20 December 2020 Queenship of Mary Church Fourth Sunday Northampton, PA of Advent PARISH WEEKLY Rev. Patrick H. Lamb, Pastor Msgr. John S. Campbell, Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Michael J. Chaback, In Residence Deacon Michael W. Doncsecz Mrs. Maureen Tancin, Secretary Mrs. Stephanie Kalavoda, PREP THE CELEBRATION OF MASS Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 10:30 AM Mon.Tues. M Wed. 8:00AM Thurs. NO MASS Friday: 9:15AM (SCHOOL MASS) HOLY DAY MASSES 6:30AM, 9:00AM, 7:00PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM Sunday: 10:00 to 10:25 AM Other times by appointment Forever I will sing the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the goodness of the Lord. month. A prebaptismal workshop is required for par- ents, who are expected to be active members for at least three months. Please call Deacon Mike to make RECTORY all arrangements. (6102622227) 1324 Newport Avenue HOLY MATRIMONY Northampton, PA 18067 A minimum preparation time of six months is required Phone: 610 2622227 for the couple by the Diocese for the proper celebra- Fax: 610 2624192 tion of the Sacrament. Please call Father Lamb to Email: [email protected] make all arrangements. (6102622227) Website: queenshipofmary.weconnect.com RECTORY OFFICE HOURS WE WELCOME Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 3:00PM NEW PARISHIONERS Friday: 9:00AM to 2:00PM Please introduce yourselves to Father Lamb or Deacon Mike after Mass. CONVENT PHONE (610) 4400134 PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN CONVENT ADDRESS 1314 NEWPORT AVE. OfLice of Safe Environment NORTHAMPTON PA 18067 Pamela J. Russo, M.S.W, M.S. Secretary, Youth Protection and Catholic Human RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN Services Good Shepherd Catholic School (6102629171) P.O. Box F, Allentown, PA 18105V1538 Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) 610V871V5200 ext. 2204 Contact the Rectory. (6102622227) [email protected] FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT SANCTUARY MASS INTENTIONS LAMP will be lit this week MONDAY DECEMBER 21 8:00 AM Matt Fodor Wendy Pristash IN MEMORY OF TUESDAY DECEMBER 22 8:00 AM Anna Marakovits Lindy & Family FRANCIS PANY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 23 8:00 AM Poor Souls Carole Zarayko THURSDAY DECEMBER 24 (Christmas Eve) “JINGLE BUCKS” 2:00PM LIVING & DECEASED TICKETS 4:00PM MEMBERS OF QUEENSHIP 7:30PM OF MARY PARISH FRIDAY DECEMBER 25 (Christmas Day) As in the past, the price of 9:00AM FOR THE PARISH the ticket is $100. There will SATURDAY DECEMBER 26 only be 250 tickets sold. 4:00 PM William Meltsch wife Polly & family There will be seven prizes. SUNDAY DECEMBER 27 The prize breakdown is: 8:00AM Theresa Emerick Patty & Amber Snell 10:30AM Edward Rossner Family First prize $10,000 Second prize $1,000 SUNDAY COLLECTION Third thru Seventh December 13 - $ will be in next week prizes: $200 each May God bless your generosity! THE ODDS ARE BETTER JOB OPENING THAN THE LOTTERY!!! (1 IN 250). Nurses Aide/Housekeeper ONLY 38 TICKETS LEFT!! Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Center Valley is an independent They are going fast don’t retirement home for priests and miss out!!! brothers. We are looking for a part time Nurses Aide/Housekeeper to work 8am2pm every other weekend and Call Mimi at the rectory Thursday nights from 2pm8pm. No to make arrangements to experience necessary. Competitive pay. either pick up your ticket or we can mail them to you. Please call Maribeth at 6102821415. (6102622227) 2 20 DECEMBER 2020 SUNDAY READINGS DECEMBER 20, 2020 2 Samuel 7:1–5, 8b–12, 14a, 16 The Parish gratefully acknowledges The LORD also declares to you that the LORD the following contributions will make a house for you. to the Queenship of Mary Memorial Romans 16:25–27 Fund. Now to him who can strengthen you… through Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever. IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM MICEK Luke 1:26–38 Kirsten Trinkle Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your IN MEMORY OF EMMA LAHNER word.” Husband Joseph & Wittreich Family Ann Weber Mary Rajkovac WEEKDAY READINGS Rosemarie Grossbauer DECEMBER 21-26 Theresa Schwartz & family Steve & Mary Kiss Monday, Advent Weekday: Sg 2:8–14 or Zep 3:14–18a / Lk 1:39–45 Tuesday, Advent Weekday: 1 Sm 1:24–28 / Lk IN MEMORY OF ANNA GROSSBAUER 1:46–56 Florence & Daniel Marchetto Stephen Marsch Wednesday, Advent Weekday: Mal 3:1–4, 23– Rosemarie Grossbauer 24 / Lk 1:57–66 Steve & Heidi Skrapits Ann Fixl Thursday, Advent Weekday: 2 Sm 7:1–5, 8b– Frances Rupinski 12, 14a, 16 / Lk 1:67–79 Karen Seremula Friday, Christmas: Is 52:7–10 / Heb 1:1–6 / Jn Jane & Mike Krupa 1:1–18 or Jn 1:1–5, 9–14 Terri Trinkle Kirsten Trinkle Saturday, St. Stephen: Acts 6:8–10, 7:54–59 / Mt Gerry, Andy, Beth, & Leo Filipovits 10:17–22 Hermina Augustine Larry & Susan Christoff Patty & Eric Rhodes We welcome our Hilda Frisch Queenship of Mary Choirs newly baptized Louis Wolfel Diane, Jared, Joel, Amber, Ben & child in Christ. Greg Silfies IN MEMORY OF PAT SERENSITS Steve & Heidi Skrapits The Sipics Family CAMERON MICHAEL MATIKA IN MEMORY OF FRANK & TESSIE SPITZER May God bless and keep him always Steve & Mary Kiss in his love. 3 THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saint Eugenia(died c AD 258) was an earlyChristianRomanmartyrwhose feast day is celebrated on December 25 in theRoman Catholic Church, on December 24 (January 6,New Style) in theEastern Orthodox Church, and on January 23 in theArmenian Apostolic Church.