E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2006 No. 38 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER YUCCA MOUNTAIN AND NUCLEAR The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- WASTE Coughlin, offered the following prayer: tain 10 one-minutes on each side. (Ms. BERKLEY asked and was given Eternal Beauty and Everlasting Lord permission to address the House for 1 of all, cherry blossoms in Washington f minute and to revise and extend her re- are a true sign of the new life of spring. marks.) They bring tourists from across the LONE STAR VOICE: GARY Ms. BERKLEY. Mr. Speaker, just Nation and from around the world to SPURGER when I think the Department of En- marvel at fragile beauty and seek last- ergy couldn’t become more incom- ing promise here in the Nation’s cap- (Mr. POE asked and was given per- petent or dangerous, they do some- ital of these United States. mission to address the House for 1 thing that proves me wrong. Lord, bless the work of Congress dur- minute.) You will find this cartoon character ing these days of grace. May the Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, Gary Spurger on a taxpayer-funded Web site run by freshness of new ideas and bold under- of Humble, Texas has written me about the Department of Energy. His job, takings bolster the vigor of the Nation unlawful entry into the United States. Yucca Mountain Johnny, is to convince while the hard work of all Americans, He says: kids in Nevada that nuclear waste is the steadfast perseverance of military ‘‘I am writing you as I sit here and okay and that the State of Nevada is a forces and the stability of family life listen to the news and watch on TV the safe place to store nuclear waste. sustain a climate of creativity and protests against immigration policy re- What really bothers me is the mes- prosperity for all Your people. form. I am tired of seeing those pro- sage that Yucca Mountain Johnny is While the hidden roots of faith pene- testers walking the streets that we giving to our school children. This is trate the landscape upon which we taxpayers pay for, using our school akin to Joe Camel telling our school walk and the far reaching branches of buses and resources and then waving kids that smoking is healthy. charity draw strength from the sky Mexican flags and chanting ‘Mexico, The Department of Energy ought to above, it is You who produce blossoms Mexico.’ dump Yucca Johnny and his slanted, of hope in human hearts, living in an ‘‘Please do not be blinded by the pro- one-sided view of how our Nation anxious yet cold world, and you do this tests supporting illegal immigrants. If should address the issue of nuclear here, now, and forever. we don’t take care of us then we will waste disposal. We should stop using Amen. not have the ability to help others less taxpayers’ money to spread this mes- fortunate. Allowing illegal immigrants f sage. It is despicable. to siphon off resources that they pro- The Las Vegas Sun wrote in an edi- THE JOURNAL vide no compensation to will in the end torial on March 25, ‘‘Children don’t The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- be the fall of our society. need a cartoon character to tell them ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- ‘‘We need to take heed of the lessons what is easily understood by most peo- ceedings and announces to the House of history such as Rome. It fell from ple: nuclear waste is dangerous. Don’t his approval thereof. the inside by allowing fractured and let anyone bury it in your backyard.’’ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- discordant groups to maintain their Save the people of the State of Ne- nal stands approved. own unique identity to the extent that vada, the school children, and get rid of it caused Rome to no longer be Rome f Yucca Mountain Johnny. It is dis- but nothing more than a bunch of little gusting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE other countries. Recent history is f The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- teaching us just by looking at France, IMMIGRATION REFORM woman from Nevada (Ms. BERKLEY) it is no longer French but so inclusive come forward and lead the House in the to the point that France is nothing (Mr. FLAKE asked and was given Pledge of Allegiance. more than a hodgepodge of other cul- permission to address the House for 1 Ms. BERKLEY led the Pledge of Alle- tures, not French.’’ minute and to revise and extend his re- giance as follows: Mr. Speaker, people that come to the marks.) I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States must do so legally and Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, as Mem- United States of America, and to the Repub- they must expect to assimilate into bers of the House of Representatives, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, this country and become Americans. we are aware of the awesome power indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And that’s just the way it is. that we have to make laws under which b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1323 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:04 Mar 31, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MR7.000 H30MRPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with HOUSE H1324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 30, 2006 we all are governed, but we are also atomic bomb gets put in there and we get on their private plane with a ham uniquely acquainted with our own limi- know about it before it gets on the sandwich. That is what they are al- tations. Polls may indeed show that a ship, not after. lowed to do. You could drive a truck majority of our constituents today If we want to make our country safe, through those types of reforms. The would simply like to see our current we better elect some Democrats. House Ethics Committee hasn’t even immigration laws enforced, but we are f met in more than a year when one in a position to know that such is un- Member here has pled guilty and three CONGRATULATING OHIO GIRLS’ reasonable. others are under investigation. STATE HIGH SCHOOL BASKET- Deciding whether our role is to lead Mr. Speaker, the American people BALL CHAMPION MOUNT NOTRE or to follow is not a new conundrum. won’t accept the continuation of busi- DAME COUGARS During the Constitutional Convention ness as usual under the guise of real re- in 1787, George Washington counseled: (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given form. When that gavel comes down, it ‘‘If to please the people we do what we permission to address the House for 1 is intended to open the people’s House, ourselves disprove, how can we after- minute.) not the auction house. wards defend our work?’’ It might be Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, while I It is time for new priorities in Amer- comfortable in an election year to was at home last week in Ohio’s First ica. warm ourselves by the populist fire Congressional District, I had the honor f that we ourselves have stoked, but it is of attending a pep rally at Mount HIGHER EDUCATION not leadership. Notre Dame High School. The school Leaders appeal to the better angels of spirit in that gym was really some- REAUTHORIZATION our nature rather than bow to the thing to behold. Of course there was (Mr. KELLER asked and was given manifestations of our baser instincts. cause for celebration, since the Cou- permission to address the House for 1 The standard bearer of the modern con- gars captured their second Ohio girls’ minute.) servative movement, Ronald Reagan, State basketball championship in the Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise understood this very well when he last 3 years with an overall record of today to give the American people talked about the shining city on the 25–3. The Cougars faced a difficult road some straight talk on higher edu- hill. In his farewell address he de- to the championship, including a re- cation. The Higher Education Act be- scribed this, ‘‘a city with free ports gional final victory over a tough Oak fore Congress today will strengthen the that hummed with commerce and cre- Hills Lady Scots team, which also hap- Pell Grant program, expand Perkins ativity, and if there had to be city pens to be in my congressional district. student loans, and increase access to walls,’’ he said, ‘‘the walls had doors Mount Notre Dame basketball has college for millions of worthy Amer- and the doors were open to anyone with become synonymous with success ican students. the will to enter.’’ throughout the State of Ohio. Not only The Democrat substitute is called, I hope that that is how we see it have they appeared in the State finals quote, reverse the raid on student aid. today. 3 years in a row, but this victory made Don’t believe the hype. Not one stu- f the Cougars the first Cincinnati girls’ dent in America will receive less finan- basketball program to capture two cial aid under our bill.
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