41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2010) 2537.pdf MISSION OPTIONS TO EXPLORE THE FLUX AND EVOLUTION OF LUNAR VOLCANISM THROUGH SPACE AND TIME. T. Lough,1J. Korteniemi,2 D. L. Eldridge,3 K. Singer,4 L. Werblin,5 and D. A. Kring6, 1University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY ([email protected]), 2Astronomy, Department of Physics, University of Oulu, Finland,3University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, 4Planetary Geoscience Institute, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 5Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, 6Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX. Introduction: One of the eight critical concepts the canic plumbing may be exposed—establishing the re- NRC identified for future lunar exploration [1] is that lationships between surface volcanic features and the lunar volcanism can be used to examine the thermal underlying magmatic systems. and chemical evolution of the Moon and, by proxy, Craters can expose multiple units (e.g., cryptom- terrestrial-type planets. One of the principal ways to aria or subsurface dikes) in one location that would not address that concept is to determine the flux of volcan- otherwise be accessible, allowing for the measurement ism and its evolution in time. Calculating volcanic flux and sampling of multiple events through time [5, 6]. requires constraints on age, chemistry, thickness, and Ideally, a target crater will penetrate all basalt layers area of volcanic deposits. The lunar surface, unaffected and bottom in anorthositic crustal material to provide by plate tectonics and erosion from wind and water, total basalt thickness. A detailed analysis of high- offers a pristine setting to study volcanic flux early in a resolution orbital data around a crater of interest will planet’s history. Although past and current lunar mis- reveal the approximate number of flow and/or crustal sions, as well as Earth-based observations, have pro- units exposed in a crater wall and help delineate pre- vided a framework for understanding the physical and ferred traverse paths. chemical properties of lunar volcanic activity, signifi- Area measurements deal with large-scale features cant uncertainties in the history of lunar volcanism and, thus, orbital data is the most practical way to con- remain [2]. tinue refining area estimates. Margins of individual Thus far, it appears lunar mare volcanism peaked in lava flows can be visually outlined using remote sens- the upper Imbrian, producing about 9.3 x 106 km3 of ing data and/or crater statistics and fill properties [e.g., lava at an average rate of 0.015 km3/yr [3]. During the 7-10]. As higher-resolution data becomes available, Eratosthenian and Copernican periods, the rate of vol- flow margins should be reexamined and refined. canism decreased to about 1.3 x 10-4 km3/yr and 2.4 x Thickness is difficult to estimate uniquely through 10-6 km3/yr respectively [3]. These estimated eruption aerial investigations because of uncertainties in the rates can be misleading because they are global aver- effects of downwarping caused by the extrusion of ages over hundreds of millions of years. Some volcanic large masses of lava, uncertainties in pre-flow topog- features, like sinuous rilles, are volumetrically minor raphy, and assumptions made among different methods on a global scale, but require large volumes of rapidly of thickness calculation [e.g., 11-13]. In situ sampling emplaced lava—sometimes eruption rates must be on and accurate thickness measurements taken from ex- the order of 1000 km3/yr [3] Consequently, a global posed flow stratigraphy or geophysical techniques such average estimate of volcanic flux does not accurately as ground penetrating radar will reveal the amount of represent the magma source region of a localized erup- error associated with orbital estimates. tion. It will be important to evaluate the global vol- Cryptomare deposits represent some of the oldest canic production rate and those reflecting regional volcanic deposits on the Moon and remain largely, if magmatic conditions. Moreover, detailed analyses of not entirely, unsampled [4]. Measuring their volume, some magmatic regions will be needed to properly composition, and age is essential to understanding evaluate the links between extrusive volumes, source early lunar flux. An initial step in constraining their regions, and the delivery of magma to the surface [4]. volume is to use high-resolution spectral data to iden- Ascertaining changes in volcanic activity through tify and catalogue all Dark Halo Impact Craters time will require a continuum of samples from multi- (DHIC). These craters potentially reveal the areal ex- ple time periods for a given location. Similarly, ascer- tent and thickness of old mare deposits subsequently taining changes in volcanic activity across space re- covered by regolith. Because no ground truth data ex- quires a continuum of samples from a given time pe- ists for any cryptomare deposits, sampling any DHIC riod across a series of locations. To maximize