'Abdala the Saracen' 120 Abdallah, Ahmad Bin 141 Abraham Xiii

'Abdala the Saracen' 120 Abdallah, Ahmad Bin 141 Abraham Xiii

Index 'Abdala the Saracen' 120 Amasya 14 Abdallah, Ahmad bin 141 ambassadors, see diplomats Abraham xiii Americas 3, 6, 34, 38, 42, 67, 98, Abdulhamid, Ottoman sultan 104 103, 158, 165, 167, 169-70 Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim 127 Anglo-Moroccan plans to colonise Abu Yaqub Yusuf, Almohad sultan xix 109 cannibalism 72 Aceh 167-8 gold, silver 3, 6, 157-8 Acre xiv Native Americans xviii, 131 Adams, Sir Thomas xvi Newfoundland 31 Aden 166 Renaissance 1 51 Afaya, Muhammad Nur al-Oin 127 Ancona 161 Africa 17, 38, 42 Andalucia 109, 118, 119, 126 trade in: gold 12, salt 31, slaves Anderson, Perry 154 12, 31 Angelovic, Mahmud Pasha 159, 162 Agius, Dionisius 7 Angiolello 34 Ahmad al-Mansur, Mulay 128, 137 Anguillara, Virginia Orsini dell' 162 negotiates with England xix d'Anjou, Due 105 Ahmed I, Ottoman sultan 1 7 Ankara 94, 96 Aisha, Abdallah bin 135, 141 Antarctic 38 Akbar, Mughal emperor 156, 168 Antioch, battle of 54 AI Khidr 53 Antun, Farah 109, 110 Albertus Magnus 110 Antwerp 100 Alcazar, battle: Wadi al-Makhazen Apollo 52 128, 137 Aquinas, Thomas 110, 119 Aleppo 17, 30, 73,98 Arabic Alexander the Great 53, 157, calligraphy 143 158, 163 jurisprudence 21 Alexandria 17, 30, 31, 32, 35, 71, 75, language ix, 9, 15, 110, 113 79, 81, 135, 138 poetry 116-20 Alfonso VI, king of Castile ix Semitic 111 algebra x manuscripts 6, 9, 10, 67, 97, 99, Algeria, Algerians 101, 102, 128-9, 113, 120, 121 135, 136 translation into Spanish ix corsairs 12 at Cambridge university xvi Algiers 101, 134, 136 at Bibliotheque Nationale 10 Danish attack 130, 13 7 learning ix-xii, 1, 6, 111, 115, Alhambra 118 120, 127 Ali Pasha of Tunis 139 and Europe 6, 108-21 Allatif, Abd 70 medicine 68, 70, 114, 116 Almohads 109 Nadha, renaissance 108 Alvise da Mosto 29, 31-2, 34, 38, 42 shadow theatre 135-6 175 176 Index Arabs 127-43 Barbaro, Ermolao 120 Aragon 97 Barbaro, Giosafat 29, 32, 35 ai-Araish 137, 139 Barbary Coast 93 d' Aramon, Gabriel du Luels, sieur Barbour, Richmond 7 98, 100, 103, 105 Barrett, William 73 Ardinghelli, Niccolo 9 Basra 166 Aretino, Leonardo 9 Baudier, Michel 102 Arezzo, Pietro di (Aretine) 9, 113 Bayazid II, Ottoman sultan 14, 96, Aristotle ix, 109, 114-15, 120 152, 157, 158 Armenia 103 Beckford, William 68, 93 women 18 Beirut 17, 31 Arqua 113 Belgrade 159 Arrian 100, 158 Bellini, Gentile xv, 2, 52, 158 d' Arvieux, Chevalier 1OS Belon, Pierre 99-101, 104 Ashmole, Elias 63 Berberlanguage 111 Asia 17 Berlinghieri, Franceso 9 Central 38 Beyruth (Bayreuth) 17 East 127, 131, 170 Bible, biblical studies 30, 110, 152 astrology 114 Bihzad 2 astronomy ix Bishop, Benjamin xx Atbara 166 Black Sea 113, 169 Athens 18 Blanks, David 7 Athos, Mt 100 Boccaccio, Giovanni 115 Atlantic 166, 168-9 Bologna 90, 120 Augsburg 17, 90, 160, 162 university x, 113 Austria 105 Bonaventura of Sienna 118 Averroes, Ibn Rushd 108-21 Bordeaux 126 Averroism 109-10, 113 Borderie, Bertrand de La 99 Avicenna, Ibn Sina ix, 70, 109-14 Borges, jorge Luis 121 Ayi~e (Hubbi) Hatun 14 Bosnia 161, 163 ai-Ayyashi, Abu Abdallah 138 Bouissard, j. j. 17 al-Aziz, Hammouda bin Abd 137, 139 Bracciolini, Poggio 33 al-Azmeh, Aziz 127 Brantome, Pierre de 98 Aztecs 168 Braude!, Fernand x-xi, 21, 51, 128 Brazil 167 Bab al-Mandab 166 British Museum 93 Baba