This file is part of the following reference: Loos, Noel (1976) Aboriginal-European relations in North Queensland, 1861-1897. PhD thesis, James Cook University. Access to this file is available from: http://eprints.jcu.edu.au/10414 125 FRONTIER C01~FLICT 126 TIle Colo:aizatioIl of IJortll .,::;ue811.s1o.Jlldll 'rIle \'Ie a)ltil of' l'J ol'tIl i{.uee~nsl'1,11(1' s grassl[:,11(18, Eli:n.eruls, fisl1eries, alld r.tti:nforests prod-aced fO'ur fro:ntiers of ra.cial COlltCt,ct ·Wl1icb. trill -be tIle C011ce:C.rl of' Part II of tllis tllesis .. Oilly by tile lLtck of effective goverl1l11elrGu.l COlltrol allCt tIle ctttitu(les of t11e colol1.ists b'ut a,lso J:rJr tile el1ViroYllH811t tile v{Gultll occurrecL ill, tIle abil i t~/ or the .tLborigin.es to 'use tl1eir 11£Lbi tat as a slliel\l i:Lgai:nst tl1e iIllraclers, 2~Ild tXle 11a/(/ur(~ of tIle illvaciers' i:nd-astries e:~l)loiti~t1g tIle resources of' tIIG ./i.borig'i:nes' la:nd 41 Inevitably the J&storal in.dustr:;'" -vrilic!l causecl tllC COlOIlizetio:n of slic11 "'1t.:l,St arot:0S so C1:::1 Jr tJrovicled. ~lborigi11:2,1 l~~r ortll .;;,:llleells 1 a:ncl 'w'i tIl its greatest ellall GlllJ:;es CLl1.cl TTrcalrecl 11avoc L!.;~JOll tIle 1 i:1.rgest 11ULlher of i1.1JorigiJJ.d.. l tri'Des. It if:; \'titIl tllis fron.tier itfter Leicll11ct.rdt t s O"\TiIlg re:.:;,orts of tIle ~),~:;..storD... l opport~nities in North e:nsl settleLiell"'0 {.iiil 110t 211 kJ out~.:e:Cll ori)~t, i OIlS d discoveries in New South Wales and Victoria after 1851 also <Ii verted attelltio:n f'roLi t118 :nort11 as nl£~de l1111)"llbl i cised rec ollne..i EJ t),llC es ... t11c SCrlli.:1tters' f10Id 011 tIle la,llld.s i:rl l'J01:,'" Sou.th.liu-,les [LI1U -victoria Tif;"S beiIlg Cll0.,11ellged u~rH1 their lea... ses Q'u.e to e:::::pire ill 1861 so it \TaB predictc:1~Jle tllD-,t" SOI~le of a i:1C1T colo~n:i" -vrllich tIle squatter il1.terest to dOE.l.il1.0..;t,e. 127 11ad fOrnled a. SYl1(lico~te ;~111(L Bet o"lrt, 011 16 .liugust 1859 to aus frustruted by the first "'{das ,riti.J/l1;/ cOllcerD.ed v,ritb. tl:1e i)robleli1 of 12,11C~ legislatiol1 e to be of tile COtll1.tr:;/, £111.c1 i:n COE11)ellsD/c,ioll for 11is snecessf·ul ill tIle ICel111Gdy District" He set out in the Spitfire, 011 14 .A.llgUSt 1860, to e::;:plOl'e tile EJ.outll of 1.:.. 11e Bl].rdel(i11 a:nd to e~xaTnille tIle sl,litD.. bilit:l of tIle rece11tl)'" discovered OX1 f'ort De11iso::~?_1) Gn bot11 11is 1860 C1Xld llis 1859 0:;:::peclitio:ns, Bal e reported 21..11.U str.e8sed tlleir 11'ill:1bers a..:n.d aggre8siv811.ess. It is used fireLj"n~lS freely~ ~rllel1ever /l.boriginl:1..1 resistiJ..llCe "was 2 e :nc Ol111t e red. 1. li/J'i!lu·te, I\i:i:nister for Lallds, Ii,.rtJ. r\'iacl';:e~nzie, 18 Decern.ber 1859, 1860 V. L.: IJ~, PI). 