THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES B.S. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES B.S. or STAT 141 QR:Basic Statistical Methods 1 All students must meet the University Requirements ENSC 001 SU: Intro Environmental Sci 3 (http://catalogue.uvm.edu/undergraduate/academicinfo/ 3 degreerequirements/). ENSC 009 Orientation to Env Sciences 1 ENSC 130 Global Environmental Assessmnt 3 All students must meet the College Requirements. (http:// catalogue.uvm.edu/undergraduate/rubensteinschool/ ENSC 160 Pollutant Mvmt/Air,Land&Water 4 #requirementstext) ENSC 201 Recovery&Restor Altered Ecosys 4 Students in the ENSC major must choose one of the following ENSC 202 Applied Envir Assess Analysis 4 concentrations or an advisor approved self-design concentration (14-17 credits): 1 Students interested in concentrations such as environmental Agriculture and the Environment (p. 1) analysis and assessment should consider taking more advanced courses, such as CHEM 141/CHEM 142. Conservation Biology and Biodiversity (p. 2) 2 MATH 019/MATH 020 and NR 140 (or STAT 141) also fulfill Ecological Design (p. 2) RSENR general education requirements. 3 Internal and external transfer students to ENSC are exempt from Environmental Analysis and Assessment (p. 2) ENSC 009. (*Note: RSENR & CALS students only) Environmental Biology (p. 3) CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENTS Environmental Geology (p. 3) Agriculture and the Environment Concentration Environmental Health (p. 3) PSS 162 Soil Fertility & Conservation 3 Global Environment and Climate Change (p. 3) Choose a minimum of 11 additional credits from the following courses: 11 Water Resources (p. 4) PBIO 109 Plant Systematics MMG 220 Environmental Microbiology MAJOR REQUIREMENTS PSS 106 Entomology & Pest Mgmt A total of 120 credits is required for the degree. PSS 112 Weed Ecology & Management BCOR 011 Exploring Biology 4 PSS 117 Plant Pathology or BIOL 001 Principles of Biology PSS 143 Forage and Pasture Mgmnt BCOR 012 Exploring Biology 4 PSS 156 Permaculture or BIOL 002 Principles of Biology PSS 232 Biological Control CHEM 031 General Chemistry 1 4 ENSC 195 Internship 1 CHEM 032 General Chemistry 2 4 ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 CHEM 042 Intro Organic Chemistry 1 4 PSS 212 SU: Advanced Agroecology or CHEM 141 Organic Chemistry 1 PSS 261 Soil Morph Class & Land Use GEOL 055 Environmental Geology 4 PSS 264 Chemistry of Soil & Water or PSS 161 SU: Fundmntls of Soil Science PSS 268 Soil Ecology MATH 019 QR: Fundamentals of Calculus I 2 3 PSS 269 Soil/Water Pollution/Bioremed or MATH 021 QR: Calculus I 1 MATH 020 QR:Fundamentals of Calculus II 2 3 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply toward the 11 elective credits with advisor approval. or MATH 022 QR: Calculus II NR 140 Applied Environ Statistics 2 3-4 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES B.S. Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Concentration CDAE 237 Economics of Sustainability WFB 224 Conservation Biology 4 CDAE 276 Community Design Studio Choose ONLY one of the following : CE 132 SU: Environmental Systems PBIO 109 Plant Systematics CE 151 SU: Water & Wastewater Engr or FOR 021 Dendrology ENVS 188 SU:Sustainability Science or WFB 130 Ornithology ENSC 195 Internship 1 or WFB 232 Ichthyology ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 Choose a minimum of 6-7 additional credits from the following MMG 220 Environmental Microbiology courses: NR 289 Advanced Ecological Design ASCI 171 Zoos, Exotics & Endang Species PSS 127 Greenhouse Operations & Mgmt BCOR 101 Genetics PSS 137 Landscape Design Fundamentals BCOR 102 SU:Ecology and Evolution PSS 162 Soil Fertility & Conservation PBIO 108 Morph & Evo of Vascular Plants PSS 238 Ecological Landscape Design FOR 122 Forest Ecosystem Analysis PSS 154 Composting Ecology & Mgmt ENSC 195 Internship 1 PSS 156 Permaculture ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 PSS 212 SU: Advanced Agroecology BIOL 254 Population Genetics PSS 268 Soil Ecology BIOL 264 Community Ecology PSS 269 Soil/Water Pollution/Bioremed FOR 272 Sustain Mgmt Forest Ecosys PRT 230 Ecotourism FOR/NR 228 Ecosystems Ecology 1 NR 220 Landscape Ecology A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply toward the 11 elective credits with advisor approval. PSS 268 Soil Ecology Environmental Analysis and Assessment Concentration WFB 161 Fisheries Biology & Techniques Choose a minimum of 14 credits from the following courses: WFB 174 Prin of Wildlife Management CHEM 121 Quantitative Analysis WFB 261 Fisheries Management PBIO 223 Fundamentals of Field Science WFB 283 Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology CE 132 SU: Environmental Systems WFB 275 Wildlife Behavior CE 151 SU: Water & Wastewater Engr 1 