Amesbury incident advice Amesbury incident advice: 6 July 2018 BackgroundBackground Background You willY beou aware will be of aware recent ofevents recent in theevents Amesbury in the andAmesbury Salisbury and area Salisbury involving area the nerve involving agent the Novichok. We understandnerveYou will agent yoube awaremay Novichok be of concerned recent. We understand events about possiblein the you Amesbury mayhealth be risks concerned and and Salisbury this documentabout area possible involvingaims to health provide you with advice to help you stay safe. risksNovichok and ,this a nerve document agent, aims which to providehas led toyou two with people advice being to help admitted you stay to safehospital.. This precautionary advice is for those who visited a number of locations in the areas that are listed below, or who ThisWethink understand precautionarythey may have you advicebeen may in be iscontact concernedfor those with whothe about individuals visited possible a numberfrom health 10pm of risksonlocations Friday and 29thisin Junethe area befores they becamethatdocument unwell. are listed is designed below, or to who provide think youthey with may advice. have been in contact with the individuals from 10pm on Friday 29 June before they became unwell. Risk to This public precautionary health advice is for those who visited a number of locations in the areas that are listed below, or who think they may have been in contact with the As a precaution, PHE advice to everyone in the Salisbury and Amesbury area is that nobody, adult or child, should Riskindividualspick up to any public foreignbefore health objectthey became that does unwell. not belong to them and could contain (or could have previously contained) liquid or gel, in the interests of their own safety. In practice this means do not pick up containers, lids, syringes,As a precaution, needles, cosmetics PHE advice or similar to everyone objects, madein the of Salisbury materials and such Amesbury as metal, plastic area is or that glass. As we approachnobody,Risk to adultschoolpublic or holidays, child,health should parents pick should up anytalk foreignwith their object children that to doesbe sure not they belong understand to them that they should andnot pick could up containanything (or that could they haven’thave previously dropped themselves. contained) liquid or gel, in the interests of Our current advice, based on the small number of casualties affected, is that the risk Our currenttheir adviceown safety. is that Ithen practice risk to the this public means is low. do Wenot willpick keep up containers,this assessment lids, under syringes, constant review as furtherneedles,to theinformation public cosmetics isbecomes low. orWe similarknown. will keep objects, this assessmentmade of materials under suchconstant as metal, review plastic as further or glass.information becomes known. While there is no immediate health risk to anyone who may have been in any of the locations identified by the policeAsWhile we (listed thereapproach below),is no school immediate as a highlyholidays, health precautionary parents risk to should anyonemeasure talk who we with are may theiradvising have children been that people into anybe undertakesure of the the following actions. theyidentified understand locations that (listed they shouldbelow) ,not as picka highly up anything precautio thatnary they measure haven’t we dropped are advising If you visitedthemselves.that people any of the undertake locations the identified following by actions.police you should: z washOurIf youthe current clothingvisited advice thatany youof is the werethat locations thewearing risk toidentifiedin thean ordinary public by is policewashing low. Weyou machine willshould: keep using this your assessment regular detergent at theunder temperature constant recommended review as further for the information clothing becomes known. z wipe personal items such as phones, handbags and other electronic items with cleansing or baby wipes • wash the clothing that you were wearing in an ordinary washing machine using and dispose of the wipes in the bin (ordinary domestic waste disposal) your regular detergent at the temperature recommended for the clothing z if yourWhile items there are isdry-clean no immediate only, you health should risk keep to themanyone double-bagged who may have and beensecurely in anyfastened. of the Further detailsl•ocations willwipe follow personal identified items by the such police as (liphones,sted below) handbags, as a highlyand other precautionary electronic measureitems with we z noneare of cleansing advisingthese actions that or baby shouldpeople wipes damage undertake and your dispose the washing following of themachine wipesactions. in the bin (ordinary domestic z other itemswaste such disposal) as jewellery and spectacles that cannot go in the washing machine or be cleaned with babyIf• wipesyouif your visited should items any be are handof thedry washed -locationsclean withonly, identified warm you watershould by andpolice keep detergent youthem should: doubleand then -bagged rinsed with and clean cold water securely fastened. Further details will follow z please thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water after cleaning any items • none of these actions should damage your washing machine z you do wnotash need the to clothing seek advice that youfrom were a health wearing professional in an ordinary unless you washing are experiencing machine usingsymptoms your regular detergent at the temperature recommended for the clothing PHE publications gateway number: 2018231 PHE publications gatewayProduced number:: July 2018231 2018 Produced: July 2018 This precautionary advice is only for the clothes worn or items carried at the time of your visit to any of the five locations identified and listed below. It does not apply to the belongings or clothes of others that you may have come into contact with later – these items do not need to be cleaned. This advice stands from 10pm on Friday 29 June. wipe personal items such as phones, handbags and other electronic items with A number of sites have been cordoned off in the Amesbury and Salisbury areas, which include: Whatz Queen about cleansingElizabeth people Gardens or who baby live inwipes Salisburyin the and same dispose household of the wipes as someone in the bin who (ordinary went domestic to onez a ofproperty thesewaste atsites? John disposal) Baker House, Rolleston Street, Salisbury Anyonez a property whoif your ison concerned Muggletonitems are Road,dryas a-clean result Amesbury only, of conta you ctshould they keepmay havethem had double with-bagged one of theand individualsz Boots thesecurely affected Chemist, fasten by Stonehenge thised. incident Further Walk, should details Amesbury contactwill follow the helpline which has been set z up bythe WiltshireBaptist none church Police,of these on whoRaleigh actions will Crescent, beshould able damageto Amesbury give further your washing advice. machineThe numbers are Freephone o ther0800 items 092 0410such oras 020jewellery 7158 and0124 spectacles. that cannot go in the washing Answersmachine to common or be cleaned questions with baby wipes should be hand washed with warm water What shoulandd Idetergent do if I have and been then inrinsed one withof these clean areas cold water and I start to feel ill? PHE’sHow can current youplease be assessment sure thoroughly there isis wash athat low theyour risk? risk hands to the with public soap is and low water. Anyone after who clea isning any items It is really importantyou do not to stressneed tothat seek the positionadvice fromwill be a continuallyhealth professional assessed asunles furthers you information are comes to concernedlight. Our current about assessment their health is orbased any on symptoms the small numberthey may of casualtiesbe experiencing affected. for any reason shouldexperiencing seek health symptoms advice from their usual sources by contacting their GP or telephoningIf the health riskNHS to 111. the public is low, why have the police closed some sites off? This precautionary advice is only for the clothes worn or items carried at the time of Police have said they are currently keeping an open mind as to the circumstances regarding this incident Whatand the areyour sites the visit have symptoms to been any cordonedof the of Novichokfive off locations as an poisoning?entirely identified precautionary and listed measure below. while It does partner not applyorganisations to Somework together ofthe the belongings symptomsto find out or thatmore.clothes may PHE’s of appear others current asthat advice, a resultyou basedmay of poisoninghave on the come small with into number Novichok contact of casualties with later affected, – is that the risk to the public is low. include:these items do not need to be cleaned. This advice stands from 10pm on Friday 29 June. What is the risk at the hospital? Is it safe for staff to go to work/patients/visitors to go to the •hospital?nausea and vomiting •PHE’sheadache currentLocations advice,: based on the small number of casualties affected, is that the risk to the public is •low.d Salisburyisordered District mental Hospital state is open as usual and is advising people to still attend routine appointments •unlessblurred/painful they Queen are contacted Elizabeth vision to state Gardens otherwise. in Salisbury People should continue to go about their daily business while observing any cordons the police have put in place. • involuntary a pro faecalperty at incontinence
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