THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 41: ISSUE 30 TUESDAY, OCTOBER3, 2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Saint Mary's guards female identity Student College has no plans Committee created allegedly to become co-ed to address retention assaulted By KELLY MEEHAN By KATIE KOHLER Saint Mary's Editor News Writer Police say suspect first Strengthened by a $130 mil­ Roughly 86 percent of Saint harassed woman lion endowment and an Mary's freshmen return to the increasingly large applicant College for their sophomore pool, Saint Mary's College offi­ year - a retention rate far By KATE ANTONACCI cials said they have not and higher than the 33 percent News Editor will not consider admitting national average but still in men, despite recent trends need of improvement, College Police are searching for a across the country to do other­ officials say. white college-age male who wise. From spring 2006 to fall allegedly harassed a female stu­ Of the 300 all-female institu­ 2006, 38 first year students dent and assaulted a male stu­ tions in the United States in the transferred or left Saint Mary's dent early Saturday morning, 1960s, only 60 remain today, for various reasons, according officials said Monday. according to an article that to the Office of Institutional The man and woman were appeared in The New York Research at Saint Mary's. seated on a bench outside of Times Sept. 21. Twenty-five of the 38 trans­ The interest in women's col­ LaFortune Student Center and ferred to Notre Dame. Washington Hall at around 1 :40 leges among high school grad­ The College recently created a.m. Saturday when they were uates is dwindling, too - only a Retention Committee that will approached by "three or four 3.4 percent of students who address the 85 to 87 percent KATE FENLON/The Observer college-aged men," said Freshmen Stephanie Strasser, Morgan Light and Kristen Associate Director of Notre see CO-ED/page 8 Starkey sit in the student center at Saint Mary's Friday. see RETENTION/page 6 Dame Security/Police (NDSP) Phil Johnson. "One of the men jumped on the bench, straddled the woman and simulated a sexual act," Johnson said. Police issue 25 tickets, make 7 custodial arrests When the woman's friend con­ fronted the suspect, he was punched several times before Security/Police (NDSP) Phil the suspect fled north, Johnson By KATE ANTONACCI Johnson said in an e-mail said. News Editor Monday. Six of the custodial "The male victim was not seri­ arrests were for public intox­ ously injured and the female vic­ Police issued 22 arrest tick­ ication and one was for tim was not injured," he said. ets to adults and made seven minor in possession of alco­ Though NDSP responded and custodial arrests for misde­ hol. searched nearby areas, they meanor violations of liquor Police transported offend­ were unable to locate the sus­ laws before and during ers to St. Joseph County Jail, pect. Saturday's home football Johnson said. The man was described as game against Purdue During the game, 18 people being about six feet tall with University. were removed from Notre brown medium-length hair, Three additional arrest Dame Stadium for "alcohol Johnson said. tickets were issued to juve­ related offenses," three were "NDSP asks anyone with infor­ niles for alcohol related arrested for public intoxica­ mation about this crime to con­ offenses, such as minor con­ tion and one was "sent to a tact us," Johnson said. suming or minor in posses­ local hospital due to intoxica- KATE FENLON/The Observer sion of alcohol, Associate Students cheer during the Notre Dame-Purdue game Saturday. Contact Kate Antonacci at Director of Notre Dame see ARRESTS/page 8 During the game, 18 people were ejected from the stadium. [email protected] Atnid declining sales, panel exatnines ne-wspapers' future Some of nation's top journalists gather for Gallivan Program's annual forum; technological advances, Web readership discussed Gallivan Program's advisory the last 10 years, noting that By MAUREEN MULLEN committee and included Dan newspaper readership fell News Writer LeDuc, deputy national editor from 50 to 40 percent since of The Washington Post; Bill 1996. The future of the daily news­ Dwyer, who worked as sports He posed the question to paper is not doomed, as long editor for the Los Angeles panelists: "Change ... what on as those who work for them Times for 25 years; John earth will the next decade are willing to change, six jour­ McMeel, founder and CEO of bring?" nalism professionals said at a Andrews McMeel Universal; Panelists spoke about issues panel discussion Monday. Bill Mitchell, director of pub­ of print and broadcast jour­ The forum, hosted by the lishing and on-line editor