MONDAT, MARCH 2,1942* B ® TWELVE iSIamttrstrr lEvrtting lUniUi Average Daily Circulation The WMither John De Salvo of 24 Emerapn Fereeoet of V. 8. Weather Borsau The Cecillan club will hold Ita Susan Ann, five-year-old daugh­ A meeting of the Amerlcan- For the Month of Fehmory, 1*42 Mr. and M ra Harold t,. Mott Lltnuanian Civic Club, held to­ street is absent on a business trip and son Thomas have moved from regular < rehearsal Tuesday eve­ ter of Mr. and Mra. , Clayton E. ning in the South Methodist Pineo of • 58 W alker atrect, who night at 8 o'clock in thelr'hall on to NewlYork City. He la register­ A bou t Tow n Phelps Road to their newly built ed at thb Hotel Eklison. Ooeoaloasl Hght rain, slightly house at 22 Bowers street. church at seven o'clock <>ecause of was admitted last Wednesday at Oolwny street. 7,120 the blackout. the Hartford hospital, suffering Featured for Tuesday colder tonight; diminishing winds. Troop 16,‘B03r Scout* wffl hold with pneumonia, la much improv­ General Welfare Center No. 41 The Mary Cheney Library will Member of the Audit iU rosular meeting thle evening St. John's Sew-ing Club will omit dose tomorrow evening at 8:30 Bnreoa of CtrenUtions its meeting tomorrow evening on During th^month of February, ed and her parents hope to be able will omit Its meeting tomorrow taigteod o f tomorrow evening, and evening on account of the trial so that patrona of the library Manchester— A City of Village Charm account of the blackout. The club the shorte-symonth in the year, the to bring -her home the latter part all acouti are urged to be present. blackout. The next meeting is may reach thflr homes before the will meet one week from tomor­ South Mapthester Fire department of the week. at HALEYS had b et^r than one fire a day. scheduled for March 10. blackout at nine o'clock. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS The W . B. A. First Aid class row night, March 10, at the home (ClosalSed Adverttslng on Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MARCH S, 1942 of Mra. Eleanor Rubacha of North There /Were 34 fires during the Gibbons Assembly, Catholic VOL. LXI., NO. 130 will meet tomorrow evening at Ladic.s of Columt^us, will omit its street. month of which number eight were o'clock In Odd Fellows hall. belt alarms and the other 26 were meeting tomorrow evening on ac­ A rehearaal for the floor w o A in still alarms The fires were answer- count of the blackout. The date of ectmecUan with the rally of re- For the first time In many Beautiful New e'd In about equal numbers by the the next meeting will be announc­ Tlewa In this district, will also months there was no court hc.s- four compsnie.s of the department. ed later. take place tomorrow evening. sion today, a regular court day. Several cases are on the continued slate bill none were booked for Mr and Mra. James Jack of 236 Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet this evening In Odd Ft-llows hall. this morning's ses.sion and no ar- High street were pleasantly .sur­ LACE SCARFS and re.sts were made over the week­ Noble Grand Mrs. Crawford urges SWEDISH FOOD SALE prised by 30 of their friends and all officers and guard girls to re­ Destroyer Jacob Jones Sunk by Sub; end. relatives at their new home Sat­ port so that the meeting may -be­ HALE’S STORE urday evening. They were pre­ gin promptly at eight o'clock. The Tomorrow Morning, 9:30 The Ladies Aid society of the sented with a fireplace set A buf­ business session will be followed Oblong and Round DOILIES. Concordia Lutheran church have fet lunch was .served by Mrs. iqimediately by a guard rehearsal Group 6 of the postponed its monthly business Jack's sister. Mrs. Joseph Ro.s.set- under the direction of Degree Mis­ Enanuel Lutheran Church meeting from tomorrow evening to to and Miss Rena Osella. Ping- tress Mr.s. Grace Lathrop. March 9 on account of the black­ pong. darts and cards were played out. during the evening and everyone pre.sent had an enjoyable time. c to Japs’ Invasion of Java at Standstill The business girls group of St ALICE COFR.A.N (Known .As tjueen .Alice) 2 5 Mary's church will omit their Albert Truax will address the meeting scheduled for tomorrow- SI'IRITL’AL MEim .M For bedrooms, dining Or living rooms. If you have TUESDAY Red Cross Instructors Club, speak­ Seventh Daughter of Seventh Son night hecaiise of the scheduled a been looking for odd size doilies for small tables— we ing on "W ar Gas", at the meeting Born With a Veil. 25c SPECIALS blackout. of the club members Wednesday Readings Daily, Including Sunday, . have them. 1 night at 8 o'clock in the State Given With Cash Sales In Both Dennis Murphy of Cottage n .A. -M. to 9 I’. .'1. Or By .Appoint- | AT PINEHURST Trade School. His address is open iiient. In the Service o( the Peo- ' 6”xl2 ” Oblongs 15” Rounds street left this morning for a visit to all Rod Cro.ss F'irst Aid work­ Morgenthau Lays Tax Program Before Congress, Nation (lie for .SO Years. with his sl.ster in North Carolina ers and they are urged to attend 169 Church Street. Hartford, Conn. These Stores All Day Tuesday. 