MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) RE OLVE OF THE GENERAL COtJRT O.F THE BEGUN AND HELD AT BOSTON, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ON WEDNES­ DAY, THE THIRTIETH DAY OF MAY, ANNO DOMINI, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND TEN. BOSTON: PRINTED BY ADAMS, RHOADES ~ CO. 1810, CIVIL LIST OF THE COMMONWEAL TH OF MASSACHUSETTS, For the political year 1810-11. HIS EXCELLENOY ELBRIDGE GERRY, Esq. Governor. HIS HONOUR WILLIAM GRAY, Esq. Lieut. Governor@ COUNCIL. Han. Levi Lincoln, Han. William Aspin'wall, Aaron Hill, Thomas Hazard, jun. Daniel Kilharn, I 1'homas Cutts, Marshal Spring, Martin Kinsley. Samuel Fowler, I ~ SENATE. Han. HARRISON G. OTIS, Esq. President. Suffolk-Han. Harrison G. Otis, William Spooner, John Phillips, Peter C. Brooks, and J ohn Welles. Essex-·Han. John Heard, Israel Thorndike, Lonson Nash, Daniel A. White, D. L. Pickman, and Israel ~artlett. Middlesex-Hone Samuel Dana, Amos Bond, J. L. Tuttle, and Matthew Bridge. Hampshire-Han. Ezra Starkweather, Hugh McClallen, Eli P. Ashmun, and Salnuel Lathrop. Bristol-Hon. Nathaniel Morton, jun .. and Edward Pope., Plymouth-Han. Nathan Willis, and Seth Sprague. ' Barnstable-Han. Joseph Dilumick. Dukes County and Nantucket-Han. W.Folget, jUl1. lrorcester-Hon. Elijah Brighmn, JoHas Kendall, Seth Has- tings, and Francis Blake. ' Berkshitoe-Hon. Timothy Childs, and William P. Walkero N01folk-Hon. John Howe, and Sam.uel Day. ,York-·Han. John Woodinan, and Alexander Rice. Cumberland-Han. Levi Hubbard, and James l\ieans. Lincoln, Hancock, and ~ Han. vVilliam. King, and lrashington, 5 Francis Carr. 1{ennebeck-Hon. Joshua Cushman. Nathaniel Coffin, Clerk. Samuel F. M'Cleary, Assistant Clerk. Rev. Joseph S. Buckminster, Chaplain. 4 HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATTVES~ Han. PER:E;Z lVloRToN, Speaker. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. Boston, Nathaniel 'Curtis, Boston, VViIliam Smith, 'iVillianl Tudor. jUl1 q Salnue! Cobb, Chelsea, William Brown, Jonathan Hunnewell, ESSEX. Willianl Sullivan, Salem, Joseph Story" \Villiam Phillips, Joseph vVhite, John Winslow, Joseph Winn, Francis Wright? Joseph Sprague, ~enjanlin Russell, Benj. Crowninshield, Dariiel Sal'gent, l\10ses Townsend, "rhOlllas ,;y ~. S U Inner, George S. Johonnot, John Callender, Nath. Frothingham, Benjamin vVhitnlan, John Hathorne, jUllq Thomas Danforth, Joseph E. Sprague, Charles Davis, David Putnmn, James Robinson, John Dodge, jun. 1acob ,;y elsh, }Jl'arblehead, Nathan B. Martin, ¥/illiam I-Iamn1att, John Bailey, John Parker, Phillip BesOll1, Ebenezer T. Andrevlts, Asa Hooper, Isaac P. Davis. Joshua Prentiss, jun. Francis D. Channing, William Story, William H. Sumner, Joseph H. White, Ephrainl Thayer, Lynn 8l } Aaron Breed, Josiah Knapp, J;y1Z11ji~ld, . Caleb Downing, Benjamin Weld, vVilliaul Sweetser, juno Oliver Keating, Oliver Fuller, ' Nathan Webb, Ezra Mudge, Daniel Messingerj ThOlnpson Burrill, WilliaIn \tValter , Danv,ers, Samuel Page, 'Varren Dutton, Nathan Felton, George G. Lee, Dennison Wallis, J ohn Chandler, Beverly, Thorr~as Davis, vVillianl Porter, ThOlnas Stevens, John May, Abner Chaplnan~ Elisha Sigourpey, Robert Rantoul, Samuel