Florida International University FIU Digital Commons Department of Theatre Production Programs Department of Theatre Fall 1996 Fiddler on the Roof Department of Theatre, Florida International University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/theatre_programs Part of the Theatre and Performance Studies Commons Recommended Citation Department of Theatre, Florida International University, "Fiddler on the Roof" (1996). Department of Theatre Production Programs. 3. https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/theatre_programs/3 This work is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Theatre at FIU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Department of Theatre Production Programs by an authorized administrator of FIU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thefaculty and staff of theDepartment ofTheatre and Dance would like to welcomeyou to this productionof Fiddleron the Roof Theopening of the Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing ArtsCenter is theculmination of a long-helddream. Since FIU's opening in 1972, we have beenpresenting our productions in spacesnot designed to betheatres. While what we hope havebeen enjoyable evenings of theatrein VH100 and OM 150 , workin thesespaces has alwayspresented us with challenges.While the challengeshave been stimulating to our imaginations, wehave longed for a "real"theatre. Nowour dreams are realized; two beautiful , well-equippedperforming spaces. And for our audience,a wonderful environment in which to viewtheatre. We expect the new facilities will stimulateus to higherlevels of theatreperformance. We welcome you to join with us in enjoyingthe benefits of our newhome. We hope you enjoy tonight's performance and are ableto join usfor the other great shows this Season! TheraldTodd Chairperson, Departmentof Theatre and Dance FIU THEATRE PRESENTS basedon SholemAleichem stories by specialpermission of ArnoldPerl Bookby JOSEPHSTEIN Music by JERRYBOCK Lyricsby SHELDONHARNICK OriginalDirection Reproduced by PhillipM. Church Scenic& LightingDesign ........... .........................Douglas Molash CostumeDesign . ................................................Marilyn R. Skow MusicalDirection ...................... ..........................John Augenblick OriginalChoreography Reproduced by Ron Headrick Producedon the NewYork Stage by HaroldPrince OriginalNew York Stage Production Directed and Choreographed by JEROMEROBBINS THECAST Tevye.. ....................................................................................................James Puig Golde.... ....................................................................................lvania S . Sotomayor Tzeitel.. ..............................................................................................Amelia Berson Hodel........... ...........................................................................................Lilly Bernal Chava.................................................. ... ...................................Tamala Horbianski Shprintze... ...................................... ... ...............................Melissa Gonzalez Bielke. ......... .Ht~:;·········;~tc··········· ·~ ··· ....................................Kat .herineD~~Y Yente. ..........,,, · ,;:;;,........ .. .. ......... ........ .................Adriana Gavina Motel..... ...../'11 .IL. ..................................Andy Senor Perchik.. ......:'!:,,, .~r:. .. ...............................Daniel G . Pino LazarWolf ... ....: '.~:'.':'::'.'.':....... .............................Yamil Piedra GrandmaTzeitel/Ruth .... .... ...............Edwidge DeJean Fruma-Sarah/Zelda..... ........ ... ... ..........Alexandra Piccione Shandel.. ................ ............... .. ................Maggie Gomez Mordcha.. ............. ....... ;,t·····..... ..Eduardo J. Garcia Rabbi. ................ ........... ... ........Odell Rivas Mendel................ .. · · ............ .. ...... MannyDoreste Avram................ ..... ....Y, ff.. ...........Darryl Levy Nahum. ............: .. .. .......-v. :............ Edwin Perez Yussel... .. .. .. .. .........................Brandon Brito Isaac.. ..........~ ··· . ... ...................Luis.Arguello Jacob............. · . ... .. .. ....................Felix Manya Schumuel.......... ........ ...............Oldy McFarlane Saul..................................................... ... ............Juan Rodriguez Mirala...... .......................................................... .. ................Ivette Sotomayor Sofia. .....................................................................................................Robin Miller Zahavah... .............................................................................................Mikala Moss Mikaella.......... ................................................................................Karol Ann Vilaire Raisa... .........................................................................................Jessica Pusceddu Suruh.. .......................................................................................Agnes Tsangaridou Shayna.. ............................................................................................Tanisha Moore Hannah... ..............................................................................................Yasmin Ortiz Mezvedeve.... .................................................................................Yesenia Salvador Ithel .... ..............................................................................................Peggy Scirocco Children..... ................................................Stephanie Santagat i & TiffanySantagati ConstableWladimir . ........................................................................Michael Walters Fyedka... ...............................................................................................Emery Sheer Boris (1st Russian).. ...........................................................................Pablo Cartaya Sasha(2nd Russian).. ..................................................................Charles Quinteros Fiddler......... .............................................................................................Paulo Df az ORCHESTRA JohnAugenblick , conductor AngieHarley , SakiraHarley , DanaPatterson , HsuChia-ming , PaulShewchuk , KelleyWarren , BogarGuzman , AntonyLalli , GeorgeM. Linakis, JulioFresno , CindyShea , MattSchuler , SamLussier , JeffMeyer , ClayLawrey , RemyTaveras , andLudwig Anfanso ACTONE · Prologue Exteriorof Tevye'sHouse "Tradition" Scene1 Interiorof Tevye'sHouse "Matchmaker" Scene2 Exteriorof Tevye'sHouse "If I Werea Richman" Scene3 Interiorof Tevye'sHouse "SabbathPrayer" Scene4 The Inn "To Life" Scene5 A StreetOutside the Inn Scene6 Exteriorof Tevye'sHouse "Miracleof Miracles" Scene7 Tevye& Golde'sBedroom "TheDream" Scene8 VillageStreet & Motel'sTailor Shop Scene9 Tevye'sYard "Sunrise Sunset" Scene1 O Tevye'sYard "WeddingDance" Therewill be oneten-minute intermission. ACTTWO Prologue Exteriorof Tevye'sHouse Scene1 Exteriorof Tevye'sHouse "Now I HaveEverything" "Do YouLove Me?" Scene2 VillageStreet "TheRumor" Scene3 RailroadStation "FarFrom the HomeI Love" Scene4 VillageStreet Scene5 Motel'sTailor Shop Scene6 A Road "ChavaSequence" "TraditionReprise" Scene7 Exteriorof Tevye'sHouse "Anatevka" Scene8 Exteriorof Tevye'sHouse DIRECTOR'SNOTES Onthe nightof September22nd , 1964,at Broadway'sImperial Theatre , a musical phenomenontook place which was to becamethe longest running show in Broadwayhistory. Theproduction was to alterthe faceof musicaltheatre with the emergenceof the "conceptmusical." I refer,of course, to the musicalFIDDLER ONTHE ROOF. It is fitting that FIU's spectacularnew Herbert and Nicole Wertheim PerformingArts Centeropen its doorsto a newera of theatreproduction and train­ ing with this very samemusical! FIDDLERON THE ROOF consistently proves to be oneof the mostpopular musicals in Americanmusical repertoire. What is it that keepsthis musicalconstantly in pro­ ductionin professional, collegeand community theatres? Certainly, one cannot begin to compareit to the breathtakingtechnological spectacles which we areaccustomed to seeingtoday. FIDDLERhas been around for thirty-threeyears , showingno signs of diminishingany time soon. Perhapsthe secretof its successis in a word;human­ ity. Hereis a plot aboutordinary people , peoplewho struggle, peoplewith a strong identificationwith the needfor survival. Strongpolitical overtones are unapologeti­ callydeveloped . Childrenyearn to havea voicein the fate of their lives. Tradition­ boundelders are unconcerned by the progressmade by the restof theworld, uncon­ cerned, that is, until the safehaven of their communityis threatened.FIDDLER ON THEROOF is ultimatelyabout change. The fear of change.Resistance and avoidance to change.And finally , the discoveryof enlightenmentthrough change. Such strug­ gles, joys, fears, pleasuresand doubts are punctuated with songand dance , resonat­ ing with the universalspirit of celebration, a spiritwhich we oncepossessed as chil­ dren. Whatis so strikingis thatthese people , Jews, oppressedand outcast , tiedto a villagein the Paleof Settlementin the Ukraine,openly express the celebrationof life andof death.These characters remind us that , regardlessof the struggleand the dif­ ferences, changecan be accepted without loss of faith or familyconnection. Regardlessof whatcountry or languageFIDDLER ON THE ROOF is performedin , the musicaladdresses its audienceon manylevels.
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