DOCUMENT RESUME ED 344 869 IR 015 479 TITLE Federal High Performance Computing and Communications Program. The Department of Energy Component. INSTITUTION Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Office of Energy Research. REPORT NO DOE/ER-0489P PUB DATE Jun 91 NOTE 51p.; Color photographs will not reproduce well. AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. PUB TYPE Information Analyses (070) -- Reports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/2CO3 Plus Postage. DE3CRIPTORS Agency Cooperation; *Computer Networks; Computer Science; Computer Software; *Computer System Design; Databases; Federal Programs; *Research and Development; Technological Advancement IDENTIFIERS *High Performance Computing; *Supercomputers ABSTRACT This report, profusely illustrated with color photographs and other graphics, elaborates on the Department of EnergY (DOE) research program in High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC). Tte DOE is one of seven agency programs within the Federal Research and Development Program working on HPCC. The DOE HPCC program emphasizes research in four areas: (1) HPCC Systemsevaluate advanced architectures for large-scale scientific and engineering applications; (2) Advanced Software Technology and Algorithmsresearch computational methods, algorithms, and tools; develop large-scale data handling techniques; establish HPCC research centers; and exploit extensive teaming among scientists and engineers, applied mathematicians, and computer scientists; () National Research and Education Networkresearch and develop high-speed computer networking technologies through a multiagency cooperative effort; and (4) Basic Research and Human Resources--encourage research partnerships between national laboratories, industry, and universities; support computational mathematics and computer science research; establish research and educational programs in computational science; and enhance K through 12 education. The stated goals of the DOE HPCC program are to support the economic competitiveness and productivity of the United States, accelerate the application of HPCC technology to the solution of scientific and engineering problems, and enhance U.S leadership in research, development, and deployment of HPCC technologies. A number cf examples of DOE HPCC operations are provided, including the MatVu matrix visualization cmputer software package; Global Ocean Model; Molecular Dynamics Simulations; Pion Propagator; Three-Dimensional Tokamak Modeling; MediaView, a system for multimedia communication; and the CASA testbed, a wide-area, very high speed communication network that enables a number of collaborating agencies to work with geographically ci:_spersed supercomputing resources. (DB) UI DEPANTINENT OF EDUCATION Calm 0 Eamon, Paimrat and apromment DOE/ER-0489P EDUCATIONALCREmeratturoamATION the documentPULSDarn npproDucat as wavedtram me parson oraamaaaan onamaima C Maar change* hays Dam made * PgnOrOv reiWCWSUChOn quaidy P1)01 0vie* 000Oftf 9111/00 TR ma dam- mem do +lot mmassamy repreamd &boat OEM math:A of Orsacv The DOE Pmgram Component of the FEDERAL HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPWING AND COMMUNICATIONS FNIOGRAM US DEPARTMF111. OF ENERGY Office of Enemy Research Scientific Comp* Staff Washingion, D.C. 20E5 Jtme 1991 .41%. BEST COPY AVAILABLE -, 1^0 4fa-1,4114?-170004,,,14, ' r , 411, ,4- The DOE Program Component of the FEDERAL HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Energy &mach Sdentific Computing Staff Washington, D.C. 211586 Ace 1981 ACRONYMS DEFINING SUPPORT AGENCIES AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Reseach ARO Army Research Office AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DNA Defense Nuclear Agency DOE Departnr-nt of Energy EPA Environmental Protection Agency IBM Internatimal Business Machines NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NSF National Science Foundation This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and Technical Informa- tion. P.O. Box 62. Oak Ridge. TN 37831: prices available from (615) 5764401. FTS 626-8401. Available to the public from the National Technical Infonnafion Service. U.S. Department of Commerce. 