MONTHLY MEETING P !"#$!%&’" C) %! February 13, 2015 7:30 PM (PA @ 6:30 PM) love the beginning of a new year for so many ETC 2.136 - UT Campus I reasons. Personally it is tremendously close Engineering Teaching Center to my birthday so a new year for me is the same as a new calendar year. ! at feeling makes “365 Days of the Moon” Robert Reeves life feel brand new and full of abundance and ! is program was scheduled for last possibilities. As an astronomer it means chilly AASAA S President,Pr es id en t, DawnD aw n DaviesDa vi es month but was postponed due to bad but ultimately clearer nights than the rest of the weather. year. ! e last few weeks have been proof of that as I step out my door in See Page 2 for details. the evening, look up, and see the sky crisp and full of stars. ____________________________ We’ve already kicked 2015 o" with a bang! January was a tremendously PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY full month with regards to outreach events, and we’ve had great presence out at the Eagle Eye Observatory (EEO). At the end of January we “Outreach to Small Humans (Kids)” launched our $ rst Astronomy O" the Field Event. Attendance was high Katie Raney and new faces plentiful, both member and non-member. We are looking See Page 2 for details forward to our next function at the end of February and will continue to _______________________________ Join us at Double Dave’s a% erward! report back on how future AOtFs develop. For those of you who have put in for the Texas Star Party in May, you should have received your con$ rmation e-mail, and I look forward to seeing you all in West Texas in three months. However, before we reach May, there are a great many other events ahead. March will see another annual go at the Messier Marathon taking place on the Members Only night out at Canyon of the Eagles (COE). Additionally, we hope to have our second annual Austin Astronomical Society (AAS) online auction. April will play host to the Central Texas Star Party, a two day/two night member only event out at EEO along with clinics and some phenomenal barbeque. Prior to summer we hope to have a special event for members of the public looking to learn more about telescopes and getting into astronomy. And as usual, summer will yield our annual Austin Under the Stars. Sidereal Times Vol. 47, No. 2 http://www.austinastro.org/ Banner: Rosette Nebula, by Ken Pendlebury. 2014 Image of the Year. Sidereal Times is an offi cial monthly publication of the Austin Astronomical Society. Sidereal Times • February 2015 • 1 (President’s Corner continued from page 1) I%"#$! &,#" I""-! 3 Nominating Committee Keep your ear to the ground recent movie related to science, Astronomy o" the Field as we announce our call to the particularly astronomy? general assembly for Nominating We want to hear about it. Contact 4 EC Minutes Committee members for this year’s me if you are interested for more Calendar of Events election of Executive Committee details. CTSP members. ! ere is so much to do as a 5 GA Minutes Our general meetings continue member of AAS both on the $ eld Welcome New Members to educate and entertain as and o" , indoors and out, and UT Lecture we continue t o introduce new we are always interested to hear segments to our monthly new ideas and suggestions on 6 Outreach Report and Events gatherings. February’s meeting how to make your membership plays host to some very special and experience better. 7 Treasury Report guests including renowned speaker ([email protected] or Robert Reeves. In March we will 512.663.2249) 8 Member Services Report be introducing a new segment January 29 AotF focused on book/$ lm reviews. Here’s to dark and starry skies! Have you read a particularly 9 February Observing Targets fascinating book or seen a 10 Image of the Month 11 Members’ Gallery 12 NASA’s Space Place J)#% -" .) F!/ -0 1’" M!!