Arizona Bird Arizona Bird Committee Committee Field Checklist of the Field Checklist of Birds of Arizona The Birds of Arizona Updated February 07 2021 Checklist available at http://abc.azfo.org Updated February 07 2021 Field Checklist of The Birds of Arizona Locality __________________________________ Observer(s) _______________________________ This checklist contains 567 species of birds that have been accepted 1 Date __________Time ______ Total Species ____ by the Arizona Bird Committee as of January 2021. An additional 8 Weather __________________________________ subspecies that occur in Arizona and are reviewed have been in- Remarks __________________________________ cluded. Identifi able subspecies and their common names are derived from eBird Taxonomy, available online at: http://ebird.org/ Locality __________________________________ The species list conforms to the American Ornithologists' Society Observer(s) _______________________________ th 2 (AOS), checklist order and nomenclature as of the 61 supplement Date __________Time ______ Total Species ____ published July 2020. Weather __________________________________ Remarks __________________________________ Checklist annotations: n = Has bred in Arizona (309 taxa). A species that has hatched young at least once, however, this does not include hybrid off spring. Locality __________________________________ [ ] = Species in brackets have not been physically documented Observer(s) _______________________________ in Arizona (2 species) 3 Date __________Time ______ Total Species ____ * = Arizona Bird Committee review species (153 taxa) Weather __________________________________ italics = Species in italics are identifi able review subspecies (8) Remarks __________________________________ (int) = Introduced (8 species) (ex) = Extirpated (4 species) previously bred or presumed to have bred in Arizona, but no longer occur naturally. They Locality __________________________________ may have been reintroduced but remain unestablished. Observer(s) _______________________________ 4 Date __________Time ______ Total Species ____ Species or subspecies marked with an asterisk (*) should be docu- Weather __________________________________ mented with photographs and or written details. Reports of Arizona Remarks __________________________________ Bird Committee review species (*) may be submitted online to the Arizona Bird Committee at the Arizona Field Ornithologists Website at : www.azfo.org. Locality __________________________________ Observer(s) _______________________________ 5 edited and designed by Date __________Time ______ Total Species ____ Kurt Radamaker Weather __________________________________ Remarks __________________________________ Checklist last updated: February 07 2021 1 2 3 4 5 Note 1 2 3 4 5 Note Indigo Bunting, n Anatidae - Swans, Geese, Ducks Varied Bunting, n Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, n Painted Bunting Fulvous Whistling-Duck * Dickcissel Snow Goose Ross's Goose Greater White-fronted Goose Brant * Cackling Goose Canada Goose, n Trumpeter Swan * Tundra Swan Wood Duck, n Baikal Teal * Garganey * Blue-winged Teal, n Cinnamon Teal, n Northern Shoveler, n Gadwall, n Eurasian Wigeon American Wigeon, n Mallard, n Mexican Duck, n Northern Pintail, n Green-winged Teal, n Eurasian (crecca) form * Canvasback, n Redhead, n Ring-necked Duck, n Tufted Duck * Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup Harlequin Duck * Surf Scoter White-winged Scoter Black Scoter Long-tailed Duck Buffl ehead Common Goldeneye Barrow's Goldeneye Hooded Merganser Common Merganser, n Red-breasted Merganser Ruddy Duck, n 18 3 1 2 3 4 5 Note 1 2 3 4 5 Note Odontophoridae - Quail American Redstart, n Northern Bobwhite (Masked), n (ex) Cape May Warbler * Scaled Quail, n Cerulean Warbler * California Quail, n (int) Northern Parula, n Gambel's Quail, n Tropical Parula * Montezuma Quail, n Magnolia Warbler Phasianidae - Partridges, Grouse, Bay-breasted Warbler * and Turkey Blackburnian Warbler * Wild Turkey, n Yellow Warbler, n Dusky Grouse, n Mangrove (erithachorides) form * Ring-necked Pheasant, n (int) Chestnut-sided Warbler Chukar, n (int) Blackpoll Warbler Podicipedidae - Grebes Black-throated Blue Warbler Least Grebe *, n Palm Warbler Pied-billed Grebe, n Pine Warbler * Horned Grebe Yellow-rumped Warbler, n Red-necked Grebe Yellow-throated Warbler Eared Grebe, n Prairie Warbler * Western Grebe, n Grace's Warbler, n Clark's Grebe, n Black-throated Gray Warbler, n Columbidae - Pigeons and Doves Townsend's Warbler Rock Pigeon, n (int) Hermit Warbler Band-tailed Pigeon, n Black-throated Green Warbler * Eurasian Collared-Dove, n (int) Fan-tailed Warbler * Inca Dove, n Rufous-capped