NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF MINES & MINERAL RESOURCES A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE MAP 20 C 0 ws ° 0 !07 0 R A .a>1,0jo ,, \ I) .-·- '! ·field-· 0 '- ""-. ,.___ .-. ... - ...S ,;;.,,;!i;;";'. - r '- / \ \ '\ \ ( ;,\) ( ;rqaae -< fie sf'. foad1..,,-;, ' -�- ' \) •' _);i<,,,o ' .1/o,v' _. ·-: No•oool ··· :.:c Grauiand, \ ' e�qm� . I '(';.-- r ring�. f ,, ,\� -,, field ..._ a 'I Nase• ,_,,,- � I • ' 'Ji,( ,.,.j_ ··�• \ \ C "' � Kg 1 , . ' -)' -_---7('+--�\ • I � . \ ' - -'-<- - Star lake field M�ra,,. ;_ ,:_;:, F, Uoioo \_ I // "<. l , ' -� _ leld _\!ooin •\ An;,M-1 ' Irr : °';;, .T'· I I .,v1./ - - • \,._ Cr....___ I ...' · ' �· � -·.-:)"1 ' ··-¼, __ ._,. .-·.' · 'I 51 -....__• •• . � £ (.KP. \ !��·· I ., / Mesa 'I • Lok, ' ""' '--!��·!i c<c,,c..,�� \ ,..�- c,,-.1111, f'��n10,. z a:B,anc., \ ' 5ttnl" ,, I. ' ,, 7 �,ild· Bernal n j()\ 2 BernaltH re." / . cwa,�Y/� Ran �- . L J L L / ) lsh!la Pt1et)lo o: / T I' --._, -'0..._Lo,; Lu/li>S A / ' - � I ' I M��Uow ) .-1a11�11e •ro,,�M Bel<rn c[_,___ J.......___,, . t +---____.,,_ " " " '" JI l2 BA; t-1 - r1ovd PQrtales \ J . <.,, . - ,Y � '.,,7 /, r ' . T _.j.,,' I ' t- -,+! I ' - + I' ,I ' I 107° E X [ C 0 Coal resources of New Mexico Scale 1:1,000,000 1996 1 16 inch equals appro�imate!y mi 10 20 3-0 40 Base modified from "Stote of New Mo•ico, 1981 • by 1he New 0 by Gretchen K. Hoffman Me><ico Neu1 Mexico BHrem1 of Mi11e5 and Mineral Resources, Socorro, New Mexico Si801 Sro1e Highwoy Depor1ment; "Bosa Mop of New Me,ico, 1979" by the Miles og U.S. Geol icol Sur•ey; selected7.5. ond 15• minulo topogrophic quod­ ronglo mop, by the U.S. Geologicol Survey 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Foult, from Clemons et ol.. 1982 Kilometers DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS Modilied lrom Anderson ond Jones, 1994 STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS Uni1s on mop om cool bearing or ore adjacenl to oi sur­ rounded by cool.bearing units. Unit letter symbol, al lhe end Modified from Anderson and Jones, 1994 of description me those used on 1he slrolig,ophic co,,elotion Colors ore those used fa, equivalent units on the mop chorr, which hos gremer !ormo1ionol de1a;I rhon 1he mop. in STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION CHART Basalts the Solt lake field and the North Plains basalt Gallup Sandstone (Cretaceous)-Generolly regressive flow (Quaternary) <--:C....J marine sandstone Modified from Ander�n and Jones, 1994 � Poison Canyon Formation ..,.,.-�Crevasse Canyon Formation Gibson Cool Member Bidohochi Formation (lower Pliocene to upper Miocene)­ Pescodo Tongue of the Mancos Shale and Gallup � Oio Alamo Formation Alluviol, lacusirine, eolian, volcanic-ash, and spring deposits Sandstone (Cretoceous)-Morine shale and sonds1one. � Doiron Sonds1one Member of southern Colorado Ploreou Gallup Sandstone is in 1he Zuni Basin only. Pescodo Tongue � Roton Formation is 1he age equivalent of Juana lopez Member of the Mancos � Borrle11 Barren Member (Kmp) Fence lake Formation (Pliocene and Miocene)­ Shale � Animas Formation Age Period/Epoch Kcdb� Conglame1ate and canglomeroric sandstone, coarse fluviol I Borrego Poss Sondsrone volconoclosiic sediments, minor eolian focies, and pedo­ Moreno Hill Formation and Atorque Sandstone (Creto• West-<:entrol Northwest New Mexico Northeast - Vermeio Formation genic corbono1es of rhe southern Colorado Ploreou ceousHn the Soh Lake cool field and extreme southern Zuni New Mexico ISan Juan Basin) New Mexico [Kc:dCJ Dileo Cool Member Basin. Nonmorine sandstone, mudstone, and cloystone. The (Solt lake field) !Roton Basin) - Trjnidad Formation Basalt and andesite Hows, undifferentiated (Tertiary) uppe, and lowe, mem6ers in the Moreno Hill Formo1ion ore Gallup Sandstone COAl BEARING and ore divided by 1he predominantly � Kirtland Formation Kmhm, Km/ii, Ko) Mt. Taylor volcanics (Tertiary) sandstone middle member IKmhu. The Tpc � Carlile Shale transgressive marine Atorque Sondsrone underlies 1he 66 Toa � Fruitland Formation Mo TKa Intrusive