Quarterly Report GNOME Foundation Providing a Free Desktop for the World June, July, August 2009 Hi GNOME Foundation members The se"ond quarter of ())9 was a and fans, busy one as the teams worked on our regular releases as well as This is our first quarterly report – prepared for the +esktop Summit please let us know if you find it and GNOME -$)$ !n addition, our useful! Friends of GNOME members "ame through in a big way – they !n these quarterly reports we want "ontributed .12,-*2 to the GNOME to fo"us on what the GNOME "ause – more than a "ompany&s Foundation and its members are annual dues 0 bi# round of doing, so most of the reporting is applause to them done by the teams doing the work$ You'll hear dire"tly from the release A big thanks to all the GNOME team about the incredibly busy Foundation members, GNOME quarter they&'e had, you&ll see first "ontributors and our Friends of hand how much the travel GNOME for a su""essful second "ommittee is impro'ing our ability to quarter of ())* sponsor travel for GNOME Foundation members, and you&ll Best, read updates from all our teams focused on our mission of providing Stormy Peters a free desktop ac"essible for Executive Director, everyone. GNOME Foundation Release Team 2incent 3nt4 The last quarter was an incredibly minimal risks for the stability of the The -$0 announcement enabled us active quarter for the 5elease desktop. to finali4e the ($(> s"hedule and to Team$ !n addition to the usual actually issue a joint s"hedule for GNOME releases that happen After ($(8$0 went out, we GNOME ($28 and ($-)A-$0, making every three weeks in a'erage "oordinated an announ"ement with GNOME ($28 an e'olutionary step 6"overing ($(5, ($(6 and ($(9 the sysadmin team about the towards -$)$ releases during this quarter), some swit"h to the #it 'ersion "ontrol important topics were dis"ussed, system, a topic that was debated Finally, the 5elease Team had a followed by de"isions$ for a long time within the meeting at the beginning of the "ommunity$ ($(9 development "y"le, where we The 'ery beginning of the quarter did a post-mortem on ($(8, and started with a focus on ($(8$) After a lot of preparation work that prepared the work on ($(9$ One (which went out mid-March:, with has been happening since noticeable "hange that was the Team handling last;minute GU0+EC ()08, the GNOME -$) dis"ussed and that "an be freeze break requests and makin# planning was finally set in stone implemented for the ($(* sure all modules would have a new and properly announced 'ia a de'elopment "y"le is moving the 'ersion out by ($(8$)$ One of the do"ument explaining what are the module proposal period earlier in hot topi" that was dis"ussed a lot goals of this new 'ersion and how the "y"le, so we "an announce was the state of session saving in we want to a"hie'e them$ ?ith this earlier the de"isions and #ive more gnome;session, and how to fi< the work, the 5elease Team wants to time to maintainers to properly regressions in this area with help the project focus on a spe"ifi" integrate the new modules$ 'ision. Bugsquad Team 0ndre Blapper Top bug "losers in C( were Akhil GNOME 1ug4illa$ The negative reported issues are outdated or Laddha with E-7 reports and Fabio number in Q2 is especially due to a fi<ed already plus upstream +urFn Verdugo with -87 reports$ "leanup of GnuCash reports$ de'elopers do not work anymore ?ithout Gnu=ash Honly” *(/) on old 'ersions$ **9> reports (bugs G feature reports were "losed. requests: were opened and /(7E* Plans for C- in"lude to have an were "losed. After GNOME ($(8$/ had been !5= Bugsquad meeting at the released in 0pril submission of bug beginning of August and among Normally the number of new reports about GNOME 'ersions other issues also dis"uss a policy reports has always been higher older than ($(E$) 'ia 1ug;1uddy how to handle old forgotten reports than "losed reports as new application was blo"ked. that ha'e not seen any updates for products #et added "onstantly to Experien"e shows that most years$ Marketing Team Jaul =utler !n the se"ond quarter, the The se"ond quarter also saw the !n Q3 the team will "ontinue to Marketing Team saw a number of return of GNOME Kournal work on Friends of GNOME by proje"ts start$ The most 'isible (gnomejournal.org/: after more than adding more subs"ription options proje"t was the Friends of GNOME a year's absen"e$ Arti"les in"luded and publishing the sur'ey results$ program$ The Friends of GNOME a report on the GNOME Asia ?ork on the GNOME -$0 "ampaign website saw a number of updates, Summit, GConf =oncepts for will start in"luding "reating "ontent including the addition of badges +e'elopers, an !ntrodu"tion to the and a de'eloping a project plan for and buttons, with subs"ribers Message !ndi"ator, a review of the different "ampaign elements$ 0 ha'ing the ability to display "ustom Gourmet 5ecipe Manager, and a new GNOME store will also laun"h badges as well as H,upport Behind the ,"enes interview