- Campus Prepares Te nnis and 'Ia Ronde' Playeq just What is Social Basketball Teams Take Romandc Ecology, Anyway? to_ Bid Chancellor Go Right on Romp Through - page 2 Adieu -page3 Winning -page 11 Vienna -page 12 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard ew Univ the guardians? Febr uary 7, 1984 Serving the UCI Community Volume 16, Number 16 History of One Man's Fight for University Pre Unusual Mascot by Ginger Bean Pays Visit o UCI ZOT. It hung from banners down the Discusses UC's Seeking Next sides ofth e buddings... It appeared on buttons, bumper stickers and Financial State UCI Chancellor decals.. It was etched in a hillside by Greg Hardesty by Brad Graves overlooking the camp11s. .... New U staff New U staff The year was 1965 , marked by political upheavel, wa r pro- UC President David Gardner The Chancellor Search tests, Berkeley riots. And a paid a two-day visi t to UCI last Committee reconvened Wed- braf!d new UC cam pus. week, meeting with student nesday at UCI with UC Rising up from the m iddle leaders, fac ulty members and President David Gardner in o f the green fields that once Orange County education offi- attendance to further narrow sustained the b uffalo herds of cials to deliver his message of the list of possible replace- James Irvine was UCI, a cam- "a renewed sense of public con- men ts for outgoing Chancellor pus soon to become distinctive cern regarding education at all Daniel Aldrich. for its high quality of programs, levels. " Graduate Representative faculty and academics. to the Committee Greg But something was missing: !\iessage to Senate Thompson described the The new school lacked a mas- Gardner on Thursday told meeting as the "process of cot. The administration decided the Representative Assembly just whittling our list down," to let the students choose the of rhe Academic Senate that but said he was not allowed to animal that would represent Governor Deukmejian's pro- reveal the remaining number UCL Students were to submit P. 1Jp 'hanmng posed UC budget-which calls of candidates. their candidates, and the favo r- W HO SAYS IT'S LONELY AT THE TOP?-UC Presiden t for a 16 percent hike in faculty " There's a number of meet- ites would be voted on in a David Gardner and Chancellor Daniel Aldrich share a salaries, a $36 million boost to ings left to go," was all campus-wide election. lighter moment together during a Thursday breakfast academic programs and a $7 Thompson could say. A student named Schuyler at the University Club. million increase in capital im- Leaks Feared Ha ~l ey Bassett III was con- provements-represents a Thompson explained that cerned with the choice of the Students and Faculty Unite "major turning point." there had been leaks about mascot. He wasn't too thrilled "I never count my chickens candidates under considera- with the proposed Roadrunner, In Aff1rmative Action Effort until I see them," Gardner said, tion. Unico rn, or Golden Bison. " but I take it as a given that it "They' re sensitive about Schuyler and his buddies by Greg Hardesty New U staff [the budget] wi!J be enrhusia- confir ming," T ho mpson said. wanted something unique, non stically received by the Legis- "The candidates don't know traditional- something slightly The Academic Senate's Representative Assembly over- lature in the spring." they're being considered, and radical. Then someone men- wh elmingly approved on Thursday a student affirmative action they may have to decline the tioned the anteater. It was per- policy statement call ing for an active commitment from the Gardner emphasized the need nomination if they learn of fect. UCI faculty to " foster the transformation of the university into to work closely with state uni- it." a m ulticultural institution." versities and comm uni ty col- Nominations are a sensitive "The ado ption of this policy statement represents what may leges to both insure the pre- matter since all candidates we ll be a key m oment-the joining of forces in student paredness of incoming fresh- currently hold posts at Univer- affirmative action efforts with the faculty," Senate Student man and to " reach out and sities, Thompson said. Affirmative Action (SSAA) Committee Chair Helen Weil told encourage young peo ple" by Disclosing the number of the assembly. offering more opportunities to candidates left, he added, could Recruiting Proble m them to achieve a high er edu- allow some, by piecing that U C Irvine became the fi rst campus in the UC system to cation. information together with the establish a specifically student-oriented affirmative action Continued on Page Continued on Page 6 6 Inspired by the J ohnny Hart p rogram operating out of the fac_u~l~ty~·.s_A_c_a_d_e_m~ic_s__ en_ a_t_e_w~h_e_n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it estab lished SSAA