Notes Foreword 1. World Council of Churches/Council for World Mission (WCC-CWM), “Bringing together Ubuntu and Sangsaeng: A Journey towards Life-Giving Civilization, Transforming Theology and the Ecumenism of the 21st Century,” AfricaFiles.org, August 17, 2007, http://www.africafiles.org/article. asp?ID=15918. 2. Ulrich Duchrow and Franz Hinkelammert, Property for People, Not for Profit: Alternatives to the Global Tyranny of Capital (London and Geneva: Zed Books & World Council of Churches, 2004). 3. Ulrich Duchrow, Reinhold Bianchi, René Krüger, Vincenzo Petracca, Solidarisch Mensch werden: Psychische und soziale Destruktion im Neoliberalismus; Wege zu ihrer Überwindung (Hamburg and Oberursel: VSA in Kooperation mit Publik- Forum, 2006). Introduction 1. Dussel, Enrique: “Six Theses toward a Critique of Political Reason: The Citizen as Political Agent,” Radical Philosophy Review, 2, no. 2 (1999): 79–95. Cf. also his Hacia una filosofía política crítica (Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 2001), 80. The full quote can be found on page 184 above. 1 The Emergence and Development of Division of Labor, Money, Private Property, Empire and Male Domination in Ancient and Modern Civilizations 1. F. J. Hinkelammert and H. M. Mora, Coordinación social del trabajo, mercado y reproducción de la vida humana (San José, Costa Rica: DEI, 2001), 176ff. 2. Jeremy Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis (London: Penguin, 2009), 22f. 3. Ulrich Duchrow and Franz J. Hinkelammert, Property for People, Not for Profit: Alternatives to the Global Tyranny of Capital. London and Geneva: Zed Books in association with the Catholic Institute for International Relations and the World Council of Churches, 2004. 268 ● Notes 4. Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger, Eigentum, Zins und Geld: Ungelöste Rätsel der Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1996); Thomas Maissen, “Eigentümer oder Bürger? Haushalt, Wirtschaft und Politik im antiken Athen und bei Aristoteles,” in Eigentumsrechte verpflichten: Individuum, Gesellschaft und die Institution Eigentum, ed. M. Held and H. G. Nutzinger ( Frankfurt : Campus, 1998), 65–83. 5. Karl-Heinz Brodbeck, Die Herrschaft des Geldes: Geschichte und Systematik (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2009). See also, F. von Crüsemann, C. Hungar, C. Janssen, R. Kessler, and L. Schottroff, eds. Sozialgeschichtliches Wörterbuch zur Bibel (Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2009), Article Geld. See also F. von Crüsemann, C. Hungar, C. Janssen, R. Kessler, L. Schottroff, eds. Sozialgeschichtliches Wörterbuch zur Bibel (Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2009), Article Geld. 6. Hans G. Kippenberg, Seminar Die Entstehung der antiken Klassengesellschaft (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977). 7. The quotes from Brodbeck are our translations and refer to the German edition. Emphasis in original. 8. Duchrow and Hinkelammert, Property for People, chapter 3. 9. See Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization, 22f. with further literature. 10. See Hans Christoph Binswanger, Eigentum und Eigentumspolitik. Ein Beitrag zur Totalrevision der Schweizerischen Bundesverfassung (Zurich: Schulthess, 1978), 21: “Property (and thereby ‘having’) was not understood legally as a relation between different persons (because one has, the other has not), but as a relation between a person and an legal object. Thereby property is legally not a having of a person in conjunction with a non-having of another, but only the having as such.” See also Niklas Luhmann, Rechtssystem und Rechtsdogmatik (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1974), 66 (translated from the German): “The unity of ‘having’ and ‘not having’ is not reflected on in language or law. It is only construed as an owner’s right of exclusion. The sociologically most relevant problem, the fact that any growth in ownership automatically means a disproportionate increase in the non-ownership of the other, is not relevant in legal terms.” 11. Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation (New York: Rinehart, 1944). Cf. also Duchrow and Hinkelammert, Property for People, chap. 2. 12. Cf. Hinkelammert and Mora, Coordinación social del trabajo, 187. 13. Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization , 40f. 14. Hinkelammert and Mora, Coordinación social del trabajo , 188ff. 15. Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1979), vol. 1, 15. 16. Hinkelammert and Mora, Coordinación social del trabajo, 193ff. 17. Giovanni Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times (London and New York: Verso, 1994); cf. Ulrich Duchrow, Europe in the World System 1492–1992 (Geneva: WCC, 1992). 18. Eduardo H. Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America. 25th anniversary ed. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1997). 19. Duchrow and Hinkelammert, Property for people, chap. 3. 