with in the third quarter offering GNOME GNOME!” badges available to all Stormy Peters$ users the ability to pur"hase GNOME users to display on their GNOME branded mer"handise blogs and webpages$ After Kohn The GNOME Marketing Team from t-shirts to stickers and more. Palmieri's blog postL and email began planning for GNOME -$) ?ork will also "ontinue to work on outlining how the GNOME brainstorming and dis"ussing "ontent for the new GNOME Foundation needs help with marketing ideas for a potential website as well as the Marketing donations, the Friends of GNOME marketing "ampaign to introduce Team getting involved with the program saw record le'el users to the "hanges in GNOME GNOME ($28 release notes and "ontributions, and fundraising in the -$)$ =laus ,"hwarm submitted a "reate a Press kit for the ($(> first six month of ())* has raised "ampai#n brief that the team will release. Lastly, the Marketin# more than ())6, ())9 or ())>$ 0 be working on to market GNOME Team is also looking to "reate a sur'ey to "urrent and former -$0, including media partnerships, worldwide Press Team to intera"t Friends of GNOME subs"ribers 'iral marketing, on the web, a with @ournalists and and provide was also sent out in C2 and the 'ideo "ampai#n and more. relevant and timely news about results will be published in C-$ GNOME. L http:AAwww$@7live."omA())*A)EA-)Athe-gnome-foundation-needs;your-help/ Web Team Ducas 5ocha The GNOME ?eb Team has been Management System 6=M,:$ The structure, a new website desi#n, working hard on the de'elopment use of a =MS will potentially allow and the initial implementation of of a beta 'ersion of the new more people to "ontribute with new important Plone "omponents$ The GNOME website that will be "ontent and hopefully make the ne<t project milestones towards available by the time GNOME ($(> website more appealing and useful ($(> in'olve the implementation of is released$ This effort is being for the GNOME users and new design in the =MS, the "oordinated by Ducas 5o"ha with de'elopers$ production and review of the a"tual great help from Art and Marketin# web "ontent 6texts, images, teams$ The new website will The de'elopment of the new se"tions, et": and the development feature reviewed web "ontent in a website has been split in three of an infrastructure for the refreshed design using Plone as teamsM =ontent, +esi#n and =M,$ translation of the website "ontent the underlying =ontent As of today, the teams has in different languages$ produced a reviewed "ontent Usability Team =alum 1enson Shell user interfa"e prototypes and !t&s e<pe"ted that many of these Turn off button and application improvements, in preparation for a bugs will be fixed upstream to menu icons by default for GNOME preview release alongside GNOME improve the experien"e for all ($(>$ This "hange has been ($(>$ GNOME users$ "onsidered for some time, in order to improve 'isual "onsisten"y, Allan +ay "ontinues to work on Planned for Q3: redu"e "lutter, and reduce the need analysis for potential redesi#n of to "ontinually invent new icons for Matthew Jaul Thomas from tabbed applications and GNOME's every new function that becomes =anonical to #ive two usability tab widget$ available in GNOME. This should talks at Gran =anaria +esktop also prove beneficial for the Allan also wrote a tutorial on SummitM one on the regular ac"essibility themes, allowing them usability testing with Jongo, a 3buntu/GNOME usability studies to provide better i"on "o'erage s"reenGwebcam re"ording app that =anoni"al have started doing, than has been possible up to (written by 0ndreas Nilsson) that&s and a li#htning talk on H/0 =ommon now$Experiment with "hanging the useful for doing usability studies$ GU! BloopersI$ default toolbar style in GNOME Anton Kerezov "arried out an online Marina Nhurakhinskaya from 5ed from text;below-icons to sur'ey of GNOME user Hat to lead a GNOME Shell +esign text-beside;icons for GNOME ($(>$ demographics and basic desktop BOF at GC+,$ The hypothesis is that this style usage. He had o'er /))) redu"es the amount of 'ertical responses, primarily from people Allan +ay to run a BOF on tabbed space uses in toolbars, allowing on GNOME mailing lists$ application issues at G=+,$ more room for actual "ontent, and that important buttons are given a =anonical's +esign and 3ser Kristin Travis and Kenya Gestrin larger size than other buttons, Experien"e team launched the from ,un to "all for making them easier to "lick$ This Hundred Japer =uts project, to feedba"kAparticipation on the work "hange will be evaluated o'er a identify /)0 trivially easy;to;fix they&'e been doing on a potential few de'elopment releases prior to bugs that the a'erage user would "ontrol "enter redesign for GNOME ($(>, and the final de"ision made en"ounter on their first day of usin# -$)$ This work was started last nearer the stable release$ a brand new installation of 3buntu.
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