less than - comic strip, "B.C. ," the Ant- a year ago, W eil said. Diagnosis and Treatment eater had all the makings of an "This resolutio n isn't just ideal mascot for the infant uni- em pty rhetoric," saidJonarhan versity. It was original and W iener, chair of the faculty- Researchers Working Hard to slightly irreverant. oriented Senate Affi rmative ·Schuyler got on the ball. In a Action Com mittee (SAA). one-man political campaign ''In ado pting this policy Find Ways of Cotnbating AIDS that is still remembered by statement, we are frankly ad- Chancellor Daniel Aldrich as mittingly ucr has a problem byDlnh Vu "Not everybody is susceptible to the agent "remarkable," Schuyler Bassett that causes AIDS. T herefo re, we need to look in recruit ing and retaining a n It's a disaese widely known and feared. Jt'sa employed his promotional, at the no rmal population and the high risk all adequate proportion of under- disease health researchers are working on public relations and marke!ing population in order to determine any dif- represented students and are everywhere, including h ere a t UCI. skills in an ingenious crusade fe rences," said project director, Dr. Hoda in turn seeking an active It's called AIDS-short for Acquired Im- to instate th e Anteater. co mmitment to changing th e Anton-G uirgis. mune Deficiency Syndrome- a condition in The study is carried out by carefully analy- which the victim develo ps a depressed level of Continued on Page 6 Continued on Pa$(e 3 zing and comparing blood sam ples from the immune activity, thus leaving the body vu l- general population to those from the high- nerable to invasions by opportunistic o rgan- risk population, which include homosexuals isms, including the body's own outlaws, cancer and hemo philiacs. cells. For the Record Preventive Medicine How the immune activity becomes depres- Dr. Sudhir Gupta, professor of basic and sed, what can identify this depressed State, clinical immunology at CCM, is meanwhile and how one can prevent or treat this condi- working on the diagnosis and treatment of tion are the subjects of current research at the An article in the January 17 issue of the N ew University AIDS. UCI California College of Medicine. mistakenly reported that Elizabeth Baez entered a guilty plea "Right now, AIDS can o nly b e diagnosed to voter fraud charges filed with the Orange County Central Researchers at CCM, working in co n- when the patient shows signs of secondary Municipal Court. Baez actually ente red a not guilty plea. The junction with the Ame rican Red Cross, are infections such as tuberculosis and Kaposi's N ew Univem'ty regrets the error. investigating the possible markers that can sarco ma. W hat we would like to do is to be differentiate the normal level from the de- pressed level of immune activity. Continued on Page 9 ., 'Last Chance to Honor Him' NEWS February 7, 1984 I 3 NEVVS Gala Farew-ell Prepared News In Brief Orators Talk Way into Unexpected Awards; '' \ tt· I ,,,. I"" , For Outgoing Chancellor Take Third Overall in Regional Competition '\, \\ \ .. ttl ......... by Brad Graves man is leaving, it is quite Funding will come from by Cindy Sandeen Saye, (second place in o rig inal poetry .. .. ' .. New U staff likely that his name will sources as diverse as pri- New U staff and impromptu speaking) and the 'tud<.·nt t . lll'~<.·n remain at UCL The Aca- vate donors and "a zany T he speech and debate ream ca p- team o f Eleanor Ponomareff and l ·llf l{<.'~<.· n(, ..;<.•• U As Chancellor Daniel demic Senate is currently walkathon like the Beta tured third place last weekend out of Sookyun Kim (third place in novice Aldrich prepares to re- considering naming a Breakers or the Do-dah 39 schools fr om California, Nevada, d iv ision debate}. tire, UCI is preparing to pan of the school after •' ' '' \ . ' Parade during Wayz- Washington and Alaska at the 1984 Ben Homan, head of the forensic send him off in stvle. the Chancellor. '' "' n ..... ' goose, according to Governor's Cup held in Sacramento. team, wrote and directed the reader's ' So much is happening, Aldrich's name will also ·. ' . .. ... .. Communications Din:c- UC Berkeley rook first, shocking theatre piece that was awarded third in fact, that all the events stay in a new endowed . .... ·. '• • .... \,," "l....' tor Kathy Jones. no one, but more than a few brows place. The cast (Laurie Martin, Alden \ have to be coordinated chair, probably in the ap- . · were raised when UCI hauled home Pierce, Lorraine Shelton, David Nat- ' .. through a single office plied sciences. During the Probably the biggest over 20 trophies, o n display now in kin a.nd Ginger Bean) gave a 25 minute so they do not overlap next half year various or- fund-raiser will be a black- ..
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