Congratulations Class of' * * Che Catct • CORPS •• VOLUME LXXVIV Friday, April 26th Number 21 'ocems President addresses corps Cadets attend 43rd losli ( iiscadcii Cameron Hall where they could best new democracies that emerged from News VVrilcr sec and listen to the President Hush's former Communist States. Former President (leorge speech. He further added that the annual Azalea Festival Hush visited and lectured at VMl on Punctuated by applause in- United Slates must keep its commit- April 24, l')i)(i as pari of a biannual ment to its allies. With regards to with the women they were escorting. bassadors from the N-AfO countries cluding three standing ovations. statesmanship leadership lecture China and Taiwan, he said that "we Aaron Burdon Cadets were then able to spend some were in attendance, as well as many President Bush presented the audi- News liditor time w ith the women they were es- VMl Alumni. Those attending were corting as they toured the Waterside able to sample expensive wines and Cadets from the Virginia Mall. other alcoholic beverages from sev- Military Institute attended the 43rd The A/alea Festival Cirand eral NATO countries. annual Azalea Festival in Norfolk. Parade stepped off later that evening. The A/alea Court and their Virginia, during the weekend of the Over twenty bands, including VMl's cadet escorts were then treated to a 19th to the 21 st. Thirty-three eadets own Regimental Hand, participated bninch aboard the Spirit ol'Norfolk. Tliis escorted Queen Azalea and her court in the (irand Parade. Cadet escorts was followed by a grand lour of ihc air- at several social events throughout accompanied the Queen and her court craft carrier USS l iiterprisc. The party the weekend. on several lloats in the parade. Hach then departed for the Norfolk Naval .'\ir The Azalea Festival is a col- float represented one of the NATO Station I'or the A/alea Festival Air Show, laboration between member countries countries. featuring the Hlue Angels. of the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- After a tour of NAl'Ofest. a After the show, the cadets zation to celebrate years of peace and fanfare carnival with displays and bid the ladies farewell and departed cooperation. Kach year, one of the booths by the dilferent NATO coun- for l.exington. hornwr president Clcoiyc Hush arrives at l'\tl foundcd and supported by the V.MI ence in Cameron Hall with a speech must have a policy of constructive Foundation. Money for the states- full of pride and feeling. Daniel engagement. not a policy of con- men to visit \'MI comes from the It. Hendrix '99 said that. "President tainment." B. Johnson Jr. '26 Distinguished Bush has been the best speaker at He did not express regret Leadership Lecture Series. VMl this year. His message of pride about having left Washington D. C. President Bush arrived ap- and strength will be hard to beat in Instead he stated, "there are many proximately at 5 p.m. by helicopter. the next four years oi'my cadetship " things I don't miss. but I do miss I he Corps of Cadets performed a pa- President Bush talked about the fu- the dedicated service of the men and rade in his honor. Following the pa- ture of American foreign policy. women of the U.S. Armed Forces." rade. President Bush gave a Iccture He commented that he has Follow ing his speech, he an- to the Corps of Cadets and the gen- seen men that have "walked on the swered questions from various mem- eral public in Cameron Hall at S p.m. moon, stared down their enemies . bers of the Corps. 1 he topics of the He walked nto a standing and looked al a new era ol democ- questions included the future of in- ovation by iht Corp^ and the public. racy and hope" lie went on lo fur telligence agencies in the U.S., policy The First and Second Class had the llier say that the United Slates niusi towards China and laiwan. and privilege ol silling on the lloor of continue to lead the world. It must American foreign policy on Bosnia. sixteen countries within the organi- tries. Queen Azalea and her court help the newly formed Common- PIesideni Bush was a lor- zation is honored. This years focus were reunited with their escorts at the wealth of Independent States and the ( oiitinued on page 4 was on the Kingdom of the Nether- Norfolk Botanical (iardens for the SSgt Hermanson lands. Coronation ceremony on Saturday, The Azalea Festival began 20 April. in 1953, one year after the establish- Following an address by New Honor Court for ment of NATO. I'he honored coun- (ieneral J.J. Sheehan, SACl.ANT receives citation try is then invited to nominate a Commander-in-Chief. Queen A/alea Josh Cuscaden New s Writer 1996-97 