a. THE FULTON COUNTY. NEWS, McCONNELLSBURO, PA, PUT WARFARE ON NEW BASIS FAMOUS OLD BLARNEY SHAMROCKS Put Off Old Age Use of Field Artillery at Crecy Marked In Court of Mall-Cla- d old folks are beet and shaky. Historic Spot, Long Tamed Song The the End of the Sorne pot Ilka are straight and strong. It can't and otory, Is One of ths Glories You buy a o' shamrocks you thsm Fighting Man. Others fot their grsen CAST mere"oUloess" that works such havoc. of Ireland. be An' for their pleasant friendliness but too often uric acid. Fight off Heaven Of all the world's great battles No it's know not what they mean I the kid- Crecy possesses a unique The this poison. Help THE year 1446 an Irish bishop What can you know of shamrocks, you interest. and Children. blood. To aid IN English used only pieces field ijljjj For Infants neys take it from the face scarred with many wounds who fsel not the thrill three of IIM'IIMMII!'llimmmiM!IIMMIIIMIMJIHHJM'IMrWW H them, lira carefully and stimulate their climbed to the keep of bis caatle, They bring' of Shannon's murmurs past ordnance. They were small cannon old reliable medicine, action with the and, banging over the side, kissed a . flowered field and hill? made of trees, bored, and bound with Kidney Pills. You pot of shamrocks, and back at Br REV. W. GOSNELL hoops, Mothers Know That DeanI In wall about Ave feet from buy a L Iron and the missiles were of stone the you smile Aaaatsat I lb Daaa. Moodr Bibla lot MacCar-thy- , them stone, scarcely larger than baseballs. the top. This was Cormack feel they Coicaso A Maryland Case Ah, could you know and that are Doubtless this rude artillery made and the castle was Blarney castle, isle! far part of Erin's more Genuine Castoria te- a Mrs. Mary A. noise than It affected damage. p33 -. Aram W awr" his military ptronghold. For In those Twist. 813 8. Han you ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT blBhop to good fighter You bar' not eyes that see things, or It was tho longbow and the broad- over St.. rtaltlmnre, days a had be a AYegetaUe Preparation for As- Mil., gay; "My would see the mitt TEXT I heard the voice of many an- sword that won the battle, but never- besides being a good churchman. The throne.-Rc- IX. body ' waa badly That runs across Killarney when morn- gels round about the v. 6: theless gunpowder was henceforth to similating IheFoodandRegula-lin- g Always fly stone that MacCarthy kissed Is now Am Moated anil the ing's brow is kissed; play an part In the the Stomachs and Bowels of kidney secretions called the "Blarney 8tone." You have not ears that hear things, or you The Bible represents God as a king nave me an- strife of ureal Cormack MacCarthy built Castle would hear the song upon his throne. About tho throne nations. Bears the noyance. My back Explosives wrought a vast change was weak anil nev- Blarney In County Cork. One day, a Made of a thousand memories forever are the angels, er stopped paining. sweet an" strong In fighting methods on land, for many little while after he had finished It, be the courtiers of Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful-nessan- d M My Belied ter- heail Tie but a pot o' shamrocks, a whimsy of tho old-tim- weapons were rendered Sign ituro ribly and I had riiz-I- was walking along when he happened beaven They ap- Rest Contains neither tf.tf thing you buy. quite useless In face of death-dealin- spells. Donn's to see an old woman drowning In a pear In graded Kidney Pills cured An' not a bit of Irish sod or breadth of bull and shot. Warfare afloat, too, Opium.Morphine nor Mineral me doctors Being both a courteous and ranks, "principal- after' stream. Irish sky! would be revolutionized. Hitherto the NOT NARCOTIC failed and I hnve a brave man, be Immediately plunged ities and powers, suffered glint of Irish sunshine makes all that fighting ships had been largely car- tfOIH DrSAHVUfirCffSH since."never in, and after many struggles rescued The mights and do- finiff livin' green. riers of soldiers In order to board and The old woman blessed her res- minions;" there Pumrlim Sum ' Cat Doan's at Any Store. SOe Bos: her. An' Irish rains kept off the stains an' gave fight, as on land; whcreaB tho time an "archangel, -- cuer and promised that, for a reward, jewel-shee- is rid- fftMttSmlti that was at hand when ships could be Ani SnJ idi?iV she would bestow upon blm a tongue Would you understood it! For could anrl Ihora ura DOAN'S", that dled with cannon-ball- s without the FOSTER-MILBUR- CO, BUFFALO, Y. of such eloquence that he could influ- you understand, J some who "stand In tt I jtJJi crews coming Into actual contact. ence friends and enemies. There'd be a bit of tremblin' each time J in the presence of h'rm Sttd they touched your hand I But there was only one way to ob- God." H'tnkrfmm litvori Your fingers would be tremblin', your eyes DRINK WATER tain this gift. He must climb to the We LOTS OF Make the Liver be dewy-we- t, believe A perfect Remedy forConslipa-lio- top of his castle and kiss a stone In that these facts TO FLUSH THE KIDNEYS Use Your heart would beat a measure you . