THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1863. 5941 Kingsbridge Railway. (local and personal) 7 and 8 Vic., cap. 68 J 9 and (Incorporation of Company; Construction of Rail- 10 Vic., caps. 335 and 402; 10 and 11 Vic., cap. way from South Brent to Kingsbridge ; Work- 242 ; 14 and 15 Vic., cap. 53 ; 20 and 21 Vic., cap. ing and other Arrangements with the South 8; 23 and 24 Vic., cap. 10, and the other Acts Devon Railway Company; Amendment of Acts; relating to the South Devon Railway Company. and other purposes.) Duplicate plans and sections of the proposed T^OTICE is hereby given, that application is railway and of the lands proposed to be taken, JL^J intended to be made to Parliament in the with a book of reference to such plans, and a pub- next session for an Act to_ incorporate a Company lished map, with a line of the proposed railway (hereinafter called "the Company/') and to enable delineated thereon, and a copy of this notice, as the Company to make and maintain the railway pnblished in the London Gazette, will on or before hereinafter mentioned, together with all necessary the 30th day of November instant, be deposited and convenient stations, approaches, roads, bridges, for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace communications, and other works, and to confer for the county of Devon, at his office at Exeter, upon the Company all necessary powers for and on or before the said 30th day of November, effecting the objects hereinafter mentioned, that is a copy of so much of the plans, sections, and book to say:—A railway commencing by a junction with of reference as relates to each parish or extra-paro- the South Devon Railway, in the parish of South chial place in or through which the proposed rail- Brent, at or near a point four furlongs, or there- way, or any part thereof, is intended to be made, abouts, measured along the said railway in a together with a copy of this notice, as published in westerly direction from the platform on the south the London Gazette, will be deposited for public side of the South Brent Station of that railway, inspection, in the case of each parish, with the and terminating in the parish of West Alvington, parish clerk thereof, at his residence, and in the in or near to a field called the Linhay Field, the case of each extra-parochial place with the parish property of William Roope llbert, Esq., and in clerk of some parish immediately adjoining thereto the occupation of Mr. John Tucker, opposite or at his residence. near to the West Alvington Turnpike Gate, which Printed copies of the Bill will be deposited in said intended railway and works will pass from, this Private Bill Office of the House of Commons, through, or into the several parishes, townships, on or before the 23rd day of December next. extra-parochial, and other places following, or Dated this 12th day of November, 1863. some of them, that is to say:—South Brent, Rat- Hargrove, Fowler, and Blunt, 3, Victoria- tery, Dean Prior, Ugborough, North Huish, Dipt- street, Westminster, ford, Modbury, Halwell, Morley, otherwise Mor- G. B. Lidstone, Kingsbridge, leigh, East Allington, Woodleigh, Loddiswell, Solicitors for for the Bill. Aveton • Gifford, Charleton, Dodbrooke, Kings- bridge, Churchstow, and West Alvington, all in the county of Devon. To stop up, alter, or divert, whether tempora- rily or permanently, all turnpike and other roads In Parliament.—Session 1864. and highways, footways, streets, railways, tram- Victoria Station and Thames Embankment ways, aqueducts, canals, streams, rivers, navi- Eailway. gations, mill leats, and weirs within the aforesaid T is intended to apply to Parliament, in the parishes, townships, extra-parochial and other I next session thereof, for leave to bring in a places, or any of them, which it may be necessary to Bill for the following, or some of the following, cross, stop up, alter, or divert by reason or for the among other purposes:— purposes of the intended railway and works, or To incorporate a Company (herein referred to any of them, or of the intended Act. as the Company), and to enable them to make To levy tolls, rates, and duties, upon and in and maintain the underground railways herein- reipect of the intended railway and works, and to after mentioned, or one of them, with all needful grant exemption from the payment of tolls, rates, works, stations, approaches, and conveniences and duties. connected therewith respectively, that is" to To purchase and take lands and houses by com- say:— pulsion or agreement for the purposes of the rail- 1. A railway commencing at a point in the way and works, or of the intended Act, and to Wilton-road, adjoining the yard in front of the vary, repeal, or extinguish all existing rights and Victoria Station, Pimlico, in the parish of St. privileges connected with such lands and houses, George, Hanover-square, passing through and and all other rights and privileges which would in under Victoria-street, the Broad Sanctuaiy, the any wise impede or interfere with the construction enclosure adjoining St. Margaret's Church, St. maintenance, and use of the intended railway and Margaret-street, New Palace-yard, and Bridge- works, and to confer, vary, and extinguish other street, all in Westminster, and terminating on rights apd privileges. ;he foreshore of the Biver Thames,.at or near the- To enable the Company and the-South Devon northern side of the west end of Westminster Railway Company to enter into agreements and Bridge, in the parish of St. Margaret's, West- arrangements with respect to the working, use, minster ; such termination being at or near the management and maintenance of the intended )oint of commencement of the intended Thames railway and works, or any partf or parts thereof, Embankment (north side). and the management, interchange, regulation, The said railway will be entirely in Middlesex, working, and direction of the traffic upon or over and will be in the parishes of St. George, Han- the intended railway and works, or some part or over-square, St. John the Evangelist, and St, parts thereof, and the collection, appropriation, ap- Margaret, Westminster. portionment, and distribution of the tolls, rates, 2. A railway, commencing at Westminster income, and profits arising from the intended rail- Bridge, at the point where the said other intended way and works, or any part or parts thereof j and railway will terminate, passing along the northern to vary or extinguish all rights and privileges and western shore of the Biver Thames, and which would interfere with the objects of the Bill, under and along the said Embankment, and ter- or such contracts or arrangements, and to confer minating at or near Blackfriars Bridge, on the other rights and privileges. western side of the northern end of the said To alter, amend, enlarge, or repeal ao far as may >ridge. The said railway will be made in the be needful the powers and provisions of the Acts following parishes and places, or some of them,.
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