November 18, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2065 Professionally, Doc was very active with Regrettably, the EEOC, determined to use Fair. The bag, weighing 1,082.5 pounds, state organizations. He was appointed in 2003 its own power to deny its wrongdoing, over- measured 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide and 5 feet by Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn turned Judge Fine’s well-reasoned and clearly deep. The ingredient’s used were 700 pounds Land to a 30 member State Plan Advisory delineated decision in Mrs. Gilbert’s favor. In of soybean oil, 80 pounds of salt, and of Committee formed to address election reform so doing, the EEOC not only undermined but course, 4,250 pounds of Ohio potatoes. The pursuant to the federal Help America Vote Act. disregarded the very legal process instituted to event was recorded for the Food Network and He is president of the Michigan Association of protect the integrity of its employment deci- aired on the ‘‘Unwrapped’’ show. County Clerks. He is a past president of the sions. Ironically, the very agency designed to Mr. Speaker, Ballreich’s was recognized by Michigan Chiropractic Council and has served ensure justice and fairness in hiring for our na- the Guinness Book of World Records for the on the Board of Directors for the International tion’s workforce denied justice and fairness to creation of the world’s largest bag of potato Chiropractors’ Association. one of its very own employees—not once, but chips. However, Ballreich’s does more than Mr. Speaker, I extend our entire commu- twice. It is difficult to imagine a fair process in make great chips and earn world records. nity’s sincere appreciation and gratitude to G. which the loser in a legal proceeding is given Ballreich’s is a loyal employer of Tiffin citizens, William Caddell for his fine service to our com- the opportunity to unilaterally overturn the re- a family owned business, and a mainstay in munity and our country; and wish him, his wife sult. However, this is the very thing the EEOC the Fifth District. Beverly, son Jonathan, son Geoff and daugh- did in the case of Mrs. Gilbert. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ter-in-law Heather, and grandchildren Clinton After the Judge’s decision was overturned in paying tribute to Ballreich’s Potato Chips for Derek, Luke Jordan, and Sydney Adelaid, the by the EEOC on appeal, the last option avail- their recognition by the Guinness Book of brightest future of continued blessings the God able to Mrs. Gilbert was to appeal this adverse World Records and their 84 years of service to Lord allows. agency decision to U.S. District Court. Sadly, the people of Tiffin, Ohio. On behalf of the f before she could seek justice in her case in people of the Fifth District of Ohio, I am proud our federal courts, Mrs. Gilbert became ill and to recognize the great achievements of LEGISLATION TO PROVIDE RELIEF passed away earlier this year. To her credit, Ballreich’s Potato Chips. We wish the employ- FOR NANCY P. GILBERT and in spite of the EEOC’s actions against ees and management of Ballreich’s continued her, Mrs. Gilbert continued her faithful service success into the future. HON. MAC COLLINS as an investigator, carrying out her duties on f OF GEORGIA behalf of others. It was only when her illness IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES made her unable to work that she ultimately CELEBRATING 35-YEAR CONGRES- Thursday, November 18, 2004 retired from her position. SIONAL CAREER OF THE HONOR- In honor of Mrs. Gilbert’s faithful service to ABLE PHILIP M. CRANE OF ILLI- Mr. COLLINS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, I in- our country and with respect for the rule of NOIS troduced private legislation to posthumously law, I introduced this legislation. Mrs. Gilbert promote Nancy Gilbert, formerly of Marietta, should be posthumously promoted to a GS– SPEECH OF Georgia, to the position of Supervisory Investi- 13, the position she deserved before her pass- gator at the Atlanta District Office of the ing. While this bill would not confer any bene- HON. DONALD M. MANZULLO United States Equal Employment Opportunity fits, financial or otherwise, upon her family, OF ILLINOIS Commission. While this legislation would not this bill would fulfill Mrs. Gilbert’s pursuit of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES confer any additional pay or benefits to Mrs. justice that was tragically cut short by her un- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 Gilbert’s family, it would rightly recognize her timely passing. The agency responsible for en- Mr. MANZULLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today service at the EEOC and rightly recognize that suring equal opportunity to all Americans in to pay tribute to Representative PHILIP M. she was worthy of a promotion for which she the job market