E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2013 No. 161 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was and what we have focused on in recent tom-made medications for patients called to order by the President pro months is the problem we have with with unique health needs that cannot tempore (Mr. LEAHY). judges. be treated by off-the-shelf prescription Yesterday my friend did a remark- medicines. This practice is essential PRAYER ably good job in leading a precedent in- and can be critical for children, cancer The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- dicating the issues we have with the patients, and people with severe aller- fered the following prayer: DC Circuit, and I so appreciate his gies. Let us pray. leadership on this issue and all the The contaminated medicine mixed at Spirit of God, descend on our hearts, other issues on which the Judiciary the New England Compounding Center for apart from You life is a tale full of Committee works. It is too bad we can- was sent to scores of medical facilities sound and fury signifying nothing. not have the Judiciary Committee as it in 23 different States and given to May our Senators walk in Your ways, was in our earlier years in the Senate 14,000 patients. As I have indicated, 64 keeping Your precepts with such integ- where the productivity of that com- of them died and hundreds of those pa- rity that they will never be ashamed. mittee is not thwarted by not being tients were seriously ill. Lord, incline their hearts to Your wis- able to bring items to the floor. Recently a heart medication mixed dom, providing them with the under- The Judiciary Committee has a wide at the same pharmacy was linked to standing they need to accomplish Your range of jurisdiction over matters that the death of two young Nevada boys, purposes in our world. Let Your mercy are so important to our country, such ages 4 and 6, according to a lawsuit protect them from the dangers of this as our national security agencies and filed by their parents. life, as they learn to find delight in cyber security. There is a multitude of The New England Compounding Cen- Your commandments. Keep them ever issues the Judiciary Committee deals ter was skirting Federal regulations mindful of the fewness of their days with, and I wish we could be doing and manufacturing large batches of and the greatness of their work. more legislation on the floor which drugs for mass distribution in very un- We pray in Your great Name. Amen. comes from that committee. sanitary conditions. By avoiding the safety inspections required of large- f I wanted to extend my appreciation to the Senator for the good work he scale drug manufacturers, companies PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE has done, and I also want to send acco- such as this one can boost profits, but The President pro tempore led the lades to the people of Vermont for hav- in the process they risk lives. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ing this good man leading the Senate The legislation on the floor will end I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the in many different ways, not the least of that dangerous practice and ensure United States of America, and to the Repub- which is being the Senate President that patients have access to high-qual- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, pro tempore. ity custom medications. This is not a indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. f contentious issue. On the contrary, f this legislation has wide bipartisan DRUG SAFETY support—led by HARKIN and ALEX- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Mr. REID. Mr. President, the symp- ANDER—and would pass by a wide mar- LEADER toms of fungal meningitis can be very gin in mere moments if not for the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The subtle at first: headaches, fever, even stall tactics by a few Republican Sen- majority leader is recognized. light can start bothering people, as ators. This bill has already been de- f well as neckaches and backaches. The layed for more than a month because of disease can also cause strokes, sei- these tactics, and Republicans con- THANKING THE PRESIDENT PRO zures, and even coma. tinue to insist on running out the TEMPORE Fungal meningitis led to the death of clock on this matter. Mr. REID. Mr. President, before the at least 64 unfortunate Americans As everyone knows, if all time is re- esteemed senior Senator from Vermont when they were injected with a con- quired on the procedural issues, we will leaves the floor, I want to say a few taminated medicine. The medicine—a not be able to finish the bill until this words. steroid injection used to heal back Sunday—that includes working Satur- I appreciate the guidance and leader- pain—was tainted by unsanitary condi- day—and the final 30 hours won’t run ship my friend has given over these tions from a facility that was out until sometime on Sunday. It is many years in leading the Judiciary masquerading as a compounding phar- time to dispense with this non- Committee. It is a committee where macy in Massachusetts. The true controversial measure—a measure that most all of the legislation is funneled, compounding pharmacies provide cus- will safeguard the lives of vulnerable ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7965 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:38 Nov 13, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13NO6.000 S13NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 13, 2013 Americans, people with back pain and chased on their own so the government ther would have been possible without other maladies—and move on to other could dump them into the ObamaCare it. important legislative priorities. exchanges. That way the government If the President had gone out and f could then get them to pay more to told people that if he likes your plan, subsidize coverage for everybody else. you can keep it—if the President had RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY That is the way this was designed to said if he likes your plan, you can keep LEADER work. it—it would have never passed. That is The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MAR- The 31-year-old dentist from Louis- why the President’s so-called apology KEY). The Republican leader is recog- ville whom I mentioned last week—the the other night rang so hollow for so nized. one who is not married, has no kids— many. f now has to carry pediatric dental care ObamaCare’s problems run so deep and the broken promises are so perva- HEALTH CARE on his plan. He is one of the unfortu- nate ones subsidizing care for every- sive that it is impossible to identify an Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, one body else. ‘‘easy fix.’’ It truly ought to be re- of the favorite pastimes of politicians Despite the fact that the President pealed or delayed. But if the President in Washington is to talk about how and other supporters of the bill vowed is sorry for breaking his promise to the frustrated the American people are up and down that folks would be able American people, there is a natural with politicians in Washington. After to keep the health care plan they had place to start. He could support legisla- the past few weeks, it is easy to see and liked, the fact is that was never tion that would help restore the plans why. I am talking about the Presi- true. It was never true and they knew for the folks who want them back, and dent’s promise, repeated dozens of it. They knew folks would lose their he can act on it as early as this Friday. times, that if you like your health care coverage. They knew it all along. Just That is because the House is expected plan, you can keep it, and the sobering as the President once famously pre- to send over a bill that would allow realization by literally millions of dicted that utility rates would nec- Americans to keep the plans they have Americans is that it was not true. essarily skyrocket as a result of his and want to keep. There is no reason Some of the top fact checkers in the cap-and-trade policy, so too would the President and Senate Democrats country have used terms such as health care rates skyrocket under should not join Republicans and the ‘‘pants on fire’’ and ‘‘false’’ and ‘‘four ObamaCare. The only difference is that American people in supporting it. Pinocchios’’ to describe the claim that on health care, Democrats apparently This does not have to be a partisan battle. These cancellations have not under ObamaCare folks would be able knew they could not tell people how it discriminated based on party. The peo- to keep their plans. would all shake out in the end, but ple out there who are frustrated and In a matter of weeks, it has gone they knew. That is why in 2010 every upset at losing their health care plans from being one of the law’s top selling Democrat who was in the Senate voted are Democrats and Republicans.
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