Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 8-24-1960 Herald of Holiness Volume 49 Number 26 (1960) W. T. Purkiser (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Purkiser, W. T. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 49 Number 26 (1960)" (1960). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 857. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/857 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. J L *■ m. M J L August 24, 1960 HOLINESS »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••< Official Organ of the Church of the Nazarene Sloacin to “Evangelism First—1960-1964.” This quadrennial slogan, suspended over the platform at the recent General Assembly, dominated the scene and was indelibly impressed on the minds of the thousands who saw it. Since the General Assembly, “Evangelism First” has appeared on multiplied thousands of signs, banners, books, tracts, car stickers, church bulletins, district papers, and general periodicals. “Evangelism First!” As we have moved into the district assemblies since the General Assembly we have felt a rising tide of interest, mounting to varying levels of excitement and enthusiasm, as the challenge and priority of soul winning have been presented to our people. But we shall be wise to remember that slogans, while exceedingly helpful and valuable, can be an eventual source of peril. It is too easy to feel that the slogan, if preached, promoted, published, and repeated sufficient times, will in some magical way bring the desired results. It is the age-old search for a “Royal Road” to achievement. Now hear this, Nazarenes! Unless our quadrennial slogan becomes a grip­ ping, thrilling, moving battle cry, we shall fail. There is no easy way. Wars are not won on parade grounds. There can be victory only as we “fight the good fight.” We shall find no novel or casual method for winning souls to Christ. If this is to be our most effective period of soul winning, it will be because we—hundreds of thousands of Nazarenes—are “moved with compassion” toward the lost and pay the price, whatever that may be, for bringing them in touch with our Lord. Prayer there must be, with burden and passion. Contacts there must be, with a vision for sizable numbers and with persistence and consistency. Witness­ ing there must be, to multiplied millions. Visitation there must be, demanding purpose and time. Our most productive quadrennia in recent years have been those in which visitation evangelism has been stressed. Whether we will move “from slogan to battle cry” is the basic question. We can if we will, and “Evangelism First” can really be the heart of our thought, prayers, plans, efforts—and, please God, our achievement. General Superintendent Benner Word has been received that Mr. Raymond Carroll of Denver, Colorado, died recently. Funeral service was con­ ducted on Friday, August 12. Mr. Car­ ^em tclcfjblinesi roll was the brother of Mrs. Hugh C. Benner of Kansas City. A u g u st 24, 1960 Telegrams . Vol. 49, No. 26 Mrs. W. P. Jay writes to thank the Kankakee, Illinois—For the first W hole N um ber 2522 H erald family for their prayers and time in the history of Olivet Naza- cards of encouragement. They entered rene College, educational budget this 1 From Slogan to Battle Cry, Rev. W. P. Jay in the Rest Haven Sani­ year exceeded two hundred thousand General Superintendent Ben­ tarium, 940 Merced Street, Fresno, Cali­ dollars icith $200,415 received A u ­ ner fornia, in June, as a wheel-cliair patient, gust 1. An additional fifty thousand 3 Our Recent General Assem­ since they were not able to give him the dollars given on the Development bly, H. Orton Wiley Fund brings the total support of the care at home which he needed. He 4 My Experience of Divine still cannot talk, but appreciates hearing Central Educational Zone to a quar­ Love, Gordon Chilvers ter of a million dollars. Prospects are from his friends. for the largest enrollment ever with 5 “Evangelism First” Through more than 550 new applications al­ the Holy Spirit! Edward Law- Rev. Ruby M. (Mrs. W. M.) Franklin lor ready processed. President Reed an­ writes that she is moving from Nampa, nounces plans for our full co­ 6 How God Provided Break­ Idaho, to Canning, South Dakota, where operation with the quadrennial fast, Evangelist Estelle she has accepted the pastorate of the theme, “Evangelism First.” Prayer is C r u tc h e r church. urgently requested for God’s bless­ W hat Is Sin? R ichard S. T a y­ ings upon Olivet throughout this lor Pastor Henry B. W allin sends word challenging new year.