University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 9-2-1967 Kabul Times (September 2, 1967, vol. 6, no. 132) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (September 2, 1967, vol. 6, no. 132)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1588. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , \ . ,'. '~'.: ,'~ . '.. .,. .,.'. .' . " ,I" ,. .. .." .\ ,. \ '., •,I .• I , \ , .. , . .,,,... ,,~ , . , ; ..' , \ ',. The., "".,. , " calc41~'tions' '•• r , ,for precise watch 1 • . ,~ you "','S'·,· '~ecisa , .' mUst, . ., ."',,, _ '1 ' . .'~. ~:':"! ~ E ..,:' Profi~j hav~ ,./' . .!. '/ ~".,•••••• .Prestige .; , ~ '. :.;-. ,.' Portability EN I 'C"A'a: VOL. VI, NO: 132 .......--~~~ ......._----.....,;.;.~_ .. KAf3UL. SATUitpAy, SEPTEMBER 2, 1967 (SUNBULA 10, 1346 S.H.) PRICE AF. 3 . -- ----------;.;,;;,~;.;;;.;..;. , .F:ESTIVlt I'ESM~R'K PAS':HTO!ONlSTANDAY , WardaJ{, Ghafar, Khan Speak On Self-Determination Wishes KJ\BUi., September ~, (Bakhtar).­ Pasht90nlstan Day was observed throughout Afghanistan yester· day. '. In Kabul, the ceremony began with lhe hoisting of lhe Pash­ toonlstnn ftagln Pashtootilstan Wat by caretaker' mayor of the city Dr. Mohammad Omar Wardak. In his inaugural speech Dr. Wardak said that brotherly reIa- ' .tions between. Afghanistan and Pashtoonistan are very strong and are based on unseparable geographical, historical. religious, racial, cultural and linguistic ties. He said that the problem of Posh. people of. Pashtoonlstan and with toonistan' is an issue of life and due respect to reality ond truth, and destiny tb the people at Poshtoonis-· with the expression of good w1l1, ton. "The solution of the problem prepare the ground tor the solutton or· Pasbtoohiston depends on the 1n- of thls problem throuBh .talks aod dependent satistaction of the people exchange of views between the lea­ of Pashtoonistan," he added. ders of Pashtoonistan and leaders of .., Atghanistan has always tried. Pakistan, :Wardak said,. to solve the problem The government at Pakislan oC Pashtoonistan which is the only should admit that the only way to Pashto011lstan Flag l'olitical issue b~tween Afghanistan solve this political' and legal difL and Pakistan, in accordance with terence is by granting the right of the wishes of the people of Pash- self determination to the people of toonistan. their satisfaction on the Pashtoonistan, Dr. Wardak sum­ Arab Summit Decides To basis of respect tor truth a~d norms marised, ot' international justice and peace. The mayor then hoisted the Form Fund To Aid "We ar~_ sure' that the govern- Pashtoonistan flag, and. said: "l ment of Pakistan is aware that the have the raIse the Her Majesty giving 'away a preseht to one of the win­ moral suppor.t given by Afghanistan ~ashtoon,istan fl~g on this histo- ~ UAR, Jordan, Syria ners of the Children's Day anniversary games. to the people ot Pashtoonistan is rtC occaslOn, amIdst warm sen- ' not based on a policy of expan- timents Taanifesting the natio~ , KHARTOUM, September 2. (AP).- HER MAJESTY ATTENDS sionism but it is Afghanistan's onLy nal feelings of the -Pashtoonis· The Arab summit meeting here wound up FrIday with a decision hope that the right- of selt determina. tans. as a sign of support for to resume Arab 011 productl0!l but rejecting any negotiation with, tion. which has been recognised by the ~ishes of the peopl~ o! Israel to settle the MIddle ElISt problems. CHILDREN'S RALLY KABUL, SCI>tember 2, (Bakhtar). all nations of the world and the toonlstan and as an mdlcatlOn A communique outlining the Bum- The main parts ot the resolutions N~tion$ United is granted to tbe of the sentiments of Kabul citi­ mits resolullons declared tha'l a1- adopted by tbe summH will be Children's Day was observed throughout Afghanistan Thursday. people of Pashtoonistan," Wardak zens. t~ough a. previous conference 01 kepl secret, the influential Cairo In a message issued by ner Majesty the Queen on the' occasion, said. "T inaugurate this historic day mmisters In Baghdad had proposed daily Al Ahram predicted earHer children were congratulated ,and the attcntion of parents was by praying for continued friend­ a halt of Arab au supplies to the The reason given by the pa~r drawn to thel.. responsibilities in bringing up children. ship and brotherhood between We~ :the 'beads of 8ta~ ,tlecideld tor the secrecy was a safety guaran­ In Kabul, Her Majesty attended I1l1hnn children performed the the people of Afghanistan and Arab 011 could be an effective means tee for Arab political military and the celebrations held in the Ghazi Bhan/.:ra dance and American child­ Pashtoonistan and !Qr the success to help the Arab economy. ~nomic plans to contront aU deve- Stadium. ren did the Virginia Reel. of the national endeavours of . 