48 PlSIlERl\:LKN OF THE UNl'fED S'l'ATES. R-rrHE SAILOR FIRIJRRMEN OF NEW ENG-LAND. 33, SHORE EDUCATION. HnlO(lLK A""in GIIrlWrn;~, -hi tIle ead,v duy" of tLc IHilssachusetts colonies the. eom,j jjl;hery W;IJ' ow.' of t]w mo"! impOl'tant IlldlHltries UpOll wLieh tlu' IH'Dllic rclied 1'01' l;uPIHlrt. In tilli' early rpeonb or til(' Plyrnoutll col (my ,llHI, later, ill th(~ variow, town l'ceonl.'l may oe found onlinaIJet's tin' t1H~ \'s!aoJi"jm\t'lIt of in..c ,,('!H)ols, the teachers of which were to be I';upportetl II)' <lPllropri:thom~ fl'OlJI iii(' pnwecdf' of certllill pnillie fil>l.telT Jlri"'il(jgefl~ amI "irnilar pr()\'h,icms were much· for tIw llJailJt.'ll;)lJC(' of "au able, g'odly minister':' an ageJlt of equal iUljlOl'taIlee ill the ~'(lneati()llal "ys/(\1lI of tilt' culonists. 'nll.' i(l!lowing order is OIl record: "\VlwTcal>, at {,lw Geneml Conrt of HiH JlajeHty 1lOhkll at ;\1:',\, T'l.nlloutb, in JUlw, lH70, tbe (,OUI'I, U)lOIl d Ilt' utJu «eriour-; eOJlSil!l:~mtjoll, (lid freely givl~ a1ll1 grailt all <:\11011 proJir.M a,~ milllJ t, OJ' "I lOll 1(1 aJlI1IlHll~' :weru(' to the eololly, fl'Ol)l timl' to time, for fisIJilJ~~ with IIph; or "ehJcf' at C,lpl' Cnd for llIaek<:'fel, Iml'll'l, or herring", >10 '" • to b(' improved for and toward H free ;..;ehoo] in "Ollllo\ t·OWJI." 'The l't'eonls of the I'J~'lll()Ulh eoltllly foIhow that. ill J nly, ](;7" tlw Capf' Cod fil:ibcry war-; let, for Sl~,erj Yl'nl'~, at ,£;W per annum, to ('c'T'talu illliivilluu Is wllo are naillI'd, to l;"illP llla"kerel ami hail". TII('~' Wl:~l'(' l'el'ltrieted to lal,(~ jlJ tlw Plymouth enlonil'lt", with tlWJll; amI if nOlle offer to admit. «1 nUlgetJ3, amI a portion of tlw pl'ofi tl:< of' tlw lJin; w h i(;h ac:eI'ued to the cololly ...ven~ d i!:!t.l'i bllteu t.o tll(' sehool..." For tlw mailltenaJlf:I' of a miuiiS!;cr : ;; '1'110 Ill'''i. Conrt, tJ/' A ;;sistant.r-;, holden att. Charle8towIl, Augu.\;t 2:.\, 10;)0, Oramen, that 1\1' f'hiJlip~ [,I, llIllli"f"rJ ,;houltl JJaY;' aflowed him .3 IlogsJwad,.; of llJeale, 1 hogsueatl ofmaJtt:', 4 busheliH of Indl'ull conH', 1 hUiShell of oatellwa!c', lmlft' all ]l\lllc1l'ecl of salt!:' th;lw; fill" apparelI, and nther pm\'ir-;iolls, £:;0, or 1'1,. to Ilavl:' £40 gin'll him ill 11IOJl(',Y per allll\lIll to make lli,'" OWlle llrovisiolls il' lit'" ehuf'P it tlJe ratJI<lr, the yeare to h<,!~iII the 1ir8t of ~eplemhel' llC~xt(,."· Iu lHi;:~ iill' th(' >;uP])Ol't or a ministel' ill tlu; Plymouth l;ololJ.\' tiIe following order '\1'''8- ,; :'Ihul(\ am! eOlldllllp(! hy rue GelleraH Court JleM att Plymouth foJ' Ow ,JurisdietiOll of New PI,Y JIIIIII (/1 tile Ulil'd of ,lunl:' Anll" W62. Thc' COl(!'! propo:.,;c~tl;it aH a tIling tlw,Y ,Judge wonld bee \'l'ry eOIlIIJlldahll:' and heniticialJ to the 'j',)'WIW!