Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article Iğdır Üni. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Der. / Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech. 5(2): 63-69, 2015 The Factor Which Affect Juice Consumption of Families Who are Living in Edirne Province Ebru ONURLUBAŞ1, Neslihan YILMAZ2, Hasan Gökhan DOĞAN3 ÖZET: In this study, the juice consumption and the factors which affect the juice consumption of the families in the centre district of Edirne was investigated. The data used in the study have been obtained from the surveys conducted through face-to-face interviews with 384 families. In the study, it has been identified that a total of 82.8 % of the consumers consumed fruit juice. In the juice consumption the consumers prefer mostly cherry juice and cappy as a brand. In this research, Logit analysis was used to analyze the factors which affect the juice consumption of the families. According to analysis results; it is obvious that the level of income the families, their educational background, the number of the family members, the seasonal variables influence the juice consumption. Anahtar Kelimeler: Juice, consumption, consumers’ behaviors, logit model, Edirne Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi Iğdır Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology Technology and Science of Institute the of Journal University Iğdır Edirne İlinde Yaşayan Ailelerin Meyve Suyu Tüketimini Etkileyen Faktörler ABSTRACT: Bu çalışmada, Edirne ili merkez ilçedeki ailelerin meyve suyu tüketimi ve meyve suyu tüketimini etkileyen faktörler incelenmiştir. 384 aile ile yüz yüze görüşme ile anket çalışmasından elde edilen veriler kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, ailelerin % 82.8’inin meyve suyu tükettiği belirlenmiştir. Meyve suyu tüketiminde tüketiciler çoğunlukla vişne suyunu tercih etmektedirler ve marka olarak Cappy markasını tercih etmektedir. Bu araştırmada, ailelerin meyve suyu tüketimini etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek için Logit Analizi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, ailelerin gelir düzeyi, eğitim düzeyi, ailedeki kişi sayısı ve mevsimsel değişkenler meyve suyu tüketiminde etkili olarak belirlenmiştir. Keywords: Meyve suyu, tüketim, tüketici davranışları, logit model, Edirne Cilt: 5, Sayı: 2, Sayfa: 63-69, 2015 5, Issue: 2, pp: 63-69, 2015 Volume: 1 Trakya Üniversitesi, Keşan Yusuf Çapraz Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksek Okulu, Uluslararası Ticaret, Edirne, Türkiye 2 Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, AB ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü, Uluslararası Kuruluşlar Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye 3 Ahi Evran Universitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarim Ekonomisi, Kırşehir, Türkiye Sorumlu yazar/Corresponding Author: Ebru ONURLUBAŞ,[email protected] Geliş tarihi / Received: 05.02.2015 Kabul tarihi / Accepted: 25.04.2015 Ebru ONURLUBAŞ et al. INTRODUCTION consumption in accordance with these habits the organizations that operate in food sector. Taking into the consideration of the social and economic development of a country, human potential Some studies have been conducted regarding juice is an important factor. Every living creature has to and its consumption (Artık ve Halkman 1994; Dennison, be nourished to survive (Yılmaz ve Özkan, 2007). It 1996; Liftshitz,1996; Barbara, and et al. 1999; Özdeş is necessary to take nutritional elements required for Akbay ve ark., 1999; Lindström et al. 2001; Burdurlu human’s rising up in a healthy and fruitful way of life. ve ark., 2005; Marietjie et al. 2013). When one of these elements are not taken or taken insufficiently or taken too much, it has been revealed scientifically that the growth can be prevented and this MATERIAL AND METHODS can cause health problems (Baysal, 2004). The main material of the study consist of the data In addition, Juice is important for balanced and obtained from the survey in 2013 performed with the adequate nutrition. The studies in recent years have families living in central district of Edirne. To determine shown that the vegetable and fruit consumption the number of the families to whom the survey would be conducted, firstly the population of the central district provides to maintain to be healthy and protect us from was identified from the official records. The sample chronic diseases (Steinmetz and Potter, 1996, Ness and volume was determined with the help of the following Powless, 1997; Reddy and Katan, 2004;) and to live a equation. healthy life, and to achieve this aim it is necessary to take abundant vitamins. Fruits and fruit juices are considered This population was determined using the formul as one of the main natural source of antioxidants, sample number (Baş, 2008): recommended to take part in a healthy diet. It is known that fruits as well as fruit juices have an antioxidant activity and this effect is based on particularly phenolic Nt⋅⋅2.pq n = compounds, Vitamin C, and carotenoids (Netzel and dN22.1()− +tp. ⋅ q et al., 2002; Lugasi and Havari, 2003). Furthermore, it is also indicated that taking into consideration of the digestion