TM by: Kraig Blackwelder, Jacob Klünder, Matthew McFarland and Will Hindmarch Vampire® created by Mark Rein•Hagen Credits Special Thanks To: Written by: Kraig Blackwelder, Jacob Klünder, Matthew Fred “Very Public Restroom” Yelk, for superhuman McFarland and Will Hindmarch hearing at Origins Vampire: The Requiem is inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade Chad “Golden Deuce” Brown, for volunteering to Vampire: The Masquerade was created by Mark Rein•Hagen demo his, uh, game World of Darkness created by Mark Rein•Hagen Philippe “Patio Table” Boulle, for facilitating the sto- Developer: Justin Achilli len table’s journey through the window Editor: Carl Bowen Ben “Worst President Ever” Monk, for his personal cam- Art Director: Pauline Benney paign to have President Grant removed from the fifty Layout & Typesetting:Pauline Benney Jim “Beer Can’t” Zubkavich, for injuries sustained in Interior Art: Samuel Araya, Fred Hooper, Travis Ingram, the line of duty Vince Locke, Michael Phillippi, Jean-Sebastien Rossbach Dave Seeley and Hannibal King Front Cover Art: John VanFleet Front & Back Cover Design: Pauline Benney © 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Re- production without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire, World of Darkness, Vampire the Masquerade are registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Storytelling System and Cote- ries are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights re- served. All characters, names, places and text herein are copy- righted by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trade- mark or copyright concerned. This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised. For a free White Wolf catalog call 1-800-454-WOLF. Check out White Wolf online at http://www.white-wolf.com; alt.games.whitewolf and rec.games.frp.storyteller PRINTED IN CANADA. Table of Contents Prelude and Introduction 3 Chapter One: Cosmopolitan Coteries 12 Chapter Two: The Ordo Dracul 44 Chapter Three: The Carthian Movement 60 Chapter Four: The Circle of the Crone 76 Chapter Five: The Invictus 90 Chapter Six: The Lancea Sanctum 112 He drags the knife down my ribs like he’s playing a with the times was a big point of the Carthian Move- xylophone. I try getting through it by counting the ribs. ment. The two guys who play piano and sing are really People get through a lot by counting inane shit. I used god-awful. That doesn’t explain why this place gets so to get to sleep by counting sheep and get through sex busy every night of the week, but there it is. So we with my husband by counting cracks in the ceiling. It started going there, hunting, feeding, getting cozy with doesn’t work so well this time. the pianists. The guy cutting my side open doesn’t speak a lot of That was my job, and I don’t need to hear about any English, but he sure knows the word “bitch.” That’s double-entendres, either. about all he’s said since I’ve been here. I get a bunch of We were sitting at a table near the front of the room. French, slurred together like it’s one long, liquid sound, You’d have to yell to be heard while the music was then “bitch.” I was never much for languages. I’d rather playing, but we talk during the breaks between songs. watch people’s faces. That means it takes a while to have any kind of mean- The knife goes in again, and I resume counting. You’d ingful conversation, but that’s kind of the point. During think that if the body’s dead, it wouldn’t care about the songs, you can’t talk, so you look around, you take being sliced up. Three. It shouldn’t hurt. Four. in detail. That was how we noticed Jean’s boys in the It hurts. first place. * * * The two guys were in the middle of “American Pie,” Five hours ago, we were all together. I looked around which is a damned long song. We had our system all the room and tried to breathe in the smoke. I miss worked out. Carlos watches for the Prince’s guys. He smoking, I think, more than food. I can still smoke, I used to be with the Invictus, before he realized it was guess, but it’s not the same. bullshit, and he’s got a good eye for their kind. Dre It’s funny the things you miss. I think Carlos misses watches the door for cops. This place doesn’t do much being able to get pissed off about smokers. It’s not like in the way of drug traffic, but you never know. Elise he’s going to get cancer now, and he doesn’t have to sits with her back to the stage, making sure nobody’s smell any sharper than he used to, but he likes using his watching us too carefully. James just sits there and senses as an excuse for getting all up in smokers’ faces. stares into space. I don’t even ask him questions any- Whatever works, Carlos. more, not since I found out he believes in ghosts. And Anyway, we were all together in our usual haunt. me, I look for vampires. This place used to play metal, then it turned into a Dre told me to watch out for “other Kindred” the first dance club, then some guy who thought the city needed night we went there. I said, “We’re the Kindred. I’ll a piano bar bought it. It’s been a regular hunting spot watch for vampires.” The others knew what I meant. I for us for years, but after the last purchase, other Kin- think that’s why I like these guys. dred stopped coming here — scared off by the newness of Five hours ago, we were sitting at a table in the it all, I guess. Honestly, I was a little put off originally, piano bar when I saw four vampires walk in. I nudged too, but then Dre pointed out that being ready to change Elise. She kicked Dre. Dre tapped Carlos, and he tugged on James’ sleeve. We all took a look, and we all felt that We had figured out who they were. They were still in crazy mix of fear and rage well up in us, like the Blood’s the club. We’d left separately, me and Carlos out this trying force its way out. You can tell a lot about an- nifty little back entrance that the pianists had shown me other Kindred — sorry, vampire — by the way they one night, James and Elise out the front, and Dre out a make you feel. If it’s anger, you’re probably on even fire exit. He must have disabled the alarm. He was turf. If it’s fear, you’ve got a problem. clever like that. We all felt fear, but we sat still. And then one of those “Yeah, but who the hell knows what they can do? guys — this big, blond wuss in a silk shirt and a badly James already said—” disguised mullet — looks over at us, stares right at me “They were Dragons. I know. I’m not fucking im- and mouths something to his buddies. Carlos didn’t catch pressed.” Carlos was so full of shit. We’d all heard the a word of it, but when the song ended he told us it was same stories. We rounded the corner and found the oth- French. Elise told us she had a friend who’d mentioned ers. Elise was already on her cell phone, bobbing her something about some French Dragons in town. But the head like a chicken. James was staring at the wall of the pianists were into “Crocodile Rock” by that time, and club with his head cocked, a weird expression on his we couldn’t hear a damn thing. face. Dre watched the door. “I was telling Theresa—” * * * James waved for quiet, still staring at the wall. Carlos You hear all kinds of weird shit about the Ordo Dracul. started to get that “I’m about to flip out” look. I put a I don’t know how much of it’s true. James said they hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Part of watch- approached him once about joining up, and I guess that ing each other’s backs is keeping Carlos under control. doesn’t surprise me. He’s a spooky bastard. Elise hung up her cell phone. The guy with the knife has already cut me up a dozen “My guy doesn’t know why they’re here,” she said, times. My wrists don’t burn from the ropes like they “but they’re definitely Dragons. Their leader’s a Shadow should. They just kind of ache. I can feel where the named Jean, but he’s not with them.” bones have come loose. I grit my teeth as he slices a “We’re sure about that?” Dre was always paranoid chunk out of me again. I can’t stop myself from healing about Kindred who could change their faces. He’d been it, either.
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