![141 U Q L4J Q](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
,j--........-~. '"-~--,._----""""-'"-, ! I ill ~ ..... I Q = i (.) Q 141 u Q L4J q ~I ....__ .-...........,.,_.-------- rib June 14, 1991 Page 2 Pursuant to section 1.1104 of the Commission's rules, a check in the amount of $35.00 made payable to the Federal Communications Commission, along with the required "Fee processing Form" (FCC Form 155) is also tendered herewith. The applicant respectfully requests that the enclosed copy of the application, marked "COPY," be stamped as received and returned to the undersigned in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you for your attention in this matter, and if there are any additional questions or requests please contact the undersigned directly. CMM: jrfB47 xc: KNMT(TV) Public File James J. Brown (FCC Room 702, Via Hand Delivery) 028551 • AOOfCV.a !tv OM'O JOr.o.fJO'() "'RTlflCATION f: xo', _S elJ:'JI02 'l'be Secretary 1certIfy :hat I am -:-__--:- _ o<lSI..... ol~"'" 04'11' C:wnmutwet_ns Cc:mmlSaooOn IOfficiaJ title. see InStrucrion /I ""'9'(\" C.~.~ ~ National Minority TV, Inc. (£~Gct !eg3/ ritle or I13me of respondenr) -..dtio Reoort that I have examined this Repon. that to the best of my knoWlecc;e and bp.",", Beiore filling out :nis form. read anacheCl instructions all ~tatements in the Reccn are true. correct and cemolete. (Dare of eenirlc:n;on must bo within 60 days of the dare snowr. in Irem f ana Sec1:on 3101dl of the Communi::alions Act of ,~ requires :hat coosent in r1Q evem prior to Item 1 darel: :n. Commission must be obtained prior to the assignment or transfer of 'lUoI of I station license or constr'Uc:ion permit. This form may not tie used reoon or reauest an assignment of licensel permit ::Ir transfer of control :C84)t to rel)On an assignment of license' permit or transfer of control made rsuant to orlOr Commission consent•. 19 91 ------_..._-----------------_.-------- -----_._--------_..- All ci tne informatio:\ furnished in this Recort is accurate as of Telephone No. of respondent iinc/vae area CCC41: ~ (714) 665-2113 June I 19 ..:.:- -------------_._--._------'--' (~temust eomory with Sec:ion 73.3615faJ. i.e.. information mustbe cwrenr _rhin 60 OlrVS of tile filing of this reper:. when UaJ below is ~ per.loo'who ""iUful\y makes lalse statements cn tnis reoor: :." De pUnisnec cheeteea.l bv fine or imprisonment. U. S. Code. TItle 18. Sec-Jon tOO1. ""S report IS ~~ed pursuant to lnstructi9n !check enel Name ano Post Office Address of resoondent: '(~' National Minority TV, Inc. D Transfer'-01 orof 1()c 0 0 t:-.er a.i W.:.nnual 1 ."w C-vn•• P.O. Box Cl195l Ass:grvnenl of License Santa Ana, California 92711 r tne following Stallons: ners , Location Class Of service IPo rtland, Oregon TV ! NIl!: Give the name of anv cot;loration or omer entItY for whom a separate 5. Respondent is: Reo::m::s fdeo due to ns interest in the subject licensee (See Insrruc:ion 31: o Sole Proprietorship N/A o For-profit corporation Show the anriburaole interests in any othet" broadcast station of the resooncent. Also. show any interest of the rescondent. whether or not ~ anribu:able. which is 5% or more of the ownership of any other Not-for-profit corporation broaocast slation or any newspaoer or CATV entity in the same market or wit" ev~rlapping signals in the same broadcast service. as described General Partnership in Sections 73.3555 and 76.501 of the Commission's Rules. o o limited Partnership Sec f.:xhibi t 1 o Other: If a limited p3nne!ship. is cen1flC3tlon statett'Er.t incluoec as ~ Insuuct.'cn .:~ [J Yes o No - "_ ...- -:c- ;., 028 552 =~or"J'v -1;~-: r'-' . :1: ll\l:<"lil).li.~" COIIII\lt;\ 01 "~CJIl 0:.:: a! £:tn::u!~.nt ,( t:',,!'i,;I;i,u, ( 01 1l,,:hUITI'lt'l ·~K··~ ur <)'l)i",iuHi"n 1:1 _"~.:'~'~~~~<:~~~\j~l!~._ ........'-, .. ~ .. ( !'l:llgr'llIl i\f (ilintio\\ i\gte.amen t: Tdrdty DroadcClstinn Network October 1988 October 1993 I • _ 7. C~nita(ilJtiol\ COnly (icoMon, pCln,lllco5, or II rCIJOftin(l entity wilh II malorhy 'ntore~l in or lhM 01holw!S8 e)(~rci~es dll 'BCIO eonllol over Iho subleel lieonsoo or permilloo, shall II!spond.' -~----_.....• ..._-_.._-- .. _------------- ·---------------::t"7'~u-l-nt~l~'OS __ i -----,------ CI~ss o( Stock lprllfcrrlld, COf1llllon or olherl Trr,35ury Unissued VOlino nr NOn'VOllnll • L_~~l~_ Issuod slid Olllstondinu _._~-- ----.-... N/ll - Nonprofic/Nol1scock Corporation @ ........ ._.....__••,1 .... •• .........,_•• I .' . ., ....__1_. __... H':I1,.,.k~ (:(,,\1:,,11\;11\1 (Ulllily rclalloll,hips, :ttltihlliion c.ornll'ions Dnd CCI\illcollons: (Sou Illsrruclivlls 4, 5 lind 61 o l'-' 00 CIt ._--_.-.. ..... .... CJt _ __ -'--ICC J;'11":J< W Ftot;Jfuilfly ~~ 1..... ( urfir.fl.:'l. dt·~t:~:';:~. C::qr..'".at·l"! =::::A:.:'Q:d<,~ .1 ~. dflt1 G. Jr,,~ :JftI'f rOSiUt\tlC4 of oni~et. d~tO-::::I. c09r.il,.,b~e s:.:ckr.c~de: cr :3r:nef 6. Pt!r(;~"tagll ci 'Jctl!$. G." ," individual also show n;Jrr.e. address C!r.o citizens::::: of !\;llural cll:ud Ie ,,<):~ tl~o s\c;:kL Li~t officer.: firs:. t~en c::cct~."S <lnd, eX1S11~=l A~mdininc; s:cct.~oici2r~ ~no 1>3r:n6r:. 7. Olfl€lr :mrlbuIJ::llo intGrc!ts ;.... 3"'; c:',.;r :;roac;:JSI SIal/at', incic':ilg tldlura a:-.<1 s,z« or s;,;::. i:!er5::. .......------hip. 8. AU other QWr.or:ni;: inter6r.:; ot 5~ or nOOiS (''''hemer cr :'lCt AWitu,at;!.:). as .... ~ a: ;Iny cOtUt'l':!t., otfr:ershio or Qilec:c:srie,in t.roaCl;:ist, CZUI~. or nt"w$C!~r entities in the s:Jm,;r mzrket 01 wi!~ ove~c::ir." :;ig/lllt:; it: unli.~r llr.ar<l~ par.r.e:~hic of ," r.ato;rtl 01 intents:. the same broad'::::;l ::ervic:e. is Coll:cribe::l in S~:t:e:!~ i3.::S .n~ ·lei.;]); ot the C~m:ni$Sicn'sAules. ir.du~ing the nalUte an:! siz, 0: 3UC.'l i;.:GrC!srJ end tho) positiO<l held. ...,-'--'- -----------_. I:ai !tbJ * j(:;1 I Faul F. C=oucn . Phillip Aguilar I"D Jar.e Duff 1973 Por~ Chelsea Place 320 ~cr~h AnaheL~ Blvd. iS052 llu::lphrey Circle ~e~?or~ Be~ch, C~ 92660 Anaheim, CA 92805 Irvine. CA 92714 ·'f. j : I .