PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT IN POLICY IN POLITICS 12 Pases Seventy-third year, No. 18 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 5,1932 Seeks Office , Clean Up Days Capitol Wives Found Handy CANDIDACY ANNOUNCED [ PROSPECTS 'SIAIELEGISL Mayor Jason E, Taylor, with the consent of the city council, has pro­ Adjuncts To Business Heads claimed May 16 and 17 as city clean BELIEVED PROiSING D BYwrnois up days,- On those two days city em­ ployees will collect tin cans and other WJLL SEEK N O MIN A T IO N AS LANSING EDITOR KEEPS WIFE ON PAYROLL.. COR­ PLAN HINGES UPON APPROVAL SURVEY BEING M/\DE OF NEW rubbish and haul them to the city 'OF SUNOAV GAMES. - LEGISLATION. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. RESPONDENTS, TOO, THRIVE ON STATE PAY. dump, M, M, Bowers, street commissioner, Priictlcc is Being Held at. Athletic IliK-luvHY n'll Is Tinijflcil, Iiicoino Tax iMoro Entries E,vin>ot;ed In County will bo In charge of the clean up rollticiil Aronii Wahln The Writer Tells How Bureaus Are Created, H<»w They Are Manned, Field Every Nlghll, to Elect IToiKisiil l)cfciit<!(l, Eleiilloii Liiw work. He asks that all rubbish be OiriMrs Tuesday Night. ClmiiKo rropo.soil. Next F'ew Weeks. How Tliey Tlirive—And How They Cost—And Why placed in wood or metal containers at Legislators Dislilie To Interfere. the curb. He warns thiU just one trip • Prospects for the launching of nn By ELTON R, -EATON William H, Wise, Lansing attorney, will be made in each street. It Is also has announced his candidacy for the Independent baseball team In Mason Official Lansing lias been spending By V. J, BROWN , pointed out tliat rubbish must be plac­ appear bright, those behind the pro­ the present week cliecldng over the republican nomination as prosecuting One of the finest examples of state commissions, how they arc created, ed In wood or metal containers be­ gram ropoi't, A meeting of businej'L Avork of the specla.l session of the leg­ attorney, the office now held by John cause when placed In pastebonrd car­ Wendell Bird, who Is a candidate for how they function, how they grow nnd how their cost is thrust upon lesser men was held last Thursday nnd on islature In an effort to find out how tons the containers become watcr- Saturday a group of players attendee! much good has been accomplished for representative in congress. With the units of government came to light during the past month. sookcd arid-the rubbish can not be entry of Mr, Wise into the roce for a n oi-ganlzation session, ' Another the taxpayers of the state so far as a Township, villf4re and city clerks all over Micliigan will understand what moved. meeting of those interested in bafc- result of the activities of the law prosecutor there are already three No garbage or ashes will be hauled candidates, Dan D. McCullough, as­ is meant when reference is made to sets of blanks recently received by them ball is scheduled to be held in the making branch of the government. by city employees, ' office of C, Ross Hllllard in the court It is certain that the highway, bill, sistant prosecutor, announced in No­ from the state treasurer. These blanks call for information concerning vember that he would seek the pros­ house Tuesday evening, A permanent held for days in tlie house committee, strictly local expense and the levying of taxes therefor during the past five organization will be formed at that is not going to do all the things many ecutor's position. A few weeks ago years. Hundreds of town clerks are still struggling to secure information Roy Conley, an unsuccessful candidate time. had anticipated. Highway Commis- from \vhich the queries asked by an inquisitive commonwealth may be ac­ Of COUR -sioncr Grover Dillman has pointed out two years ago, entered the race. While the program Is not yol defi­ emphatically that a very substantial Whs Dufliiitc Condi curately answered.. nite, enough Intorest hiis boon lu-ousc-i' portion of the financial resources of In his announcement Mr, Wise so that woi-k-outs lii-c being hold nt the department cannot be diverted to states, "I have practiced law in Lan­ Late in the session of 1931 there SESSION iiAY .