19 18 ISSN 1839-0188 January 2018 - Volume 16, Issue 1 Alanya, an ancient city on the Mediterranean sea; Alanya was the capital city of Turkey in the 13th century MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE • VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10 EDITORIAL Zarchi, M.K et al; did a cross-sectional dialysis. The authors concluded that the From the Editor study to investigate the clinical charac- increased dialysis adequacy and its safety teristics and 5 year survival rate of pa- and ease, it is recommended that mus- Chief Editor: tients with squamous cell carcinoma of cle relaxation be taught in hemodialysis A. Abyad the cervix. According to 5-year decrease wards. MD, MPH, AGSF, AFCHSE in survival rate with increasing stage of A number of papers dealt with psycho- Email: [email protected] disease, screening of this cancer in at risk logical aspects. Momtazi, S et al; showed Ethics Editor and Publisher populations is essential for early diagno- that motivational interviewing as a group Lesley Pocock sis. Mokaberinejad, R; did a randomized, therapy was effective in glycemic con- medi+WORLD International clinical trial was performed on 64 preg- trol as well as treatment satisfaction of AUSTRALIA nant women with unexplained asymmet- type 2 diabetes patients. Farahzadi S et ric Fetal Growth Restriction. The authors el; showed that education is empower- Email: concluded that the potential of dietary ing couples group therapy on marital [email protected] treatment through the advises of Iranian satisfaction have been effective in the ............................................................................ traditional (Persian) medicine should be experimental group. Moghadam L.Z et al; In this issue there are a good number of given more attention in helping to solve determined tend to rhinoplasty in terms papers dealing with clinical and basic the challenges of modern medicine as a of self-esteem and body image concern research, in addition to good number of low-risk and low-cost method. Masihi S among university students. The results of paper on woman health. We are starting et al; studied the association of CVS and this study show that the intention of do- with this issue as well as special series amniocentesis for Down syndrome with ing rhinoplasty surgery among university on learning difficulties a problem that fetal loss was assessed. According to ob- students affected by level of their Self- is faced by family physicians and good tained results, it may be concluded that esteem and also their concerns about understanding of the problem improve there is no association between CVS and their body image. Mohammadi, P et al; management outcome. Helvaci, M.R amniocentesis for Down syndrome with noted that observing patient rights by et al tried to understand significance of fetal loss. Safi S et al; carried a cross sec- the healthcare staff and patients’ aware- hyperlipoproteinemias, clinically. The tional-analytical research conducted on ness of the patient rights charter are cru- authors concluded that the accelerated 110 Mastectomy and Lumpectomy sam- cial behavioral factors in hospitals that atherosclerotic process all over the ples of breast cancer. They concluded should be given a high priority so as to body may be the major consequence that Further expression of ER in tumors improve inpatients’ recovery and comfort. of the metabolic syndrome. with lower grades is predictable. As a Ghorbani, N et al clarifies the taking ef- Hyperlipoproteinemias may actually result, it can be used as an indicator to fect of self-compassion from culture and be acute phase reactants indicating predict better prognosis among patients inconsistency of the Persian culture on the disseminated endothelial damage, with breast invasive cancer. self-compassion. Alboativi, H et al recom- inflammation, fibrosis, and eventual A number of papers presented alterna- mended based on their study that health atherosclerosis by aging all over the tive medicine approach. Aalami,H et al; care centers and the centers that are as- body. showed that hybrid aromatherapy as a sociated with veterans uses this interven- A number of authors dealt with woman cost effective and uncomplicated meth- tion method in relation to veterans. issues, Hasan, A et al; address the od can improve sleep quality of patients Ziaei, T et al; investigated the effective- significance of sonographic diagnosis with ACS admitted to CCU. Rafii, F et al; ness of self-awareness based individual of vasa previa in pregnancy outcome. showed that training MS patients with counseling on self-awareness of women They performed a multicenter study urinary incontinence to perform pelvic in reproductive age. The authors con- in 3 private hospitals in Iraq during a floor muscle exercises can reduce the se- cluded that the self-awareness based in- 5 years period. The authors concluded verity of their urinary disorders and pro- dividual counseling session shows a posi- that although vasa previa is a rare lethal mote their quality of life. Mehrdad M et tive effect on enhancing the private and complication, Antenatal diagnosis is al; compared