__._._--------------~:-- -_._--_.-,---- _! ~s::---------------lli-u-!s-.-\----- 1USA ._ i _J ~':: ~~. .. ,~_v_i_c_-_o_p_r_c_s_i_d_e_n_: ..;l_s_e_c_r_et::3ry !Treas<.:.::c::- I y/A-~onprof~c/nc~s:ock I N/A-non?rofit/nons~ock --=---- I i ;lii~ Or:e ----.;./----------------_.lOne '.." .... : -J3-1/3% \'33-1/3% __ j 33-1/3~: ----- See A~Lact~ent 1 INone See An:achmen;:: 1 ! I! ----G'a~e +--_.__ .. __.- See A~tach~ent 1 ; See Att.:ichme.l1t 1 i I _____1_ ._-----'-------_._------- ---' FCC NOTICE TO INDIVIDUALS RtOQ'JIRED SY THE PRIVACY ACT AN;) THE PAPER','IORK REDUCTION ACT ·n ~I~ii.:'::::::~ ~, trer'S,-:i;i iniocma~:::J:t recuestf:d in t~i$ Re::~:: is au:t.orc4d :y ~!~e Co~mu,...;t::n:onsAct of 13J.:. as a:'r.-~n~i!-~~ ~e o:i~604~ p\,:t':)CS~ k 1 r v."i.":.r. ~ :tl··:r'T\..i(z......, ......",t! ~:: t.:~~t' !S :."; a~~s ==mp!bnr..e .....;!., I~e C'::::l~:j:;s,cn':; mu;(p~1! C~"'.~~1'Sh.= ,.;~::jc1;cns. Th~ ~::;jf. cc~~;~:if:.=j ·.·t·'!C~J1J ... ~~ .!~~,:!tn~~, .;\:"\~ ::).l"':'~P.'i ;: :;:.~: t.~ i'!l)rO'":..i::':.:1~:: ::t~~! .. m:r.! ~~=:: ::c.r~j;.r.:~. !: a~l t~.(: :n~t'..!n':3,ir;r. r~:::,;eS:~"': i~ no~ ::::~·Jic~d. ~rc:c;!~Sln~ m:!O( Ci! G..::1J\·~:: "••. ..,:~~ 3 Z!!.:l..C$. l~ r .... I4,,~"~ tr. :."~·.i:.. ;:: .~ :~.~.< or,; i~fc:"~:J:·=-n. ).Z'::C/t.i;~;·:·. f·,lery effC:1 s::::clC ::e ..Ti~~ te G/ov.ce Z:J ~c::e!:..·t; ..:l1"1 in:otn':;tfC./L Yout rc~;:::,,:n~t: :50 :c~:u::;'~ ~:; ::::~h' ·r·4~~ :'H(:-.::'~.tJ~:t ••••. .-~~:-::i ;·'1;:' .~ :."'!t., ... '!.:v .. :•• ~~ 028554 ..... -;,: :;'.'C.::.I". ClfC:"'.:::;I:'. ':CK}r.. .:~:...,~ :,;:C_".I ...... '..... :I:....). ~. 5..llle 6. ''''1! .)n:: rcs'denclll)( cH:cor. cirllc:or. ccgnizab:e stcc.l<i'.O'.der or car:no1( 6. P'!«:cnl.'loe ot voles. ::~:r '!Ian ;ncr_.cuoi also ..1'10.... name. ilddlCSS :lnd Clljzcr.snic of l'l:ltuf.1 ~,' '1I1ed 10 vo:e :I".e slocl(l. List 0111.=or$ fi,st. It.e:' c,rec:'):::. and. lIxi~I"'9 a(~rJt>vlabl$ ::r::;:C;::l~1 ". mainin<J stockholdors :lna partnors. 7. Other in:erp.s:s l() arr,' C:hot' s:atlo,'. in::k;o,n!t nalure an:l slle of su::'\ 1n19'e~:• .p. S~.;, all"~t;:lJ!<l), Hce or oitecrenship held. 8. An other owncl$hio inlcresU of or mOle (wr.l!(:l8r or nel IS wen as any ~rlX'fa" offICers";? or -:lile~orsniol;n t:tc3::c;~l. c:lcla. or ne~paccr enuc4es in :tie S3rne malht 01 wi:!': ""elQllcHl'9 sivl14ls ;n .:tIwr ot shares or nalure of pan:lllrship intorut. rr.o same !lroadCasl SlMce. ;'s de:icribeti in S"c:':lns1J.::S5 and :'5.;)1 of the Commis:sion's Rloie::, indudin9 the flalUle and size Of suc:."l in:crES:s In-.ou of VOtes. and the posit:en Mid. .._.- _.._---_.. __.. ._---_._-----------_. ---_.__ ·ta. __ jIb! Matthew Crouch I Charlene Williams l~ Bah1~ SLrect 11823 Quar~e Circle Irvine.
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