Tuesday, March 20, 1951 THE BATTALION Page 3 We’re Building Remember the 1934 TU Game? Underdog Ag Nine To Was His Slogan Meet Bearkats at 3 p. m. AI Ogletree completing the bat- i first two games. Southern Meth­ (Continued from Page 1) coaching circles and assumed top This afternoon at 3:00 p. m. the Aggie baseballers play tery. odist was the first team to fall coaching jobs at Smithville, Bell- The Cadet nine’s record of two by the wayside, as they came up on for naming name and since mak­ ville, Corpus Christi, and Waco host to the Sam. Houston ing my original statement I could wins, and two losses is not so im­ the weak end of a 4-0 score- Later through 1945. That year he be­ Bearkats in what should be a pressive as that of the Bearkats, | the Sam Houston ’diamond squad sec no reason for changing it as came an assistant at Rice Insti­ the affair was a personal one tute, \vhere he stayed for two years thrill-packed game at Kyle who have been the victor in their ' nipped Texas Christian 3-1. and we two have quite some time before accepting the position va­ Field. since settled our difficulty and cated by Homer Norton here in In last year’s encounters, forgotten it. I sincerely hope that 1947. everyone will be understanding these teams played twice, and forget the whole matter.” Teams tutored by Stiteler on with the Aggies winning on The letter was signed simply, Kyle Field during the first three Kyle Field but losing at “Sincerely, Harry Stiteler.” years of his stay hei-e were looked The 41-year-old coach came to upon with the slogan he coined, Huntsville. A&M in 1947 to assume the same “We’re Building.” Bruce Faulk will take the duties of the post which he resigned yesterday. He has been in the Season Standing mound for the Bearkats this coaching profession since gradua­ In 1948, the Cadets ended the afternoon. He has pitched one tion from A&M in 1931. season by losing nine games. Win­ other game this season, the A&M Letterman ning one, and tieing another. The opener with SMU, which he won maroon and white had a 8-1-1 loss, 4-0. Stiteler lettered in track at A&M win, tie record for 1949. in 1929, 1930 and 1931, and in Catcher for Sam Houston will be football in 1930 as a quarterback For the first time since he had veteran co-captain Jake Hughes, of 137 pounds. His coaching pro­ been here, the “material” Stiteler who lias an impressive batting fession was begun at Smithville had been building began to show average of .365. High School in 1931 where he was its potentialities as the Cadets end­ The Bearkat infield consists of employed as an assistant coach. ed in third place in the Southwest co-captain R. L. Farrar at first, Stiteler moved on in high school. Conference for the 1950 season and Ray Wilkins at second, Bubba beat Georgia 40-20 in the Presi­ Lloyd at short and Cotton Gottlob Boning up? You'll cram mor« dential Cup Bowl in Washington. at third. study into each night session With approximately 20 seniors Oz Hughes with a batting aver­ by taking time out (just sec­ Aggie Keglers on the team who had been trained age of .365, will be in right field. onds!) fox the quick "lift” of all the way from their freshman He was one of the outstanding Nescafe*. year by Stitelei’, the Aggie foot­ Anyone of these youthful looking athletes who left) and Griffin “Breezy” Breazeale (fourth figure in Sam Houston’s win over No coffee-pot. No grounds. Top UofH 9-3 ball squad was said to be one of composed the 1934 A&M basketball team will be from left). Seated from the left to right arc TCU as he drove a triple into No brewing. Yet Nescafe the top squads in the country in glad to relate the highlights, if not a play-by-play Tommy Hutto, Coahoma, Tex.; Johnnie Davis, left field to start the Kat’s win­ makes roaster-fresh coffee... pre - season ratings before an­ account, of their 34-29 Gregory Gym domina­ Baltimore, Md.; Joe Merka, Freer, Tex.; Earl ning rally. right this minute! Simply put nouncement of Stiteler’s resigna­ tion of the Longhorn cagers—a feat that went Sheppard, Port Arthur; and Joe Bisbey, Houston. Weldon in center and Oscar In First Match tion. without parallel until the current Cadet squad In the back row are Wilkins, A&M veterans ad­ Roth in left will make up the re­ More people drink nipped Jack Gray’s Texas team, 33-32 last Tues­ visor; White, Student Activities; Max Tohline, mainder of the Bearkats outfield. A & M’s newly organized day. Familiar campus faces can be found in the