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ILLTOP The Student Voice of Howard University VOLUME 84, NO. 30 FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 2001 http://hilltop.howard.edu Caldwell-Colbert Named New University Provost By JOI C. llmLF.Y and I am delighted to have the opponunity to compared 10 that of a chancellor at another can Education and American Women, and she Hilltop Staff Writer serve as its new Provost and to become a pan university. Under President Swygen, she is is also a member of Phi Delta Kappa. of the Howard experience. The opponunity next in command,'' said Lacy. A selection comminee appointed by Pres­ A. Toy Caldwell-Colber1, Ph.Q, was to serve at such a prestigious institution in this University Provost Designate Caldwell­ ident Swygen recommended Caldwell-Cole­ tapped to serve as the University's second capacity is humbling," CaldweU-Colben said Colben, a board certified clinical psycholo­ man. Swygen sent the task force on a mission Provost and chiefacademic officer March 14. in a recent letter to the University. gist, currently serves as associate vice presi­ to find "the best candidate possible." One Cald.yell-Colben will fill the position cur­ "I will be listening to what you have 10 say dent for academic affairs at the University of member was current HUSA president, Sell­ rently occupied by interim Provost, Dr. Don about your vision for Howard and what you Illinois. She has also held tenure at various ano Simmons. Lacy also mentions that the Coleman. would like to contribute 10 that realization in universities including Emporia State Uni­ pool of candidates was definitely "fair and "I am delighted that a leader of Dr. Cald­ support of the Strategic Framework for versity, University of Kansas, and lndiana balanced." well-Colben's caliber now joins us in advanc­ action. It will take all of our collective efforts State University. The Provost-elect appeared on campus two ing our academic and intellectual pursuits. and I know by working together we can suc­ A native of Salinas, Kansas, Caldwell• weeks ago and traveled to various venues Her academic credentials are impeccable," ceed in realizing 1his vision for Howard Uni­ Colben has received various awards for her throughout campus. Caldwell-Coleman University President H. Patrick Swygen said. versity. As the new Provost, I am committed work in education. A magna cum laude attempted 10 introduce herself formally to fac­ Swygert announced the selection at a 10 taking the University 10 new levels of aca­ graduate of Spelman College, Caldwell-Col­ ulty and student groups. reception in Blackburn just before the stan of demic excellence," she wrote. bert received her master's aod doctorate "Prior to July 1'' my plan is to make reg­ Spring Break. She will step into her new According to Gwynette Lacy ofthe Office degrees in psychology and clinical psychol­ ular visits to meet with the staff in the position on July 1, 2001. of the Provost, Caldwell-Coleman's office ogy, respectively. from the University of Provost's office ... I will be scheduling future "Howard University is one of the leading will be an extremely important one. Georgia. She has received numerous awards visits to each of the schools and colleges 10 A. Toy CaJd,.ell-Colberl, Ph.D. research-e~tensive institutions in the country "Dr. Caldwell-Coleman's position can be and honors including Who's Who in Ameri- Please see Provost, A3 U. Michigan Student Dies in Black Press Honors Rev. Jackson, Sr. Law School • Blackburn From Admissions Apparent Heart Ruled Illegal Failure By ANNA CLARK & J EN Flsn Michigan Daily (U. Michigan) By BRAKKTON BOOKER (U-WIRE) ANN ARBOR, Mich. ·• Hilltop Staff Writer Rejecting the University of Michigan's defense of its affirmative action policies, Close friends of former Howard University student U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman Travis Conez "T.J." Birgans, 21, described him as a struck down the Law School's use of "funny and generous", sports fan who always helped race as a factor in admissions, declaring those in need and had a that student diversity is not a compelling passion for issues that state interest. affected the black com­ Friedman also refuted the arguments munity. of student intervcnors in the case, ruling Birgans died March further that a race conscious admissions 1511>, while pJayini; p00J system cannot be used to remedy pa,1 in the Blackbum Recre­ discrimination, nor "level the playing ation Room. According field' between minority and non-minor­ to police