rocks, undifferentiated {Tertiary) Moreno Hill Formolion Moreno Hill Formation � � Pic!ured Cliffs Sandstone � Upper member r----:::-1 Kl< Roton Formation (Tertiary-Cretoceous)-Nonmanne, llood­ Tres Hermanos Formation (Cre!oceous)-Neor-shore Kf ploin mudslone, silis1one. sandstone. cool, and channel sand. � marine lo nonmarine sond51one, shale, mudstone, and thin � lewis Shale IKrnhmI Middle member Slone. In Roron Basin this COAL-BEARING unil contrnns the cool beds. Formerly designored as lower Gallup Sandstone conformable Cretoceous-Teniory boundary Upper and in the Zuni Bosm Consisls of 1he F,1e Ranch Member, COA[. Pierre Shale and Niobrara Formation IKmht I lower member Kpc � lower coal zones ore separated by o 1hick sequence of BEARING Carthage Member. and lhe Atorque Member 76 s1ocked, en-echelon channel sandstones (Pillmore. 1992) IKrl. Kie, Kro) Ma Ej Fort Hays limestone Member of N;obroro Formation � Atorqua Sandstone Kls Cretaceous rocks, undivided lntertongued Dokoto-Moncos sequence of west.central I Kmv ] Mesa\·erde Group Tres Hermonos Formation � � � New Mexico (Cretoceou5)-lncludes 1he Whitewater Keh � Fite Ranch Member Kpo Vermejo Formation and Trinidad Sandstone Auoyo Tongue of 1he Mancos Shale and the Twowells � Cliff House Sandstone (Cretaceous)-Fluvio-dellaic plain and back-bmrier inlerbed­ Tongue of the Dakota Kmfa � Carthage Membei ded sonds1one. sihs1one, and shale. Vermejo is COAL BEAR. � lo Ventona Tongue ING. Trinidad sandstone is o delra.fronl and in1erdel1oic bar­ � A1mque Membe, IKv; Jurassic rocks, undivided rier bar □ , calcareous lo slighrly clayey sandslone K1) Menefee Formation Km, jKmlu I Upper cool member lntertongued Dakota-Mancos sequence of west-<:entrol Q Pennsylvanian rocks, undivided-In 1he Songre de Crisro Kir!lond and Fruitland Formotiom (Cretoceous)­ New Mexico Mouniains may include the locally COAL BEARING Sandia Regressive nonmorine shale, sil1stone, and !me-groined sand. - Kof IKmla I Allison Member Formation as well as 1he Modem Limeslone and le Posada. slone. Bo1h formrnions ore COAL BEARING; howeve . eco­ � Dakota Sandstone r Alomiros, and Flechado Formations; elsewhere may include nomic cool is in rhe Fruirlond: Kkl on northeosr s;de of the San IKm fc I Cleary Coal Member Bor-B, Nckoye. Red House. Oswaldo. and Syrenc Kmh, Juan Basin includes 1he lewis Shale, o mar ne shale and mud• i Formo!ions Km s1one, and rhe Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, o prominenr difl­ B8 Mo � Point lookout Sandstone {Kk, K� �m lorming, generally regressive marine wndstone Kmhl Kc � Hosro Tongue Mesaverde Group (Cretoceous)-lndudes 1he tronsg,essive � morine Cliff House Sandslone, Menefee Formation, Poinl " Mancos Shale lookout Sandstone, Crevasse Canyon Formation, and 1he .. Gallup Sands1one MAP SYMBOLS Km, Km, 8 Upperpon Menefee Formation (Cretoceous)-Nonmorine mudstone, � Lower porr 95 Kdm Kd shale, and sondsrone, the COAL-BEARING upper cool mem­ A Cretaceous coal localities Mo ber and Cleo,y Cool Member me seporo1ed by the medial � Satan Tongue IKmfu, Allison Member which is barren al economic coals Kmfo, Kmfc) , 0 Mulotlo Tongue Pennsylvanian coal localities � Point Lookout Sandstone (Cretaceous)-Prominent clifl­ Pescodo Tongue lorming. generally regress;ve marine sandstone in McKinley Wilderness areas and Sandoval Counlies. The lower Hoslo Tongue of the Poinr Rio Salado Tongue Lookour is transgressive and is sepo,oted from the mo;n body by 1he□ Solon Tongue of the Mancos Shale. The Poinl lookoulore Notional parh and monument, Host Tongue and 1he Solon Tongue of the Mancos Kp (Kpl, Kms, Kph) included within 1he ore□ on the mop Fault-Dashed where □pproximorely located; boll Crevasse Canyon Formation (Cretoceous)-Neor•shore I and bar on downlhrown side of high-0ngle fault marine 10 nonmorine sands1one. shale, mudstone, and cool. COAL-BEARING uni1s me Gibson and Dileo Cool Members; 01he1 unils ore 1he Bar1le11 Barren Member, DoltonKcd. Sondsrane,Kcb. Kcdb, Kcdi)and Borrego Poss Sonds1one or lenlil !Keg, .
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