Spermidine is a type of molecule called a adenosine-receptor expression and function forged in life; what other chains are forged in polyamine. It is mainly produced from a meta- between the species8, and therefore efforts to cell death? bolic pathway that converts the amino acid use these metabolites to treat human disease arginine to polyamines through intermediates might prove challenging. Douglas R. Green is in the Department of that include the molecule ornithine (Fig. 1). Medina and colleagues’ work opens rich Immunology, St. Jude Children’s Research Medina and colleagues traced the conversion possibilities for future investigations into Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38105, USA. of arginine to spermidine by this pathway, and how apoptosis triggers metabolic changes, e-mail: douglas.green@stjude.org found that cells induced to undergo apoptosis and how the regulated release of metabolites increased their synthesis of spermidine and its influences tissues. In contrast to apoptosis, 1. Medina, C. B. et al. Nature 580, 130–135 (2020). precursor, the molecule putrescine, before other forms of cell death, such as regulated 2. Green, D. R. Cell Death: Apoptosis and Other Means to an dying. The apoptotic cells released spermi- forms of necrosis, have profoundly different End 2nd edn (Cold Spring Harb. Lab. Press, 2018). 3. Lüthi, A. U. & Martin, S. J. Cell Death Differ. 14, 641–650 dine, but not putrescine. Spermidine release effects on surrounding cells, and whether (2007). occurred in a PANX1-dependent manner. and how changes in metabolism triggered 4. Kerr, J. F. R., Wyllie, A. H. & Currie, A. R. Br. J. Cancer 26, Although this phenomenon was monitored by those cell-death pathways influence their 239–257 (1972). 5. Henson, P. M. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 33, 127–144 (2017). using just one apoptosis-inducing condition surroundings is unknown. Cells that die by a 6. Garg, A. D. & Agostinis, P. Immunol. Rev. 280, 126–148 (namely, ultraviolet radiation), the finding form of regulated necrosis termed necroptosis (2017). raises the possibility that activation of apop- continue to synthesize and secrete molecules 7. Bosurgi, L., Hughes, L. D., Rothlin, C. V. & Ghosh, S. 11 Immunol. Rev. 280, 8–25 (2017). tosis drives this pathway, which synthesizes called cytokines that affect inflammation . In 8. Chekeni, F. B. et al. Nature 467, 863–867 (2010). spermidine. The hint that suggests this is the these dead ‘zombie’ cells, this synthesis occurs 9. Haskó, G., Sitkovsky, M. V. & Szabó, C. Trends Pharmacol. authors’ observation of the effects of admin- in an organelle called the endo plasmic reticu- Sci. 25, 152–157 (2004). 11 10. Haskó, G. et al. J. Immunol. 164, 1013–1019 (2000). istering a type of drug called a BH3 mimetic. lum , raising the possibility that metabolites 11. Orozco, S. L. et al. Cell Rep. 28, 2275–2287 (2019). This drug directly triggers a core step in apop- produced in the functioning endoplasmic tosis, the permeabilization of mitochondrial reticulum of these zombie cells also signal to The author declares competing financial interests: see go.nature.com/2pmkmil for details. organelles in an event called mitochondrial living cells in the surrounding tissue. Marley’s outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) — ghost appears in chains that he said were This article was published online on 18 March 2020. and its use led to spermidine release at levels comparable to those observed in apoptosis Nuclear physics mediated by ultraviolet radiation. Perhaps MOMP prevents the transport of ornithine into mitochondria (where ornithine is converted to the molecule citrulline), and leads instead A broken nuclear mirror to ornithine being mobilized in cytoplasmic pathways leading to spermidine production. Bertram Blank This model could be tested in cells engineered to lack components required for MOMP and The principle of mirror symmetry, which states that nuclear exposed to BH3 mimetics. structure remains the same when protons are swapped for The molecule urea is formed as a by-product neutrons and vice versa, has been found to be broken in the of the conversion of arginine to ornithine. lowest-energy forms of a mirror pair of nuclei. See p.52 Urea is an inflammatory DAMP that is released from necrotic cells6, but the authors did not determine whether urea is released through PANX1 during apoptosis. However, because Nature likes symmetry. Examples range across report the breaking of mirror symmetry at the Medina and colleagues observed a rise in argi- size scales from macroscopic objects, such level of bound nuclear ground states (Fig. 1). nine metabolism during apoptosis, if urea is as spiderwebs or honeycombs, to the micro- They report that the ground states of the not released through PANX1, this might pro- scopic world with its arrangement of atoms in mirror partners bromine-73 and strontium-73 vide a further reason why apoptosis is not molecules, or of electrons around an atomic are not simply ‘mirror images’ in which