(Lth YEAR.) E (No. 2529*) MARYLAND GAZETTE. T -Hf\ U R S D A Y, JULY 2, 1795- ^- ^ I/E Y D E N, Apil 27. of CuirraRiers began its march thii day, from Purfte- reign people, and to feite and detain hii* property, .V^APTAIN BARTLETT, from Bil- nau towards Magdeburg; the regiment of Kalkreuth wherever (ound, till the event of the profccution fhould X boa, fay*, he wai told there, by Mr. goes to Mindtn. The Hanoverian, Heffian and other decide hb fate. f Gardoquij that be had a letter from troops, are obliged to evacuate the Eaft Friefland, to hit brother, at Madrid, which in- make room Tor rruffians, who are returning froan the LONDON, XI formed him that every effort wa» bifhopric of Mundcr. Important intelligence to the navigaton to the Baltic. making by Spain to obtain peace with From fome new geographical map publifhed in, AMSTERDAM, Afnl \i. Dcnimrk. it appear*, that the pofition of Anholt, aa (j.meral Moreau fucceedi Pichegru in the command The provifional reprefentativei of the people at Am- hitherto laid down in the ordinary charts, it greatly «f ike Preach army whi«b remain* in Holland. The derdam, complain in a publication, that the loan of erroneous. The ligUt-houfe of Anholt, and the whole mublicin government of Holland, in return for the eight million* of guilders to be raifed for the ufe of Ifle, i* from 7 to 9 m Lutes too much wcfterly ; and fatictt rendered to their country by general Picheg/u, that city, hat not fucceeded to their with. In order the didance from the light-huufe to the Swedifh coaft, IHC fcm him a brevet (titulary) general in the femce (hit nothing may be left untried, and before they come in a direclioo perpendicular to the meridian of {he Jibe Uaiied Province*, with a pcnfion often thou- to a refolution of demanding the payment of thii ne- ligbt-houfe, is, in all maps hitherto publifhed, nearly- lind (Mm.. annum. cefTiry money .by force, the loan is left open for the four Englifh miles, or one eighth part of the whole provifionary reprefentatives of the people of whole of April, offering even a premium to thofe who too great. Experience has taught the navigator*, that i hive expedited circular letters, dated the 8th (hall pay their quota at once, they come too foon down upon Anholt ; or that they,^ April to the municipalities, to exclude abfolutely, The Jewifh company, Felix Liberate, at Arafter- cruifing between Anholt and Sweden, over-run their ^ |fnm ill (hare in the actual adminiftration, ('till a na- dam, ha* requeftcd leave for intermarriage* between reckoning, which was aYcribed to the current*, al­ «1 convention being convoked, Dull decide other- Jew* and Chriftiani, and that all Guilds may be abo- though the true reafon of it wa* the great error in the ' ,) ill the member* 0f the ancient government of lifhed ; or that Jew*, a* well aa Chriftians, may be geopraphical and hydrographical pofition of Anholt ia received into the (aid Guild*. a narrow and dangerous paiftge. Account* date variout depredations of mob* of up- The representatives of the people in Friefland have of 2000 in Moate i of an immenfc and well declared, that all the debt* of the former regency, BRIDGE TOWN, Maj 30. nplined mob in Exettr; of a numerous mob at fuch as charges of this province, quit rents, Ice. mail A report tus been prevalent, (to which little credit dine i of a feriou* mob at Portfmouth ; of a mob, be deemed national d,'bl* and promptly paid. The f.-enij to bo given) thai the French are collecting in voting to feveral thouhnds, at Portfe* ; ol an holder* of fuch hill*, however, a* were to have been coofiderable numbers in Guadaloupe, with an intent ling mob at Coventry ; of a mob at Berry j of a paid in (lie courte of this year, are requeded to leave to embark 7000 men on board tranfpoits, dcftined, aa i at Durham, Sec. all in England, from April a (he money in the funds from motives of patriotifm. is conjectured, for St.,Viuc«u'j. A letter ii laid to be 114 i in almoft every inftance of which the high The committee of confederation have thanked thofe received by a gentleman in town, from hit friend ia : ind Tcarcity of corn was the pretext, and the citizen* who have given their opinion of the Dutch M«rtinico, nearly to the lime purport. kis called to fubdue them. Nor are Ireland and national convention that i* to be formed, and have Genoa accounts date pofuivtly, that the Saoi Cu­ lind without their mobs -they talk of burthen- given notice that their further directions on (his bead lottes fct fail from that port on the j id, and