" waaaWaaaaV Weekend Schedule afl aP^^^ fl Bam. LP^^^l — ' ** — aV I FRIDAY 2:60 P M. golf— Furman— here. 2:00 P M. tennis— U.N.C.— bere Alpha Tau Onwai tota Ttwte ft Kappa Alpha Sigma Alpha Ipailan Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Ipsilan Llrxia Wins Elizabeth Wildman Ann* Creifje 3:00 P. M. baseball— Belmont Abbey— here Boo Bargamin Karen Spanglor Jackie Naaly 7:30 P. M. D Club sponsors Josh White in Chambers Kappa Slajme Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Phi " Auditorium Sigma Chi Phi Gamma Oalta Phi Delta Theta LibLene Ann Fisher Judy Herrii* Cindy Morcock Rhonnie Leonard Bonnie Ramondalli '" - Gymnasium .. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVB ." '".' * 9:00-1:00 Semi-formal dance— Johnston SATURDAY 2:30 P M concert by Kai Winding Septet front campus ■ aV ' **P* r^^\ ***~ aar ' er fl <e>- M wr I v QtiW yJ V 8:00-12:00 informal dance— Johnston Gymnasium am^fll Lm - - ,. ... aaapiPBHPaal NEW SPORTS FEATURE: ANOPEN LETTER "WILDCAT OF THE WEEK" TOTHE DATES (See Paqe Three) * (See Paqe Two) Uatri&sattranVoice of College ©he The News and Editorial Davidson Vol. \! Mil DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON. N.C. FRIDAY. APRIL 22, lllfiO Nl'MBER TWFNTY-FTVE White. Winding, Woody Furnish Entertainment For Frolics Fling * * — * ' *»» ABB BrLaaaW *»«■ a> %»**^ ■-j-—a^p^pj^— m^ ' - Shue Takes Up Green's Gavel, *2z _-»""»r^^^rr3^T ■L^sfll 600 Dates Crowd Installs New Council, Court Campus For Weekend Fifteen members of the Student Council, and twelve Honor Court members Spring Frolics gol.s off to a good, rousing start *" tonight with Josh Whites concert in wore uuialled in a ceremony in Chapel tiiis morning. Dec Green, retiring Studcnl a%) tV^ ■■ aS V*T aaaaallL .aaafl Chamber Auditor- Body president, gave speech after which the oaths of office were administered ium Thv guitarist and folk singer is being presented a by the D Green first gave the oath of .stalled. The Senior members and John Roger*. Club. After the concert, the Inter- Saturday night office to the Student Body Jerry Scott Lacy, Ed incoming Student lloun dance on at new are Cole. The fraternity Council will sponsor president, Henry Shue who in Kizer, Jim Anderson, Bob Den cil had an unofficial meeting which bcrmuda shorts or other ;i vemi Forma] dance in theJohn- casual clothes will be in order. turn installed the other mem- ham. and Tom Hudgins; Junior Monday and cot off to a gooc ston <;> mnaMum which will be from bers of Council, arc Gilmour, start on work. They The dance will be held 8 the Student members Dave their dis held I 9 until gym. Jerry Graham Allison, Ed Grimsley cussed the possibility of ha mm one o'clock. till 12 in the Other officers are Bus- vim Dun Coffey, chairman of the Concluding si'll. first vu-epresidtTi: Qamgt and Harrison Wcllford; Sopho- a Student Body Assembly a cou the weekend with Decorations <'imimittoe, has dec- a "flaod rocking" finish will be orated the gym in a "Southern such groups as the "Hot-Nuts," tat moiif. Jump- urer He gave the oath to Han km" the "Tarns," the "Jetty then ers," "I'cdros," Verner Stanley, president of Music will be furnished by the and the Herman, furnishing the rising Senior Class; Ty Woody who* bead has "Delacados" music Finch, vicepievident. Ben College Inaugurates been efted by "Parade" and at fraternity afterpartii.'- which - "Time" for "bringing back will last until early morning. Spark*, secretary treasurer;| * - JK j^^*«jr* _jf » r * aBBaa JbeVaaaa " —i ■ aaau m Jaai Highlighting the weckcud lYtr Wyrick, I'ri.ihinan adviser; ttrniring" At 11 p m th<- ifc j ' ' was ' ' representative. the fraternity the arnv.il of close to 600 and Jack - i 1 RopiMMfathMf Tay- * *-*7 -'"■" presidents, (heir dates girls from all over South lor and Hutton Barron. New Lecture Series 'TlaRSLr -*^^P* /^5ff«V/^^ vr and will tho in presented in a figure. east for the Frolics. Mrs. Moore, .i.nMiy UM, president of the A lecture scries, vvhlcii will bring distinguished I<" r IKC-sponsored supervisor of dormitories, Junior Class, and Repre- A f Ihe said nsinu academic figures to the campus, has been set up with In the Spring dance, that the girls Skcetcr Watsf n and! .... merrymaking will con- wen* U-nr; hous- "eataUvM $100,000 of the Reynolds Foundation grant of $450,000. Payne House, Packer were installed. tiiiue M fraternity-sponsored ed in the Infir- John | The program, named the tee, which i.s made up o( Dr. mary. Finally oath of office was ifter-dance partial Bclk Dormitory, and the the j Reynolds Lecture*, will bring W. P. dimming. Dr. W. O. House, Bill Wallace, president' "lay at 2:30 p. m. trom- Guest as well as in priv- Kiven to outstanding parsons to the Puckctt, and a Dr. Rhodes, who in rising Sophomore Gift, bonist Kai Winding and his ate homes town. of the &MI Plan campus period Seniors Class for a of join faculty year. Kil- two to will the next Septet will present an informal Commenting on weekend, and Kenresentattvc John j seven days. The the visitors will Dean Johnston reported concert If thr weather permits, president give lectures, seminars, DJC Waed McKeithen hold that from V4.000 to $4,500 this concert will be hold out- said, "The combination of The Honor Court wus then m- moat with student* and would available year the facul- be each i tween Philanthropic and spring weather and attracti%-e ty, Graduation and visit classes. for the and Festivities program, that Hi* Halls. Winding has dates THE DAVIDSONIAN («"!» Eunenean should make this the best From six to eight lecturers, lecturer would be on campus The Senior Class plaviil under such outstanding Also, to «polo«i.e to Stu- voted last Friday :o give outdoor lighting for the new Dana weekend so far. we are obli»*te<J chosen from a variety of areas, for not lots than two days. aj Benny dent Body Pr«iident D— Science Building. These spotlights will bo similar to those in front of Chambers bandleaders' Goodman happy to have all visitors and will visit the campus each year, He concluded. "I think that ami Stan Green for a quote recorded Building. Kcnton. prospect ive Davidson students beginning next fall. They will it will be a fine thing for the flown during all Winding's group will also campus thi< out of context with his ori- Senior-Faculty Day has beenI tomary mock speeches Satur- the commence- who are on week- represent fields of study offer- students, and of interest both in activities. furnish music for an informal ginal statement*. The "Go to scheduled on Saturday, May 28.. day. Charlie Reod will deliv- ment end." ed at Davidson and others, such fields wenow have work in and quote appeared in Mr. Horton, Acting Direc- er Hie Valedictory and "Bobo" hell" an as geology, astronomy, and in- in others that we do not have John article printed tor of Alumni and Public Rela- McEachom will give the Sal- which was en ternational relations. work in." page one of last week'snewt- tions, stated that reunions for utatory. Bobby Livingston President appoint- paper. The editor iefiet* Martin has all classes will be held on this; willpresent the Class History, ed a committee to administer that the article in question day. A luncheon will be served and Frank Andorson will read Cage program to arrange (or New the and Coach print- Panel Discusses Campus at Poem. The closing Thinks was not checked before to Alumni on Front the Claaa the speakers. Dr. Prontis W. in*; the reporter apologia** one p. m. The class of 1910 will Oration will be delivered by Johnston, Dean of Faculty, will for carelManeM. Sit-In have dinner that night in the Peter Sterling. let chairman of the commit- Movement ■ ■ as - College Union Ballroom, and 1 The twice postponed panel The Baccalaureate Service "' ' — ~ - the Class of 1835 will hold a " "- -■■■-" -■ "■ ■■■_ " Sunday night r- . 11discussion on recent Negro sit Country willbe held inthe Improve r—^ Wildcats dinner at the Charlotte Can o( segregated coun- College Church. Dr. Fred K. ins lunch Club " !ters in the South was held in Stair, "39. Pastor of CentralI By BILL GODWIN | the College Union Ballroom last Bobby Avinear, Vice-Proal- Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Davidsonian Sports Editor { *--- * Wednesday evening at 8 p.m -aT ft*-— a» I ■■)■*, will present the Baccalaureate Enthusiasm and ability characterize Davidson's new head ; capacity Sermon. basketball coach '|A crowd heard the dis- "d Hiat— tentative soeakers Charles iLefty) Driesell. ._ L.bA L-.» -. Ad aaama? ftoWaa, »ii*. cussion. rv*v« evVfjn cnown i»r me? tu»- Graduation ererci*** The 31-year-old coach at Newport News, Va., High School was named by " * Three Negro students will the .a£ Jaa** '"^PP from take place Monday morning, faculty athletic committee Monday to succeed Dr. Tom Scott. — — University Scott, announced hisi : Johnson C. Smith May 30. The Philanthropic who "We arc very fortunate to get ■ and three Davidson students Literary Society chosen resignation in mid March, re- such an outstanding high school were panel. Clyde Car- Bremer Sets Dale has on the David Edward* and John Hen- tains a dual role as athletic roach with proven ability," said ter, Hayward Davenport, golf Scott. Military Fraternity m Ik and dry to serve as Marshals. Ed- director and coach. pi. m Ken Washington represented Of Annual Release Assistant basketball This is I wards, as Chief Marshal, will coach Driesell's first college Negro college, ' Joe remain-; position, Taps the and Ervin Chris Bremer, editor of the lead Hie speaker to the stage Hunt in his same but he feel.s it will not It Members Duggan.
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