[1]She is included in theGolden Legend. Legend Her legend states that she was converted by and martyred withProtus and Hyacinth, herChamberlains, during the persecution ofValerian. She was said to have been the daughter ofPhilip, "duke" ofAlexandriaand governor ofEgypt. She had fled her fa- ther's house dressed in men's clothing and was baptized by Helenus, bishop ofHeliopolis. She later became anabbot, still pretending to be a man. As the story goes, while she was an abbot and still dressing like a man, she cured a woman of an illness, and when the woman made sexual advances, which she rebuffed, the woman accused her publicly of adultery. She was taken to court, where, still disguised, she faced her father as the judge. At the trial, her real female identity was revealed and she was exonerated. Her father converted to the faith and became Bishop of Alexan- dria but the emperor had him executed for this. St. Eugenia and her remaining house- hold moved to Rome where she converted many, especially maidens, but this did not prevent their martyrdom. Protus and Hyacinth were beheaded on September 11, 258, and Eugenia followed suit after Christ appeared to her in a dream and told her that she would die on the Feast of the Nativity. She was beheaded on December 25, 258. Legacy There is a small village in the north ofPortugalwith the name ofSanta Eugeniathat contains achurchwith a painting of Saint Eugenia dressed as a boy in Romanera attire. A local legend states that Saint Eugenia passed through this area on a nearby Roman road and throughMoure, which lies at a major intersection of ancient Roman roads. There is also a tomb dating from about 1000 AD in the city ofBarcelos, high on a hill that reads "tomb of Saint Eugenia." It is possible that this tomb is the tomb of Saint Eugenia. During theMiddle Ages, some saints were moved fromRometo the outer parts of Europe by monks. Patrick J. Geary, in his workFurta Sacra, states that "on April 5, 838, a monk named Felix appeared atFuldaWith the remains of SaintsCornelius,Callistus,Agapitus,Georgius,Vincentius, Maximus,Cecilia, Eugenia,Digna,Emerita, andColumbana. 4 20 DECEMBER 2020 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition By Fr. Mark Haydu King David wants to build God a home! He had first built his own palace and afterward realized that he hadn’t built a space for GodNa place of worship and family communion. It is admirable that David wants to give back, but do we have to take care of God or, rather, is it God who cares for us? Obviously, God doesn’t need David to build him a house. The whole world is his. Didn’t God build up David all along, bringing him to a place where he might consider offering God something in return? It is like children who want to give their parents a gift. First, they ask a parent for money or a gift idea. On their own, they cannot give. God turns the tables on David, saying God will build David a houseNan everlasting lineage to rule over the people. God will build something much bigger than anything David had ever dreamt of. He will build David a kingdom that will become a nation and give birth to a worldwide universal Church. In the painting, The Annunciation with City by the Sea by Marco Palmezzano, Mary stands in front of an ornate house. She stands like us, at the entrance, welcoming God’s coming. It was her yes that allowed the master builder to enter into our world to begin building this house, which became a Church. Like Mary, we await Jesus. With her, let us say yes to him, celebrating the one who has established that house where we celebrate today! God turns the tables, saying God will build David a houseN an everlasting lineage to rule over the people. Is giving myself to God in prayer a way to let him accomplish his dreams for me? How can I offer hospitality to others so they can encounter God’s love? A Word from Pope Francis PRAYER Lord, you have called us The angel Gabriel calls Mary “full of grace”: in her there is no to be your instruments room for sin, because God of peace and reconcilia- chose her from eternity to be tion in the world.
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