NORTHEASTERN IOWA JANUARY 2018 • VolUme 31, IssUe 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Celebrating Renewal:Star Philip Melanchthon — Education E ducation is key to understanding the Gospel by Martin Lohrmann, Assistant Professor, Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque Martin Luther’s friend and collaborator helped common people learn about the Good News The Northeastern Iowa Synod continues support these its six-year focus on “Celebrating Re- educational “We must seek the truth, love newal” in 2018 by recognizing the role of goals, and he it, defend it, and hand it down Philip Melanchthon in the Reformation was 21 years old uncorrupted to our posterity.” and his ministry of education, which when he gave — Philip Melanchthon, continues to shape the church today. his inaugural Here, the Rev. Dr. Martin J. Lohrmann lecture — a Loci Communes 1521 shares about Melanchthon’s life, his close speech on Aris- partnership with Martin Luther, and his totle — which influence as a scholar and educator. immediately The Rev. Dr. Martin J. in Luther’s absence, Melanchthon impressed his Lohrmann is sometimes blamed for not having Philip Melanchthon deserves more new colleague, Dr. Luther. done enough to calm this “Witten- recognition for his work in the Lu- berg Unrest.” This view overstates theran Reformation than he usually When Luther was in exile at Wart- Melanchthon’s influence at the uni- receives. Here are some reasons burg Castle (1521-1522), Melanch- versity, where he was a junior fac- why we might take time to get to thon remained in touch with the ulty member with little to no official know him better. reformer through frequent letters. responsibility, especially when com- Because things got out of control pared to people in leadership roles Born in southwestern Germany like Andreas Carlstadt, Justus Jonas, in 1497, young Philip excelled and Gabriel Zwilling. Rather than at languages at an early age: he earned his master’s degree from the University of Tubingen at the age >> Continued on page 2 of 15. In recognition of his gifts with Latin and Greek, the human- ist scholar Johannes Reuchlin — a IN THIS ISSUE relative by marriage — gave him the name Melanchthon. This is a Greek Education is key to version of Philip’s family name 1 understanding the Gospel Schwartzerd, which means “black earth.” 2 Education renews the church As Luther’s impact spread after the 3 Why do congregations ask 95 Theses of Oct. 31, 1517, the people to estimate their giving? University of Wittenberg wanted to focus its teaching on the liberal arts Rural Ministry Conference and the theology of St. Augustine. 4 Melanchthon was hired in 1518 to Portrait of Philip Melanchthon Congregations by Lucas Cranach the Elder 7 8 Prayer Calendar Education is key to understanding the Gospel << Continued from page 1 being overwhelmed by trying times, Melanchthon served as an impor- tant moderating figure and connec- tion between the exiled Luther and the people of Wittenberg. In 1521, at the age of 24, Melanch- “… Melanchthon was a powerful writer, clear thinker and faithful reformer.” thon published the first Lutheran work of systematic theology, his Loci Communes Theologici. The title means “common places” or Double portrait of Martin Luther and Phillip Melanchthon “touchstones.” It describes how by Lucas Cranach the Younger he interpreted Paul’s letter to the Romans: Melanchthon followed Presented to Holy Roman Emperor in Germany that is still used today, Paul’s main points like you might Charles V on June 25, 1530, the the Gymnasium. use stepping stones to cross a Augsburg Confession remains the stream. In this way, Melanchthon primary statement of Lutheran faith CONTROVERSIES AND POLITICS demonstrated the biblical roots of and practice to this day. Luther’s ideas about law and gospel, Most of the controversial things faith, grace, and good works. Al- After Emperor Charles’ theolo- surrounding Melanchthon only though he continued to expand the gians rejected this statement of became problems after Luther had Loci Communes throughout his life, faith, Melanchthon spent the next died. For instance, Melanchthon Melanchthon continued to use this months writing a defense of its developed the so-called “third use “stepping stone” method to teach teachings, called the “Apology of of the law” in the early 1530s when biblical faith. the Augsburg Confession.” Its de- Luther was still alive. Luther had scription of justification by faith described the law’s first use as pro- PARTNERSHIP WITH LUTHER alone (article 4) remains essential tecting the innocent (civil use) and reading for Lutherans. its second use as a mirror for re- Because Luther could not attend vealing sin and driving us to Christ the meeting in Augsburg where Melanchthon remained a key col- (theological use). Some early Lu- Protestants had been invited to league in the Reformation over the therans took this to mean that real explain