10”xl4” Oblongs 18” Rounds Our Regular 3.3c and a short visit to Florida re­ Phone 6-0097 12”xl8” Oblongs 24” Rounds Freshly Chopped sorts. 10”xl4” Ovals 16”x24” Scarfs GROUND BEEF The regular monthly meeting of 12”xl8” Ovals 16”x36” Scarfs American Destroyer Sunk Off New Jersey Coast IT’S EFFECTIVE Tuesday Special, O Hose Company No. 4 of the South 12”xl2” Squares 16”x45” Scarfs Manchester Fire department is M W E LD O N ’S OW N 9” Rounds 16”x54” Scarfs Only 11 of Vessel’s pound................. d t J W Solons Told Every called for 7:30 tomorrow night. 12” Rounds 16”x63” Scarfs i A . 7 : W*! .. The meeting will start promptly CT NEW FORMULA BUY Th€ CORP. Fancy Head California on time In order to be over and JW.HAU ^ TOOTH P.\STE have the members take their sta­ A4AHCHESTSR COHH- BROCCOLI tions before the hour scheduled I j v ! Little Bit Ooea Farther fO U t Home in America for the blackout. IQ i Get A Tube Today Crew Escape Death; 25c bunch IW ) At Oar Pharmacy! BY METER Cannon **Dryfast** Hose and Ladder Co. No. 1. S. Seedless Indian River M. F. D., will hold Its monthly C fB O U S i^ ’^SON, Will Feel Impact GRAPEFRUIT meeting at ita headquarters. Pine INC street and Hartford Rdad, tomor­ PRINTED DISH TOWELS Wavell Off to India Special! row night at 7:30. Arms Plants 4 for 25c The hoepltal group of the Cath­ W ar Never Cheap, But olic Ladies of Columbus will meet The Valuable Premiums You Get for Your Green The destroyer Jacob Jones (above) was aunk by an enemy submarine off Cape May, N. J., before Dutch Tak. Over Su. ^„*^,*g/, ^,*// Commanding Officer In­ MAGNETOS dawn on Feb. 28 the Navy announced today. Only 11 mjrn in the crew of more than 100 survived. The tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock It Is Million Times cluded Among Lost; 2 Bunches California Car­ Stamps Make Shopping ,\t These Stores Extra Profit­ Seen Cause second tropedo discharged by the submarine caused a terrible explosion of depth charges In the stern preme Command in at the Memorial hospital. Truck Tractor ami 6 f o r rots and 1 Pound ^ C ^ able. Cheaper to Win Than of the American warship. Battle for Indies; Ad- Teach Army Two Torpedoes Hit; Parsnips— All for Jested end certified fer accuracy Of Downfall Stationary Engine Two smart colorful patterns— Strawberry and Floral. To Lose;’ Doubling of Our new "Mererrd Fuel Oil Deliverir* mit Japanese Have Fx^*ii All of Personnel on Made extra absorbent by new Gannon process. Buy Magnetos Repaired— Servife" providet you with • delivery a Income Taxes Urged. Bridge Killed hy First Baldwin Apples receipt ihJt i» priiitfJ hy the merer for yourself or for gifts. Split Allieil Front in How to Kill with the sftustJ gdUonjge drlittred. Daladier Says French In­ A ir Raiders Smash at Bandoeng; — Missle; Second Blows SWITCH to give a strong spark Thii ticket II your Kuiraniee of full Washington, March .3.— South Pacific, Creating 4 lbs. 25c le ^ (wr ajft lierd tool, Mml'f. meifure. {F)—A $9,610,000,000 war dustrialists Sabotaged Up Stern and All of , lyedi ■ett ed wM MO tpel$— Grave Threat to British Toss Most of Time-Hon- Exchange Magnetoes tax program ‘‘to be felt in War Factories to Slow Summer Squash HALE'S SELF SERVE Japan Claims 23 Warships Sunk Imlia; Expect Drive, ored Drill Book clnd Depth Charge* Carried. for the popular types. The Original In New England! New! Fine Quality every American home” was Down Production. laid before Congress and the Manual of Arms Out; Washington, March 3.— Washington, March 3.— H lbs. 25c nation today by Secretary Optimistic I\ote Struck Riom, Unoccupied France, March United States Cruiser T r a p To Show Battle Tactics. (/P)— The Navy announced AND HEALTH MARKET Morgenthau. “The new taps (,T>)— In Java’s most desper­ 3.— (4^--Former Premier Edouard Houston Among Ships r In Statement Situation today that the destroyer Ja­ Chenille Bath Mat Sets will be severe, and their im­ ate hour the Dutch took over NORTON London, March 3 — — The Daladier, defending himself: cob Jones was sunk by an en­ pact will be felt in every Claimed Sent to Bot­ Well in Hand; Try To supreme command of the ELECTRICAL against an accuaatlon flf being Small Forces British Army is tossing most of emy submarine off Cape May, L.
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