5T7-8. See also J. 111arnfielcl, Fron.ti e rSruan: a I3i oC'~1"'a'!J11": of Ge or0 'e ElTJ11illst one D;3... 11~:Y1111)1 e (l;.le l'bour118, 1968 j, lip. 12-25 for Dal r 3rnII) 1e t s plan Gnd expeditionS4 2. t lleport of tile J?roceediIlgs of tIle 81181 Govern.lU011t ~'Jcb.OOl1.er t1S1)itf'ire tl ill Sesrch. of tIle 1;.io1..1tb. of ~Glle ELi ver llurdel(in, on tIle l-Jortll-Easterll Coast of ~1ustrG;..lia; and of tIle 3J{ploro.ltioll of a :L"ortiol1 of tllat Coast B:;:.Jc.,el1ui11g froEl Gloucester Isla11d to IIalifax D~~yr, 1860 TV. ~r, P., PI). 5-7;; g, 21-2, 36-7. Dalr:J'111I)le referred tlaclc~ to l1is 1859 eJ~l)editioll. See ctlso 11is evidellce tllat 0.: chain of police outposts would be necessary to allow SE1fe, 'w'hite settle!l1e11t ill t Fin,al I~po-rt froID. ..Jc..118 ;Select COEiElittee of Police to:.=etller Tiitl1 f'rocee,dirLgs of tile t Cornclittee c1u.d I~..Iillutes of Bvii..:lellCe , 1860 'T. tr J.)., D. 562. THE PASTORAL FRONTIER PASTORAL DIVISIONS GULF ­..... YORKE =i OF PENINSULA~ t:J~...... _ <~ -A O~ -~ CARPENTARIA "Z.~ 0;:: --"'>- ,.~~~ ssmon .Hughenden ~ammermoor HS. 6 200 miles 12~ By this tiiJ.1e, tIle QueellS1gJ11Cl Goverrunent 11ad passed its 1 a11cl 1 egislation \'/I'1i ell it h.oped 1voulcl en.coure..g e a.. q-ui ck t£t,L:illg Ul) of land 1vitll0Ut slJeculatiolll' TIle Governill811t advertisec.l its illtelltion of aCCeI)til1g aiJplications for pastoral rtlnS ill tIle ICellIledy frotH 1 JOJl1"Uar:r 1861 alld stressed that settlers wou.ld. have e Native Police protection.:3 Jl...S illilicc1ted ill the 111ap, 1). 128 tIle I(ell11ed~jT District cOluprised tb.at ellorElOllS areadrai:ned by tIle Burdeici:n and I-Ierbert lLivers 8..11U tl1eir tributaries. 'l'11e port of 13o,\{ell Vtllicll DalrJ111ple estrdJlislled on Port Deniso11 Tras t11Lts in the ce:ntre of tb.e 11e1!{ pastore,l district £111d t,vo lrtllldr10d Iniles 4 beyond the then outer limit of settlement at Broaclsound. l1.S a res'lllt, as 1"rill l)e noted later in t:his cl1apter, -t.Jle settleulent of tIle Bovlell District )'las in.itiaJ_ y differel1t f1"·0111 tile pastoral oCCllpation. of an:;,T other in the ICerilled:;r District or, indeed, ill 1_;~ue011s1a:ndo The goverrul1eni:t sc1100ner JeallIlie I)ove D..nd the Ji:etcll Santa Barbarc~ sailed franl 1)t,{}ck11illuptOl1 011 15 Ivla"rc11 1861 carry-illg officiv.. ls, settlers, tlleir fcunilies a:nd stores. il. l1.lW1ber of squatters ~.ioined tlle land J?art:y led 1J)'" Dalry1UI)le to enjoy the security provided by a Native Police detacillilent of eleven troopers "tll1.cler tIle connnancl of aLto "Williru.n.s. U l1 3. Bit lCillgStOl'l, 1 TIle Origil1s of [Juee11s1G..llU t s ItCoIlll)relle:nsive Land Policy', Queensland Heritage, 1, no. 2, (1965), I)P. 3-8. See also Goverl1me!lt Gazette, 20 l'JoveralJer 1860. 