—R. L. L uns­ 7 Off to a Nazarene Collegel ford, Department of Public Relations. J. Kenneth Grider from Ventura, California, that their "va­ cation Bible school was the largest and S Train Up a Child, W illiam J. Danville, Illinois—The Illinois Dis­ Nichols best yet; 250 enrolled with 100 decisions trict Assembly, conventions, and Down the Road, R u th W. for Christ. Alice Lewis unexcelled as camp meeting were richly blessed of Hoover director.” almighty God as Dr. G. B. William­ son, Dr. E. IV. Martin, and Professor Summer Song, Grace V. W at­ kins After serving South Side Church in Ronald Lush ministered at Nazarene Acres. Missionaries Elizabeth Cole 9 Bryant’s Waterfowl, Ernest Springfield for five years, Rev. Gilbert and Geraldine Chappell were a rich A rmst rong M. Hughes has accepted the work of blessing to all as they represented They Smiled So Easily! First Church in Olney, Illinois. the missionary program. The district Pauline E. Spray closed the year with 6,626 members; 10 Stephen S. White Pastor Clyde A. Rhone sends word 16,998' Sunday school enrollment; 12 Editorials, W. T. Purkiser from San Bernardino, California: “First 9,141 in average Sunday school at­ Church experienced outstanding revival tendance; 115 churches with 3 new HERALD OF HOLINESS: W. T. Purkiser, with Evangelist Ivan Lee Sisk. Capacity churches this year; $929,109 raised Editor in Chief; Velma I. Knight, Office Ed­ for all purposes with over 10 per itor. Contributing Editors: Hardy C. Powers, crowds caused meeting to be extended G. B. Williamson, Samuel Young, D. I. Van- additional week. Many spiritual vie cent given for foreign missions; 457 derpool, Hugh C. Benner, V. H. Lewis, Gen­ members received by profession of eral Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene. lories won. Twenty new members to be faith, with a total of 802 received this Published every Wednesday by the NAZA­ received as result of meeting.” RENE PUBLISHING HOUSE, M. A. Lunn, year; property valuation now stands Manager, 2923 Troost Avenue, Box 527, at $2,568,850. The Illinois D istrict is Kansas City 41, Missouri. Subscription price, After nearly four years as pastor ol pledged to the “Try Christ’s Way” S I .50 per year, in advance. Second-class postage paid at Kansas City, Missouri. the church in Sterling, Rev. Douglas program _ with full co-operation in “Evangelism First.” Rev. Harold Printed in U .S.A . Clem resigned to accept a call to pastoi Daniels, district superintendent, is First Church in Boulder, Colorado. highly esteemed, sincerely loved, and respectfully followed as he continues witnessed scenes of evangelistic suc­ in a three-year term. Rev. Gerald cess.—H. C. Thom as, Reporter. Green was unanimously re-elected as YOUR ROCK IS CHRIST N.Y.P.S. president; Mrs. Wayne Brit­ B y MRS. W. M. FRANKLIN ton was re-elected with a wonderful Miss Elizabeth Cole, twenty-five-year vote as N.F.M.S. president; and Rev. veteran Nazarene missionary and nurse Oil the sea of life James Barr was re-elected as church to Swaziland, South Africa, has received Does it seem to you schools chairman.—O. G. G reen, Re­ Ihe Order of the British Empire from That the voyage is hard and long? porter. Queen Elizabeth If, it was learned in Does the ebb and flow August at denominational offices in Of the waves cause you Hutchinson. Kansas—Kansas Dis­ To yearn for an anchorage strong? trict Assembly characterized by spirit Kansas City. Since 1948. Miss Cole has of unity and optimism. Report of worked with the lepers in the Mbuluzi With the pitch and toss district superintendent, Dr. Ray Hospital, Mbabane, Swaziland. A native Of your boat each hour Hance, revealed substantial numeri­ of Macomb, Illinois, she spent most of Do you feel you will lose your all? cal increases in all departments; her childhood in Montana. She grad Jesus walked on the seas 10.64 per cent of total income given uated from Northwest Nazarene College, for world-wide evangelism. Messages And prayed on His knees. Nampa, Idaho, and from the Deaconess Can’t you hear H is loving call? of presiding general superintendent, Hospital, Billings, Montana.—N.I.S. Dr. G. B. Williamson, were deeply spiritual and practical. Overwhelm­ “Your Rock is the Christ; ing response in love offering pledges After having served the First Church Cast your anchor out. will make possible a world trip for in Bloomington, Illinois, since May of Lift your voice in a gladsome song.
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