Warbler, n Common Ground Dove, n Canada Warbler * Ruddy Ground Dove, n Wilson's Warbler White-winged Dove, n Red-faced Warbler, n Mourning Dove, n Painted Redstart, n Cuculidae - Cuckoos, Roadrunners, Slate-throated Redstart * and Anis Cardinalidae - Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Groove-billed Ani and Buntings Greater Roadrunner, n Hepatic Tanager, n Yellow-billed Cuckoo, n Summer Tanager, n Black-billed Cuckoo * Scarlet Tanager Caprimulgidae - Nighthawks Western Tanager, n and Nightjars Flame-colored Tanager *, n Lesser Nighthawk, n Northern Cardinal, n Common Nighthawk, n Pyrrhuloxia, n Common Poorwill, n Yellow Grosbeak * Buff -collared Nightjar, n Rose-breasted Grosbeak Eastern Whip-poor-will * Black-headed Grosbeak, n Mexican Whip-poor-will, n Blue Grosbeak, n Lazuli Bunting, n 4 17 1 2 3 4 5 Note 1 2 3 4 5 Note Icteriidae - Chats Apodidae - Swifts Yellow-breasted Chat, n Black Swift * Icteridae - Blackbirds and allies Chimney Swift * Yellow-headed Blackbird, n Vaux's Swift Bobolink *, n White-throated Swift, n Eastern Meadowlark (Lilian's), n Trochilidae - Hummingbirds Western Meadowlark, n Rivoli's Hummingbird, n Black-vented Oriole * Plain-capped Starthroat Orchard Oriole Blue-throated Mountain-gem, n Hooded Oriole, n Lucifer Hummingbird, n Eastern (cucullatus) group, * Ruby-throated Hummingbird * Streak-backed Oriole, n Black-chinned Hummingbird, n Bullock's Oriole, n Anna's Hummingbird, n Baltimore Oriole Costa's Hummingbird, n Scott's Oriole, n Calliope Hummingbird Red-winged Blackbird, n Rufous Hummingbird Bronzed Cowbird, n Allen's Hummingbird Brown-headed Cowbird, n Broad-tailed Hummingbird, n Rusty Blackbird * Bumblebee Hummingbird * Brewer's Blackbird, n Broad-billed Hummingbird, n Common Grackle White-eared Hummingbird, n Great-tailed Grackle, n Violet-crowned Hummingbird, n Parulidae - Wood Warblers Berylline Hummingbird, n Ovenbird Cinnamon Hummingbird * Worm-eating Warbler Rallidae - Rails, Gallinules, and Coots Louisiana Waterthrush Ridgway's Rail, n Northern Waterthrush Virginia Rail, n Golden-winged Warbler * Sora, n Blue-winged Warbler * Common Gallinule, n Black-and-white Warbler, n American Coot, n Prothonotary Warbler Purple Gallinule * Swainson's Warbler * Black Rail, n Crescent-chested Warbler *, n Gruidae - Cranes Tennessee Warbler Sandhill Crane, n Orange-crowned Warbler, n Common Crane * Lucy's Warbler, n Recurvirostridae - Stilts and Avocets Nashville Warbler Black-necked Stilt, n Virginia's Warbler, n American Avocet, n Connecticut Warbler * Charadriidae - Plovers MacGillivray's Warbler, n Black-bellied Plover Mourning Warbler * American Golden-Plover Kentucky Warbler Pacifi c Golden-Plover * Common Yellowthroat, n Killdeer, n Hooded Warbler Semipalmated Plover 16 5 1 2 3 4 5 Note 1 2 3 4 5 Note Lesser Sand-Plover * Emberizidae - Old World Sparrows Mountain Plover, n Little Bunting * Snowy Plover, n Passerellidae - New World Sparrows Jacanidae - Jacanas Rufous-winged Sparrow, n Northern Jacana * Botteri's Sparrow, n Scolopacidae - Sandpipers, Cassin's Sparrow, n Phalaropes, and Allies Grasshopper Sparrow, n Upland Sandpiper * Five-striped Sparrow, n Whimbrel Black-throated Sparrow, n Long-billed Curlew, n Lark Sparrow, n Hudsonian Godwit * Lark Bunting, n Marbled Godwit Chipping Sparrow, n Ruddy Turnstone * Clay-colored Sparrow Black Turnstone * Black-chinned Sparrow, n Red Knot * Field Sparrow * Ruff * Brewer's Sparrow, n Sharp-tailed Sandpiper * Fox Sparrow Stilt Sandpiper Thick-billed (megarhyncha) group * Sanderling American Tree Sparrow * Dunlin Dark-eyed Junco, n Baird's Sandpiper White-winged (aikeni) form * Least Sandpiper Yellow-eyed Junco, n White-rumped Sandpiper * White-crowned Sparrow, n Buff -breasted Sandpiper * Golden-crowned Sparrow Pectoral Sandpiper Harris's Sparrow Semipalmated Sandpiper White-throated Sparrow Western Sandpiper Sagebrush Sparrow, n Short-billed Dowitcher Bell's Sparrow Long-billed Dowitcher Vesper Sparrow, n Wilson's Snipe, n LeConte's Sparrow * Spotted Sandpiper, n Nelson's Sparrow * Solitary Sandpiper Baird's Sparrow Wandering Tattler * Savannah Sparrow, n Lesser Yellowlegs Large-billed (rostratus) form * Willet Song Sparrow, n Greater Yellowlegs Lincoln's Sparrow, n Wilson's Phalarope, n Swamp Sparrow Red-necked Phalarope Canyon Towhee, n Red Phalarope Abert's Towhee, n Stercorariidae - Jaegers Rufous-crowned Sparrow, n Pomarine Jaeger * Green-tailed Towhee, n Parasitic Jaeger * Spotted Towhee, n Long-tailed Jaeger * Eastern Towhee * 6 15 1 2 3 4 5 Note 1 2 3 4 5 Note Bendire's Thrasher, n Laridae - Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers LeConte's Thrasher, n Black-legged
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