5285 Port Royal Rd.. Springfield. VA 22161. High Perlin-mance Computing and Comnuntications EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Department of Energy (DOE) High Suigiort the underlying research, network, Performance Computing and Commu- and computational infrasinictures on which nications (HPCC) Program is one of HPCC technology is based. seven agency programs within the Federal Research and Development Develop the human resource base to meet Program in HPCC that was proposed with the the growing needs of industry, academia, and President's Fiscal Year (FY) 1992 Budget and government in the area of HPCC. deticribed in the supplemental report to the budgetentitled Grand Challenges: High Performance Compwing and Communications) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The overa 1 Federal HPCC Program is coordinated /iy the Federal Coordinating Council or. Science. Engineering, and Technol- The DOE HPCC program will emphasize ogy (FCCSET) Committee on Physical, research in each of the following four key Mathematical. and Engineering Sciences areas. Selected computational challenges . (PMES) through its subcommittee on High which have a significant effect on national Performance Computing. Communications, and leadership in science and technology, will be Information Technologies (HPCC1T). The used as focal points for these efforts. Grand Challenges report' describes the pro- grams and interrelationships of the Federal HPCC Systemsevaluate advanced archi- agencies that are panicipating in the HPCC tectures for large-scale scientific and engineer- Program. ing applications. The purpose of this document is to elaborate on the DOE research program in HPCC. Advanced Software Technology and Algo- rithmsresearch computational methods, algo- rithms. and tools; develop large-scale data-han- DOE RPM GOALS dling techniques; establish HPCC research cen- ters; exploit extensive teaming among scientists and engineers, applied mathematicians, and To support United States economic computer scientists. competitiveness and productivity through interdisciplinary research and human[MUM: National Research and Education Net- development workresearch and develop high-speed net- working technologies through a multiagency To accelerate the applicatiun of HPCC effort. technnfroy to the solution of scientific and engineer mg problems of significant Basic Research and Human Resourcesen- departmental interest. courage research partnerships between national laboratories, industry, and universities; support To enhance United States leadership in compu ...timid mathematics and computer sci- research, development, and deployment of ence research: establish research and educa- HPCC technologies. tional programs in computational science; en- hance K through 12 ozhication. STRATEGY Support computational advances through in- creased research and development efforts in ar- eas of traditional strength in the department Promote the use of department and depart- ment-supported facilities as a market for HPCC prototypes and commercial product,. lune ivvii n February 5. 1991. Dr. Allan Brom- Yeari System / Site ley announced the FY 1992 U.S. Re- search and Development Program for 1945 EniacU. of Pennsylvania, high performance cinnputing and AECIDOEYLANL First User communications to Congress. This IIPCC Program. described in the supplement' 1952 Maniac AECIDOENIANL to the President s FY 1992 budget. is the First Operational Fabrication of culmination of several years of ellim on the von Neumann Design pan of senior scientists and managers in gov- 1953 IBM 701 AECIDOEYLANL, ernment. academia, and industry examining First customer installation the state of U.S. high performance computer 1956 IBM 704 AEC(DOE)ILANL. and network technology. The program recom- First customer installation mends increased federal spending by the De- 1959 LARC AEC(DOE)ILLNL. panment of Commerce. the Defense Advanced Prototype system Research Projects Agency (DARPA). the DOE, the Environmental Protection Agency 1961 IBM 7030 Stretch AECIDOEY EPA). the Department ot Health and Human LANL. Prototype; AEC(DOE)ILLNL. Resources. the National Aeronautics and Serial 1 Space Adnunistraoon t NASA i. and the Na- 1963 CDC 3600 AECIDOEYLLNL. tional Science Foundation iNSF ) fOr research Serial 1 in advanced computer teChnolopes to develop 1964 CDC 6600 AECIDOEYLLNL. dramatically inure capable supercompuwrs. Serial 1 more powerful software capabilities. and high- 1969 CDC 7600 AEODOE)ILLNL, speed computer networks. 'rhis DOE docu- Serial I ment describes and discusses only the poten- tial DOE in; ;atives in response to the pro.,!ram 1974 CDC Star 100 plan and funding recommendations. AEODOE)ILLNL Serial 1 1976 MFENET DOE HPCC PROGRAM HISTORY ERDAIDOEIINMFECV at LLVL. First nationwide supercomputer Because ot its mission and the computation- network all y. intensive nature of energy-related applica- 1976 CRAY I tions and problems. the DOE mission depends ERDA(DOE)/LANL, Serial I on advancements in computational techniques and computer and networking technologies. 1981 IBM 3081 DOEISLAC As a result. IX)E has a long history of First customer installation computational research and development, with 1982 CDC Cyber 205 DOEIKAPL. strong industrial and university
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