graham Mr D Roper Mrs S C Gurney Mr N C Shaw Mr C Harrison Mr M D Snowling MBE Contact Mr D G Harrison Mr V B Tapp Mrs L H Hempsall Mrs K A Vincent Dawn Matthews tel (01603) 430404 Miss J R Keeler Mr S A Vincent Mr R J Knowles Mr J M Ward Broadland District Mr B S Kular Mr F Whymark Council Mr T W Landamore Mr D B Willmott Thorpe Lodge Miss S Lawn Mr S D Woodbridge 1 Yarmouth Road Mr K G Leggett MBE Thorpe St Andrew Norwich NR7 0DU E-mail: [email protected] @BDCDemServices Group meetings: Conservative Group Trafford Room (6.00pm) Liberal Democrat Group John Mack Room (6.00pm) 14 February 2018 The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 Under the above Regulations, any person may take photographs, film and audio-record the proceedings and report on all public meetings. If you do not wish to be filmed / recorded, please notify an officer prior to the start of the meeting. The Council has a protocol, a copy of which will be displayed outside of each meeting room and is available on request. The Chairman will ask if anyone wishes to film / record this meeting A G E N D A Page No 1 To stand for a minutes silence in tribute to Mr Jack Sadler, a long standing co-opted member of the Standards Committee and a regular attender at a number of Council meetings. He had also been a long serving member of Spixworth Parish Council, a member/vice-president of the Executive of the Norfolk Association of Local Councils and Chairman of the Norwich Airport Consultative Committee 2 To receive declarations of interest under Procedural Rule no 8 3 Apologies for absence 4 Minutes To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2017 7 – 14 5 Matters Arising (if any) 6 Announcements To receive announcements from (1) The Chairman 15 (2) The Vice Chairman (3) The Leader (4) Members of the Cabinet (5) Head of Paid Service 7 Questions from the public To consider any questions received from members of the public in accordance with Procedural Rule 10. 8 Public Speaking To consider representation from the members of the public who have expressed the wish to convey their views on items on this agenda. In accordance with the Constitution a total period of 15 minutes is allowed (each speaker may speak for 3 minutes only) 2 9 Overview and Scrutiny Committee To receive the non-exempt Minutes of the meetings held on (1) 4 January 2018 16 – 23 (2) 16 January 2018 24 – 31 (3) 30 January 2018 32 – 39 10 Cabinet To receive the non-exempt Minutes of the meetings held on (1) 9 January 2018 40 – 50 The following item requires consideration by Council: Minute no:112 - Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2018- 47 2021 (to be dealt with at Item 11 (1) below) (2) 6 February 2018 51 – 58 The following items require consideration by Council: Minute no: 124 - Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 54 to consider adoption of the Annual Investment Strategy for 59 – 65 2018/19 Minute no: 125 - Joint 5 Year Infrastructure Investment Plan 55 to consider approval of the Plan 66 – 94 Minute no: 126 - Norfolk Strategic Planning Framework 56 to consider approval of the Framework 95 – 234 11 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2018 – 2021 and Council Tax Resolution 2018/19 (1) To consider a report of the Head of Finance and Revenue Services together with the budget recommendations from the Cabinet meeting on 9 January 2018 – Minute 112 refers 47 (report and updated appendices relating to the Cabinet 235 – 251 recommendations are attached) (2) To consider a report from the Head of Finance & Revenue 252 – 259 Services on the Council Tax Resolution for 2018/19 Note: In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote will be taken on all matters relating to the budget and council tax setting. 3 12 Licensing and Regulatory Committee To receive the non-exempt Minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 260 – 272 2017 13 Audit Committee To receive the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2018 273 – 276 14 Planning Committee To receive the Decisions from the meetings held on (1) 13 December 2017 277 (2) 31 January 2018 278 – 279 15 Police and Fire Collaboration – Request from the Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner The Government is committed to closer collaboration between emergency services and views their joint working as a means of delivering better local accountability, an improved service for communities and significant savings for taxpayers. It is within this context that the Policing and Crime Act 2017 includes measures to support the increased collaboration and integration of Policing with Fire and Rescue Services (FRS). These measures enable Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to take on responsibility for the FRS in their area where a local case for change is made. Norfolk’s PCC commissioned independent consultants, Grant Thornton, to review the full range of options for extending Police and Fire collaboration in the County and identify whether there is a local case for change. A copy of the report, together with a letter inviting the views and 280 – 374 comments of this Council on the issue is attached and Members are invited to consider the request. 16 Cycle of Meetings 2018/19 To determine the Committee Timetable for 2018/19 375 – 378 17 Questions from Members To consider questions from Members received in accordance with Procedural Rule 12.4. 18 Motions To consider any motions received in accordance with Procedural Rule 13. 4 19 Changes to Committees/Outside Organisation Appointments To consider any changes proposed by the respective Group Leaders 20 Exclusion of Press and Public The Chairman will move that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business because otherwise, information which is exempt information by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, would be disclosed to them. 21 Overview and Scrutiny Committee To receive the exempt Minutes of the meeting held on 4 January 2018 379 – 380 22 Cabinet To receive the exempt Minutes of the meetings held on 9 January 2018 381 – 385 and 6 February 2018 P C Kirby Chief Executive 5 6 Council Minutes of a meeting of the Council held at Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth Road, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich on Tuesday 19 December 2017 at 7.00pm when there were present: Mr D C Ward – Chairman Mr A D Adams Mrs S C Gurney Mr V Ray-Mortlock Mrs C H Bannock Mr D G Harrison Mr S Riley Mr D Buck Mr R J Knowles Mrs B H Rix Mr P H Carrick Mr B S Kular Mr D Roper Mr S M Clancy Mrs J Leggett Mr N C Shaw Mrs J K Copplestone Mr K G Leggett MBE Mr M D Snowling MBE Mr S Dunn Mr I J Mackie Mr V B Tapp Mr J J Emsell Mrs T M Mancini-Boyle Mrs K A Vincent Mr G Everett Mr I N Moncur Mr S A Vincent Mr J F Fisher Mr G K Nurden Mr J M Ward Mr R R Foulger Mr G Peck Mr F Whymark Mr R F Grady Mr A J Proctor Mr D B Willmott Also in attendance were the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executive, the Head of Democratic Services & Monitoring Officer, the Head of Finance and Revenue Services and the Committee Officer (DM). 68 TRIBUTE TO MR RUSSELL JAMES – FORMER BROADLAND AND THORPE ST ANDREW COUNCILLOR Council stood for a minute’s silence for Mr Russell James former Broadland Councillor from 1987 to 1995 and former Thorpe St Andrew Town Mayor. Mr J Fisher spoke on behalf of the Council in tribute to Mr James. He had known Mr James since 1989 and he had been a committed and active local councillor. He was highly regarded for his work in Thorpe St Andrew and had been instrumental in achieving its status as a Town and being its first Town Mayor. 69 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER PROCEDURAL RULE NO 8 Member Minute No & Heading Nature of Interest Mrs K 87 - Overview and Local choice, non-pecuniary interest – Vincent Scrutiny Committee Norfolk County Council shareholder representative on NORSE Board. 70 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mr I Graham, Mr C Harrison, Mrs L H Hempsall, Mr T W Landamore, Mr A M Mallett and Mr F O'Neill. 19 December 2017 7 Council 71 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2017 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
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