Beaumont; Breazeale, A&M Counselor; Monte Aggie Skipper Beau Bell will NESCAFE back row in the persons of Taylor Wilkins and Carmichael, Wharton; and Coach J. B. Reid, call on either Pat Hubert or Ed bowling team won its first C. G. “Spike” White (first and second from the now a rancher in Woodville, Tex. than all other Instant Coffees! match of the year Sunday, Holmes Paces Sandlin for mound chores with when they defeated the Uni­ Johnny Logan, former playing- versity of Houston keglers, coach for the Tri-City Blaekhawks 9-3, on the Cougar lanes. Ag Fencers Win in the National Basketball Asso­ The A team headed by James Ag Cagers Carry Colors ciation, is now in oKrea with the Koontz’s 865 series score, topped Seventh Division. His ex-team- The Aggie Fencers engag­ a like Cougar squad 5 to 1, while mate, Gene Vance, is in Japan "Ktstilt (j'enjuotfd NIS Ctnn Is Oil delusive tttlsttied tilde uuik nl The Nestle Compenj, tot to desigtiite its solutileeotlee product wine* Dick Lenzen rolled an 866 series ed in an Open Foil and Jun­ awaiting assignment. tdcMposed ol oihiiI ports ol pure soluble coltee oo4 odded gull cvboMutu (deiUM. ■ottos. <rrd dutrose r odded solely to piotod ibt (low to lead the B team to a 4 to 2 vic­ ior Sabre meet in Galveston ToNCAA Tournament Today tory. Saturday, and although they The ten man Aggie kegler team was divided into A and B squads failed to maintain the torrid Coach John Floyd’s Cadet cagers The Washington quintet, winner DeWitt and 6-4 LeRoy Miksch at for the five game match which pace they had set in previous embark by train tonight at 6:10 of 22 games this past season and the forwards, and 5-9 Jewell Mc­ was rolled under the Peterson point meets, they still managed to hold from the West gate depot for loser of five, will feature William Dowell and 5-8 Raymond Walker system. The system allows one their own. Kansas City and the first round “Tippy” Dye’s own special Jbrand at the guard posts. Washington point for each game won and an­ Claude Holmes of A&M breezed of the NCAA basketball tourna­ of fast break and backboar® con­ will probably field 6-7 Bob Houb- Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests other point for total pin score. through seven bouts to win the ment where they will meet the trol. The Pacific Coast team wrap­ regs at the central spot, 6-3 Frank fast breaking University of Wash­ ped up its crown in convincing Guisness and 6-4 LaDon Henson as Composing the Aggie A team Junior sabre, with Cadet Bobby ington Huskies. Meyers placing second. Horace style by nearly running UCLA to forwards; and 5-10 Louis Soriana weye Bill Cooney, John Geiger, death before defeating the Bruins and 6-1 Mike McCutchen at the John Ivy, Ted Gullette, and Koonze. Flatt of Rice placed third. In win­ A large crowd, reminiscent of ning Saturday, Holmes, a sopho­ last season’s football sendoffs, is 70-51 and 71-54. guards. The B team consisted of Warren Number 15...the long-wattled McReynolds, Bernie Hoefelmeyer, more, took his second sabre meet. expected to be on hand to wish the Although A&M will be out­ Bill Utzman, Richard Baker, and He had previously copped (the Southwest Conference Tri-champ­ matched by taller men, Coach Matmen Win From Lenzen. novice class competition. ion cagers and their coach “good John Floyd considers the A&M UMBRELLA BIRD High man for the intercollegiate The Cadets had an off day in luck.” team anything but underdogs. Dallas ‘Y’ 20 -16 bowling match was Bill Zwink of The train will make connections The Huskies won all nine of their foil, however and though three of non-conference games, 11 of the U of H, who rolled a 231 game them made the finals, they failed in Dallas late tonight, where the The Aggie Wrestling Club de­ team will board a sleeper that will their 16 conference games and and a 927 series total. Following to take a single place. Willie Mat- both of their playoffs. A&M, by feated the Dallas YMCA 20-16 Sat­ Zwink in the high score bracket thijetz made the best showing, carry them into Kansas City urday night at DeWare Field early tomorrow morning. comparison, won six non-con­ were Cougar teammates Vic Bart- coming in fourth- ference tilts and dropped six, House. ling and Bob Harker, who had res- Members that wrestled were pactive scores of 912 and 848 for won eight of its 12 conference battles, and captured three of its Rudy Rivera, Curly Penn, Harold their series.
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