samecniero azri Scientific Judgement II 2013 1392 The materials and reviewed articles of the Georgian-Iranian joint symposium, held in the format of ‘the Dialogue of Civilizations’, are published in the journal ‘Scientific Judgement'. نشريه علم و انديشه حاوی مقاﻻت کنفرانس" گفتگوی اديان اسﻻم ومسيحيت ارتدوکس " است که در چارچوب ھمکاری ھای علمی ايرانی – گرجی برگزار شده است،می باشد. Jurnal `samecniero azrSi" ibeWdeba `civilizaciaTa dialogis" formatiT Catarebuli qarTul-iranuli erToblivi simpozi- umebis masalebi da samecniero xasiaTis recenzirebuli statiebi. redaqciis misamarTi: Tbilisi, foniWala, rusTavis gzatkecili, 65, almustafas warmomadgnelobis samecniero ganyofileba. iranis islamuri respublika, yumi-moalimis quCa; tel: 593346113, 599452817; 577717811 faqsi: +995-32-88321616; 88321414 el-fosta: [email protected]; [email protected] نشانی:تفليس،پونی چاﻻ،شماره 65،دفتر نمايندگی جامعه المصطفی،واحد پژوھش تلفن:599452817-593346113 دورنگار:00992188321414-88321414 جمھوری اسﻻمی ايران-قم-خيابان معلم-ص پ 439-تلفن 00982517177222-00982517172415 email: [email protected] [email protected] © qarTuli universiteti, al-mustafas saerTaSoriso universiteti gamomcemloba `universali~, 2013 Tbilisi, 0179, i. WavWavaZis gamz. 19, : 2 22 36 09, 5(99) 17 22 30 E–mail: [email protected] ISSN – 2233 3339 2 "samecniero azris" saredaqcio kolegia: barTaia nomadi (Tbilisis ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis saxelmwifo universitetis profesori), bragvaZe zurab (kavkasiis universitetis profesori), gurgeniZe vaJa (kavkasiis universitetis profesori), ezodin rezaneJadi (al-mustafas universitetis profesori), vardosaniZe sergo (andria pirvelwodebulis saxelobis qarTuli universitetis reqtori), vaxtangaZe vladimir (saqarTvelos sasuliero akademiis profesori), TaTariSvili Teimuraz (saqarTvelos sasuliero akademiis profesori), lobJaniZe giorgi (ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis profesori), lomaZe Tamar (inglisurenovani teqstebis redaqtori). mohammadreza qalan faribai (mTavari redaqtori), mehdi rajai nia (al-mustafas universitetis profesori), mohammad ali haji dehabadi (almustafas universtetis profesori), seid mohsen hoseini (luresTanis universitetis profesori), futkaraZe tariel (qarTuli universitetis qarTvelologiis centris xelmZRvaneli, redaqtori), Jurnali ibeWdeba profesori alireza arafis mzrunvelobiT teqnikuri redaqtorebi: ramin igidovi, firdous kasimovi, maria darCiaSvili, oqtai qazumovi. 3 ھيت تحريريه نشريه: محمدرضا کالن فريبايی(سردبير ) سرگو واردوسانيدزه(رياست دانشگاه سنت آندريا) تاريل پوتکارادزه(رياست بخش گرجی شناسی دانشگاه سنت آندريا) مھدی رجايی نيا(استاد دانشگاه جامعه المصطفی) واژا گورگانيدزه(استاد دانشگاه قفقاز) محمد علی حاجی ده آبادی(استاد دانشگاه جامعه المصطفی) گيورگی لوبژانيدزه(استاد دانشگاه جاواخيشويلی) سيد محسن حسينی(استاد دانشگاه لرستان) زوراب براگوادزه(استاد دانشگاه قفقاز) والديمير واختانگادزه(استاد آکادمی حوزوی تفليس) تيموراز تاتاريشويلی(استاد آکادمی حوزوی تفليس) عزالدين رضانژاد(استاد دانشگاه جامعه المصطفی) نمادی بارتايا(استاد دانشگاه جاواخيشويلی) Editorial Board of ‘Scientific Judgement': Prof. Dr. Nomadi Bartaia (Professor of the I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University). Prof. Dr. Zurab Bragvadze (Professor of Caucasus University), Prof. Dr. Vaja Gurgenidze (Professor of the Caucasus University), Prof. Dr. A. Reza Nejhad (Professor of the Al-Mustafa International University), Prof. Dr. Sergo Vardosanidze (Rector of Saint Andrew the First-called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia), Prof. Dr. Vladimir Vakhtangadze (Professor of the Theological Academy of the Georgia), Prof. Dr. Teimuraz Tatarashvili (Professor of the Theological Academy of Georgia), Prof. Dr. Giorgi Lobjanidze (Professor of the I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University), Dr. Tamar lomadze (editor of the English texts) Prof. Mohammad RezaKalan Faribaie (editor-in-chief), Prof. Dr. Rejaie (Professor of the Al-Mustafa International University), Prof. Dr. M. A. Haji Deh Abadi (Professor of the Al-Mustafa International University), Prof. Dr. S.M. Husaini (Professor of Lorestan University of Iran), Prof. Dr. Tariel Putkaradze (head of the Kartvelology centre of the Georgian University, editor), The journal is published under the auspices of Professor Dr. Ali Reza A’arafi Technical editors: Ramin Igidov, Firdous Gasimov, Maria Darchiashvili, Oktai Kazumov. 