named young woman as Queen Azalea. The and the princesses of each respected other fifteen countries are repre- NATO country, were crowned, liach pencil is not as harsh as thef t of a car. Patrick Forrest sented by a festival princess chosen princess was crowned by a represen- In a belated recognition of valor and service. Staff Sergeant Harold Steele commented "At VMl we do News Writer by ambassadors to the United States. tative from their respected country. V. Hermanson w as presented w ith various medals during an aw ards ceremony not believe in varying degrees of This year, limilie Larissa That evening, the Queen on Wednesday, 17 April 1996 at the \ Mi's NROfC Unit. Brigadier (ieneral Joseph Steele was elected honor. At VMl it's all the same. All Patijn of the Netherlands was and her court, and their cadet escorts (.'asey, US Army, presented SS(i 1 Hermanson with his awards. Honor Court President for the 1996- of fenses are dismissable regardless of crowned Queen Azalea. liscorted by attended a formal dinner at Norfolk Ihe ceremony was the result of efforts by YNC (S\V) .Michael 1997 school year. His goals include how much money was taken or the Cadet First Classman J.J. Rivera, Live, a local NCO club on the Nor- Stalhvorth, NRO fC Unit. VMl. The daughter of SS(il Hermanson. Janet a restructuring of how the Honor severity of the lie." This severity in Queen Azalea spent the weekend folk Naval Air Station. This allowed Hermanson. is a secretary on the NROTC Unit staff at \ MI. She told her Code is taught to Rats and two Vice dealing with honor is seen as the rea- making several appearances around some free time for everyone to un- father's story to Chief Siallworth. and with his help medals were obtained Presidents instead of one. Steel son for the success of VMl's Honor the city of'Norfolk. wind and relax. within a week. w ould like the Honor Court to be seen Code. The queen, her court, and After the dinner, the entou- SS(i I Herinansoii was born on April 2. 1921 in Sioux Falls. Soulh as servant of the Corps rather than I he I lonor Court believes it their cadet escorts first made an ap- rage arrived at the Omni Waterside Dakota lo iiiimigranl parents from Norway. He reported to Fort Myer. Va. head hunters. has made great strides in improving pearance during a fashion show al the Hotel for the Queen's (irand Ball upon enlistment to the US Army in November 1942. He was later assigned [education of Ihe Honor Ihe honor system at VML Such im- Omni Hotel at Norfolk's Waterside. Several high ranking officers and am- lo Company ( 327lh Medical Battalion, 102iid Infaniry Division, France in Code will be conducted through a provements have included the jury There, cadets were able to first meet September of 1944 "learning oriented environment system that provides a trial by your Following this he was Station Section Sergeant in February 1945 in rather than the adversary conditions peers and close examination of the l.iniiicn. (iermaiiy. \\ hile here he was called to evacuate wounded men who of the past", said Steele. Members Honor Court members themselves. Samdahl named w ere caught in the middle of an artillery barrage I le rendereil first aid under of the Corps w ill hiild group discus- The Superintendent and the prosecu- fire and evacuated three wounded men. lie then leturned a second time to sions with next year's Rats about the tors reserve the right to remove indi- rescue two more casualties. I his earned him the Bron/e Stai ( I he Army system. 1 he ami is lo provide a less viduals from the election process who Combat Medical Badge). threatening environment where have been involved with prior inves- head librarian SS(il Hermanson left ihe army alter his unit was deactivated in greater understanding can be gained. tigations. I his was done to ensure lony Holt exhibited there in the building for ev- 1946. No medals were received al the time of his discharge from the Army, .Another change includes the most honorable men sit on the News Writer eryone lo see. fie married the tormer Doris I. Baker when he returned lo his childhood having iwo Vice President on the court. Operations on the Preston Li- In tenns of the library 's infra- home of Washington D. C He then got a job as a manager and salesman court. One Vice President will be in Steele believes that race, brary have been progressing smoothly structure. there will be major improve- with .^ddressagraph Multigraph Corporation charge of educ.itioii and judicial mat- position in the Corps, or popularity since the 1994-1995 ments that will in- He retired in 1974 in Washington 1) C.
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