M. Thayer, Isaac Rea, Ganlaliel Bradford, Wenham, Samuel Blanchard~ John Wells, Hamilton, John Safford, p-eorge Blanchar", lVlancheste.r, Israel JJ oster, -" HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Gloucester, Thomas Parsons, Cambrzdge, John Mellen", John Manning, Samuel P. P. Fay, T John Tuckel', 1fest Cambrz(~f!;e, Sanluel Butter- James Tappan, field, John Johnston, Brighton, SaullIel W Ponleroy, Robert Elwell, 2c1. lIfalden, J onatban Oaks, Ipswich, Nathaniel Wade, Jonas Green, Jonathan Cogswell, jun. 1I1edjOrd, Timothy Bigelow· Joseph Farley, Nathaniel Hall, Joseph Hodgkills, JVewtown, Tinl0thy Jackson, . Rowley, BenjaIllin Adams, jun. Samuel Murdock, Thomas Gage, lVatertown, Jonas vVhite, Newbury, Josiah Little, Tho111as Clark, Silas Little, Waltham, David Townsend, John Osgood, IVestown, Ebenezer Hobbs, David L1ttle, Lincoln, Joshua Brooks, Stephen Hooper, Lexington, Nathan Chandler, 1\/ewburyport, Mark Fitz, Sudbury, William Hunt, Andrew Frothingham, East Sudbury, Jacob Reeves, Jonathan Gage, JVatick, Abel Perry, Stephen Howard, Sherburne, Calvin Sanger, John Peabody, Holliston, Jason Chal11beriain,- Joseph Dana, Hopkinton, Moses Chamberlain, Ebenezer Gunnison, Fr'mingizam, John Fisk, Samuel H. Foster, John Trowbridge, vVilliam B. Bannister, .1..Warlborough, Ephraim Barber~ .Braclfol'd, ThonlasSavory, Daniel Brighmn, Boxfora, Thomas Perley, Stow and} A t T Andover, ThOlnas Kittredge, Boxboro' ugus -us ower, J Oh11 Cornish, Concord, Tilly Merrick, Joshua Chandler, Bedford, \Villimn vVebber, lVliddleton, Asa How, Burlington, TOJbsfield, Nathaniel Hamnl0nd, fVoburn, Luke Reed, Salisbury, Alnos Morrill, Stoneham, John H. Stevens, Amesbury, Benjamin Lurvey, Reading, Timothy Wakefield; Haverhill, Ebenezer Gage, jun? Daniel Flint, lVlethuen, Benjamin Osgood. IVilmington, James Jaquith, Billerica, Josiah Crosby, jun. MIDDLESEX. Tewksbury, Jesse Trull, Charlestown, David Goodwin, Chelmsford, Jonathan Perham, Peter Tllfts, jun~ Carlisle, Paul Litchfield, John Kettell, IVestflrd, ThOlllClS Fletcher, David Devens, Acton, Jonas Brooks, Joseph Miller, Littleton, Emund F oster~ 6 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Groton, Oliver Presscot, PVarwick, Caleb Mayo, Jalnes Brazer, Orange, Josiah Cobb, Dracut, Daniel Varnum, }\forthamp ton,Moses Wright, Dunstable, Joshua Heywood, Jonathan Strong, Tyngsborough, Calvin Thdll1as, , Elijah H. Mills, Shidey, Nathaniel Holden, East Hampton, Thaddeus Clap, Pep/Jerel!, Willialn Hutchinson, South Hampton) Frederick Judd, Townsend, Abner Adams, JI~est lIampton, Sylvester Judd, A~hby, lVestfield, Jedidiah Taylor, HAMPSHIRE. Benjamin Hastings, Springfield, Moses Chapin, IVest SjJringjield, Jona. Sn1ith, Jacob Bliss, Smnnel Flower, Oliver B. Morris, Timothy Horton, Edmund Dwight, Luke Parsons, I.JoJ1gmeadow, Ethan Ely, Soutlzwich, EnosF ootc, 'fVilbraham, Augustus Sisson, Shubael Stiles, Walter Stebbins, Granville, Israel Parsons, Monson, Abilcr Brown, William Twinning,2d. Ede Whitaker, Blandford, David Boies, Brimfield, Stephen Pynchon, llussell, PhilOlnel vVarren, Montgomery, Holland EJ l R' I W·l Norwich, Aaron Hall, South Brimfield, J oya a es, Chester, Ludlow, Gad Lyon, Chesterfield, Eliakim Sylvester, Palmer, Jesse K.ing, ll.