PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 145, Number 12, December 2017, Pages 5329–5340 http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/proc/13655 Article electronically published on July 10, 2017 AN INTRINSIC PARALLEL TRANSPORT IN WASSERSTEIN SPACE JOHN LOTT (Communicated by Guofang Wei) Abstract. If M is a smooth compact connected Riemannian manifold, let P (M) denote the Wasserstein space of probability measures on M. We describe a geometric construction of parallel transport of some tangent cones along geodesics in P (M). We show that when everything is smooth, the geometric parallel transport agrees with earlier formal calculations. 1. Introduction Let M be a smooth compact connected Riemannian manifold without boundary. The space P (M) of probability measures of M carries a natural metric, the Wasser- stein metric, and acquires the structure of a length space. There is a close relation between minimizing geodesics in P (M) and optimal transport between measures. For more information on this relation, we refer to Villani’s book [13]. Otto discovered a formal Riemannian structure on P (M), underlying the Wasser- stein metric [10]. One can do formal geometric calculations for this Riemannian structure [6]. It is an interesting problem to make these formal considerations into rigorous results in metric geometry. If M has nonnegative sectional curvature, then P (M) is a compact length space with nonnegative curvature in the sense of Alexandrov [8, Theorem A.8], [12, Propo- sition 2.10]. Hence one can define the tangent cone TμP (M)ofP (M)atameasure μ ∈ P (M). If μ is absolutely continuous with respect to the volume form dvolM , then TμP (M) is a Hilbert space [8, Proposition A.33]. More generally, one can de- fine tangent cones of P (M) without any curvature assumption on M,usingOhta’s 2-uniform structure on P (M) [9]. Gigli showed that TμP (M) is a Hilbert space if and only if μ is a “regular” measure, meaning that it gives zero measure to any hypersurface which, locally, is the graph of the difference of two convex functions [3, Corollary 6.6]. For examples of tangent cones at nonregular measures, if S is an embedded submanifold of M,andμ is an absolutely continuous measure on S, then TμP (M) was computed in [7, Theorem 1.1]. If γ :[0, 1] → M is a smooth curve in a Riemannian manifold, then one can define the (reverse) parallel transport along γ as a linear isometry from Tγ(1)M to Tγ(0)M.IfX is a finite-dimensional Alexandrov space, then the replacement of a tangent space is a tangent cone. If one wants to define a parallel transport along acurvec :[0, 1] → X,asamapfromTc(1)X to Tc(0)X, then there is the problem that the tangent cones along c may not look much alike. For example, the curve c Received by the editors August 9, 2016 and, in revised form, January 6, 2017. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 51K10, 58J99. This research was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1207654 and a Simons Fellowship. c 2017 American Mathematical Society 5329 This is a free offprint provided to the author by the publisher. Copyright restrictions may apply. 5330 JOHN LOTT may pass through various strata of X. One can deal with this problem by assuming that c is in the interior of a minimizing geodesic. In this case, Petrunin proved the tangent cones along c are mutually isometric, by constructing a parallel transport map [11]. His construction of the parallel transport map was based on passing to a subsequential limit in an iterative construction along c.Itisnotknownwhether the ensuing parallel transport is uniquely defined, although this is irrelevant for Petrunin’s result. Inthecaseofasmoothcurvec :[0, 1] → P ∞(M) in the space of smooth prob- ability measures, one can do formal Riemannian geometry calculations on P ∞(M) to write down an equation for parallel transport along c [6, Proposition 3]. It is a partial differential equation in terms of a family of functions {ηt}t∈[0,1].Ambrosio and Gigli noted that there is a weak version of this partial differential equation [1, (5.9)]. By a slight extension, we will define weak solutions to the formal parallel transport equation; see Definition 2.4. Petrunin’s construction of parallel transport cannot work in full generality on P (M), since Juillet showed that there is a minimizing Wasserstein geodesic c with the property that the tangent cones at measures on the interior of c are not all mutually isometric [5]. However