> where God'!:! l'rovideulJl:' ",hall east aIly W]W,h'8; if tlwy s lwuIII agree to M'tt apal't sonw piut of e vcry such fish or oyle for the lncorl':lgl:'ment of an a~ll(' (';'O(I!y .MillllPsr.er anHJllg"j, thelll.'~t Frnlll tbat time until /lOW the New Ell~lalld coast towns, like tho"e of tbe intCI10r, have as a rnk hefll weU lll"oyidell with frt'e sehool". 'l'lJese are -aMended by the boys until tht'y are 0111 C'llOUgll to p;o to f't'<t, and h.y the girlO! until t,hey are 8ixteen or seventeen ;veal's old, and sometirne!i slill lon:;:;cr. It. if; (jnitt' usual for boy~ to engage in fishiug' iu i"llmmer and to attelld sellOol ill winll'1', allli 80me 110 thi;; until the;y arrive at the agi', of manhood. Af'l a da!,;s the girls are alllloHt alwa.~·1'\ hetter I:'dueated than the bo:,s, and the intelligence ilIld retitwment among the women alollg' the coa;;t, some of WhOlU are always s(:hool teachers, seem!'! to a stf'll.llf:{er very noteworth;r. 1'he l.'xedh'llt education or the WiH't' .1Ild mothers of the fi<ilJermen cannot, be without a very important dT't'ct. 'l'lw people of HlO".t of the fishing yilJage,;; from the Bay of I<'uudy to New York are intel, ...... _---~--~ ...... _-- • Reoord~ of MMl<ll.obufItlttA, vol. j [lro&-164l), p, 73. t PlymQuth Colany Rlloordfl, vol. xi, 16::s.-1682, LawOl', p. 186, PLATE G. .: 2; '"t ::; G ~ '" "'l'" ~ s '8 .:: '"r; ...~, .:;> ~ ,.; I» ~~ ... " .g, ""e ...l! ..s :;:Q i:: ... ~ .~'" " .;, ~ <> :;:;:'" "" ...~ :;;'" "" c;0 C5 4V ligelll awl l'l,fiIlPt] to a, llotim~ah]e degree, and ill IlHHly illl,tancN; to a i!l'lOfllt.'l' degT('('. than thost' of Uw ll,erag\' agricultnral awl wmlllfactul'illg: eorllltllLlIiiies nf Hil' inU'riol", FLTILle LlnJtA1UEI: A.'i]) J,yr,Bl'I1IH.-lll JlHlll~' of these villages Jj!fl'iil'[I'S <Iud l'euding'l"oOIliS ,Ire sn;,;tain.d th("otlghout the yt'al'. COllr,,(·s of Iyt~elllll h'ctlll'l'i<. al'l' k('pl up alld wdl atlelaj('d ill Ihe winter. III SOIll(' YiUag;r/!;, such, for iIl$tllllce, aN Pl'Oyilleetowl1, lit,erary "oeil'ties art' k('pl up i II til!' wiuter, and readings, f'I';,~a.ni, alld h~etlln'.'\ by IIlt'rnlJel'." prm'idt, f'nt"rlailllllt'lll lin 11](' wN'kly IIlt,(,! jug;;. III I>wyineetowIl keveral Ipdure;; Oil tile tisiwrie" IJan~ be('1) gin'll h.\' olle of the old tislwr­ mell of the place. ThnJUglJ tilt' ildha'IIt~e of 111(\ pmnors of tlH' chul'dw>;, "i<otiullh·s" an' nftl'lJ 11t'1l1 iu couueetioJl witL tile chnn~li, a lal'~(' part vf thl' cyeni ng'" (',HI erl <l ilJllH'I1t eOllsi;;tillg of I'ead­ iug ami music fllrllilsbetl II)' /tlt::'JII1wro'l of till' dWI-d1 (~olJjlJlullit.;.. 'fhe illt~]l"dH,d graue of till' li.,;hilJg" toWJj" of MmikaclluH'tts and ::'Ilailw Jllay liP jlldgetl frolJJ til(> fa-ct· that Iht' dJUl'elJPs of tllNH' \OWIlII are able to 1I(\I~Ure and kt,t'p in their Sen-il\tj clpq;SHlt'n oj' Hue E\tlueal iOl!. Iii ::'Ilaiue al~tl Ma1'l"llch Ill;dts tlle 1l1l'tllOUit<t (;Lun;h is tHW of tbr most popular, «Jill the apllOintlJwnt!