&#%2" 13 Enchanted Rock Festival W&*+ February 13 14 Mason Star Gazers Practical Astronomy at 6:30 PM GA meeting at 7:30 PM 15 Fornax Globulars W&*;* ETC 2.136 - UT Campus Engineering Teaching Center 17 Astronomical League 18 Joining AAS escheduled from last month, Robert Reeves will talk about his ongoing Facebook Contact Info Rproject “365 Days of the Moon”. Robert, a long-time friend of the AAS, is a true pioneer of the art and science of digital astrophotography and is the author of several books on the subject. In his latest project he has acquired hundreds of high-resolution images detailing and describing all manner of lunar features. Come and marvel at the images and listen to Robert explain how they reveal the processes of the lunar surface’s evolution, and you may also pick up some great tips for taking your own lunar images. In the Practical Astronomy session, $ ne tune your outreach skills during this interactive presentation. Learn how to talk about big ideas with small humans, demonstrate astronomical concepts, and get kids and their parents interested in the dynamic nature of astronomy. Plus, you’ll be able to share what works for you with the group as we discuss the best ways to get the general public excited about the night sky. http://www.darksky.org/ 2 • February 2015 • Sidereal Times THE AUSTIN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY WANTS YOU! WE’RE LOOKING FOR A FEW (3) MEMBERS TO BE PART OF THE 2015 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTION NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE CONTACT DAWN ([email protected]), ATTEND THIS MONTH’S GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING FEBRUARY 13, OR SEE THE WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION. ASTRONOMY OFF THE FIELD – THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. PINTHOUSE PIZZA – 4729 Burnet Road Austin, Texas 78756 Put down the telescope and come O" the Field. Are you looking for a bit of mid-week astronomical socializing? Are you tired of trying to discern one astronomer’s voice from another on the observing $ eld in the pitch dark? Want to get to know your fellow AAS members and other Austin astronomers? Join us for Astronomy O" the Field on the last ! ursday of the month. Meet up with fellow astronomers to talk shop and then some. Get to know their other interests, alternative hobbies, relax with a drink and food and have a little fun, if not a lot. Sidereal Times • February 2015 • 3 E9!:-&#;! C)<<#&&!! M#%-&!" C0=!%$0 ). E;!%&" By David Lynch, Secretary 13 F eb ru ar y 20 15 January 5, 2015 Ge ne ra l As se mb ly M ee ti ng he meeting was called to order at the Executive Committee. If there are 7: 30 P M (P ra ct ic al A st ro no my 6 :3 0) 7:58 PM. Present were President no objections or changes requested, ET C 2. 13 6 - UT C am pu s T Dawn Davies, Vice-President Terry the dra% will be sent to Calibre for Philips, Secretary David Lynch, signatures. 14 F eb ru ar y 20 15 Treasurer Mark Lyon, Outreach Chair Ou tr ea ch O pp or tu ni ty Larry Martin, Equipment Chair Reimers Ranch Travis County Parks Pu bl ic S ta r Pa rt y 6: 00 P M - 11 :0 0 PM James Hall, Member Services Chair sta" would like help with public Ca ny on o f th e Ea gl es Tim Brown, Members-at-Large Alan viewings. Current di= culties for Carruth, David Mathias, and Jim providing that assistance include the 20 F eb ru ar y 20 15 Spiglemire, and Newsletter Editor 10:00 PM park curfew, entry fee, and Ou tr ea ch O pp or tu ni ty Joyce Lynch. need for parks sta" to be on site to Cu b Sc ou t Pa ck 1 74 operate the observatory. 8: 00 P M - 9: 00 P M OFFICER REPORTS Hi ll C ou nt ry B ib le C hu rc h Vice-President ! e May meeting NEW BUSINESS 12 12 4 RR 6 20 will be held at UT-Austin. Usually this Eagle Eye Observatory schedules meeting con< icts with $ nal exams so ! ere were disagreements between the 21 F eb ru ar y 20 15 another location is required, but it list of 2015 events on the observatory En ch an te d Ro ck S ta r Fe st iv al occurs before the beginning of exams page and the main website calendar. No on - 1 0: 00 P M this year. Vice-President Terry Philips ! e EC came to a consensus that Jim En ch an te d Ro ck S ta te N at ur al A re a is scheduled to present in February on Chandler will continue to produce the Fr ed er ic ks bu rg , TX the birth of the Sun. Don Olson from $ rst dra% of the schedules for public Texas State University will present in and members-only star parties, which 21 F eb ru ar y 20 15 June. Canyon of the Eagles management Me mb er s On ly S ta r Pa rt y may request to be moved to Ca ny on o f th e Ea gl es Equipment New red lights have accommodate holidays or other busy been placed at the entrance/exit to the weekends. 26 F eb ru ar y 20 15 parking area and the porta-potty at the As tr on om y O" th e Fi el d Eagle Eye Observatory.
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