Comenius - School Partnerships Bilateral School Partnerships OUR LIFE LIKE A STORY No. 2013 – 1 – GR1 COM07 15169 1 MAGAZINE NR.1 PARTNERS: 1ST EPA.L OF FARKADONAS TRIKALON GREECE “MIHAI BĂCESCU” TECHNICAL COLLEGE ROMANIA "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein’’ Technical College, “Băcescu”Mihai “Mihai Băcescu” Technical College from Fălticeni, in the County of Suceava, is a nationally representative school by the quality in education it fosters. With its 1,500 students distributed in 54 classes and 92 teachers, our school's mission is to provide educational services for young students based on responsibility, performance, equal chances and opportunities at high standard in the national and the European context for development of human values and training of professional skills, in order to meet the requirements of a democratic society based on knowledge and openness. The professional school structure comprises two profiles: theoretical, with the following specializations: mathematics and computer sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, philology and technological specializations: electromechanical technician, computers operator technician, design engineer, tourism technician and gastronomy technician. The exchange of experiences and good practices at European level is a benchmark of our activity, ensuring the development and consolidation of European values, better communication and understanding of multiculturalism and diversity. Through the Life Long Learning program our school has implemented 21 projects in Comenius, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci IVT and VETPRO and 22 teachers participated in the Comenius and Grundtvig training courses. Each project opens a new window to knowledge, to new ways of cooperation at European level. The whole experience is reflected in the quality of teaching, the students benefit from new approaches, new methods, new content and information. Given the experience in the design, implementation, management, "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein’’ evaluation and dissemination of European cooperation projects, our school was named EUROPEAN SCHOOL, in 2007, 2010 and 2013, the first and the only school in the county which enjoys this recognition three times in a row. The team of teachers and coordinators of European projects and 4 students being awarded prizez at The European Projects Gala in 2014. The 1st EPAL Farkadonas Is a relatively small regional school of Trikala region Farkadona. We are a Technical ), 80 students and is engaged in providing theoretical and practical knowledge and an appropriate infrastructure with its own laboratories for complete training Vocational school and the teaching staff in year 2013/2014 is 24 (professors of students. In our school work the areas 1.Mechanology sector with specialization: Mechanical Installations and Constructions 2. Economics sector with specialization: Economy and Management 3.Agronomist sector with specialization: Technology of Environment and Food Control. ROMANIAN TEAM THE TEACHERS: SUSEANU CLAUDIA I am Suseanu Claudia, HEADMASTER at "Mihai Bacescu" Technical College, Falticeni with studies in Engineering and Textile Technology, specialist in Commerce, Tourism and Services Management and expert in educational management. I represent an institution in continuous change and uprise, open to novatory and useful ideas for students, teachers and parents. I'm married and I have one child. MAGDALENA GRIGORAS I`m Magdalena Grigoras, I`m a teacher of Geography and the coordinator of the project, I love travelling and descovering other cultures. Through my shared experience, I want my students to discover new cultures and broaden their horizons. HORVAT RALUCA OANA Hello, My name is Raluca Horvat, I'm teaching English. I'm married and I have a child. I like to travel and I want to descover new cultures. COTUN CORNELIA Hi! My name is Cornelia Cotun, I'm a teacher of Geography and I'm married. I like to travel and I want to visit Greece, because it's a beautiful country with lovely people. "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein’’ THE STUDENTS: IOANA MATEI Bună ! Numele meu este Matei Hi! My name is Matei Ioana, I`m Ioana, am 17 ani şi sunt elevă în clasa a 17 years old and I`m a student in the XI-a A la Colegiul Tehnic „Mihai 11th grade at Technical College “ Băcescu”, la profilul matematică- Mihai Băcescu”, mathematics and informatică. computer science. Sunt o fire sociabilă, I am a sociable