> ill till' )lriUcipaI fisbiIlg COlliuJUllities an' tlemlll..-d to be aUlOlJg the be!;'t ill the t'onfereuee~ within who,"f' Ii IIIi tl5 tht'l>l' town.'! ll-ll.\ emuraeeu. \Ve have Rpoken thn" hlI' of the lIuwllt'r lowm,l and UlllJing yillago.,;, III eitie:; like Glouec"ter amI :Kew Bedford, which are I'iUll!Jortet! ciJietly by the fi",hill/: intern,l.', tLen~ ill ,l large proportioll of the )J0jllllatioH whidl, t IIOUgh in a eertiliu Sl'n"p l]epeud(:,nt 'HI t,Iw ti"h..riPII, ('<I II hartll~- 1)(' C()lI ,;itIen'(l as helotlgillg to the Sea.6lring ('.1a"~1(',,. III these comTlmnit!<II; thl' opportunitie-s for iute! ll~tt·ual tmIture are TD{Jrt, C'xtensi ye tilan ill 8m aller ph:U~(js. Nautucket il:\ still to be rf'gardetl a" it fishing town, alihollglJ it~ inter(,o.;t iu t.ht, fisheries i" l'ut.irl'l;r retrospective. 'fht' illtellig-etlllt' of the inhabit,ants of thiB and otlH'1' wbaling ports is too well kuown to require ment,iou. \Ve haY(>, spoken of t.he attnoHphr,l'f' nf iJltpllect and culturo iu the a'l"erage tbbing tOWllE\ in Ol'dfJr that the home influenceR of the youllg fisIH'rmt:'1l ma:-.- be pmperly Ulu}prHtDod. FOREIGN FISHERMF.N.-TIl(' ti"IHH'Ille1] wilo t'.(llllf\ to lb., Ulilt('l] Slnll's from certain tOWIl!> ill Nova Scotia are noted for t.!l('ir iuteJligl'llCf', whilr tho~e fWIlJ other IOC~llitit:,,,,, ,ludique, for ilJ"tauce, an~ equally noteworthy for their i!!:lJo\'auee ami urutality, Amollg t.llf\ heU.'r town" of Nova Scotia rna,Y be ment.ioned Yarmouth autl Plllmieo. nIld nmu:\I nther ports on tiJc sontlwrll (',OUl>t of t.be l:'ova Scotian peninsula. Y IlrllJonLh if; ,veil known to be ~t town of intelligpIlcl' and enterpri~, and has, in proportion to itR size, Vt~rlIalls the large,,;t fitjt:~t. of Hquare'l'iggetl w·""el", in );'orth AlIleri~l, The BClIooIs of Nova Scotia, especially tilO"e of the Hnuthern pnrtiolJ, are Hltirl to be excellent, comparing favorably with those of New :Eh~lalld, Certain districts on the island of Cape Breton ba\'e a reput,atiou "Io'ry difl:i.n't'llt froUi tlJat of Nova Scotis, and the fishermen from these distri(\ts, especially iu past, .)'ear8, 'have had a, very had nawe in the fishing fleet. The nslJerll1eu of Newfoundland are remarkable for their Jack of iutelligeucl'. and gentleness, Thi8 is la-rglo'ly due to the fact. that. ou the coast of thill island tbll .fiBbermen do not gather together in commuuitiei:i t,o D.n;y great extent, Their houses are scattered here. antI there along the coast, singl,y or ill sUJali cluster'l, and it is impossiblt:\ for the peopl!!, with the best of intentions, to provide educational faei1itie~ for thelr ehildren, We have referred to the education and the hOllle influem'·eB of the PrOVincial tish')rmen because 80 large a number of Glouooi".ter vei:iRl'ls are mallllPd b;y them.
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