of the health protective bioactive compounds, Where in the fruit juices are more suitable for food products in n; is the number of individuals to be sampled comparison to fruits (Burdurlu ve ark., 2005). Although per capita of the juice consumption in N; is the individual in the target group (162 161), Turkey has been increasing each year, compared to p; is the event’s probability of occurrence (0.50), America and EU average where it has been ranging in quite low levels. In 2010, the average per capita of the q; is the event’s probability of nonoccurrence (0.50), amount of the juice consumption and similar products has reached about 12 liters. t; Standard normal distribution value (1.96), Approximately 9 liters of this amount is consisted d; Sampling error (0.05). of 100% fruit juice and nectar. In Europe the annual average per capita of the fruit juice consumption and It was performed with 5% margin of error within nectar is about 23 liters, and it is almost 3 times more 95 % confidence limits. As a result of the performed than in our country (Anonim, 2014). calculation, the sample volume was determined as 384. In this study, the fruit juice consumption of the In the study Logit model was used in order to identify families in central district of Edirne the preference the factors which affect the fruit juice consumption in reasons of the fruit juice consumption and the factors central district of Edirne. which affect the brand preference were examined. In the Logit regression analysis method, social and This study leads to reveal the fruit juice consumption economical aspects have also been approached on habits and its preferences by determining the target the consumer profile such as consumer attitude and 64 Iğdır Üni. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Der. / Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech. The Factor Which Affect Juice Consumption of Families Who are Living in Edirne Province behavior (Inal et al., 2006; Akyıldız and Marangoz, 2008; Özer and Lebe, 2008). x Logit model is formed of a statistical method that Pi 1+ ei Pi x analysis tabulated or raw data sets which provides 11−+Pi ei opportunity to make classification appropriate for rules of likelihood by calculating the estimated values of a If natural logarithm of the formula that is the odds dependent variable as likelihood (Özdamar, 1999). ratio of Juice consumption o the families Maximum Likelihood (ML), Reweighted Iterative we reach the result below. Least Square (RILS) and in case of iterative data Minimum Logit Chi Square (MLCS) methods are used in parameter estimation of logistic regression model ln P İ = Z (Murat ve Işığıçok, 2007). Frequently used method İ 1− Pi among these methods is likelihood method. Z B +B X Logit regression model is a nonlinear regression i= 0 i i model that has been designed for at least two dependent B: Represents the parameters to be estimated for variables. In other words, it is a nonlinear model that each explanatory variable, can be linearize with appropriate conversions (Stok and Xi: Represents i. independent variable. Watson, 2007). In this study the factors were used as explanatory Also in this research, the factors which affect the variables in order to constitute the binary logit analysis fruit juice consumption were investigated by binary of the fruit juice consumption of the consumers. logit regression. General functional indication of logit matters are as Y= Bo+ B1 cinsiyet + B2 yaş + B3EGTM+ B4EŞÇLŞ+ B5ABS+ B6G+ followed (Gujarati, 1992); B7MVSM’dir. juice consumption of the families “I” observed for family index function; juice unconsumption of the families I=0 and juice RESEARCH AND FINDINGS consumption of the families I=1 are used in this study. Of the people who participated to the survey 41.4 B= Coefficient vector of explanatory variables % were male and 58.6% were female. According to the survey, the household size is consisted of 3.59 people. Xi = Explanatory variables representing the family Of the consumers 45.1 % were single,47.9 % were married, 7% were divorced. characteristics In terms of educational status of the family members, εi = Indicates error term. of those 0.3 % were illiterate, 6.5 % were literate, and were identified as graduates of 15.4 % from primary juice consumption of the families; school, 8.6% from secondary school, 21.1% from high Pi = Likelihood of dependent variable school, 45.8 % from university, 1.6 % from master degree, and 0.7 % from doctorate. Considering the e = 10 based natural logarithm and approximately monthly average income of the examined families, it is obvious that a total of 7.8 % is between 0-1000 TL., 2.7182. of 18% 1001-1500 TL, of 24 % 1501-2000 TL, of 24.5 % 2001-2500 TL, 19.7 % 2501-3500 TL, of 6% 3501 Zi= B0+BiXi and above. juice consumption of the families’s odds ration Pi Annual average food expenditure of the families is Cilt / Volume: 5, Sayı / Issue: 2, 2015 65 Ebru ONURLUBAŞ et al. 478 TL. Whereas a total of 64.5 % the consumers’ wives pomegranate (50 %), apple (39 %), red fruits (38 %), or husbands work, 35.5 % of those wives or husbands yellow fruits (35 %), pineapple (23 %) are consumed.
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