•Vthlelic 'field every iiigjit. The (irft appeared a vei'y innocent bill, intro­ TIff.s is life fifllf of ff soriffs of hrticlcs drill Moiuliiy was iiLlonileri by 25 othei' uses and the department con­ sing for a number of years and before tk'ftlinK with stittf! iiftyf-nlls, Otiicf'f) to to\- tinue lo build roads and maintain that time was debate coach and in­ duced by Senator )ow will Ro fnof-c ihlo tiothil ahil sofiio will 30 JUKoUS ro KlCPoirr VOK, players, A committee to soled the them. WILLIAM H, WISE structor in public speaking at Michi­ Cliuid Stevens of the flo with h tiistftfffsioff of wliftt cof'thift Ifofff'tls. ouTV ruKsriA^'. team luis been appointed. .Sei'vlng Highland Park dis­ hfff'fffftfs hhfi tfofhfiiissfoffs ffro cfiKffKCfl tipoh. upon the committee are Cnrl JowoU, How to prevent additional unem- With the entry of Williiun H, Wise, gan State college, I received my legal The fftds fithttffl nf-e Ihkon ff-ofh orltrinhl •Dloyment and at the same time bring ti-aining at'thc University of Mich­ trict. The bill creat­ iDcof-ils off fflu ht the stale chpftol uhtl nro SliortC'St Ciilentlur Of Oriiulniil Cases Glenn Murphy, Dr, ,Tiiy C, CorsauV, three candidates have now announced ed n 0 discussion, III Piisl 'M) '\'(^itr.s, .SImrl: 'reriii Joy O, Davis, Donald A, tMiirr.iy anil relief lo some of the counties and for the office of prosecuting attorney, igan, ftvftilffhle lo any ciliv.off of the slate ileait-ihK municipalities of the state is the main "I am active in the Elks, Junior slipped through the ihformhlion. /ViitiiciplitwI. Eugene Edgar. cjuesLion that members of the legisla­ Chamber of Commerce and the Am­ senate, went over to Siiiiiiiiy liiisl'lilill ture have been considering. It is erican Legion, the house where a cents were mentioned but'the auditor The May term of the Ingham coun­ Tlie laiincliing" of the team sct-'ir;if known that the transfer of the weight "I believe that from the prosecu­ committee approved said that the "nominal" charge would ty circuit court will be opened in Ma- ] to hang upon the f|uestioii of Sund.iy tiLX receipts and a portion of the gas AiUASiTiOE tor's office should come an efficient it and where it re­ be something over li!200 for each town­ son Monday morning. The first day j baseball. It is not thought possible tax moneys from the highway depart­ and econoinical enforcement of the ceived a n affirma­ ship. will be taken up wltii the i-eading of| to linancc an independent learn with­ ment to other purposes will imined- law. The prosecutor is entrusted with tive roll call during Members of the legislature began to tlie calendar and setting dates for; out having Sunday games. Backer,') the closing.hours of hear from their constituents also. trial. The jurors will report for sor- of the baseball program point out iately cause a large number of high­ BYCEKRyBOURD the enforcement of the law and it is way depiirtmcnt cinpioyees and road his strict duty to enforce the law the session, Prob- They were greatly surprised. They vice mi Tuesday, From present Indi-t that hundreds of residents of Mason workers lo be thrown out of employ­ ce^ieticrV fund in strong without regard to his personal pre- ably had it appeared earlier or had it knew of the passing of no such bill. cations It appeai-s that the jurors will and this section of the county attend ment. Highway department officials fin a nci a l con dm' ion. fei'cnces in the matter. The enforce­ been sponsored by a member whose They went to th e state tresisurer have but few cases to decide. Only Sunday games at Pleasant LiiUe and have not given an estimate of the ment of the law must be the same for judgment is less highly regarded, the from whose department the demand seven cases of a criminal nature are other nearby resorts. The Mason number that will bo deprived of work> Reserve Fund Used Vust Two Yearsric h and poor. The prosecutor or his bill might have been more closely for these reports liad come and tliat upon the calendar. Golf club also reports Sunday as Its but the number will not be small. This To Open And Improve New assistant should be accessible at all scanned. official calmly pointed to a joker tuck­ The criminal calendar Is the short­ busiest day of the weelc. Sunday is about the only department of the :iOO-lot Section. times during the day to those who Helps AiiiILInrs ed carefully away in the text of the est of that for any term for upwards shows have also been held In the loca'l state government that provides a sub- stand in need of his services. It goes This bill became Act 315 and the Inw making him the dictator who is of 20 years, it is said. Reasons for theat,er. Supporters of baseball say stantlnl .amount of common labor According to the annual report sub­ almost without saying that capable next heard of it lay legislators was forced, under the act, to put into ef­ the lack of criminal cases are varied. they can find no great opposition to with employment, Moiiibers of the mitted by the board of cemetery trus­ assistants are necessary to efficient when local tSlerks began growling at fect a system of uniform accounting That there Is a lull In crime, that jus­ Suriday games.
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