11 could thus be used "to assllt lopments of the Arabi-Israeli As Her Majesty arrived at the Iler Majesty the Queen later re­ the people of Pashtoonistan for .hose countries, UAR, Jordan aner "battle", royal pavilion at :!: 30, thousands of ceived representatives of the kindcr­ the attainment of their indepen­ Syria, which suffered during the . _ people cheered her. l(nrtem. and presented prizes. dence and right of self detemu' June war. Their Royal Highnesses Prince nation." The Arab leaders agreed to a Ahmad, Shah Princess Bilquis. HRH Marshal Shah Wali Khan Kuwaiti plan to establisb 8 develop­ Royal Audience PrIncess Maryain, Princess Khatonl. Ghazi, HRH Sardar Mohammad me,nt tund of 140 million pounds Marshal Shah WaH Khan Ghazi and PM Maiwandwal' Daoud, HRH Sardar Mohammad sterling which wUl be financed KABUL, S~pt..2, (Bakhtar)­ Sardar Abdul WaH. SOme other Naim, HRH Sahlar Abdul Wali, largely by the· oil·producing states. The following were received by members of the royal family; Sena­ Dr. Abdul Zaher, president of The four-day summit unanimousJ"y His Majesly during the w~k end­ tor Abdul Hadi Dowf president uf Takes Liquid FoodI the Wolesi Jlrgah, Nour Ahmad agreed to eUminaIe aU toreiiii 'IDg Thursday, August 31: the Meshrano Jirgah;' Minister 'or Etemadi, deputy prime minister bases on Arab soil, The United Senator Abdul Hadj Dawi, pre' Court Ali Mohammad some mem­ Sits In 'Chair and minister for foreign affairs, States. Britain and France have sldeDt of the Meshrano Jirgah; bers of the diplamati~ corps arJd Ali Mohammad, minister of bases in Arab territory. high-ranking offlcials were among Dr:_ Wardak deUverlng' Dr. Mohammad' ADas Minisler KABUL. Sept. 2. (Bakhlar)­ court, members of the cabinet, Arab leaders. agreed to coordinate . without portfolio; Dr. Mohammad those who attended Prime Minis[cr Mohammad HashIm his speech Khan Abdul Ghaiar Khan, Khan their political and diplomatic poU· Ebsan Taraki, Mloister of justice; In her inaUgural· speech. Minister Maiwnadwal is making rapid re­ Wardak expressed his firm belief Mohammad Ayub Khan Achek­ cies but turned down a~;y sugg...· ot Public Health Miss Kubra Nour· ('over)'. that the application of the rignt at Abdul Rauf Benawa, , Miolster of zai,' other Pashtoonistanis liv­ lion thM there should be negotiatioDB zai welcomed Her MajeSly and other self-deter:mination to Pasbtoonistan information and culture; Moham­ 'The Prime Minister rested well ing in Kabul, Pashtoonistanis with Israel. members of the royal family and yeslerday. lie listened. to the news is in the interests .of PakIstan mad Khalid Roshan presiden'l of the who .are here as guests, and' a At tbe same time the summit said she was delighted that Her nnd hoped-''mal the government of Tribal Affairs Department: Lt.. over radio sat in the chair for a large humber of Kabul residents agreed to. take all ne<,'essary steps to Majesty, who has great interest in while, :lfld' muved in his bed un­ Pakistan will review its policy General Mohammad Azim, Gov­ attehded the ceremony. consoUdate their mUitary streDgth to assisted. This was stated in a bul­ about the 'demands ·and rights of the ernor of Pakthia; Adul Waseh, "I childron, was taking part in the (Cond, on page 4) meet any possible ag~ession,' . judg~ o~ celebrations. letin issued on the Prime Minister's Baghlan province; Mo­ , r' hammad Sbafie Rahgozar presi­ She said that under the inslruc· health yesterday evenirig by Dr. deot of the Afghan Journalists tions of HRH Prinl:e Ahmad Shah, Harold Richard ond Colgate Phillips Association and editor of Anis; honorary president of the mOlher of CAR£ Medico. and Mir Mohammad Tahir, mir of and child care centre, much head­ The Prime Minisler is now taking GazergaQ. way has been made in the Held of liquid Cood. -_._-. training cwldren in the kindergar· Meanwhile. messn'ges wishing the tens. Prime Minister good health ('ontinue With more women employed out· to ('orne ill. Iranian Minister Leaves United StatL's Presidt.'nt Lyndon KABUL. Sept. 2 (Bakhtar}­ side the home. she said. more child care centres and kindergartens were .Johnson. U.S. Ambassador-at-Iarge Iranian Information Minister Ja­ . being open,ed. Averrell Harriman and Prime Minis· wad Mansur, who had come to "We arc happy lo notIce ,that in lcr of India Mrs, Indira Gandhi in Kabul at the invitation of Mins· our country many have taken an lhd.. messages have wisher:! Mai­ ler of Information and Cullure aClive part in l!.te opening <¥ kinder­ w:llldwul speedy recovery the In­ Abdui, Raur Benaw8, to partici­ gartens." she said. formatiun Department of' Foreign pate in the Jashen celebrations. She expressed her happiness that Minislr)· announced. left for Tehran T1)ursday, kindergartens have been opened in Durjng his slay here, Mansur the provinces also.
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