their faith, Melanchthon decades. His expertise in languages Christians did not need God’s law became the primary author of the made him an invaluable partner in anymore, because the gospel freed Augsburg Confession. Melanch- Luther’s translation of the Bible. He them from the law. thon’s two main goals were to show taught university classes in history, that Lutherans held the same ap- literature, languages, ethics, phi- In response, Melanchthon devel- ostolic faith as the church across losophy, the natural sciences, and oped a “third use of the law” to the centuries and to explain why the Bible. On a practical level, he say that Christian faith leads to they had made certain reforms, wrote guidelines for how to imple- such as allowing priests to marry ment church reforms and designed and changing Eucharistic practices. the system for secondary education >> Continued on page 3 2 NORTHEASTERN IOWA SYNOD | www.neiasynod.org BISHOP E ducation renews the church Our synod celebrates tremendous commitment to gifts. Throughout this year we are “The history of our people life-long learn- giving thanks for how education is a deep and abiding ing, which is renews the church. The symbol of a part of our that vehicle is Philip Melanchthon. commitment to education.” roots. I know that you will enjoy learning more about him. I encourage to several community colleges. The both rostered We could have chosen other history of our people is a deep and ministers and symbols — the education institu- abiding commitment to education. congregations to tions in our synod. Only one other keep this commitment for the sake synod, Southern Ohio, has two col- Every letter of call to rostered min- of renewing the church. leges of the church, a seminary of isters includes time and funds for the church and a state university continuing education. No, this is — Steven L. Ullestad with a campus ministry, in addition not additional vacation time. It is a Bishop, Northeastern Iowa Synod Education is key to understanding the Gospel << Continued from page 2 the love of God and neighbor that tacked for his work — got involved writings that Lutherans continue the commandments describe; such so that he might preserve the faith to value as primary explanations of obedience to the law is not a cause of the Reformation and help pre- our biblical faith. There you will of justification but an effect of it. vent a civil war. find that we still have much to learn However, this positive view of the from Luther’s valued coworker, Duke Moritz eventually led a suc- Philip Melanchthon. law became controversial when cessful counter-revolt, which led to another debate about good works new religious freedoms for Luther- broke out after Luther died, even ans. Nevertheless, other Lutheran though Luther had known and un- theologians had already decided derstood Melanchthon’s teaching that Melanchthon had betrayed about the law. Luther and the gospel through his More on Melanchthon Melanchthon’s reputation was espe- work with Moritz. Melanchthon cially tarnished by the religious war died in 1560 before these disputes at Day of Renewal among Lutherans would be re- that took place after Luther died. In Thursday, Feb 22, 2018 solved. His reputation has suffered 1547, Emperor Charles finally won Nazareth Lutheran, Cedar Falls a military victory over his rebellious ever since, even though careful German Lutherans. In that war’s study shows that he acted with in- Learn more about the reform- aftermath, Melanchthon served as a tegrity, courage, and faithfulness in er Philip Melanchthon and his theological advisor to Duke Moritz a hard situation. influence on education in the church when the Rev. Dr. Martin J. of Saxony, who was balancing his In conclusion, Melanchthon was a Lohrmann presents at this year’s people’s commitment to the Ref- powerful writer, clear thinker, and Day of Renewal, set for Thursday, ormation with the emperor’s goal faithful reformer. If you want to get Feb. 22, at Nazareth, Cedar Falls. of restoring Protestants to Catholi- to know him better, you might start cism. As Melanchthon had predict- by reading the “Augsburg Confes- Watch for more information in the ed, getting involved in politics like sion” and its “Apology.” Both of this proved messy, but Melanchthon Star and on the synod website, these works are in the Book of Con- www.neiasynod.org. — willing to suffer and to be at- cord, the collection of Reformation JANUARY 2018 3 GENEROSITY Why do congregations ask people to estimate their giving? The following article, written by Pastor Matthew Muters, ap- fully and deliberately discern what peared in the December 2017 newsletter of Our Saviour’s Lu- God is calling us to give. Writing our theran Church, Mason City. decision down on a card helps us to treat our giving intentionally, as Many congregations this time of year send a letter in a first fruits offering to God.
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