Ilyas 54 Brotton, jerry 7, 10, 19 Babel 66 Browne, Thomas 66-9, 71, 82 Bacon, Francis 33, 68, 73 Budapest xv, 159 Bacon, Roger 115 Burckhardt, jacob 51, 153 Baghdad 70, 166 Burgundy, Order of the Golden Baha al-Oin Zuhayr 117 Fleece 55 Bahadir Sultan, of Diu 166 Burma, Pegu 32 Bahr al-Ruum 134 Bursa 15 Baker, James 136 Busbecq, Ogier Ghiselin de 53, 55, Balbi, Gasparo 30, 32, 33 61,88-94,98,104,163 Balkans 90, 96, 154, 159 Bynum, Caroline Walker 70 Baltic 90 Byzantium 96, 153 Barbarigo, Andrea 29 Constantinople x, xiv; see Istanbul Index 177 iconography 54 Charles of Austria 97 learning xvii Charles, duke of Burgundy 99 Chateaubriand 103 Cabot, John 31, 33, 42-3 Cheney, Dick xii Cabot, Sebastian 31, 42-3 Chesneau, jean 103, 104, 105 Cadiz xix chess ix, 10 Caesar, Julius 157 China, Chinese 30, 127, 170 Cairo xv, 6, 29, 33, 73, 75 Chios 101 al-Azhar University x, 6 Christian III, king of Denmark 90 Calicut (Calcutta) 168 Christianity, Christians 99, 109, Caliphate x 127-43 Calvin, John 56 Anglo-Protestants 20, 56, 72 Calvinism 56, 61, 129 Copts xiii, 52 Cambridge University xvi Counter-Reformation 129 camels 92 Druze 131 Campeggio, Cardinal 58 in Europe 13, SO, 129, 132, 135 Canaletto 88 Huguenots 102, 129 cannibalism 72-6, 80 in India 34 Cape of Good Hope 31-2, 165 Maronites 130 Cape Verde Islands 31 Nestorians xiv Cappadoccia 52 Orthodox-Greek xiii captives 140-2 nuns 18 Caramania 17 Reformation 59, 97 Carpaccio, Vittore 55, 59, 62, 63 see Luther, Calvin carpets 11, 143, 160 Roman Catholic 111, 115, 129 at Fontainbleau 10 Syriac xiii Cartier, jacques 42 under Muslim rule 150 Casale, Giancarlo 171 Christine de Pisan 14 Casanova 88 Cicero 115 Castile 9 7, 169 Cigalazade Sinan Pasha, born Scipione Catalonia 55 Cicala 159 Catherine de Medici 13, 14 Circassia, women 18 Catherine des Roches 14 clothing 11, 30 Catullus 116 see Ottoman sumptuary Jaws Cavalca, Domenico 34 coffee, coffee houses 12 Cavendish, Margaret 73, 76 Coles, Paul 3 Cecilia Venier-Baffo, see 'Nurbanu' Colley, Linda 169 Cernovic, Michael 91 Colona, Francesco 121 Cerulli, Enrico 116 Columbus, Christopher 34, 37, 165 Ceylon 168 Commynes, Philippe de 99 Chahin, Yusuf 108, 109 Congreve, William 12, 73 Chaldean 9 Constantinople, see Istanbul, Topkap1 Chambers, Ephraim 79 Contarini, Ambrogio 33, 34, 35 Charles I, king of England 12, 63, 88 Cook, Captain James 81 Charles II, king of England xix, 12, 88 Copenhagen 90, 93 Charles V, emperor 55, 58, 89, 96, Cordova 108, 109 97, 156, 157 Corfu 163 as Stjames 'Matamoro' 58 Cortes, Hernando 165 Charles Vlll, king of France 96 Cosima de Medici 162 178 Index Costanzo da Ferrara xv, 2, 158 Di.irer, Albrecht 90 costume books 17-18, 104-5 Dyck, P. van 63 court culture 7, 8, 51, 55, 90, 93, 103, 105, 109, 128-30, 141 East Indies 33, 38, 42 costume 11, 157 Ebussuud Efendi 164 courtly love x Economist, The 148 gift exchange 16-17, 160 Edirne 158 Coventry 60 Edward III, king of England 55 Crete 154-5, 161 Edward VI, king of England 56, Crimea 169 59, 156 Crossley, James 67, 69 Egypt, Egyptians 19, 29, 66-75, 100, Crusades x, 55, 96 126, 135, 139, 160 Cultural Studies 4-5 mummy trade 69-70 Cuman 113 poetry 117-20 Cyprus 135, 154, 161 pyramids 66, 68, 100 Cythera 101, 102 tomb robbers 70 Elbe, river 93 Daborne, Robert 80 Eleanor, queen of France 105 Dallam, Thomas 11 Elizabeth I, queen of England xix, Dalmatia 55 1~ 1~ 1~59,6~ 141,156 