the sci- will provide new information about the volcanic flux. entific return of missions, it will be best to identify Those in pre-Nectarian plains have the highest priority. locations where volcanic material from multiple time Composition plays an important role in determining periods can easily be sampled on virtually any mission. source depth, amount of crystallization, and amount of Criteria for Site Selection: We focus on locations assimilation of crustal rock in the erupting lava. We where volcanic material from multiple time periods are have only sampled a very small portion of the lunar within close proximity to one another, and where vol- crust, leaving entire crustal suites unsampled. Regions 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2010) 2537.pdf of unsampled composition have been identified with strain the melt volume and source depth of some of the Clementine and Lunar Prospector data [e.g., 14] and earliest lunar volcanism. re-evaluated with high-resolution compositional data Apollo Crater (70˚S, 172˚W) contains high- from current and upcoming missions (e.g., M3 on titanium and high-aluminum regions with at least two Chandryaan-1). units of hypothesized, unsampled mare units. A small Groundtruthing is an essential step in remote sens- unnamed impact crater located at 70˚S, 172˚W pene- ing analysis, which can address many NRC scientific trates through a region of high titanium into a region of priorities. Without groundtruthing, absolute ages and low titanium. This crater provides a good opportunity compositions of hypothesized geologic units cannot be to sample at least two layers of material. The unammed known. Groundtruthing can only be accomplished by crater is located in Apollo Crater’s inner-ring and, like analyzing lunar samples and their geologic and strati- Carlini Crater, provides a good opportunity to test graphic context. As the library of lunar sample-types models of mare fill derived from orbital data and test grows, so does our ability to accurately interpret re- excess mass-induced downwarping models with geo- mote sensing data and analyze relative dates based on physical equipment. CSFD. Summary: Landing sites that can addres lunar vol- Example Landing Sites. We used the above crite- canic flux should contain 1) exposures of volcanic ria to identify four example landing sites. We created plumbing 2) accessible craters that penetrate multiple maps of these landing sites in ArcGIS using Lunar volcanic units 3) craters that penetrate through vol- Orbiter, Clementine, and Lunar Prospector data. The canic units into highland material 4) exposed cryptom- four landing sites are listed below. aria and/or 5) unsampled rock compositions identified Buch B crater (~38˚S, 17˚W) is an example of a through remote sensing. Although locations that sat- crater that may expose a basaltic dike [15]. Lunar Or- isfy a maximum number of the above criteria provide biter mosaic images of Buch crater show dark-albedo, the most information, any new volcanic sample will mafic material radiating away from the crater rim. Cor- provide useful information. responding iron-oxide ratio maps of Buch B crater Acknowledgements: This project is part of the reveal this mafic material has a higher iron-oxide con- 2009 Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program at the tent than the surrounding anorthositic highland mate- LPI, Houston, and co-sponsored by the NASA Lunar rial. Age and compositional analysis of the mafic mate- Science Institute. We thank the LPI staff for their help rial could provide insight into the parameters that de- and support. termine whether a dike propogates to the surface, or References: [1] NRC (2007) The Scientific Context stalls in the crust. for Exploration of the Moon: Final Report, Carlini Crater (33.7˚N, 24.1˚W ) is only 10 km in http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11954.html, 120pp. [2] diameter, but is the largest unburied crater in the Im- Shearer and Papike (1999) Amer. Min., 84, 1469-1494. brium region and offers a window into the deepest [3] Hiesinger and Head (2006) Rev. Min. Geochem., portion of the flow. Although it does not penetrate 60, 1-67. [4] Shearer et al. (2006) Review. Min. Geo- through mare into crust, the crater contains materials chem., 60, 365-469. [5] Pike (1977) Proc. Symp. Plan. with at least three different titanium contents. This Crat. Mech. 489-509. [6] Carter et al., (1980) Wear, suggests it has penetrated at least three mare flows. 65, 151-172. [7] Neukum, et al. (1975) Moon, 12, From the crater rim, astronauts may conduct thickness 2051-229. [8] Hartmann et al. (1981) Basaltic Volcan- and compositional measurements on the inside of the ism on the Terrestrial Planets, 1,049-1,128. [9] Stöf- crater wall. Also, Carlini Crater may be located within fler et al. (2006) Rev. Min. Geochem., 60, 519-596. the central ring of Imbrium Basin; this is an ideal loca- tion to verify differing thickness estimate and meas- [10] Hiesinger et al (2000) JGR, 105, 29,239-29,275.
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