£iddlejield, Erastus Ingham, 'Yare, vVilliam Bowdoin, Worthington, Jonathan Brewster, Greenwich, Tholnas Powers, Irilliamsburgh, J ohn Wells, Belchertown, Eliakiln Phelps, [ Hatfield, San1uel Pattridge, Eldad :parsons, Whateley, Phineas Frary, vVright Bridgen1an, Deerfield, Asa Stebbins, pelham, James Abercrombie, Elihu Hoyt, G1oanby, Eli Dickenson, Conway, John Williams, /lmherst, Medad Dickenson, Goshen; Oliver Taylor, Elisha Smith, Aslifield, Ephraim Williams, Hadley, Giles C. K.ellogg, Henry Basset, South Hadley, Ruggles W ood- Cummington, Abel Packard, bridge, Plairifield, John Cunningham, Sunderland, Nathaniel Slnith, Hawley, Zenas Bangs, Leverett, 'Rufus Field, Buckland, Enos Pomeroy, lYlontague, Nathan Chenery, Shelburne, John Fellows, PVendefl, Joshua Green, Greenfield, Eliel Gilbert, Shutesbury, Gill, James Gould, JV'ew Salem, Varney Pierce, Bernardston, John Hamilton, .JV'orthjield, John Nevers, Leyden, Hezekiah Newcomb, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Colraine, David Smith, Dighton, John Hath,:l'way, Jonathan M'Gee, George vValker, Charlemont, Abel vVilder, .Rehoboth, David Perry, Heath, Roger Leavitt, Elkanah French, Rowe, John Wells. Timothy 'Valker, John l\1.edbury, PLYMOUTH. Sebray La"wton, Plymouth, ""VilliaIn Davis, Swanzey, Daniel Hale, Barnabas Hedge, jun. Edward l\1ason, Nathaniel Spooner, Somerset, vVillialTI Reed, Abner Bartlett, Attleborouglz, Joel Reed, I{ingston, John Thomas, lVlansjield, Soloman Pratt, Duxbury, Judah Alden, Norton, John Hall, Samuel Walker, Eastawn, John Tisdale Marshfield, John Thomas, Charles Hayden! Pembroke, Bailey Hall, Raynham, Josiah Dean, Bridgwater, Daniel Mitchell, ,Berkley, Apollos Tober, Middleborough, Samuel Pickens, ;Preetown, VVillialn Rounsevelle, Thomas Weston, Stephen B. Pickens, Peter Hoar, New-Bedford, Seth Spooner, Martin Keith, Smnnel Perry, Hercules Cushman, vVillimn vVillis 1" Rochester, Gideon Bastow, jun. Gamaliel Brya1~t, Caleb Briggs, Jireh Swift, juno Jesse Haskel, Jonathan Pope, fVareham, Jeremiah Bumpus, Dartmouth, Joel Packard:. Carver, Benjatuin Ellis, Ephrainl Tripp, Plzmpton, Elijah Bisbe, Henry "'rucker, Hal~fax, Nathaniel Morton, IYestport, Abner Brownell, Abzngton, Samuel Nil~s, Sylvester Brownell; Nathan Gurney, jun. Abner Gifford) Hanover, John B. Barstow, Troy, Robert l\1iller. Scituate, Jesse Dunbar, Edward F. Jacob, BARNSTABLE. Hingham, Hawkes Fearing, Barnstable, Jabez Howland? Jonathan Cushing', Joseph Blish, juuo ThOlnas Fearing, Job C. Davis, Hull, Samuel Loring, 'filnothy Phin ncy " Sandwich, John Freeman, BRISTOL. Benjamin Perceval, Taunton, John W. Seabury, Elisha Pope, Josiah King, Falmouth, Braddock Denlnlick; Sarauel Crocker, J alnes Hinckley, Nathaniel Leonard, Yarmoutlz, J ohn Eldridg~ '" 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENT)\. T1VES. Yarmouth, J mnes Crowell, Douglas, Benjamin Craggin, Dennis, Judah Paddock, Uxbridge, Benjamin Adalns, I£arwich, Ebenezer vVeeks, JVortflbridge, Adolphus Spring1 Brewster, Elijah Cobb, 1J1endon, Daniel Thurber, Chatham, Richard Sears, Elijah Thayer, Orleans, Silneon I(ingman, 1l1i(ford, Samuel Jones,
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