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea wall MacCarthy followed fc a V RIO Ul Do its Duty the there. never could forget li 3 liiawiivai Worms .Convulsions Teveri sly Nine times in ten when the liver Is value for .our Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for You buy a pot o' shamrocks, an' know not liJO;iJ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. right the stomach and bowels are right. dally life Backache Trouble-Neutr- alize they meant or Bladder For Over what 1. .We are known at court. In the CARTER'S LITTLE You on ths table to see their Acids. Facsimile Signature of IF set them book we told how, LIVER PILLS cheerin' green of Esther (6:1) are King gently but firmly com' But should you trample on them they'd the records were brought to Urlo acid in meat excites the kid- Ahasuerus one night when he was pel a lazy liver to ICARTFRS rise in grace again. neys, they become overworked; get Tim Centaur Company, Thirty Years 00 its oury. t f,rt Just as the hopes rise in the hearts of sleepless. Ho found therein an account sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of Con-?-.f women of men. or a great by NEW YORK. Cures and service rendered to him lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the in-- Ai ' mW I I T I friendly your shamrocks an' SHr! lipatinn, i flim i Smile at Mordecal. the Jew, and Mordecal fared rf&i7ri. r ' rtsi you smile bladder Is Irritated, and you may be n nun digestion. back at they well because hg In an- na namo.was the Sick Ah, could you know an' feel that they are obliged to seek relief two or three nals of the Persian court. How may we Headache. part of Erin's islel times during the night. When the kid- rejoice that our names and Distress After Eating. arc "written neys clog you must help thein flush WILBUR D. NESBIT. In heaven" (Luke 10:20; Hebrews 12: SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. off tho body's urinous waste or you'll Wrapper. Coprrisht, 1C13. I'M. and, more specially, "In tho Exact Copy of TMS OIMTAUR COMPANY MCW TOIIK CfTV. be a real sick pcrsiVi shortly. At first Genuine must bear Signature book of llfo" (Pbll 6:3). Ahasuerus - J you feel a dull misery In the kidney VI (t ifi rr"- kT3 asked, "What Bhall be done to the region, you suffer from backache, sick man whom the king dcllghteth to Away. A Leading Question. headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, Gave Himself honor?" And we may Inquire, What The general was distributing medals In blue days betweeu ChriHtmas tongue coated and you feel rheumatic the shall be done to the man whom the for special valor. ' Summoning Private and New Year's, when a printing order twinges when the weather is bad. King of kings dcllghteth to honorT Bumptious to step forward, much to would have caused of them to Eat less meat, drink lots ot water; either Blarney Castle. 2. We are served by heavenly court-lera- . the general ot the ranks, he an Inquest to san- also get from any pharmacist four surprise start determine the "Are they not all ministering thundered out: ity of the customer, two printers met directions and immediately obtained AMERICA'S DEBT TO IRELAND ounces of Jad Salts; take a table-spoonf- spirits sent forth to mln'ster for tfiem ".Men, look upon this hero, and Im- In corridor, says Associated Adver- sjch eloquence that be delayed for a in a glass of water before the who shall be heirs of salvation?" itate his bravery! All through the tising. long time by persuasion and promise Immigrants Have Wrought Well In the breakfast for a few days and your A Remarkable Experience, long night he stood firm at his sen- "Just transacted somo business?" the surrender of the castle to the lord Wonderful Development of Their kidneys will then act fine.
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