one can consider applying the construction on certain convex subsets of P (M). We illustrate this in two cases. The first and easier case is when c is a Wasserstein geodesic of δ-measures (Proposition 3.1). The second case is when c is a Wasserstein geodesic of absolutely continuous measures, lying in the interior of a minimizing Wasserstein geodesic, and satisfying a regularity condition. Suppose that ∇η1 ∈ Tc(1)P (M) is an element of the tangent cone at the 2 endpoint. Here ∇η1 ∈ L (TM,dc(1)) is a square-integrable gradient vector field on 1 M and η1 is in the Sobolev space H (M,dc(1)). For each sufficiently large integer Q, we construct a triple (1.1) (∇ηQ, ∇ηQ(0), ∇ηQ(1)) ∈ L2([0, 1]; L2(TM,dc(t))) ⊕ L2(TM,dc(0)) ⊕ L2(TM,dc(1)) with ∇ηQ(1) = ∇η1, which represents an approximate parallel transport along c. Theorem 1.1. Suppose that M has nonnegative sectional curvature. Then a { ∇ ∇ ∇ }∞ subsequence of ( ηQ, ηQ(0), ηQ(1)) Q=1 converges weakly to a weak solution (∇η∞, ∇η∞,0, ∇η∞,1) of the parallel transport equation with ∇η∞,1 = ∇η1.Ifc is ∞ asmoothgeodesicinP (M), η1 is smooth, and there is a smooth solution η to the parallel transport equation (2.6) with η(1) = η1,then lim (∇ηQ, ∇ηQ(0), ∇ηQ(1)) = (∇η, ∇η(0), ∇η(1)) Q→∞ in norm. Remark 1.2. In the setting of Theorem 1.1, we can say that ∇η∞,0 is the parallel transport of ∇η1 along c to Tc(0)P (M). Remark 1.3. We are assuming that M has nonnegative sectional curvature in order to apply some geometric results from [11]. It is likely that this assumption could be removed. Remark 1.4. A result related to Theorem 1.1 was proven by Ambrosio and Gigli when M = Rn [1, Theorem 5.14], and extended to general M by Gigli [4, Theorem 4.9]. As explained in [1,4], the construction of parallel transport there can be con- sidered to be extrinsic, in that it is based on embedding the (linear) tangent cones This is a free offprint provided to the author by the publisher. Copyright restrictions may apply. AN INTRINSIC PARALLEL TRANSPORT IN WASSERSTEIN SPACE 5331 into a Hilbert space and applying projection operators to form the approximate par- allel transports. Although we instead use Petrunin’s intrinsic construction, there are some similarities between the two constructions; see Remark 3.3. We use some techniques from [1], especially the idea of a weak solution to the parallel transport equation. Remark 1.5. Besides its inherent naturality, the intrinsic construction of parallel transport given here is likely to allow for extensions. For example, using the results of [7], it seems likely that Petrunin’s construction could be extended to define parallel transport along Wasserstein geodesics of absolutely continuous measures on submanifolds of M. In the present paper we have done this when the submanifolds have dimension zero or codimension zero. The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we discuss weak solutions to the parallel transport equation. In Section 3 we prove Theorem 1.1. 2. Weak solutions to the parallel transport equation Let M be a compact connected Riemannian manifold without boundary. Put ∞ ∞ (2.1) P (M)={ρ dvolM : ρ ∈ C (M),ρ>0, ρ dvolM =1}. M ∞ ∞ Given φ ∈ C (M), define a vector field Vφ on P (M)bysayingthatforF ∈ C∞(P ∞(M)), d i (2.2) (VφF )(ρ dvolM )= F ρ dvolM − ∇ (ρ∇iφ)dvolM . d =0 → ∞ R → ∞ The map φ Vφ passes to an isomorphism C (M)/ Tρ dvolM P (M). Otto’s Riemannian metric on P ∞(M)isgiven[10]by ∇ ∇ (2.3) Vφ1 ,Vφ2 (ρ dvolM )= φ1, φ2 ρ dvolM M i = − φ1∇ (ρ∇iφ2)dvolM . M i In view of (2.2), we write δV ρ = −∇(ρ∇iφ). Then φ (2.4) V ,V (ρ dvol )= φ δ ρ dvol = φ δ ρ dvol . φ1 φ2 M 1 Vφ2 M 2 Vφ1 M M M To write the equation for parallel transport, let c :[0, 1] → P ∞(M)beasmooth ∞ curve. We write c(t)=μt = ρ(t)dvolM and define φ(t) ∈ C (M), up to a dc constant, by dt = Vφ(t). This is the same as saying ∂ρ (2.5) + ∇j (ρ∇ φ)=0. ∂t j ∞ Let Vη(t) be a vector field along c, with η(t) ∈ C (M). The equation for Vη to be parallel along c [6, Proposition 3] is ∂η (2.6) ∇ ρ ∇i + ∇ φ ∇i∇j η =0. i ∂t j ∇ ∇ Lemma 2.1 ([6, Lemma 5]). If η, η are solutions of (2.6),then M η, η dμt is constant in t. This is a free offprint provided to the author by the publisher. Copyright restrictions may apply. 5332 JOHN LOTT ∞ Lemma 2.2. Given η1 ∈ C (M), there is at most one solution of (2.6) with η(1) = η1, up to time-dependent additive constants. Proof. By linearity, it suffices to consider the case when η1 = 0.
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