pro- inflammatory. nucleus. Symmetry also exists at the level of tons and neutrons have been swapped, but How do spermidine, guanosine mono- nuclei, but on page 52, Hoff et al.1 report one have a different configuration of protons and phosphate and inosine monophosphate way of breaking it. neutrons. induce responses in macrophages, and why Atomic nuclei are composed of two different How does this difference arise? The most do the three metabolites work only when given types of particle — protons and neutrons — basic building blocks of matter known today together? Guanosine monophosphate and which, if we ignore the charge on the proton, are quarks, of which there are six types. Pro- inosine monophosphate are known to signal to resemble each other so much that they are tons and neutrons are both constructed G-protein-coupled adenosine receptors9, and often treated as a single particle, the nucleon. from three quarks, and the most important spermidine can participate in a broad range of Mirror pairs of nuclei, in which the numbers of difference between them is that their different activities. The molecule inosine (which can be neutrons and protons have been exchanged, quark combinations give the proton an elec- derived from inosine monophosphate) has therefore have similar properties. tric charge of +1, whereas the neutron ends anti-inflammatory effects9 and can prevent In particular, the sequence of energies of up neutral. lethal inflammation in response to a bacterial a mirror pair’s nuclear states should be the The strong nuclear interaction that binds toxin in mice10. It is possible that spermidine same, from the ground state in which the nucleons together in an atomic nucleus is acts to increase such anti-inflammatory nucleons are in the lowest possible energy essentially the same between protons and signalling from the adenosine receptors. level, to excited states of increasing energy2. neutrons. For protons, however, the elec- Human cells are ten times less sensitive than A change in this sequence has, however, pre- tric repulsion between identically charged mouse cells to the anti-inflammatory effects viously been observed for excited states of particles adds together. When building two of inosine, probably owing to differences in mirror partners3. Hoff and co-workers now mirror-symmetric atomic nuclei, one with Nature | Vol 580 | 2 April 2020 | 37 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. News & views to fine-tune their models to describe atomic a Mirror symmetry b Mirror symmetry broken nuclei. As Hoff et al. show, the observed mir- Proton Neutron ror-symmetry breaking might be triggered by the existence of two competing nuclear shapes, a prolate (rugby-ball) shape and an oblate (disk) shape. Both structures give the nuclei approximately the same energy and mass. These two shapes can mix, and the symmetry breaking in bromine-73 and stron- tium-73 might arise because there is a different degree of mixing in the two nuclei. Energy It will be interesting to see whether other cases of ground-state mirror-symmetry break- ing can be found. No other candidates seem Figure 1 | Breaking nuclear mirror symmetry. a, In a pair of mirror nuclei, the number of protons in one to exist for nuclei that have similar numbers nucleus equals the number of neutrons in the other, and vice versa. For perfect mirror symmetry, the nuclear of nucleons to bromine-73 and strontium-73, structure and energy levels of the ground and excited states (shown schematically; dashed lines connect because no nucleus is known for which the equivalent states) are essentially the same on swapping protons for neutrons, apart from a small overall shift first excited state lies very close to the ground 1 caused by proton repulsion in the proton-rich nucleus. b, Hoff et al. report that the lowest-energy states of state. However, heavier nuclei are promising a mirror pair can have a different configuration of protons and neutrons; red dashed lines indicate that the candidates. With more nucleons, more nuclear lowest energy levels in one nucleus have swapped places compared with a. The cartoon illustrates a simple energy levels can be built, and the energy levels example of mirror symmetry and how it might be broken. come closer together. By contrast, no mirror partners exist for nuclei whose mass num- Z protons and N neutrons and the other with different for bromine-73 and strontium-73, ber (the sum of the proton number and the N protons and Z neutrons, this repulsion adds because both are long-lived and quasi-stable. neutron number) is greater than about 100 an extra global energy (mass) to the nucleus To break mirror symmetry, nature had to play (ref. 10), because the nuclear interaction can that has the more protons, but does not a trick: the ground states of these two nuclei no longer overcome the electrical repulsion modify the arrangement of protons and neu- are very close in energy to their respective first associated with interactions between the pro- trons.
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