20. See e.g., Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1951). Notes ● 269 21. Cf. Ulrich Duchrow, Alternatives to Global Capitalism: Drawn from Biblical History, Designed for Political Action, 2nd ed. (Utrecht: International Books with Kairos Europa, 1998). 22. John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (San Francisco: Berret- Koehler Publishers, 2004). 23. Ulrich Duchrow, Global Economy: A Confessional Issue for the Churches? (Geneva: WCC, 1987), 117; Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1951); Bertram Gross, Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America (Boston: South End Press, 1980). 24. Ulrich Duchrow, “Capitalism and Human Rights,” in The Essentials of Human Rights, ed. Rhona K. M. Smith and C. van den Acker (London : Hodder Arnold, 2005), 33–36. 25. Johan Galtung, The European Community: A Superpower in the Making (Oslo: International Peace Research Institute, 1973). 26. Ulrich Duchrow, The God of the European Constitution (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005), 195–205. 27. James Petras, Henry Veltmeyer, Luciano Vasapollo, and Mauro Casadio, Empire with Imperialism: The Globalising Dynamics of Neoliberal Capitalism (London: Zed, 2006); Tobias Pflüger and Jürgen Wagner, Welt-Macht EUropa: Auf dem Weg in weltweite Kriege (Hamburg: VSA, 2006); Elmar Altvater and Brigitte Mahnkopf, Konkurrenz für das Empire - Die Europäische Union in der globalisierten Welt. (Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2007). 28. Polanyi, The Great Transformation. 29. Duchrow and Hinkelammert, Property for People, chap. 2. 30. Ulrich Duchrow, and Gerhard Liedke, Shalom: Biblical Perspectives on Creation, Justice and Peace (Geneva: WCC, 1989), 65ff. 31. Ibid. In German this becomes even clearer through the use of the term Naturvölker for indigenous people. 32. Richard Cockett, Thinking the Unthinkable: Think Tanks and the Economic Counter-Revolution, 1931–1983 (London: HarperCollins, 1994); Bernhard Walpen, Die offenen Feinde und ihre Gesellschaft: Eine hegemonietheoretische Studie zur Mont Pèlerin Society (Hamburg: VSA, 2004). 33. Pax Christi, Kommission Weltwirtschaft, ed. Der Gott Kapital: Anstöße zu einer Religions- und Kulturkritik (Münster: LIT, 2006). 34. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Werke, vol. 23 (vol. I of Das Kapital) (Berlin: Dietz Verlag 1972), 189. 35. Franz Hinkelammert, The Ideological Weapons of Death (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1986). 36. Karl Marx, Capital, part 2, ch. 4, Transcribed by Martha Giminez and Hinrich Kuhls, Html Markup by Stephen Baird (1999). Available at http://www.marx- ists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch04.htm. 37. Hinkelammert, The Ideological Weapons, 30. 38. Dirk Baecker, ed., Kapitalismus als Religion (Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2009). (including the famous fragment of Walter Benjamin on the subject), 15f. 39. Norbert Bolz and David Bosshart, Kult-Marketing: Die neuen Götter des Marktes (Düsseldorf: Econ, 1995). 270 ● Notes 40. Konrad Raiser, Religion-Macht-Politik: Auf der Suche nach einer zukunftsfähi- gen Weltordnung. (Frankfurt/Main: Lembeck, 2010). 2 The Sociopsychological Effects of the Money Civilization on the Different Classes 1. See the excellent article of Erik Olin Wright, “Social Class,” 2003. Forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Social Theory, ed. by George Ritzer (Sage Publications). Available at http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~wright/Social%20Class%20--%20Sage.pdf . 2. For a detailed summary of Bourdieu’s approach, see Ulrich Duchrow, Reinhold Bianchi, René Krüger, and Vincenzo Petracca, Solidarisch Mensch werden: Psychische und soziale Destruktion im Neoliberalismus—Wege zu ihrer Überwindung (Hamburg and Oberursel: VSA in Kooperation mit Publik- Forum, 2006), 80ff. 3. Jörg Rieger, No Rising Tide: Theology, Economics, and the Future (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2009). 4. See in more detail: Duchrow, Bianchi, Krüger, and Petracca, Solidarisch Mensch werden, 54ff. This chapter on the psychological effects of neoliberalism builds on the psychological parts of this book, originally written by Reinhold Bianchi. We owe him great thanks. 5. J. R. Greenberg and S. Mitchell, Object Relations in Psychoanalysis, 11th ed. (Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press, 1998). See also Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization. The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis. London: Penguin Books, 2009, 55ff. 6. Reinhold Bianchi, “Neoliberalismus als soziopsychischer Traumatisierungsprozeß,” Zeitschrift für Psychotraumatologie und Psycho- therapeutische Medizin. April (part 1) and July (part 2), 2003. 7. R. W. D. Fairbairn, Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality, rev. ed. (1952; repr., London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986). 8. G. Fischer and P. Riedesser, Lehrbuch
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