must be held to account when CRANE. Let me share with you remarks by was passed over in July 2001. it fails to live up to that mission with its own Nancy Gilbert began her career with the Edwin J. Feulner, President of The Heritage employees. This legislation would do just that Foundation that express his gratitude to a man EEOC in 1979 in Memphis, Tennessee. Her by recognizing Mrs. Gilbert with the govern- career with the EEOC saw her ably perform in who has given so much to Eighth District of Il- ment service level she deserved and bringing linois and the House of Representatives. assignments in Washington, D.C., Miami, Flor- justice for Mrs. Gilbert’s family and loved ones ida and Atlanta, Georgia. During her career, Phil Crane’s Congressional colleagues will who stood with her through her fight against expand on his extraordinary 35-year record of she was awarded a Masters Degree in Race discrimination. Relations and a Bachelors Degree in Soci- legislative achievements. Others will speak f of his unswerving commitment to sensible ology. Her last assignment was in the Atlanta conservative economic policy based on the District Office of the Equal Employment Op- A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO principles of limited government and fed- portunity Commission (‘‘ATDO’’). While in this BALLREICH’S POTATO CHIPS ON eralism. Still others will discuss his con- office, Mrs. Gilbert served in several units in- THE OCCASION OF THEIR INCLU- tributions to developing sound American for- volving Enforcement, Intake and Mediation. SION IN THE GUINNESS BOOK OF eign and defense policy. Her last Government service level was as a WORLD RECORDS For me, however, Phil Crane will be the GS 12, Step 10. By all accounts and by her Member of Congress who has—more than any record of consistent promotions, Mrs. Gilbert’s other Member I’ve known in my forty years HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR in Washington—fundamentally understood service to the government was competent and OF OHIO the power of ideas and the relationship of admirable. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ideas to changes in the laws that govern the In April 2001, the position of Supervisory In- American people. vestigator, GS–13, in the ATDO became avail- Thursday, November 18, 2004 Philip M. Crane is a man of ideas. His first able. Mrs. Gilbert made the decision to apply Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, it is my great book, published in March 1964, is entitled for this position and her name was placed on pleasure to pay special tribute to Ballreich’s The Democrat’s Dilemma. The book jacket the Merit Promotion Referral List. After an ex- Potato Chips in Tiffin, Ohio on their inclusion notes the influence of extremist views and tremely brief and truncated interview process, in the Guinness Book of World Records. On organizations on the Democratic Party. If this sounds familiar to every American who Mrs. Gilbert was passed over for this position, August 8, 2003, a team of Ballreich’s Potato has been awake for the last several months, which was awarded to another EEOC em- Chip makers created the world’s largest bag of it’s because Phil Crane’s message is as time- ployee. Mrs. Gilbert, believing she had been potato chips, weighing in at 1,082.5 pounds. ly today, for the 2004 election, as it was then, discriminated against on the basis of her race, Ballreich’s Potato Chips has been synony- for the 1964 election. gender and age, requested a hearing, which mous with Tiffin, Ohio since its founding in In the foreword to The Democrat’s Di- she was granted (Agency Case No. 0– 1920. Ballreich’s Chips was formed by the thir- lemma, Jameson G. Campaigne, the then- 0100067–AT) before Administrative Judge teen Ballreich children and quickly grew. editor of the Indianapolis Star, wrote, ‘‘Rev- Richard H. Fine on August 29 and 30, 2002. Ballreich’s processes more than eight million olutions are normally organized and engi- neered by small groups of men and women.’’ Judge Fine, after a thorough examination of pounds of potatoes into two million pounds of Phil’s book is an insightful account of how a the evidence, determined that Mrs. Gilbert had chips each year. small band of dedicated souls changed the been unlawfully discriminated against when To celebrate the 150th birthday of the po- world. While Phil recounts in fascinating de- she was denied the promotion to the position tato chip, Ballreich’s created the world’s larg- tail the growing influence of the Fabian So- of Supervisory Investigator. est potato chip bag at the 150th Ohio State cialists on the Democratic Party, even VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:49 Nov 19, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.082 E18PT1 E2066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2004 then—in 1964—Mr.
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