repons, rut offi­ ity applicants. cer arrived on the scene Law Scbool Dean Jeffrey Lehman, in at 4:38 p.m. shonly after a telepbooe interview from Berkeley, Birgans collapsed and Calif., expressed great disappointment began to administer over the decision. CPR. Unable to be "This is not only rejection of the a revived, Birgans was Tnlvis Cortez "T.J." Blrgcms University's arguments, but a rejection rushed to Howard Uni- of two decades ofsenled understanding versity Hospital where within higher educmion,' Lehman said. be was pronounced dead The crux of Friedman's decision is his at 5:51 p.m. interpretation of the 1978 U.S. Supreme Despite being athletic and working out frequent• Court decision, University of California ly, Birgans had a bi story of health problems, friends n,e Re,•. Jesse J•ck>ot.~Sr0 called the lllnek P""'-' me "be;1dUgh1" for Black Photos by Jason T. Smith Regents vs. Bakke. Racial quotas were said. outlawed in the case, but Justice Lewis prople DI u,e nnnunl NNPA a,rnntsceremony. TI-teorgimlmlion nrun<d Jack­ Mm as the Ne"smaktroflhe Vearnt un e,ent held in Blackbum. "He had bean a munnur that was not supposed 10 Powell, writing only for himself, Please see Birgam, ,13 endorsed the use of race as a 'plus fac­ tor' to achieve racial diversity. Jackson Named Newsmaker of the But since no other justices joined Year by Publishers Association Powell on this particular point, Fried­ man said, Powell's opinion cannot be he National Newspaper Publishers Association named Investigation into interpreted as the controlling opinion in the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.. Newsmaker of the Year at the case. Tthe group's annual awards ceremony March 16 at School of Business Kirk Kolbo, lead counsel for die Cen­ Howard University. ter for individual Rights, the Washing­ Jackson told the crowd of more than 200 people gathered in the Death Continues ton D.C.-based firm representing plain­ Blackbum Center Ballroom that the Black Press is the "headlight" tiff Barbara Grutter, said he expects 10 for a Black people who are ··racially profded" by the White media. By J OI C. RIDLEY see the decision influence other cases. "We need the Black Press more than ever, and we need you to Hilltop Staff Writer We think it's a very powerfully rea­ synthesize with the Internet and Black Radio," said Jackson, who soned opinion,' Kolbo said. • I expect is also the founder of the Rainbow/PUSH organization. As the investigation into the falling death of many other couns across the nation will The NNPA also awarded tl1e True Voice award to Kemba Smith, sophomore Sidney Harris continues, University look at it.' whose unfair drug conviction first came 10 light from an Emerge ndministra1ors and students are left to wonder what University President Lee Bollinger article. Elaine Jones, president and director-counsel of the NAACP events led 10 Harris' death. noted the sharp conirast between Fried­ Legal Defense and Education Fund received the Nonh Star Award Harris' body was found in the parking lot of the man's decision and that of U.S. District for Public Service. School of Business on March 17, shonly before 2 Judge Patrick Duggan in die nearly iden­ The event was pan oi Black Press Week, which celebrates the a.m. Harris was a 19-year-old sophomore psychol­ tical suit filed against the College of Lit­ March 16 anniversary of the publication of Freedom's Journal, the ogy major from Nonh Carolina. erature, Science and the Arts. nation's first Black newspaper, in 1827. Each year during Black 'The case is being investigated as an undeter­ ln December, Duggan ruled that Press Week. NNPA publishers trnvel to Washington 10 meet with mined death as of now. The official nature of death LS A's current admissions policy is legal prominent Black and Wh.ite political leaders and to honor fellow has not been released as of yet," University but that the "grid system' used from publishers and Black newsmakers. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (0-ID.) introdut'ffl hl• Cother at the NNPA spokesperson Donna Brock said. 1995 to 1998 was unconstitutional. -Compiled from staff and wire reports a"ards etrtmony. Metropolitan Police have, however. confirmed 'This is a district court holding that that the cause of Harris' death was "blunt force trau­ Please see L.a111 A3 ma due to falling from such n height," Brock said. Harris death was not immediate, however. he was discovered alive and died later in Howard Univer• sity Hospital.
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