person, comunicativă, serioasă, dar în acelaşi communicative, serious, I could also timp şi prietenoasă. Îmi place foarte say I`m perfectionist, but in the same mult să ascult aproape orice gen de time friendly. muzică, să mă uit la filme,în special I like very much listening almost comedii şi de asemenea să citesc. any type of music, watching movies, Aceste activităţi ma ajută să mă relaxez especially comedies and also şi îmi dau o energie pozitivă. Îmi plac reading.These activities helps me to plimbările în aer liber şi de fiecare dată relax and they give me a positive când am ocazia imortalizez peisajele energy. care mă impresionează. I like walking in the open-air and Sunt foarte încântată că am reuşit every time I got the chance I să particip la acest proiect care cu immortalize the landscapes that siguranţă mă va ajuta pe parcurs să impresses me. dobândesc noi calităţi care îmi vor fi de I am very excited I managed to folos pe tot parcursul vieţii. attend this project who definitely will Aşadar sunt nerăbdătoare să help me on the way to acquire new încep să particip la cât mai multe qualities. activităţi şi sper ca pe parcursul acestui So all I can say is that I`m very proiect să învăţ cât impatient to mai multe. start participating as many activities and I hope during this project I will learn as much as I can. BOLD MARIA My name is Maria Bold. I am Mă numesc Bold Maria. Sunt student in the 11th form at the College eleva în clasa a XI-a A la Colegiul “ Mihai Bacescu”. I am living at 1 Bis, Tehnic “ Mihai Bacesu”. Locuiesc pe Aleea Pinului street, Falticeni . What I strada Aleea Pinuluui la casa cu like most to do is to walk, to read, to numarul 1 Bis. Ceea ce îmi place cel play the violin and listening to music. I mai mult să fac este să mă plimb, să am very excited and also wait to see citesc, să cânt la vioară ș i să ascult Greece. This project gives me the muzică. Sunt foarte încântată ș i chance to improve my English. totodată aș tept să văd Grecia. Acest proiect îmi oferă ș ansa să îmi îmbunătăț esc limba engleză. IFTIMIE ROXANA Bună! Hi! Mă numesc Iftimie Roxana, am My name is Iftimie Roxana, I’m 17 ani, sunt în clasa a XI-a A şi învăţ la seventeen years old, I’m studied in the Colegiul Tehnic “Mihai Bacescu”. Sunt 11th A form and I learn at Mihai o fire prietenoasă, sociabilă ș i Bacescu college.I’m a friendly, entuziasmată. Îmi place să ascult sociable and enthusiastic girl. I love muzică, să mă plimb, să vizionez vilme listening to music, take a walk, watch ș i să citesc. Am ales să particip la acest movies and read. I chose to participate proiect din dorinț a de a cunoaș te at this project in want to know the tradiț iile ș i obiceiurile din Grecia. traditions and customs of Greece. Also, Totodata, acest proiect îmi ofera this project give me opportunity to opotunitatea de a-mi îmbunătăț i limba improve my English. engleză. CHITU COZMIN-GABRIEL Salut, mă numesc Chitu Cozmin- Gabriel, am 16 ani ș i locuiesc în Hi, my name is Chiț u Cosmin, Fălticeni. Sunt în clasa a X-a C, profilul I,m 16 old and living in Falticeni. I am ș tiinț e ale naturii (chimie-biologie) la in 10 grade, in profile Chemical Colegiul Tehnic Mihai Bacescu. Biology at Technical College ”Mihai Principalele mele pasiuni sunt Bacescu”. legate în principal de PC, adică îmi place să lucrez la diferite lucruri cum ar My main passions are video fi editarea filmuleț elor dar asta este o editing, recently discovered, I like to do pasiune mai recent descoperită , îmi rides alone and with my friends, I like place să fac plimbări lungi singur dar to listen music, I like to watching ș i cu prietenii, îmi place să ascult muzică, îmi plac filmele horror dar ș i horror movies and I like to work with cele de comedie, îmi place să fac my friends but my real passion is diferite activităț i cu prietenii dar cea cycling . mai mare pasiune a mea este ciclismul . Cea ce m-ar caracteriza ar fi What characterizes me is răbdarea, îndemanarea ș i abilitatea pe patience, skill, and agility which you care le puteti observa atunci cand sunt can see when I riding a bike on offroad. pe saua unei biciclete ș i în faț a terenul accidentat care mă aș teaptă . The reason for my participation Motivul participării mele la acest at this project is the desire to meet new proiect este dorinț a de a cunoaș te noi people, to see new places, to get new persoane, de a vedea locuri noi, tradiț ii experiences and I am sure will help me noi, de a avea parte de noi experienț e in the future.
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