4. l'~.it. Loos, J!'rol!:tier COl1flict ill the Bo·vlen District 1861-1874 (lvI.i\'. ~~Ut11if~rin.g thesis, t.T~l.ines Coot~ 'U:rriversit:r of It~ortll $2ueenslt111d, July 1970), Chalr'Ger III. See also BoltOIl, 1 :Pl18 Exr)lora.;tj i OIl of !~ ortil rtuee:as1 \?:.11.d.: SOllle l'ro1Jlelns t, p. 353, al1d Lil1g 11otll, 1.'118 Discovisr;y al1tl Settle:uellt of Port 1iacli:a:r~ tQueells1alld (I-Ialifax, El1g1 a:ncl , 1908), po 38, for tIle o·uter liulit of settle1l1ent .. 5. G. Dalr)11l1)le, COEr.:iissioner for Cro'Nll Land, ICe~n:nedJr District, to Col. Sec., 24 April 1861, Q.B.A. CGL/A16, 1261 of 1861; DalrYi11ple to Col. Sec., 28 J?el1rucl,r:f 1861, ~.S.A. CuL/A13, 660 of 1861; G. Bolton, A Thousand Miles itvray: J.1. IIistorYa .f~"f. r{ortll f-jueen.sla..:ncl to 1920 (Brisban.. e, 1963), p. 20 rnentions tnlor~ tllal1. a dozent squatters. DalrY..ll1Jle sta,ted t11a/0 11e 11i:hU succeeded in s"\'lillliui:ng a... cross tIle floodeit Fitzroy 1 t116 ·w-rlo1e of the C&i1I) eCluipages ancl 1)e01)le to the nwnber of 24, not il1Cludil1.g t11e 110rses a:ncl 13arties of severcJ..l squatters aCCOnllJal1~{illg tile eJr:~)ed.. i tio:n t • 130 beacl1 at Port ]Jenisoll friglltel1ing off a large nrunber of ,- ,. ..l" 1 -6 ~borlglnes c near ~he ~2rbour. Within six weeks of Dalr:YHlple t s arri"tlal r-UllS l1a.d bee!l ta1r.en. up ill arl unbr~ol~en 1 ine 350 Hliles alollg tIle BurdelciIl al1cl its trib12.taries [Lila 7 about 130 miles inland despite the fact that there was intense conflict with the Aborigines by the third week of 8 settlenlent. By tl1e mid.dle of 1862, 45i l: rll11.S and 31,50Ll 9 squc"re miles hud been applied for and, by 1863, almost the 10 ·whole of the Kennedy District he,d been settled. III the sout11srll eJ,;:trel:lityo of tIl.is district, 1',iacJ:;:a~1, 011 tIle I?iol1eer lliver, h.ad bee!'l ga.zetted a IJort of e:n.tr:y- 011 2 October 1862 as a result of an. eJcpeditiOl1 setting o·at frora ilr~nidf11e even 1J81'ore D~~itlr:YTJ.nple lla(L returlled frolll Ilis 1vitl1 stock to tIle Piol1.eer District 13:l 26 February'" 1862 a:ncl;J by J~ug'ust 1862, otl1er sql18Jtters 'w"ere .J(;tt.~~ing up r'L111S ..J.l 11 111 vile Qrea. Nee..r toue nortb.er:n linlit of tIle I~enIledJ-' Iwpressed by the possibilities of the Valley of Lagoons, 11e l1ad i:rlterestecl the }'reiaier, rLolJert Ilerbert, 1/r110 in 1862 had t11e:n eillisted tIle support of :his frie11ds, tIle \vealt11Y 6. DalryillI-)le to Col. Sec., 24 illJril 1861, Icc. cit. 7. DalryillI)le to Col. Sec.,. 20 1\1ay 1861, JJ.S •.A.• 'CltL/l\..17, 1527 of 1861. 8. DalrY1nple to Lt. IJol'iell, ill che..rge of }Jative ljolice detacllll1erlt, BOTTen, 27 il1}ril 1861, e:n.cl.
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