4 saxeliTa uflisaÎTa kacobriobis or udides RvTismier sazogadoebas - islamis da qris- tianobis mimdevar xalxebs - Soris arsebuli saerTo Rirebulebis pativiscemis fonze, aucilebelia "civilizaciaTa dialogis" axal safexurze ayvana da uwyveti dialogiT xalxebis Semdgomi daaxloe- ba. xalxTa Soris arsebuli keTilganwyoba mecnierebs gvavaldebu- lebs jansaRi garemo SevqmnaT urTierTgagebisa da azrTa gul- wrfeli gaziarebisaTvis. swored am miznis ganxorcielebisTvis Ca- tarda qarTvel da iranel mecnierTa ramdenime erToblivi samecni- ero konfrencia, romelTa masalebi gamoqveyndeba winamdebare Jur- nalSi. mecnierebs, zogadad, sazogado moRvaweebs vTxov, SemogvierTdnen da TavianTi wvlili Seitanon kulturaTa dialogisa da urTier- Tpativiscemis gazrdis procesSi. aqve, uRrmes madlobas movaxsenebT yvela organizators, samecnie- ro statiis atorebs, muslim da qristian moazrovneebs, romelTac surT kacobriobis sikeTe. samyaros gamCens vTxovT, maT meti warma- teba hqondeT. doqtori mohammad reza qalan faribai In the Name of God For two greatest religious societies – followers of Islam and Christianity, who respect common values of each other, it is necessary to take a new step towards ‘the dialogue among civilizations’ and to contribute to the process of bringing peoples together by means of constant dialogues. The benevolence among the peoples obliges us, the scientists, to create healthy atmosphere for mutual understanding and sincere sharing of each other’s opinions. This was the reason why several joint scientific conferences were held by Georgian and Iranian scientists, whose materials will be published in the following journal. We urge scientists and public figures, in general, to join us and to contribute to the dialogue of cultures and to the process of enhancing mutual respect. We would hereby like to thank all the organizers, authors of the scientific articles, Muslim and Christian thinkers, who strive for the good of mankind. I ask the Creator for more success to them. Professor Mohammad Reza Kalan Faribaei 5 sarCevi sergo vardosaniZe, marTlmadidebloba da sxva konfensiebi saqarTveloSi ......................................................................................................8 Sergo Vardosanidze, The Orthodox Church and Other Denominations in Georgia ....................................................................................................................13 Серго Вардосанидзе, Православие и другие конфессии в Грузии ...................16 jamiaT ul—mustafa al—alamies universitetis reqtoris doqtor alireza arafis mimarTva „islamisa da marTlmadidebluri qristianobis meore konferenciis“ monawileebisadmi ..............................................................................................18 Opening Address of Ayatollah Dr Ali Reza A’rafi, President of the Al‐Mustafa International University to the Participants of the Second Georgian‐Iranian International Scholarly Conference ‘Christianity and Islam’....................................21 mohamad reza qalanfaribai, islamsa da marTlmadideblur qristianobas Soris dialogis mizani da mniSvneloba .......................24 ﻣﺤﻤﺪ رﺿﺎ ﮐﻼن ﻓﺮﻳﺒﺎﻳﯽ 31 ...................................................................ارتدوکس ھدف گفتگو ی اديان اسﻻم ومسيحيت P. M.R.Kalan Faribaie, Importance of Dialogue among Religions Islam and Orthodox Christianity.........................................................................................37 tariel futkaraZe, saRvTismetyvelo ena marTlmadidebel qristianobasa da islamSi — samwignobro enis gansxvavebuli perseqtivebi ........................................................................................................45 Tariel Putkaradze, Language of Theology in Orthodox Christianity and Islam – Different Prospects of Literary Language ...........................................60 Тариел Путкарадзе, Богословский язык в православном христианстве и исламе - Особые перспективы книжного языка ....................72 Alireza Rajai, Existing challenges in the world and solutions of Muslim based on Scripture verses .............................................................................74 nomadi barTaia, civilizaciaTa dialogi XII saukunis saqarTveloSi qristianoba da islami ......................................................101 Nomadi Bartaia, Dialogue of Civilizations in the 12th Century Georgia Christianity and Islam................................................................................................107 Номади Бартаиа, Диалог Цивилизаций в Грузии XII-го Века Христианство и Ислам.............................................................................................113 seied mohsen hoseini, mSvidobiani Tanaarsebobis safuZvlebi islamsa da qristianobaSi...............................................................................114 دﮐﺘﺮ ﺳﻴﺪ ﻣﺤﺴﻦ ﺣﺴﻴﻨﯽ 121......................................................... بررسی مبانی ھمزيستی مسالمت آميز در اسﻻم ومسيحيت S. Mohsen. Hossaini, Study basis of peaceful coexistence in Islam and Christian Expedition lecture of embassy of Science and research 6 and technology to Georgian........................................................................................126 ali haji dehabadi, qristianobisa da islamis RirebulbaTa
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