for nalism - how the fields have Notre Dame Gallivan Pro.gram the Poynter Institute for Media changed and will continue to in Journalism, Ethics and Studies; Anne Thompson, change as the Internet Democracy, examined the chief financial correspondent becomes a major source of changes the field of journal­ for NBC in New York; and Tom information. ism has undergone in the 10 Bettag, executive producer of LeDuc said that despite years since the Gallivan Discovery Networks. decreasing newspaper sales at Program was founded. Robert Schmuhl, American The Washington Post - circu­ Panelists also wrestled with Studies department chair and lation has been falling since at what the future might hold for director of the Gallivan least 1996, when readership the delivery of daily news. Program, began the forum by was more than one million - Participants in the panels highlighting the dwindling Bill Mitchell, director of publishing at the Poynter Institute, discusses were all members of the interest in newspapers during see PANEL/page 9 the ethics of journalism and the rise of Internet news sources Monday. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: IF YOU WON A MILLION DOLLARS, WHAT WOULD YOU BUY FIRST? Get rid of the fight songs CD Brett Perkins Heather Keane Jessica Lau Joe Murphy Stephanie Kalchik Steve McClure I like to get to the stadium early. Campus junior junior junior sophomore junior My usual home game Saturday Mininstry Welsh Family Lyons Carroll Badin Stanford routine is to watch the band march out and follow it to the stadium, "Religious icons "A green dress, ':4 national ':4fur coat, but "Four million "Love." where I can be in my seat about 45 minutes and large but not a real championship not a real fur gumballs. " before kickoff Chris Khorey supplies of green dress - for the football coat- that's to observe bacon." that's cruel." team." cruel." warmups. (If you've never Associate Sports seen Quinn Editor and the receivers toss a ball around with as little pres­ sure as your average guys on the quad, try it sometime. They're pretty impressive.) However, my enjoyment of this Saturday ritual is tempered by IN BRIEF Notre Dame Stadium's insistence on playing a generic fight songs CD on the P.A. before the game. While, being a college football All are invited to register for geek, I enjoy fight songs, there is the the Africa Faith and Justice no reason for me to walk into Notre Network's "Africa's Children: Dame Stadium for a game against Peril and Promise" Wednesday Purdue and hear "There is no place at the Kroc Institute. The con­ like Nebraska," "The Minnesota ference will run all day and fea­ Rouser" or "Hamblin' Wreck from ture a panel discussion, and Georgia Tech." keynote speaker Archbishop Non-Darners notice this strange John Baptist Odama of Gulu, choice of music as well. When I Uganda. was in high school, I brought a Registration is $150 but the Michigan fan (and now student) event is free for students and friend of mine to a Notre Dame­ Notre Dame faculty not attend­ Navy game. I had no delusions of ing the African meal. converting him, but I thought I'd show him what real football atmos­ The film "Beloved" will be phere looks like. shown Wednesday in 116 As soon as we walked into the DeBartolo as part of the Gender stadium he got a dumbfounded look Studies Program's "Body & Soul on his face asked, "Why are you - Gender, Religion & Identity" guys playing Wisconsin's fight film series. song? Do you even play them?" Fortunately, no. But oftentimes, The Paul Taylor Dance the fight songs CD comes around to LAURIE HUNT/The Observer Company will present classic our current opponent's tune. Why Mallory McMorrow and Chau Chau Nguyen work in the Art Image Library in 110 works of choreographer Paul fire up the visiting fans by playing O'Shaughnessy Hall Monday. The library is open 9 a.m to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 6 Taylor Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. their fight song over the loudspeak­ Monday through Friday. in the DeBartolo Performing er? It makes no sense. Arts Center. Tickets are $48 Furthermore, the fight songs CD for the general public, $40 for includes Michigan's "The Victors" faculty, staff and seniors and and USC's "Fight On," two songs $15 for students. that most people agree should be OFFBEAT played as little as possible at Notre Campus Mininstry will spon­ Dame Stadium. Yet every week our School gives detention Rappaport told the New reported that during a sor Theology on Tap: "Can P.A. system belts them out before to parents of late kids York Post for Sunday's heated argument Sunday Catholic and Muslims Get the game.
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