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply toward the 10 elective credits with advisor approval. CE 254 Environmental Quantitive Anyl CHEM 131 Inorganic Chemistry Ecological Design Concentration CHEM 165 Intro Physical Chemistry NR 288 Ecol Design & Living Technol 3 CHEM 221 Instrumental Analysis Choose a minimum of 11 additional credits from the following courses: FOR/NR 146/ Remote Sensing of Natural Res CDAE 102 Sustainable Community Dev GEOG 185 CDAE 170 Green Building Energy Systems ENSC 195 Internship 1 CDAE 191 Independent Study ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES B.S. GEOL 235 Geochemistry of Natural Waters GEOL 235 Geochemistry of Natural Waters MMG 220 Environmental Microbiology NR 143 Intro to Geog Info Systems NR 143 Intro to Geog Info Systems or GEOG 184 Geog Info:Cncpts & Applic or NR 243 GIS Practicum ENSC 195 Internship 1 PSS 261 Soil Morph Class & Land Use ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 PSS 264 Chemistry of Soil & Water 1 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply toward the 14 elective credits with advisor approval. 1 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply toward the 14 elective credits with advisor approval. Environmental Health Concentration Environmental Biology Concentration NR/ENVS/ SU:Human Health & the Envirnmt 3 HLTH 107 BCOR 102 SU:Ecology and Evolution 4 Choose a minimum of 11 additional credits from the following courses: Choose a minimum of 12 additional credits from the following courses: ANTH 288 Anthro Research Global Health BIOL 209 Field Zoology of Arthropods BCOR 101 Genetics BIOL 217 Mammalogy BIOC 201 Fundamentals of Biochemistry BIOL 254 Population Genetics BIOC 275 Adv Biochem of Human Disease BIOL 264 Community Ecology BIOL 261 Neurobiology BIOL 269 Plant-Animal Interactions CHEM 142 Organic Chemistry 2 BIOL 271 Evolution ENSC 195 Internship 1 BIOL 276 Behavioral Ecology ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 NR 250 Limnology ENVS 195 Special Topics (When topic is Emerging or NR 280 Stream Ecology Technologies and Human Health) PSS 268 Soil Ecology MMG 101 Microbiol & Infectious Disease 1 ENSC 195 Internship NFS 114 Human Health in the Food Syst 1 ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research NR 143 Intro to Geog Info Systems 1 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply NURS 200 SU: Health and Sustainability toward the 12 elective credits with advisor approval. PH 304 Environmental Public Health Environmental Geology Concentration PH 308 Environmental Public Health 2 Choose a minimum of 14 credits from the following courses: PHRM 201 Introduction to Pharmacology GEOL 101 Field Geology PHRM 240 Molecules & Medicine GEOL 116 Glacial Geology PHRM 272 Toxicology GEOL 135 Environmental Geochemistry STAT 200 QR: Med Biostat&Epidemiology GEOL 151 Geomorphology 1 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply or GEOG 144 Geomorphology toward the 11 elective credits with advisor approval. GEOL 201 Advanced Field Geology Global Environment and Climate Change Concentration GEOL 217 Vermont Field Geology FOR/NR 146/ Remote Sensing of Natural Res 3 GEOG 185 GEOL 234 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES B.S. or NR 143 Intro to Geog Info Systems NR 250 Limnology Choose a minimum of 11 additional credits from the following courses: NR 280 Stream Ecology CE 132 SU: Environmental Systems PSS 269 Soil/Water Pollution/Bioremed ENSC 195 Internship 1 WFB 161 Fisheries Biology & Techniques ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 1 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply ENSC 274 SU:Climate Chg: Sci & Percept toward the 14 elective credits with advisor approval. GEOG 140 Biogeography GEOG 143 Climatology: Concepts & Tools GEOG 148 Global Environmental Change GEOG 153 The Circumpolar Arctic GEOG 244 Adv Top: Global Change GEOG 245 Adv Top:Human Env Interactions (The Anthropocene) GEOG 246 Adv Top:Climate&Water Resource (Climatology and Natural Hazards) GEOG 246 Adv Top:Climate&Water Resource (Paleoclimatology) GEOL 151/ Geomorphology GEOG 144 GEOL 234 Global Biogeochemical Cycles NR 102 SU:Water as a Natural Resource or GEOG 145 SU: Geography of Water NR 220 Landscape Ecology PSS 261 Soil Morph Class & Land Use 1 A maximum of 3 credits of ENSC 195 or ENSC 196 may apply toward the 11 elective credits with advisor approval. Water Resources Concentration Choose a minimum of 14 credits from the following courses: ENSC 195 Internship 1 ENSC 196 Undergraduate Research 1 GEOG 246 Adv Top:Climate&Water Resource (Snow Hydrology) GEOL 135 Environmental Geochemistry GEOL 235 Geochemistry of Natural Waters NR 102 SU:Water as a Natural Resource or GEOG 145 SU: Geography of Water NR 143 Intro to Geog Info Systems 4.
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