Dalrymple, William 53 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 67 Damad, Mir 112 England, English 62, 153, 168 Damascus x, xiii, 17, 30, 100 cooking xx Dante Alighieri 51, 110, 118 Eastern trade 10-12 Dax 102 Englishness SO Dead Sea 70 living in Islamic lands xx Dekker, Thomas 73 Order of the Garter 55, 59, 62 Denmark, Danish 20, 89, 93, 130 Renaissance drama 7 Stege 30 slave trade 12 Diaz, Bartolomeu 165 wool exports 68 Dickens, Charles 88 epistolarity 94, 115, 134 Digby, Sir Kenelm 72 Erasmus 57 Dioscorides xiv Erlau (Eger) 91 diplomacy, diplomats 29, 96-8, Essex, earl of 62 128-30, 133, 134, 136, 141-2, Ethiopia 17, 42, 52, 71, 166 154-5, 158 Etruscans 1OS Diu, Gujarat 35, 166 Euclid ix Djem 96 Eugenius IV, pope 33 Domenico da Castello 31 Euphrates, river xi Domitian, emperor 68 Eurocentrism 1 SO Don, river 164 Europe 17, 51, 127-43, 170 Don Quixote 143 European Union 155 Don Sebastian 135, 137 Evelyn, John 93 Donatello 54 Dondi 115 Fakhr-u-Din 141 Donne, John 73, 77 Faroqhi, Suraiya 13-15 Drake, Sir Francis 141 Ferdinand, king of Aragon 156 Dryden, John 73, 76, 78 Ferdinand, Hapsburg archduke 90, Dubrovnik (Ragusa) 17, 103, 160 91, 156 Index 179 Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe 165, language 99 168-9 philology 111 Ferrara 105 Geuffroy, Antoine 99 de Ferriol, Comte 106 Ghalib 'the Mozarab' ix Fez 127, 135, 138 Ghanem, Ahmad bin 133, 141 Ficino, Marsiglia 120 al-Ghassani 129, 142 Finkel, Caroline 20 al-Ghazali 109, 112 al-Fishtali, Abd al-Aziz 129, 137 Ghibellines 110 Fitnat (Zi.ibeyde) 15 Ghislain, George 91 Flanders, Flemish 20, 29, 31, 90, 91 Gibb, Hamilton 119 language 101 Gibbon, Edward xi Flaubert, Gustave 51 Gibraltar xi Flensberg 89 Gilles, Pierre 101, 102 Fletcher, John 73, 78 Ginsburg, Carlo 132, 139 Fletcher, Richard xiii-xiv, xvii Giovanni da Padova 116 Horence 33, 90, 117 Giovio, Paolo 105, 162 sculpture xv, 159 gipsies 17 Fontaine, Guy de Ia 79 Giunti, Tommaso 38 forgery, literary 67 Glover, Lady Anne (nee Lamb) 17 Foxe, John 56 Gb<;:ek, Fatma Mi.ige 141 Fracanzio da Montalboddo 34-6 Goddard, Hugh 7 Fracastoro, Girolamo 37, 38 gold 3, 6, 12, 159 France, French 20, 55, 75, 92, 94, 'Golden Legend' 54 96-106, 126, 128, 129, 164 Goldziher, Ignaz 112 invade Egypt 7, 97, 105 Goltzius, Julius 17 and Ottomans 10, 97-9 Gottland, Peter 57 scientific attitude 20, 98, 100, 106 Granada 109, 118, 136 Franco, Zuan 30 Greece, Greeks 90, 96 Fran-;:ois I, king of France 9-10, 68, language 9, 99 73, 97, 99, 105, 156, 160 manuscripts 6, 10, 120 plays chess 10 philsosophy 6, 100, 106, 111, 113, Frederick II, emperor 8, 93 120, 121 Frederick Ill, king of Denmark 93 see Christianity du Fresne-Canaye, Philipe 99, 101, Greenblatt, Stephen 4-5 102, 104 Greenwich 16 Fume! 100, 105 Grisellini 42 Gritti, Alvise 163 Galland, Antoine 106 Guise, Cardinal de 104 Gambia 93 Gujarat 167 Gassot, Jacques 98, 100, 102, 105 gunpowder 5, 10 Gastaldi, Giacomo 38, 42 Gazanfer Agha 159 Habe<;: 166 Genoa, Genoese 96, 113 Hagthrope, John 82 geography 38 Hakluyt, Richard 79 sec maps, mapping Hamburg 93, 94 George de Ia Chapelle 18 Hamilton, Alastair 126 Georgia 55 Hamilton, Captain xix Gerard of Cremona ix Handali, Esther 13 Germany, Germans 19, 57, 130, 159 Hannibal 163 180 Index Hapsburgs 18, 57, 58, 89, 90, 94, Ibn Juljul xiv 154, 157, 160, 168 Ibn Khaldun 127, 142 Harvey, L.

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