the effects of chamomile’s public self-awareness and reducing social essential to improve fetal survival hydro alcoholic extract and imipramine anxiety. Dehbaneh M.A et al; through their by colour Doppler ultrasonography. on decreasing depression of laboratory study concluded that early maladaptive Heidari, G et al carried a descriptive mice. They concluded that chamomile schemas and dysfunctional attitudes and study to evaluate the frequency of extract can be a replacement for imi- emotional-focused coping strategies can vaginal delivery following a previous C pramine to reduce the depression symp- be important factors in the formation of section. Based on this study, the phrase toms, dose dependently. Mojtabaee, M body dysmorphic disorder. Shiravani, A “once a cesarean, always cesarean” et al; scrutinize the effect of the persian et al tried to investigate the relationship can change to “once a cesarean, often medicine “Milk-Cuscuta” on the hyper- between social trust and social indiffer- vaginal delivery”. Moradabadi A.S et al pigmentation of skin in the patients with ence of the citizens. They concluded that, conducted a research on on primiparous melisma. The findings demonstrate that the relationship between public trust and women in Bandar Abbas based on the consumption of the Cuscuta extract political trust with social indifference has the health belief model. The authors with milk can reduce the synthesis of me- also been reported significant and nega- concluded that it appears that enacting latonin and consequently results in the tive. appropriate instructional plans by the elimination of melasma. Pondehnezhadan, A et al; showed that medical staff can be effective in raising schema therapy leads to an increase in women’s susceptibility and perceived Biabani, F et al; conducted a study to ex- satisfaction with body-image, elevation severity of the consequences of amine the effect of muscle relaxation on of self-concept and reduction of body cesarean. dialysis adequacy in patients on hemo- WORLD FAMILY MEDICINE/MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE VOLUME 16 ISSUE 1, JANUARY 2018 MIDDLEMIDDLE EAST EASTJOURNAL JOURNAL OF FAMILYOF FAMILY MEDICINE MEDICINE • VOLUME VOLUME 8 ISSUE 7, ISSUE 5 10 EDITORIAL maladaptive schemata in the Patients in this group of people is recommended et al looked at the relationship between with deformity in experimental group, to improve health literacy. Almasi K et al; coaches’ misconduct and the progressive compared to the control group. Siadat- conducted a study to determine PLSs of motivation of elite female athletes. The nezhad, S et al; aimed to translate and nursing and midwifery students. The au- components of misconduct explained culturally adapt the Perinatal Grief Scale thors concluded that visual styles are the the progressive motivation. Goodness (PGS) in an Iranian target group. They most common learning style for nursing of fit indices (NFI, SRMR), with their inter- recommend that the PGS-P be used to and midwifery students. pretation, showed that the model did not assess grief severity in parents after peri- Bendak L; investigated the importance have a fairly suitable fitness and the indi- natal loss and to identify high-risk wom- of reading repetition for slow learners ces should be interpreted with caution in en who are more vulnerable so that the which reflects positively on their read- SMART-PLS. healthcare system could help them. ing fluency and passage comprehension. Ghanadi, K et al did a case-control on ul- A number of papers dealt with basic re- The Results of this study showed signifi- cer patients. The authors concluded that search. Hovsepian S et al; investigated cant statistical differences to the benefit in general, peptic ulcer is considered as a the interaction of some lipid regulatory of the experimental group over the con- common and serious problem all around genes polymorphisms with obesity in trol group regarding reading fluency and the world and 5 to 10% of the population the occurrence of MetS in children. Iden- passage comprehension. Khalaj, E et al; are affected by PU during their life. There- tification of such interactions between investigated the effectiveness of educa- fore, the incidence and complications modifiers like obesity with genetic vari- tion and cognitive self-regulation on aca- of this disease can be significantly pre- ants could be helpful in development demic burnout and cognitive dissonance vented by correcting risk factors and life- of preventative strategies for reducing and academic performance of elemen- style, as well as by improving the health the increasing trend of MetS in children. tary school girl students. The data analy- conditions of the community. Meidani, Farshchian, N et al compared RI and PSV sis results indicate that all three research M et al; looked at the use of quantitaive of the MCA in normal fetuses vs. fetuses hypotheses, which was included: Learn- ploymerase chain reaction in diagnosis with mutation of the beta-thalassemia ing of cognitive self-regulation strategies of Pneumocystis Pneumonia.
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