difpatchea t taxes and' tythe* alfo. mud be fent in before the 15th of April, affairs being read in the convention from the deputy Le Tourneur, According to letter* from BruOels of the 29th Ger- in fuch a train already, that no ufe could be made of dated off the road of Hieres, March aad, mention the liul, (i8th April) it appear* that the annexation of them after that date. fafe arrival of (he Sam Culottct there ; the Blenheim dm to France i* decreed ; and that a proper time Bank cafh was, on the nth of April, at 91} per and Bombay Cadle would demand her in vaio from the is waited to make it public, which mud very cent. Genoefe, and mull go to Toulon to fulfil their errand. i lake place. Order* it i* faid had been received at jffri/ 17. The commercial intcrcourfe between thefe They (hould be fides ind a better plea on which to i for dividing all Flanders into didridi, and to United Province* and foreign countries (except Eng­ claim the Sans Culottes, than firing red hot balli in courts of criminal juttice, immediately kfter land and her dependencies) (hall continue tree, fubjett the engagement of the 141)1 March, a* (he wa* not ich the French criminal code nil' be put into ope- only to the regulation* formerly claMifhed. with the fleet on (hat day. ; The exportation of naval and military (lores, arm*, Accounts dawd Genoa, M irch 28, fay pofitiveljr, [A litter from a refpeclable gentleman in Aroier- gun- powder and falt-petre, i* prohibited to all place* that the Englifh lqu«dron under admiral Hot ham, left nij elucidate this He liys, (he French have except to France and her pofjeffinns, and to the co­ (he gnlph ot Spezzia on the 271)1 March, for the firtt wed m like brothers, and their only objecl in land- lonies aud place* belonging to the Seven United Pro­ time of putting to fea after the action of the 1415. |hcre was to fet us free from the tyranny of Orange vince*. * He might therefore have been fecn on the 24th in that i Praia. Very different ha* been their conduct in The revolutionary committee of Amllerdam, taking gulph, but not witK 6 French prizes, or the Genoa e pin of Flanders where heavy contributions have into confideration (he exhauded date of the Dutch fi­ account would fay fomerhing of them. Befidci, if i ended, 'in return for the h^l< and inhuman treat- nances, and the obligations of every citixen to contri­ the admiral had funk four (h:p* and taken fix,*iutheotic it ike French fvrces under Dumourier experienced, bute, as much as poffible to the public neceffitici, have count*could not have been received in London of tocft i they retited from tbofe provinces in 1703 ] refolved to place a box in every commune to be luper- fafe arrival at Toulon. rimers from Antwerp, of the zoch and ajd of intcndcd by the collector, in whofe poiTcffnn (he key jprl, idvife the arrival and Uniling at that city of (hall be depofiied, in order to afford the patriot citi­ BOSTON, 7«^ 18. > quir.tities of cann>m ana ammunition, from ike zen* an opportunity of evincing their attachment to I Province* of Holland. Several piece* of ligkt The proceeds of lift Monday evening'* performance, the caufe of liberty, by free gifti ot gold and filver t the thratfc, we are informed, had been fhipprJ (here, to be conveyed by article,, fuch a* buckle*, amounted to 666 dol­ ring*, ear-rings, tec. Sec. lars, the whole of which fum (i the wedward of Flander*. The gum of which are not included Mr. Powell ha* gene* in the provifional decree of the roufly depofited in the hand* of his honour Mofcs Gill, ' cilibrr, for (he JUt bottomed lx>at* were to be 1 26th March. i from the ciftle n&Aotwcrp, prefident of the M*flichufcti'» Cbariuble Fire Society, and carried ( Ruf- A book (hall be depofited in cudody of (he fame aa a donation *<J other arfcnali of France. Among the brafi to their fund*. perfont appointed to receive the donations, in which A i mortars, ctifiVm* and other military apnaratui, the name of every gentleman of information, who cane paffcnger per (on who facrinces their unne- with captain Cobb, from Havre-de-Grice, iimJ by the French from the podeflion of H^Jand, ceflary ornamcn'.i for fays, that the public benefit, fliall be regu­ B.i r re re and Collot d'Herboii are not banifted to Cay­ *" we auny cad in the prince's foundery *l the larly entered, that polterity may obferve the difinte- it, ind which were committed to the enne, but to Madagascar, ne.of the African iflaodi ia Enjlith and rcded patriotifm ol (heir anceftar».
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